
Friday, May 31, 2019

The War on Drugs Essay -- Essays Papers

The War on DrugsTo fully understand the significance and the seriousness of a War one essential first fully understand the reasons that caused it in the first place. In this specific case the solution begins with several important save seemingly simple questionsWhat is marijuana? How is it used? And why is it so coveted and widely distributed in Jamaica as well as the rest of the world? all told these questions help clarify the reasoning behind the war on drugs and further investigation shows how Jamaica ends up creation an important country in this puzzle as well. Lets begin with the first question, (What is marijuana), of course the dictionary definition is simply put,-a preparation of the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa, for use as an intoxicating hallucinogenic drug apply to a crude preparation of the dried leaves, flowering tops, and stem of the plant that is generally smoked. However, beyond this explanation is what is commonly known as weed, which is simply an substitut e to tobacco that results in sensational relaxed feeling that is described as high. This drugs origin can be traced back to ancient days when it was used as a healing supplement to cure several different medical conditions its been used as a drink as well as an eliminator of menstrual incommode and even more ironic marijuana has served as a religious connotation as well. However, the most commonly known habitude of marijuana (after its being outlawed in the 1930s) is as a drug and smoked or consumed by other means. Now that an understanding of the drug has been clarified one must look at the next important question, (Why is marijuana so coveted and distributed in Jamaica as well as the rest of the world?) Although marijuana usage and distribution is illegal ar... ...oes not effect the economy in a harmful way unless it is rendered illegal. This drug problem is much larger than Jamaica and should be handled as such. Work Cited/ Bibliography1.The Ganja Culture. Jamaica Gleaner 27 Jul. 2001 http//www.jamaica- gleaner.com/ 2.Jamaica Mulls Legalizing Marijuana. Las Vegas Sun 25 Aug. 1999 http//www.cannabisnews.com/3.Morrison, Tony. Holy Smoke Legalize the weed, say church officials 6 Jul. 2000. http//www.jamaica-gleaner.com/4.Kovach, Hill and Tom Rosenstiel. The Elements of Journalism. New York trio Rivers Press, 2001.5.Williams, Lloyd. US$ ganja cutback. 13 Mar. 2000. http//www.jamaica- gleaner.com/6.Ritch, Dawn. Marijuana bringing a new dawn. 5 Aug. 2001. http//www.jamaica-gleaner.com/

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Health Care Reform in the United States Essay -- health care reform, P

We impart pass reform that lowers cost, promotes choice, and provides cover eld that every Ameri end can count on. And we will do it this year. The preceding is a powerful statement from the newly elected President Barak Obama. One of the main aspects of both political campaigns was wellness care reform. The above quote shows passion and encouragement, but the quotes about health care do not end there. Georgian republican gubernatorial vista and health care policy maker John Oxendine expressed Their proposal would virtually devastate the private healthcare sector in this country on with competition and patient choice, by replacing it with bureaucratic planning and government control. The result of this plan and its one trillion dollar price tag will bring harm to those the president and Congress are ostensibly trying to help. Furtherto a greater extent, another powerful statement was issued by the speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi I signify it is pretty clear that we want a strong public option in the legislation. Insurance companys full force carpet-bombing and shock and concern against the public option so much so that the American people doubt the plan or are uncertain about it, until you tell them what is in it. These three powerfully worded quotes embody the argument that is being derived on Capitol Hill. It is almost hard to conceive that one document can be perceived in such a wide variety of ways. This pending reform is important to every United States Citizen. As the debate climaxes over the next few months, voice communication will be put into votes. Its clear that everyone has an opinion about how health care reform should or should not work, but the real interrogatory is who will be the loudest in the end. The ... ...and generous health care to a people that are fed up With already partisan action in the House of Representatives that passed the first ever health care reform legislation to the Senate, America ns are closer than ever to having safe and affordable health care. As the college age population enters the work force and starts a family, there is still that uncertainty of where all this talk will lead. Will they be faced with insurmountable debt by big business pleasing deputies of our government, or will they finally wake up one day health care cost free, healthy individuals and feel back on the greatest fight in American politics since the drawing of the actual constitution itself. America needs the public option and more control over the health care industry Over the coming weeks, that dream will turn more and more from the Yes we can to finally, Yes we did

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Bond between Mothers and Daughters in Amy Tans The Joy Luck Club Essay

Bond between get downs and Daughters Explored in The Joy passel Club Throughout the novel, The Joy Luck Club, author Amy Tan explores the issues of usance and change and the impact they have on the bond between mothers and daughters. The theme is developed through eight women that tell their separate stories, which meld into four pairs of mother-daughter relationships. The Chinese mothers, so concentrated on the cultures of their own, dont want to realize what is going on around them. They dont want to accept the fact that their daughters are growing up in a culture so different from their own. Lindo Jong, says to her daughter, Waverly- I once sacrificed my life to keep my parents covenant. This means nothing to you because to you, promises mean nothing. A daughter can promise to come to dinner, but if she has a headache, a traffic jam, if she wants to watch a favorite movie on T.V., she no longer has a promise.(Tan 42) Ying Ying St.Clair remarks- ...because I remained sere nity for so long, now my daughter does not hear me. She sits by her fancy swimming pool and hears only her Sony Walkman, her cordless phone, her big, important husband asking her why they have charcoal and no lighter fluid.(Tan 64) The American daughters, on the other hand, the other half of the inseparable pair, tell stories of how their mothers tradition, culture, and beliefs, helped them come to many realizations about themselves. These realizations are both positive and negative. Jing-Mei Woo tells the story of how her mother wanted her to be the next Shirley Temple. My mother believed you could be anything you wanted to be in America. You could open a restaurant...You could become instantly famous. Of course... ...Heung, Marina. Daughter-Text/Mother-Text Matrilineage in Amy Tans The Joy Luck Club. Feminist Studies (Fall 1993) 597-616. Tan, Amy. The Joy Luck Club. New York Ivy Books, 1989. Huntley, E. D. Amy Tan A Critical Companion. Westport Greenwood P, 1998. Ling, Amy. surrounded by Worlds Women Writers of Chinese Ancestry. New York Pergamon, 1990. Maynard, Joyce. The Almost All-American Girls. Rev. of The Joy Luck Club, by Amy Tan and The Temple of my Familiar, by Alice Walker. Mademoiselle July 1989 70, 72, 180. Miner, Valerie. The Joy Luck Club The-Nation. Apr. 24 89 p. 566-9 Schell, Orville. Your Mother is in Your Bones. Rev. of The Joy Luck Club, by Amy Tan. The New York Times Book Review. Mar. 19 1989 3, 28. Wang, Dorothy. A Game of Show and Not Tell. Rev of The Joy Luck Club, by Amy Tan. Newsweek April 17, 1989 68-69.

Slaughterhouse-Five Essay: Irony, Dark Humor, and Satire :: Slaughterhouse-Five Essays

Irony, Dark Humor, and Satire in Slaughterhouse-Five    Kurt Vonnegut uses a combination of dark humor and sarcasm in Slaughterhouse-Five. As a result, the novel enables the lector to realize the horrors of war while simultaneously laughing at some of the absurd situations it can generate. Mostly, Vonnegut wants the reader to recognize the fact that iodine has to accept things as they happen because no one can change the inevitable. Although Slaughterhouse-Five may not be filled with charming satire and comical scenes, there are accounts which the force the reader to laugh. In one instance, an extremely drunk Billy Pilgrim is searching desperately for the steering roll of his car He was in the backseat of his car, which is why he couldnt find the steering wheel, Vonnegut writes (47). In another episode, Billy becomes unstuck in time while watch television, so that he sees a war film backwards and then forwards. The most humorous sequence takes place when Billy trav els from the zoo on Tralfamadore to his hook up with night with his wife, Valencia. He wakes up to find himself in the German prison camp. He then finds himself back with Valencia after returning from the bathroom. He goes to sleep, then wakes up on a train on the way to his fathers funeral. In any case, the reader encounters much dark humor in the novel. There is a intellect of an embittered humor with the Tralfamadorian phrase, So it goes, which is repeated over 100 times in the novel. John May says that Vonneguts purpose in repeating the phrase after each(prenominal) statement of death is to build its meaning with each incremental refrain (Contemporary Literary Criticism 8 530). At first, the saying can be looked upon as funny in an ironic way. However, as one reads further, the phrase becomes irritating and irreverent. The reader cannot fathom so many deaths meaning so little. According t o Wayne McGinnis, it is most likely Vonneguts intent to cause such feelings from the rea der (Contemporary Literary Criticism 5 468). This punctuating phrase forces the reader to look at the novels deaths one after the other. Ultimately, the repetition creates a feeling of resentment that too many people are killed. The saying is a grim reminder that means on the dot the opposite of what its words say. Vonnegut ends the novel with the reminder of the deaths of JFK, Martin Luther King, and all of those that died in Vietnam.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

A Demon Haunted World Essay -- essays research papers

A Demon Haunted World Science as a wax light in the DarkWell I can sure as shooting see why this view as was rated with five stars. I found Sagans book, A demon Haunted World Science as a Candle in the Dark one of the most eye-opening books that I have determine in a very long time. I must admit that when this book was first presented to me I doubted just how great this would be. Here in my head I was thinking Okay I dont want to read a book about engineering I want to do engineering. But the thought process went on and I must admit it was strong worth reading this book. Although the book was slow to begin, as most books are, the pace picked up and took me right along for the ride.The main theme of this book was how much wisdom not only opens are minds but in any case how much erudition influences our lives. I liked the example that Sagan uses close to the beginning of this story of how he was at a gathering and asked everyone in the room how many of them had not been helped someway in their lives by science. I thought the fact that only one psyche raised their hand was a good way of showing just how influential science is in everyones lives. I think that there could also be another theme for this book. The other theme I saw to be very present throughout the book was the mere fact that science alone can not necessarily answer questions but can give the flaws to someones story. I am very interested in and have been a strong belie...

A Demon Haunted World Essay -- essays research papers

A Demon Haunted World Science as a Candle in the DarkWell I can certainly see why this book was rated with five stars. I found Sagans book, A demon Haunted World Science as a Candle in the Dark one of the most eye-opening books that I have read in a very long time. I must admit that when this book was first presented to me I doubted just how great this would be. Here in my head I was thinking Okay I dont want to read a book about engineering I want to do engineering. further the thought process went on and I must admit it was well worth reading this book. Although the book was slow to begin, as most books are, the pace picked up and took me right along for the ride.The main theme of this book was how much science not only opens are minds but also how much science influences our lives. I liked the example that Sagan uses close to the beginning of this story of how he was at a gathering and asked everyone in the room how many of them had not been helped someway in their lives by scie nce. I thought the fact that only one person raised their hand was a good way of showing just how authoritative science is in everyones lives. I think that there could also be another theme for this book. The other theme I saw to be very present throughout the book was the mere fact that science alone can not necessarily answer questions but can bind the flaws to someones story. I am very interested in and have been a strong belie...

Monday, May 27, 2019

Organic vs. Inorganic Foods Essay

Introduction Our world today is infested and becoming way more dangerous with all these chemical substances. In an effort to increase productivity and confine bigger market sh bes, the use of fertilizers, pesticides, fodder additives such as dyes and additives has become so common that artificial ingredients atomic number 18 now outnumbering natural ingredients on many an(prenominal) an(prenominal) nutrient content labels, and it is the opinion of many experts that this forever increasing use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides, and chemical additives has a operate connection to the alarming rise in cancer rates and former(a) health problems. (Aldrich, P.1) constitutional foods are right away becoming recognized as a reasonable alternative in this chemical loaded world. The focus on surroundally sound agricultural methods and pro considerableing agriculture is getting the attention of many who are now concerned about what theyre eating as well as the environment. Organic fo ods are what is happening. They are becoming a part of many traditional diets, and are viewed as an important and essential part of a healthy diet plan. They are also viewed as a reliable and secure alternative to the issues regarding conventionally freehanded, processed, and packaged foods.Many innate fol lights believe that once youve tasted complete foods you cant go back to typically grown foods the taste is unbelievable. People are now looking for good food with real nutrition and quality and theyre go backing it in organic foods. The acknowledgement of a need for quality food supplies is awakening interest in other areas such as environmental stewardship. These concerns range from recycling your pop cans to selecting environmentally friendly household cleaning products.Learning organics provides many easy and interesting ideas that can help you do your part in preserving a healthy, prosperous environment for the people in your family. Body Eating organic foods is the key feature of the natural passion that is taking all over the country. Once an interest, organically grown foods seemed to be a major part of the diet of most people. Now with the growing attention on healthy habits and programs that help prevent illness, organic foods are quickly becoming the vital ingredients of the diet in typical America.Organic foods are the fastest growing style in the food industry. In fact, the demand for organically grown foods has increased 20% over last year. Sales of organic produce, for example, are now a multi-billion dollar industry. (Fisher, P. 22) Shopping the Co op has for a long time been the best place to find organic foods. Now with increased consumer interest organic specialty supermarkets are popping up all over the nation. Major supermarkets are also stepping up to the demand, offering organic food departments and organic options in the produce sections of the store.The look of the co-op is expanding to reflect the needs of added customers, an d many gourmet oriented offerings are quickly becoming a part of the every day offerings at the co op, which however helps to make food obtain an increasing interesting and fun experience. As far as costs are concerned, those consumers jumping on the organic bandwagon will pay more for organic foods, but they believe that the benefits far outweigh the 5% to 20% increase in cost. The trend in organic food is growing and as contention increases in order to address skyrocketing customer demand, prices will stabilize.Here are a few of the nutrients that were rear in higher levels in the organic foods OChromium is a micronutrient that is low in Western diets. Its deficiency is associated with the onset of adult diabetes and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Chromium was found to be higher in organic foods by an ordinary of 78%. OSelenium is one of the antioxidant nutrients that protect us from damage by environmental chemicals. It is protective against cancers and heart di sease. It was found to be an average of 390% higher in organic foods.OCalcium, needed for strong bones, averaged 63% higher in organics. OBoron, which has been shown to help prevent osteoporosis (along with calcium), averaged 70% more. OLithium, which is used to treat certain types of depression, was 188% higher. OMagnesium, which reduces mortality from heart attacks, keeps muscles from spasming, and eases the symptoms of PMS, averaged 138% more. OIn short, many of the minerals that I most very much prescribe to my patients are found in much higher levels in organic foods. ORGANIC VS NON-ORGANIC Variations in Mineral Content in Vegetables.% of dry weightMilliequivalents per 100 gm dry weightTrace Elements parts per million dry matter Ash PhosCalMagnPotassSodBoronMangIronCoppCobalt SNAP BEANS Organic10. 450. 3640. 560. 099. 78. 67360227690. 26 Inorganic4. 040. 2215. 514. 829. 10. 01021030. 00 CABBAGE Organic10. 380. 3860. 043. 6148. 320. 4421394480. 15 Inorganic6. 120. 1817. 515. 65 3. 70. 872200. 40. 00 LETTUCE Organic24. 180. 4871. 019. 3176. 512. 237169516600. 19 Inorganic7. 010. 2216. 013. 153. 70. 061930. 00 TOMATOES Organic14. 200. 3523. 059. 2148. 36. 536681938530. 63 Inorganic6. 070. 164. 54. 558. 80. 051100. 00 SPINACH Organic28. 560.5296. 0203. 9257. 069. 5881171584320. 25 Inorganic12. 380. 2747. 546. 984. 60. 8121190. 050. 20 Other studies have looked at vitamin levels of food plants treated with certain pesticides. They showed that application of some pesticides would significantly lower the vitamin levels in the plants they were apply to. This is different than the notion that plants raised with chemicals are low in nutrients because the soil is used up. This shows that chemicals actually reduce the amount of nutrients in plants after application. The nutrients most often affected are vitamin C, beta carotene, and the B vitamins.These nutrients are vitally necessary for the dust to withstand the onslaught of chemical toxins. When they studied org anic food for mineral levels, the researchers also looked for the amount of the heavy metals aluminum, cadmium, lead and mercury. Aluminum has been implicated for years in the development of Alzheimers disease. Its content in organic food averaged 40% less that in commercial foods. Lead toxicity, which has been in the new a lot lately, can adversely affect our childrens IQ. It averaged 29% lower in organic foods. Mercury, which can cause neurological damage, averaged 25% lower in organic foods.(Aldrich, P. 1) Besides the lower levels of heavy metals, there are the chemical residues themselves. The big question is whether or not the accumulation of pesticide residues in non-organic foods is a real health concern or not. Studies have never been able to once and for all show a direct correlation between residues in food and a decline of human health, but there are numerous problems in doing any such study. The first is that you would need a population of people who are free of chemica l residues to compare to, and no one has been able to find a group.According to an constant EPA study of fat samples taken from surgeries and autopsies across the country, we are all loaded with chemical residues. Similar studies done on other countries all show the aforementioned(prenominal) results. (Baer, P. 1) The clearest studies that we have about pesticide residues and disease are those looking at breast cancer. In the last few years there have been a chain of studies, each building upon the other, looking at the level of ddt, dde, and pcb in women, They have shown that chemical residues in the serum and fat cells of women greatly increase the risk of breast cancer.Since breast cancer is a major killer of women in this country it is reasonable to say that avoidance of pesticide residues in food could save numerous lives and reduce our health care cost dramatically. After 50 years of Better Living through Chemistry scientists have at last shown that breast cancer is associat ed with pesticide residue, they have yet to prove that it causes numerous other maladies. I am not waiting for them to prove it before I modification my eating habits. (Fisher, P. 12) As a clinician who sees numerous environmentally poisoned people with health problems, I am convinced of an association between chemicals and disease.The biggest source of exposure for many people is their workplace, then their homes, followed by air, food and water. Of these the easiest to control are our home environment and our diet. Eating organic food, drinking pure water, and watching our airborne chemical exposure can have profound effects on our health. My friend Steve, who has now gone through an extensive protocol to remove the pesticide residue from his body and had regained his health, will back me up on that. When he added up the costs of his illness in time off work and medical expenses, he found that eating organic food was much less expensive than eating non-organic foods.He is eating better foods now, and my organic garden continues to grow, along with my children. Conclusion The only real problem with organic grown foods is that they are more expensive, and this is because the growers of this produce experience more loss since they dont use pesticides on their crops. As for the health benefits just think, you wouldnt want to put any of these chemical pesticides straight into your body, but that is essentially what is happening when you consume these foods that have been sprayed with pesticides.Over a period of time these can cause harm, and this is why organic foods are so highly recommended for people trying becoming healthier. The organic industry has seen an explosion of growth in the past few years. In 1992, sales had already reached $1. 5 billion(Fisher, P. 16). Today the market is worth almost ten times that, and by 2009 its predicted the market will double again to be worth close to $32 billion. Consumer demand for natural, organic foods is booming and shows no signs of slowing down. direct for labels that say certified or authentic organic.Labels that say all natural or naturally grown are OK, but they are not the same as certified organic which demands the achievement of certain regulations. Producers and handlers must be certified by a USDA official certifying agent to sell, label, or even up their products as 100 percent organic or made with organic.References 1)Aldrich, Samuel R. Which System Can Meet the Food Needs in Todays man? Conventional V. Organic Farming. 09 Dec. 2006 . 2)Baer, Firman E. Firman E. Baer Report. Orgnanic Vs. Inorganic. Rutgers University. 12 Dec. 2006 . 3)Fisher, Helen S. Food Safety.Detroit Gale Group, 2004. 1-29. 4)Lexile. Good Food? Good Food? Ethical Food. The Economist 9 Dec. 2006 12. 5)Wal-Mart Charged with Selling Nonorganic Food as Organic. U. S. Newsire 14 Nov. 2006 17-18. 6)Corbett, John R. The Biochemical Mode of Actions of Pesticides. New York Academic P, 1974. 2-16. 7)Dunn-Georgiou, Elisha. Everything You Need to Know About Organic Foods. New York Rosen Publications, 2002. 65-82. 8)Lipson, Elaine. The Organic Foods Sourcebook. Chicago Contemporary Books, 2001. 15-42. 9)Rousseau, George S. Organic Form TH Elife of an Idea.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

How does technology effects us? Essay

Look back at our solar day so far, how many large number have we seen ignoring the world around them, not paying attention to the transgress or not absorbing the information in class? In Alina Tugend essay, multitasking canful make you loseUm concentrate on, she reported that multitasking may seem resembling it saves people time however, it makes people less efficient. It may be true that technology provides us with time-saving devices like push to cars, cell-phones that consist of 4G internet access, and washing machines with create in dyers however most of us still complain about not having enough time. Like e genuinely occasion else in the world, technology has its pros and cons it affects peoples concentration, writing skills, and what we consider reality but how exactly is technology affecting the way we think, exhibit, write and live? The development of technology has greatly improved my life but diminished it at the selfsame(prenominal) time. It brought me closer to my family in Trinidad after my father passed, three years ago. Logging onto Facebook and Instagram, receiving phone calls, text messages, video chatting kept me fasten into their world 24/7. Although we built such a strong relationship within those years, I was totally disconnecting from what was going on around me and my immediate family. I came to this realization when my little childs fifth birthday nearly past without me noticing.The array of technology can be a distraction in my case, I disengaged myself from the most fundamental part of my life. Technology can be a distraction during office meetings, daily human interaction, study time and even our concentration since, we are eer macrocosm interrupted by a phone call, text message or a game notification. Tugend, who wrote, Multitasking Can Make You LoseUmFocus, explained that multitasking actually delays our shape rather than accelerating it. We often suppose that doing multiple assignments would be effortless but it ca uses an abundance of stress. Research has proven that the human mind can only focus on one or two items at a time (716). I believe multitasking all depends on the two tasks that is being combined, for example hearing to music while doing math homework seems to me as a good mixture because the music is helping the worker better cope with the math problems. On the other hand, driving while text communicatecan be a distraction because, they activities require full focus and concentration. Focus is very important when it comes to multitasking but also significant when using the internet to search long pieces of writing.In Nicholas Carrs essay, Is Google Making Us Stupid, he states, question that once infallible days in the stacks or periodical room of libraries can now be done in minutes (732). The use of technology is very beneficial and time efficient, however does the pros overcome the cons? Carr also discusses the fight against technology to stay focus since now a day, three or four paragraphs is excessively much to absorb (733). I reckoned that we must realize that reading doesnt come natural like speech does. We must keep training ourselves to read no matter if its in a paperback book or an online blogging site without distractions. Many teachers and parents believe most teenagers are distracted by text messaging (texting). A variety of teachers dispraise texting because most students use text slag and abbreviation in professional writings, and students do not convey conscious of the fact. Also there are parent who think texting negatively impact their children communication skills. On the other hand, Michaela Cullington, the writing of Does Texting Affect Writing, would most likely disagree.Cullington believes that texting motivate student to write and also it is practice in specific writing skills, and an opportunity to gain confidence in their writing (89-90). After her research she was convince that texting is not interfering in students writing s kills. I caught myself plenty of times using text slag when writing a paper to acetify into class. Fortunately, I have taught myself to text in complete sentence and use correct abbreviation so it wouldnt interfere with my writing skills. If text messaging doesnt interfere than maybe games can. Sam Anderson would consider games like Angry Birds or Fruit Ninja as Hyperaddictive stupid games, because its a simple thing that becomes addictive and eventually form into a distraction. In Anderson essay, Just One More Game Angry Birds, Farmville, and Other Hyperaddictive Stupid Games, he illustrates that stupid games were designed to pop up in other occasions. For example, you are doing calculus homework and you receive a text message and suddenly its an hour subsequent and you are launching another bird.People are so attached to their phones because game-studies scholars specially design games to be so addictive. Especially now that people can a play game anywhere at the palms of their hands. Using the same addictingtechnology can probably help solve real world problems like obesity, education and government abuse (67). Living in a generation where technology affect everything around us including our communication, multitasking, concentration, writing skills, and our view of reality. I believe that technology was made to make our lives easier sadly, it can bring upon more difficulties in our life. Technology will always be prevailing and it is our responsibility to work with it. The absolute majority of people today have become so dependent on technology that they arent be able to function a full day without it. I believe it is up to the people of America to decide whether we have taken advantage of technology, or has technology taken advantage of us, without us being aware of it.Works CitedAnderson, Sam. Just One More Game Angry Birds, Farmville, and Other Hyperaddictive Stupid Games. The Norton Field Guide to Writing with Readings. Richard bullock and Maureen Daly Goggin. New York, capital of the United Kingdom W.W. Norton & Company, 2013. 64-69 Print. Carr, Nicholas. Is Google Making Us Stupid The Norton Field Guide to Writing with Readings. Richard Bullock and Maureen Daly Goggin. New York, London W.W. Norton & Company, 2013.731-744. Print. Cullington, Michaela. Does texting affect writing The Norton Field Guide to Writing with Readings. Richard Bullock and Maureen Daly Goggin. New York, London W.W. Norton & Company, 2013.87-95. Print. Tugend, Alina. Multitasking can make us loseUmFocus. The Norton Field Guide to Writing with Readings. Richard Bullock and Maureen Daly Goggin. New York, London W.W. Norton & Company, 2013.714-718. Print.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

ESSAY- The Farewell Party Essay

Saying cong to a person, or even the musical theme of doing so is quite a shuddering idea to look into. This is quite hard when deep bonds are forged and lifelong friendships are made amongst m any people. Imagine the thoughts of some of the students in the school when they learned that the ordinal graders are to soon depart from their beloved school and go on to act their lives. Even though this is in fact a normal passage of life in all schools, this is in fact the first batch of students to get around the school, so this is quite a new thought in every angiotensin converting enzymes mind, but nonetheless, the fact that someone is leaving and perhaps could not be seen again is an eerie thought, and something you dont want to have.see morehow to write a welcome speechStudents, not wanting to ponder upon the twelfth graders cadence of departure, but wishing to celebrate and enjoy every single second left with the departing, decided to give a farewell party, to give a gigabyt e exit with great hopes and lots of luck to those who will leave soon. The farewell party was already planned by some very initiative and foreseeing minds a few months before even people realized the vastness of the idea, and planning was already in speedy progress. thither were obstacles like every idea or problem does but that did not deter the very determined students of other grades, who wish to give a great surprise to all those in twelfth. at that crop were plans upon a beautiful cake to start off the event at hand, followed by playing games and organizing activities for the guests to endeavor into, and also lots of conversations would be started filling up some time.Then all the twelfth graders will be asked to give a small speech to make their peers from lower grades understand what they are up to face and what task could be done in which specific way, all which will stay as valuable advice. Soon plans for the location and time came up and everyone involved rushed off to dedicate themselves to their arduous but to be fruitful tasks. Even some teachers join in to give their beloved students a good impression of what they are setting forth to achieve in their live. After long and pained meetings, discussion and planning, the farewell party finally happened, and lots of people were there, friends and accomplices of those who are leaving. There was much activity in the room we were in.There were colors of all types floating across the room hanging from any equipment on the walls or ceiling, to give a vibrant impression. The drooling smell of cake and other snacks drifted through the whole room, gussy uping many hearts and attracting them like moths to a light. There was loud chatter amongst the occupants, but that ended as soon as the program commenced.There was a lot of reactions and emotions amongst the people there as one by one all the activities were done, after which the twelfth graders gave a speech, giving their thanks, and helpful advice, and also showing their deepest gratitude and kindness for all those there for thinking of something to lift their hearts as thy venture out into the world. After the party was over, there was a lot of chatter (and show of emotions) after realizing the enormous aspect of this thought.The twelfth graders were constantly giving thanks to everyone and patiently answering everyones questions, but most of all, they were controlling their emotions for, they too were sad about leaving a place so close to their hearts. The people who are staying are showing what they already feel signs of happiness and sadness mixed with each other, and thinking upon what could occur. All in all, something like farewell has really stirred up any deep emotions within all, and has caused tightening of bonds and friendships and also the exchange of contacts like foreign currencies. But past from that thought, in the end, everyone left feeling satisfied happy and excited about their futures, living in the moment an d achieving their goal of giving a great farewell to those who are leaving.

Friday, May 24, 2019

America”s Affirmative Actions on Minorities

In years past, Americas of every race, color, and nationality have been pushing for contact rights and equal representation in everything from politics, to professional sports coaches, to jobs, and colleges. In American colleges thither is a little thing called affirmative action. This means that colleges give greater high educational acceptances to minorities than they do the average Joe. For example, one college accepts people if they score supra 140 points on their point scale. However, minority groups receive 20 free points just for being themselves Now is this fair? In a country that is hard to abolish racism, this little thing called affirmative action is fueling it.On college campuses around the nation, the admissions office is not doing their job. They are not granting admissions to the most qualified or the most talented candidates, instead they want to make their education center culturally diverse. To do so, these education centers are granting gifts or giving tokens to these minority groups so is doesnt look like the average Joe is all the college is made up of. Isnt this racism at its finest? Statistically, white students have a better opportunity of getting into college because of their cultural background and emphasis their ancestors put on education.The same thing is happening in work forces across America. Employers have hired the slight qualified minority to make a certain quota or to have their company look more diverse. However, a new law in atomic number 20 government prohibits this from happening. Their new law requires the most qualified person to have the job, regardless of race, color, and nationality.More employers and college admission offices throughout the country should abolish affirmative action. It is destroying higher education institutions, and workforces. This same affirmative action is tearing apart the greatest nation on earth, which was built on the words. All men are created equal, and obviously with affirmative acti on in place, all men are not created equal.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Models of American Ethnicities Essay

How does Fredrickson distinguish between race and heathenity? How and under what circumstances can ethnicity become racialized (para.2)?Fredrickson says that It can be misleading to make a sharp distinction between race and ethnicity when considering intergroup relations in American history He means that these terms do not have clear distinctions and have evolved over time. In paragraph 2, he writes that ethnicity can become racialized whenever distinctive group characteristicsare used as the basis for a status hierarchy of groups who are thought to take issue in ancestry or descent.What does Fredrickson mean by the burden of otherness? restate the ways in which racial categories and definitions of whiteness have changed during the course of American history. Fredrickson means that throughout the course of American History being labeled as an other, has changed. From the 1860s to the 1920s there were different kinds of race quotas on immigration. Definitions of whiteness have cha nged drastically as we can observe in Fredricksons writing. In the posthumous 19th and early twentieth centuries the ideas of euguenics, scientific racism, and social Darwinism, all accumulated in different definitions of whiteness. Fredrickson writes that In the minds of many(during the period of the 1860s to the 1920s) true americans were not merely white but also Northern European.some even harbored doubts about the full claim of whiteness of swarthy immigrants from southern Italy.What are some of the ways that ethnic hierarchy has been eliminated? In what ways does it persist, according to Fredrickson? What evidence can you think of that would support or challenge this contention? Ethnic hierarchy was almost all told eliminated after WWII among White people of different European background as well as Jews. The ethnic hierarchy shifted from ethnic background to color. After the civilized rights movement in the 1960s, most of the ethnic hierarchy had been eliminated.Fredrickson says that it steady persists in the ghettos, indian reservations, and barrios. I agree with Fredrickson on the assertion that Ethnic hierarchy still exists in Americatoday. For example, Unequal treatment by law enforcement and the ethnic targeting among the African American comm consent is still present today.Fredrickson writes that assimilationist thinking is not anti-Semite(a) in the classic sense (para. 9) thereby implying that such thinking may be racist in some other sense. What does he mean by this? Do you agree?Fredrickson means that assimilationism tries to force one culture into accepting the superiority, purity, and unchanging character of the dominant culture. He gives an example of the Native American pagan genocide in regards to assimilationism. I agree, Assimilationism can force a culture to throw away part of its identity, values, and traditions. How does Fredrickson distinguish cultural pluralism from assimilation? How did earlier forms of pluralism differ from the current concept of multiculturalism? Fredrickson writes Unlike assimilationists, cultural Pluralists celebrate differences among groups, rather than seek to obliterate them.According to Fredrickson, pluralism differed from Multiculturalism, Multiculturalism operated on assumptions that were similar to those of the cultural pluralist tradition, except that the color cablegram was breached and the focus was shifted from the cultures and contributions of diverse European ethnic groups to those of African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, and Native Americans.Why does Fredrickson reject the claim that an emphasis on ethnic identity threatens the unity and stability of American society? Why does a Euro-American backlash against ethnic diversity pose a greater risk in his get word? Have you observed any recent examples of either divisiveness or backlash? Compare your observations with those of classmates. He rejects the claim that emphasis on ethnic identity threatens the unity of American society because American society is made up of different ethnic backgrounds. backlash against ethnic diversity poses a greater risk because it provides much room for racism or discrimination.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Pet Peeve: Public Display of Affection Essay

Isnt it annoying when some unity is trying to go to his or her locker before and after class, but could not because couples are making egress in front the lockers? It is in addition annoying when people are holding hands and walking really slow and students who are trying to get someplace are unable to do so. familiar video display of Affection, a. k. a organizer, has always been controvercial. In fact, many are against it and believe there should be limits on PDA. Moreover, ordinary display of affection can be expressed in any forms.PDA can range from holding hands to hugging and to even to a greater extent inappropriate actions such as full making-out session and touching innappropriate places. As a matter fact, PDA is inappropriate and should be kept out of school. barely students should also feel his or her independence of expression. In Southington High School, students are given only five minutes to do what ever he or she wants to do before going to his or her next c lass. However, sometimes students are unable to aquire any of his or her needs because other students are keeping him or her from doing it.Rules against Public Display of Affection should be enforced because it causes a huge distraction. When students are engaged in PDA other student often have a hard time how to deal with it. Should that student look away or stare? PDA can also make students late to his or her next class because lovers are occupying his or her locker. According to the student handbook, being late to class ten minutes or more is considered an unexcused absence or a cut. Also if a student has two or more cuts they will loose there credit.That being said, it should not be the students chemise because being tardy to his or her class is often can cause by students who are engaging in PDA. Teachers are also being change because he or she is responsible to stop PDA from happening, which can affect class time. It is also a possibility that if the teachers cannot meet th e requirements of the school he or she may loose his or her job. Everyone have witnessed it and may have even participated. Public Display of Affection has always been an issue everywhere such as the learning environment, working environment, and etc.Some think it is all accountability to engage in such behavior because a person is entitled to freedom of expression. But others think PDA is risque and lacks etiquette. Many believe that some boundaries should be set on when and where PDA should occur and what kind of PDA should be tolerable. Unfortunately, schools have continuously addressed this issue. As a matter of fact many schools have guidelines setting limits on PDA for student. However, it is often not compromised. PDA should not be acceptable because schools is a place of learning and not the place for students to engage in unsuitable manner. Imagine if the situation was reverse.What if the adults are the one doing it. Wouldnt it be displeasing to the students to see an adul t displaying affection to another adult. Therefore, students should remember that the school is public environment and any inappropriate behaviors can fracture others. It is bad enough that other students have to suffer including the adults. Although Public Displays of Affection are displeasing to many it is not right to deprived anyone of freedom of expression. Anyone should be able to express his or her feelings. During the passing time, students have the chance to do what ever he or she wants to do.Some usually go straight to his or her class but others mostly hang out with his or her friends for a little bit before class starts. This is usually the time when students can throw together and talk to other students and see significant others. By restricting PDA in school could take away from a students freedom. Public Display of Affection may be displeasing and often inappropriate but it is also a way to express feelings to significant others. It is not right to take away student s right to be with his or her significant others. Additionally, not all form of Public Display of Affection is bad.For example, hugging a friend is an acceptable manner. Holding hands is also tolerable. These are some form of PDA that should be welcome and not considered improper. Public Display of Affection has always been an issue. Unfortunately, it is unstopable. People will engage in it and no rules can stop it. Many believe it is distracting to the school environment and makes it hard for students including the adults to focus. It is also inappropriate and immature for a young adult student to express feelings towards someone else this way. However, by restricting PDA can take away student freedom of expression.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Web-site Search

Decisions about who Is considered needy and how they are to be helped are dependent on our economic development, political views, and are often dependent on government resources (Stern & Axial, 2012). In look, primary data sources are beneficial when assisting the scholar to completely understand every panorama of a topic as It relates to the topic of discussion or a body of work. As it pertains to sociable public assistance, it is vital to build a foundation which encompasses past, present and future happenings that will impact the body of work.While doing research web-sites about primary documents as it relates social eudaimonia policy, the following site seemed useful http//www. Ass. Gob/ bill/PDF/heisted. PDF. The Historical phylogenesis document discusses the history of the U. S. tender Welfare structure. There is also an interactive timeline provided for the Social Security Acts and the Development of U. S. Social Security Programs. One is provided a sequential view of the progression of the Development of U. S.Social Security Programs, such as unemployment, cosmos Assistance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families In 1 996 TAN), Public Housing, National School Lunch Program and the Food Stamp Program, amongst many more programs. This tool has provided this learner an insight to the key historical, political and social events that have impacted our country. As The united States approached the sasss, the Great mental picture was upon us, which resulted in our government taking a greater role in helping the poor and the substantiation of the Social Security Act of 1935.As one continues to study the history of social welfare, we will began to gain a better understanding of what drives our programs as well as how we can contribute to their success. Reference Axial, J. , & Stern, M. (2012). Social welfare A history of the American response to need (8th deed. ). Boston, MA Allan and Bacon. Http//www. Ass. Gob/holster/PDF/ Halsted. PDF. Web-site Sear ch By Krishna reforms of today. Be sure to format your citation in proper PAP format in your The history of pitying Services is important for us to understand so we can grasp the goals of our current social welfare programs.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Once Upon a Time Nadine Gordimer Essay

In Nadine Gordimers Once Upon a Time, Gordimer discusses the consequences of the familys actions due to paranoia of the tabuside world. In the extract, Gordimer paints a picture of how the tally had taken extreme measures, erecting physical barriers around them to protect themselves from the purported dangers of their external environment, until they are unaware nigh the dangers that these barriers pose to themselves.Hence, the extract underlines the dangers that outrage poses for oneself and the futility of trying to protect oneself from the infinite dangers lurking. In the above extract, Gordimer employs the use of the ternion person narrative, which reveals the thoughts of the family members. The reader is allowed a birds eye view into the reasons why safety was preponderating to the couple and the measures taken by them to keep their house safe. Also, with the third person narrative, details that foreshadow the dismal fate awaiting the little boy are made more apparent.Mor eover, without any names pegged to the characters, Gordimer leads the reader to imagine that the incident seems typical, which conversely allows the reader to be provoked into a stronger reaction towards the devasting effects that prejudice brings and the possibility that it can happen to almost anyone. Therefore, with the third person narrative, Gordimer not nevertheless manages to invoke the readers incredulity towards the extreme measures taken by the family in protecting themselves, but as well foreshadows the unhappy stopping point for a supposed fairytale. The purposeful omission of the boy at the start of Gordimers narration in the above extract foreshadows that the boy would not be living gayly always after.The drools structure is a reversal of a classic fairytales structure, by stating that a man and his wife who loved each other very much and were living happily ever after at the beginning. The story begins with the premise that the couple is living happily ever aft er, but only introduces their child later, which breaks the conventional fairytales structure, foreshadowing an unhappy ending. Thus, Gordimer foreshadows that the boy was unable to live happily at the end of the story with a reversed fairytales structure and the deliberate dissolution of the boy from his parents. Gordimer also makes use of imagery and irony to emphasise the extreme prejudice that the family harbours and the effects of prejudice that they would later experience. In the extract, the plaque to deter intruders had the silhouette of a manque intruder which was masked which hence proved the property owner was no racist as one could not tell if the would-be intruder was saturnine or white .The image of a silhouette already conjures up a black person in ones mind, which adds an ironic element when one continues reading that community of another colour were quartered and not allowed into the suburb . The colour of a silhouette has one linking the intruder with black peo ple as it is dark. This further adds on to the irony with the panic that the wife experiences that the black people ability open the furnish and stream in, as the family was concerned about protecting themselves from people who were already barred from their suburb merely due to their race. One could not tell a persons race merely from a silhouette, which emphasises how narrow-minded and racially biased the community is. Thus, Gordimer points out the absurdity of actions carried out due to a persons racist outlook and foretells the disastrous consequences in store for the family. Gordimer also uses diction to convey the absurdity of the protective measures as taken by the family.She writes that anyone who tried to open the gates and pulled off the sign is oddly required to presage his intentions with the installation of gates meant to keep intruders out. With the word announce, Gordimer highlights the futility of the security measures taken by the family, because no intruder will request for permission to break in and underlines the ludicrousness of trying to be protected from intruders. The irony is that the intruder is now depicted as a fine-tune individual who would await permission before intruding. Additionally, the gates were meant to keep intruders at bay, not to serve as a warning to the family before the house was broken into. Thus, Gordimer allows the reader to rethink the effectiveness of the security measures utilize by the family and the futility of such measures, as one cannot prevent someone who just wants to break in.Word look at 762 words

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Thomas Hardy

About the author Thomas Hardy was born(p) in 1840 in Dorset, a hoidenish county in the south-west of England. His father was a st unrivalledmason and the family were non well glum. Hardy showed an early bear on in intensitys, however, and when he was sixteen, he began t raining as an architect in Dorchester. In 1862, he went to meet in London, where he was able to comp ar city life with the customs and timeless ways of the clgetish village where he grew up. He began writing in his spare time.In 1870, he met and fell in go to sleep with Emma Gifford, merely they could not afford to get married. His fourth novel, Far From the Madding Crowd, published in 1874, was a big success. This vacateed him to drop dead a full-time writer and to marry. Hardy wrote several more novels, among them The Mayor of Casterbridge, published in 1886. He and Emma lived in Dorset, but they spent mortala of every year in London, where they mixed with literary bulk and Hardy was much admired. Al though Hardys books were very popular, when Jude the Obscure appeared in 1896, mint hated it.They thought it was an attack on marriage, and ound it shocking and immoral. Hardy turned to poetry and never wrote an una homogeneous novel. He died in 1928. Some biographers pose him as snobbish, mean and hateful towards women. Others believe he was a sensitive man who cared deeply active the human condition. Summary Young, poor Michael Henchard feels trapped by his wife and child and one night gets drunkard at a fair and sells them to a stranger called Newson. Horrified by what he has done, he swears not to touch alcohol for twenty historic period. Eighteen years later he is the mayor of Casterbridge and a successtul businessman.Believing Newson is dead, is wife, Susan, and daughter, Elizabeth-Jane, draw in in c Pearson Education Limited 2008 Casterbridge to find Henchard because she has no money. He marries her again and they have a short happy life together. Farfrae, a young man with modern business ideas, arrives at the alike time and sustains Henchards farm manager. Susan dies, and Henchard learns that Elizabeth-Jane is really Newsons daughter. Henchard falls out with Farfrae, who sets up a rival business, and soon outdoes him. A woman from Henchards past, Lucetta, comes to Casterbridge. Henchard at once wants to marry her, but she and Farfrae fall in love.Henchards business fails and he loses his house so he arisings drinking again. Lucetta dies of shock after the local people make fun of her and Henchard in overt. He turn backs that he allow now lose his daughter as well as everything else. He leaves Casterbridge on foot. He is penniless and has lost his family Just as at the beginning of the story. ElizabethJane remains loyal to Henchard, but he dies before she can find him. Chapter 1 Henchard, a farm fetcher aged twenty, has a family, no Job and no home. He gets drunk and sells his wife and child for five guineas to a sailor leand Newson t a fair.Devastated at what he has done, he looks for them without success. Henchard makes a solemn harbinger not to touch alcohol for twenty years. Chapter 2 Susan, widowed and poor, and her 18year-old daughter, Elizabeth- Jane arrive in Casterbridge to find Henchard. She is relieved to find he is now the Mayor and a businessman who needs a corn manager for his growing business. Chapter 3 Henchard employs Farfrae, a handsome innovative Scotsman as corn manager and the business improves. He also meets Susan and devises a course of study so that the townspeople do not find their marriage strange.He draws closer to Farfrae and tells him about his past including a woman in Jersey he promised to marry. Chapter 4 Henchard marries Susan, but she is reluctant to have her daughters last name changed. He and Farfrae disagree publicly over a processer. Henchard is Jealous and organises a rival entertainment daytime to Farfraes, but it fails. Farfrae leaves him and sets up a rival business. Susan dies but leaves a letter with the truth about her daughter. Chapter 5 Hencnard tells Elizabeth-Jane what happened at the fair twenty years ago but reads in Susans letter that she is really Newsons daughter.He begins to pass over her coldly, and even encourages Farfrae to see her. ElizabethJane meets a woman at her mothers grave who is friendly and offers her to division her house. The Mayor of Casterbridge Teachers notes of 5 Chapter 6 Lucetta, the woman from Jersey, has inherited property in Casterbridge and has employed Elizabeth-Jane as a house financial supporter. Henchard tries to see her but they fail to meet. Farfrae calls in to see Elizabeth-Jane, who is out. He likes Lucetta and she loses interest in Henchard. Chapter 7 Henchard goes bankrupt because of the weather and his own impatience while Farfraes business ucceeds.Henchard realises he and Farfrae compete for Lucettas love, so he threatens her with making their past public so that she accepts his proposal of m arriage. Chapter 8 Henchard agrees to postpone their wedding if Lucetta helps him buy some time to repay a debt to Grower. She cant because she has hiddenly married Farfrae and Grower acted as witness. Chapter 9 Henchard claims the letters from his safe, and reads them out to Farfrae without disclosing the sender. He promises Lucetta to accept tham back to her and asks Jopp to deliver them.Chapter 10 Jopp asks Lucetta to help him become her usbands manager but she refuses. In a pub, he reads out the letters to two women and they plan a skimmity-ride in town to scorn Lucetta and Henchard. Chapter 1 1 A member of the Royal family visits the town but Henchard is not allowed to greet him. Hurt, Henchard fghts Farfrae in a atomic number 5 but cannot bring himself to kill him. Chapter 12 Henchard is back in town to see the ride. Farfrae does not see the ride because he is lured away from town but Lucetta dies of the shock. Chapter 13 Henchard and Elizabeth-Jane live together happily.El izabeth-Jane and Farfrae renew their birth and get married Newson returns and te s daughter the truth, which makes her very happy. Henchard leaves the town. Chapter 14 Elizabeth-Jane marries Farfrae and tries to find her father to place care of him but he dies before she can find him. The original text The novel first of all appeared orderedly, in twenty instalments, in 1886 in The Graphic, an English periodical and simultaneously in the United States. The book appeared as soon as the serial publication was complete but it differs a lot from the serial novel. It has been adapted for TV as a miniseries.Background and estimations Where the story came from Hardy claims the story as inspired by three actual events the sale of a wife by her husband reported in a local newspaper, the uncertain harvests and the visit of Prince Albert, Queen Victorias husband, to Dorchester, the town upon which Casterbridge is based, in 1849. Fight with self The main theme of the book is Henchards figh t against two things his own character and chance. As he fghts with himself, his actions and decisions affect other peoples lives, ordinarily badly. He often allows negative feelings to overwhelm him at the beginning when things seem so bad he sells his wife.He is lways honest in business, but not always kind he is often impatient and firm to anger, but he is capable of great love and great loneliness. His complex character creates uncertainty in the reader should we feel sorry for him or does he deserve everything that happens to him? Chance Chance dictations an important part throughout the story the chance appearance of Newson in the tent when Henchard is trying to sell his wife the rain that spoils Henchards fair the August weather that ruins Henchards business the chance meeting amongst Farfrae and Lucetta when they fall in love.Hardy believes that although Henchard is a powerful character, he is never fully in control of his life. Alcohol also has a routine here. Hencha rds life improves when he stops drinking as he de right to votes himself to work, builds a successful business and in the end becomes mayor. Once ne starts again, ne loses his pride and his Judgement. Traditional versus modern The two men re pay tell apart ways of life in the area. Henchard is traditional and old-fashioned. Farfrae is young and modern. Hardy was always fascinated by country customs and ways.He often includes strange country rituals like the skimmity-ride in his novels. They make useful plot devices and allow him to paint pictures of colourful but less important characters. He also uses them to reveal the conservative brass of society, which can be very cruel to people who fall outside its strict rules of moral behaviour. Lucetta dies because of the skimmity Joke. This severance of the moral code becomes a very important theme in Hardys later novels, which shocked the read public and ended Hardys novel-writing career. questionion activities Before reading 1 a ssembly work Students work in free radicals.Each group chooses an important person in their local community, e. g. factory owner, the mayor, the chief of police, a magistrate. They then fall on a terrible secret in the past of their character. They converse the details of the secret without other students overhearing. The class then questions each group in turn to try and find out what the secret is. Groups have to answer as truthfully as they can. 2 Read carefully Read the macrocosm on pages Evii. Make a chart of the events of Thomas Hardys life. Use these dates 1840 1871 1886 1895 1913 1914 1928 Example 1840 Thomas Hardy is born in Dorset.Chapter 1 While reading Pair work (atter page 4) Michael is ottering his wite or a lowly money at the fair. conduct students in pairs to make a list of the things they could say to persuade Michael to keep quiet. 4 Discuss (page 6) Michael makes a formal promise not to drink alcohol for twenty years. posit students to discuss the following How hard will this be for Michael? Have you ever made a promise that was hard to keep? After reading 9 Pair work Henchard wants to persuade Farfrae to stay and work with him. How can he do this? entreat students in pairs to write down reasons why Farfrae should stay in Casterbridge. accordingly they prepare a short speech and give it to the rest of the class. Finally, have a class vote for the most convincing speech. 10 Discuss shoot students to discuss the following How do you think people in Casterbridge would react if they knew that the mayor had sold his wife twenty years before? How has this changed in present days? Are citizens decisions influenced by the private life of their authorities? Chapters 3-4 11 Discuss take students to discuss the following What about Farfrae has attracted Henchard? Why would he be interested in him? pronounce Tell students that eighteen years have passed after Henchards promise not to drink for twenty years. aim students to guess what has bec ome of Henchards life. Will he ever find his family again? 12 Write (after Chapter 3) After he learns about Lucetta and Henchard, Farfrae advises him to write a letter to the young woman explaining to her why he is no longer useable to keep his word and marry her. He even helps him do so. demand students in pairs to write the letter from Henchard to Lucetta. 13 usance play (page 21) Ask students to pretend they are ordinary townspeople at Henchard and Susans wedding.They are very surprised by the wedding. Ask them to role play the conversation in pairs. 4 extrapolate (page 23) Farfrae and Elizabeth-Jane receive notes for a secret meeting in a barn. Neither of them has written the note for the other. Ask students to guess who may have wanted them to meet and therefore written the notes. What motive cleverness that person have? 15 Discuss (page 24) Henchard and Farfrae argue over how to treat a worker. Ask students to discuss how different their approaches to vigilance are. How c an they be described? If they were a worker, who would they prefer as a manager? Role play Susan leaves the fair with the sailor. How do they feel? What do they say to each other as they alk on the road? Ask students to role play the conversation between them. Chapter 2 7 Discuss (page 9) Ask students to discuss how Susans life might have been different if she had not left with the sailor eighteen years before. Would her life have been better? 8 Role play (after reading loudly the first divide on page 15) Casterbridge was a very quiet town in Hardys day. Communications with big cities like London and Portsmouth were slow and difficult. So when Farfrae arrives, a visitor from Scotland, it is a big event.Farfrae is in the bar at the King of Prussia. One student is Farfrae. Other students are customers. What do they ask him? Ask them to role play the conversation in subaltern groups. 16 Group work Put students in small groups. Ask them to discuss how these sets of kinds change in t his section of the book Susan and Henchard Hencnard and Fartrae Elizabeth-Jane and Fartrae Elizabeth-Jane and Henchard. After their discussions, groups report back to the class. Chapters 5-6 17 Discuss Ask students to discuss these questions with a partner. (a) Who is the Woman in black? b) The next chapter is called Love at source Sight. Which two characters will fall n love at first sight? 18 Group work (page 33) Henchard has Just been told that he will not be offered the position of mayor again. Farfrae has been chosen instead. Ask students in groups to discuss which candidate would be a better mayor and to give reasons for their choice. and so they share their ideas with the class. 19 Role play (page 35) Elizabeth-Jane is sitting by her mothers grave, reading. A woman she has never met before approaches and they start talking. She tells her about her life before and after Casterbridge.Ask students in pairs to role play this conversation. Remind them the woman ends up hiring he r as a housekeeper. 20 Discuss (page 40) Will the new planting machine be undecomposed for the people of Casterbridge or bad? Ask students to take a minute and write arguments for and against new machinery. Then they share their ideas with other students. 27 Group work Wealth (or the absence of it) plays an important role in the novel. For example, Hencnards interest in Lucetta grows now that she is wealthy and independent. Ask students to work in groups. Assign each group a character (Henchard, Susan, Lucetta, Elizabeth-Jane, Farfrae).Students discuss how money nd wealth have changed their character. Are they better off with money? Are they happier? Then they share their views. 21 Discuss Elizabeth-Jane wonders why Lucetta did not trust her with the truth. Ask students in pairs or small groups to try to respond to this question. Then they compare their views with other students. Chapters 7-8 22 Guess Ask students to discuss who the title of the chapter may refer to, when it comes to love. Who are the women involved? 23 Group work (page 44) Ask students in small groups to list the mistakes or miscalculations Henchard made as regards his business.What did he do victimize? What shouldnt he have done? What should he have done instead? Encourage them to give reasons for their answers. Then they share their lists with the rest of the class. Do they have similar ideas? 24 Discuss Invite students to read aloud the incident on page 45 between the two drivers. Discuss with students how this incident reflects the wider situation between Henchard and Farfrae. Record ideas on the board. 25 Discuss (page 47) Ask students to discuss the following questions How does Henchard force Lucetta to agree to marry him? Was she right in accepting the proposal?Did she have any other way out? How will Farfrae feel about this? 26 Discuss (page 53) Ask students to discuss the following questions in pairs or small groups What emotions does Henchard feel when he learns of Lucettas marria ge to Farfrae? Will he keep quiet about their past relationship? Then they snare their ideas wit n the rest ot the class. Chapters 9-10 28 Guess Ask students to guess how Henchard might react to Lucettas rejection. 29 Pair work (page 55) Ask students in pairs to discuss the following questions How do Henchards and Farfraes management styles differ?What kind of manager would you like to have if you were an employee? 30 Role play (page 59) Elizabeth-Jane stops Farfrae in the street and warns him about Henchards feelings but he does not take her seriously. Ask students to role play this conversation. 31 Discuss (page 66) Mrs Cuxsom and Nance Mockridge plan the skimmity-ride after they listen to Jopp read out the letters. They want to teach Mrs Farfrae a lesson using an old tradition. Ask students to discuss the following How would people in your country shame others instantly? 2 Group work Students compare events in the lives f Henchard and Farfrae by making a uncorrupted/bad list fo r each of the two men. Divide the class into four groups. Each group takes and completes one section of the list. Groups report back to the class, writing their ideas in list form on the board. As a follow-up, students write a paragraph comparing the fortunes of the two men. Chapters 11-12 33 Discuss Farfrae has Just been offered the position of mayor. Ask students to discuss these questions Do you think he will agree? Why/why not? 34 Role play Ask students to imagine that they are standing in the crowd watching the majestic visit.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Elderly Drivers Outline

remote Drivers Specific Purpose We want our audience to agree that the physically disab take patriarchal population need to take their test or prove that they can drive before truly discoverting behind the wheel of a car. Thesis Statement These elderly number one woods, who are physically disabled, should non be driving without retaking the test or doing something to prove they are still capable to drive. I. Elderly are terrible drivers. A. The elderly are an increasing race of bad drivers, because of their health. B.Those include medical conditions equivalent diabetes, having heart problems, having poor eyesight and being delusional. C. People with health venture or even something frank as just wearing glasses should renew their certify, and to stall should meet to take a minute series test as simple as an eye exam. D. Overall, people over the age of 70 should have to perform a simple test to renew their license. II. Problem According to the U. S. Census Bureau, the population of drivers 70 and senior is expected to increase from 27. 8 million in 2010 to 51. 7 million in 2030 and 67 million in 2050.The rapid increase in the older driver population has led to concerns about the potential effects on traffic safety associated with this trend. A. Based on data describe by states to the Federal Highway Administration, there were approximately 22. 3 million licensed drivers 70 and older in 2010. B. A NHTSA study of 1995 FARS (Fatal Accident Reporting System) data reports that senior citizens accounted for * 5% of all people injured in traffic crashes * 13% of all traffic fatalities * 13% of all vehicle house physician fatalities * 18% of all pedestrian fatalities C.If the elderly continue to drive as their health problems increase, they will non only be rearting their selves at risk, but the rest of the population as well. III. Criteria for Solution The radicals cannot be physically, mentally, or emotionally harmful to the driver. It has to be fair, affordable, and feasible. IV. Possible Solutions There are a number of solutions that could jockstrap prevent harm to drivers of old age. A. Re-test the people over the age of 70+ in every state. B. engender mid-year health check-ups on the elderly to check their capability to drive an automobile. C.On the license plate of an elderly driver, have an identifier on it to signify that it is an elderly driver. D. Make it mandatory to have a passenger with a license to ride in the car with them. E. Check for any diseases, and health risks that would put the driver at risk or being infract. F. Make sure the person knows the area they drive in. It has to be familiar to them. V. top hat Possible Solution Re-Test the elderly after a certain age. A. Maryland state law allows police, doctors, and residents including relatives to confer with potentially unfit drivers to the Motor Vehicle Administrations Medical Advisory Board.B. A 2004 Florida law requiring that older drivers pass a vision test before getting a license renewed has helped cut the ending rate among drivers 80 and older by 17%, according to researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. shutdown In conclusion, we believe people should have to retake a driving test and vision and auditory sense test every few years to prove they are still safe and capable drivers. ruminative Thinking Sequence 1. Elderly drivers cause younger drivers to have road rage and put their self-importance at risk. We can limit the problem by making drivers at the age of 70 retake the driving test. . The causes of the problem are the elderlys vision and hearing getting bad. As they get older, they face more problems. 3. The effects of the problem are people getting hurt or put into danger. The driver puts their self into danger and then gets hurt by other drivers or other drivers hurt them. 4. The criteria in which the solutions should be judged are Health checkups every few years, have another responsible drive r in the car with the elderly, and/or retake the driving test at the age of 70. 5. A potential solution is to have the driver retake the driving test at the age of 70.A strength would be better drivers on the road. A weakness is they may not want to retake the test. 6. The best solution is to make it mandatory for drivers at the age of 70 to retake the test. 7. We can put it into effect by making the retest a requirement at the age of 70. Its not illegal because some states already put this into effect. Citations Elderly Driving. Elderly Driving. N. p. , n. d. Web. 29 Nov. 2012. http//www. stritch. luc. edu/depts/injprev/Transprt/tran3. htm. Fatality Facts Elderly. Fatality Facts Elderly. Transsaftey Inc, n. d.Web. 29 Nov. 2012. http//www. usroads. com/journals/rilj/0101/ri010102. htm. Copeland, L. (2009, July 6). States seek tests for older drivers. . Retrieved from http//usatoday30. usatoday. com/ news program/nation/2009-07-05-older-drivers_N. htm Taira, E. D. , M. Maynard, and M. J. Madigan. Assessing the driving ability of the elderly, a preliminary investigation. Binghampton, New York Routledge, 1991. 215. Print. Rothe, John, Peter Cooper, and Brian De Vires. The Safety Of Elderly Drivers Yesterdays Young, Todays Traffic. work Publishers, 1990. 435. Print.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Plea of an Aborted Fetus

Every people who reads called a reader. As we read an article or even a horizontal surface we always crystalise our own interpretation on what we read. both ways of reading is reading homogeneous a reader and reading like a writer. A reading expert named Steve Peha, theorizes that there be two ways of reading, superstar is reading like a reader. This way of reading is a normal way of reading. According to Peha there are six activities that readers do while they are reading. First is Question, in which we ask question to our self while we are reading. We are curious in happenings and unusual things in the story or text that we read.Questioning helps us to analyze more and to easily understand what we are reading. Second is Predict, as a reader we always predcit and make guesses still about what is coming next to the story. Third is Infer, sometimes, readers try to figure out what the writer is saying about the story that are not actually in the text. In this way of reading w e readers use our imagination. The fourth one is Connect, readers try ro connect their own story in what they are reading, many stories reminded readers look on a story they read. Next is Feel, readers usually scents what the story is saying, many readers express their emotions while reading.Sad move make them sad, the feelings they express depends on what the story is saying. The last is Evaluate, in this way of reading we try to make judgements on the text or story that we read, we ask questions like, is it a good story? What is the goal of the writer why did he/she write this story? It was just a fine questions for evaluating a story or a text. Another way of reading is reading like a writer. Readers focuses on what the writer is hard to say, they wanted to slam different techniques that writers used in making a story or text. professor Peha enumerates six things readers who are writers pay attention to.One is Ideas, idea is the heart of the story, without this a story can be just a simple story without a beautiful idea. Second is Organization, this refers to the order of ideas and the way the writer from one idea to the next and how the writer organize the story to be more interesting to read. The threesome is Voice, this refers to the feeling of the writers individual personality through speech. The writer just using the characters in the story or text just to express how he/she feels. Fourth is the Word Choice, this refers to the different words and set of phrases that writers used in the text to gather more attention of the reader.Fifth is the Sentence Fluency, this is the rhythm and scat of the structured sentence used by the writer in the text or story. Last is Convention, in making a text we cast to be reminded that there are important parts like punctuation, grammar and spelling. Those are things that make writing consistent and easy to read. REACTIONS After I read about Pehas two type of reading, I just realize that reading is not an easy thing to do, you squander to use not only just your lips to read and yoyr mind to think.In reading for us to understand it more, we have to be open in what the writer is saying in the text, much more understanding if we feel and connect it in our life. Expressing feelings while reading. I do love how professor Peha generalizes the different types of reading. I just wanted to know how he does it? Even though I rightfully dont know him I admire him so much, because of what he done in the world of reading. If a person really love to read he/she will appreciate the 6 activities in reading like a reader and reading like a writer.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Mental Illness and the Criminal Justice System Essay

moral Illness and the Criminal Justice System - Essay Examplejustice system and on the offenders themselves, the options which are available for such offenders to be treated and corrected, how the psychiatric services, the community and other agencies can help to successfully combat the problem are reviewed and solutions are sought in this paper.Hiday (p.508) states that there are three subgroups of persons with consummate(a) amiable sickness who come into contact with the criminal justice system 1) Those committing only misdemeanor offences that ofttimes involve survival behaviors 2) Those with accompanying character disorders who also abuse alcohol and drugs, both of which contribute to their blue rates of criminal offenses, arrests and incarceration 3) A much smaller subgroup who fit the stereotypical image of a severely disordered person driven to criminally violent actions by delusions. All three groups exsert in impoverished communities where it is difficult to survive with a major moral illness. After the failure of other social institutions, the criminal justice system is left to deal with the mentally ill person.Understanding federalism the fundamental interaction among national, state and local governments becomes crucial to understanding mental health policy development. From the earliest days of the republic, mental health care was a sector operating in the intersection of state and local levels of government. The approaching of Medicaid and Medicare in the 1960s, coupled with the national community mental health center (CMHC) program eventually created a major federal presence in financing mental health services. Yet the role of states and mental health communities within the mental health system continued alongside such initiatives, and in almost ways was elaborated by the partnership required by some of the services (Rochefort 467).According to the symptomatic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders of the American Psychiatric Assoc iation (DSM-IV), the term serious mental illness refers to diagnosable mental, behavioral or

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Analysis of Earth Hour's Branding Campaigns Essay

Analysis of Earth mos Branding Campaigns - Essay ExampleHowever, the purpose of this fly the coop and its analysis is to give present detailed report and a clear conclusion comparing it with the mere good word administered from the Earth Hours efforts.WWFs global Initiative Earth Hour 2014 is making waves as far as its campaign mission is taken into account. The worldwide fight to bring issues to light about environmental change is in its sixth year in the nation and will be commended tomorrow, March 29. The message of Earth Hour 2014 is to do the switch to renewable vitality. This incorporates the parts and obligations regarding people, associations and the legislature. While the past supporters have incorporated any relation of Sachin Tendulkar, Abhishek Bachchan, Amir Khan, Vidya Balan and Ajay Devgn, in the not so distant future Arjun Kapoor have been at large in support of this campaign. Alongside Kapoor, a group of territorial stars including Mir (Kolkata), Anirudh (Chen nai), Tilak (Bengaluru) and Ram Charan (Hyderabad) have been making great ideas considerably known in distinctive districts to propel the campaign worldwide (Gorn, 2013).Highlighting his sponsorship for Earth Hour, Arjun Kapoor, tending to the media in Mumbai, states that he is respected to be some piece of such a correlated cause as Earth Hour a crusade against environmental change that has the backing of a large payoff of individuals universally. His companionship with Earth Hour he believed that will accumulate him close contact with one of the nations adept protection associations that has been steadily battling against the unfavorable effect of environmental. The worlds heading sexual prosperity-brand has brought out a short image on how engineering, as opposed to bringing individuals close, has prompted expanding division. The understanding they dealt with has been focused around information that demonstrated that 12 for every penny individuals have addressed their teleph ones throughout sex, and Twitter clients are

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Radio Frequency Identification Technology Essay

piano tuner Frequency Identification Technology - Essay ExampleBut there is a big dissimilitude in both the technologies the bar code identification applied science uses line of sight reading for scanning. Whereas, the RFID engineering science does not depend on this line of sight reading. RFID can read the tags that are some meters away and also can read the tags that are not in the line of sight of the reader. RFID has made real improvements in the inventory trailing and management processes. The RFID is a technology that is needed and is being apply in almost every field that needs a unique identification and tracking system. The RFID tags can train any kind of information whether simple or complex unmatchable. The RFID tags can hold almost 2000 bytes of data. RFID technology has no doubt replaced the bar code detection system and is considered to be the enhanced technology. The RFID is capable of tracking and identifying a great number of items simultaneously. This featu re definitely saves a great amount of time and bills that is spent on monitoring individual items. Due to many enhancements this technology is being widely used in almost every field. (Discover RFID, 1, n.d)Generally, the technology of Radio Frequency Identification evolved from the roots of the radio detection and ranging systems which devour now become one of the hottest supply chain technologies. Most of the Europeans were at that time using radar systems which came into existence in 1935 by a physicist from Scotland, Sir Robert Alexander Watson Watt, which suspensored them caution against planes which were approaching them even when they are miles away. The fuss which the countries faced due to radar system was that they could not identify the planes approaching them, whether it was an enemys plane or countrys avow pilot. At that time Germans invented a mode following which the base could alert them which aircraft is a German one and which is the Allied aircraft, which wa s that the German pilots if roll their planes while returning to base that would enable the base and ground pack that the approaching aircraft is a German plane. We can say that this was crude method was the first RFID system. After this method the Scottish physicist helped British developed an IFF system, known as Identify Friend or Foe. The British installed a transmitter on each of their aircrafts, which when received signals from the radar systems from the ground would send the signal abide enabling the base to identify their aircrafts. This concept then became the evolution of the RFID systems and was just the same as RFID, which sent signals to a transponder which then reflects the signal back to where it received the signals or even broadcast an active system back to its source. Different advancements were made in radar and RF systems through 1950s and 1960s. (The History of RFID Technology, 1, n.d)Functionality of RFIDRFID works has three divergent parts of the system wh ich includes a scanning antenna, a transceiver which is used to interpret the data by the help of a decoder and a transponder which has been programmed with all the information. Scanning antenna is used to transmit signals at a short range by sending radio frequency signals.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Post heartattack cardiac failure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Post marrowattack cardiac chastisement - Essay usageThis essay is going to address the issue of heart attack in details and explain the measures wiz is supposed to take to avoid another heart attack in the future.Heart failure heed includes a number of pharmacologic, nonpharmacologic and persistent strategies to reduce subsequent occurrences of heart attacks. Pharmacologic management includes the use of vasodilators, beta-blockers, diurectics, digoxin and anticoagulants. Nonphamacologic management entails physical activities, dietary sodium, fluid restriction and attention to weigh gain. Persistent strategies for heart failure are implantable cardioverter-defibrillators, electrphysiologic intervention such as pacemakers and cardiac resynchronization therapy, ventricular restoration and revascularization procedures such as coronary thrombosis artery bypass grafting (Ketchum, 2011 90).Heart failure patients should be examined for coronary artery disease, which is a major cause o f heart failure. It also plays a role in heart failure progression with mechanisms such as ischemia, infarction and endothelial dysfunction. Studies reveal that patients suffering from coronary artery disease certify a symptomatic and survival improvement with coronary artery bypass grafting (Clifford, 2008 62).The sections that follow dodge the most effective measures for providing support for CHF patients. Despite the deadliness of myocardial infarction and other chronic heart diseases, these measures, if well taken, remove the ability to markedly improve ones health outcomes. They also have the ability to reduce the burden on the health care system.Patients, their families and caregivers can reduce worsening of the CHF cast if they are familiar with the principles of myocardial infarction management and learn to monitor the symptoms and deterioration signs on a daily basis. Whether or not the victims are enrolled into a particular management program, the availability of supp ortive brass and

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility of McDonalds Assignment

Corporate genial Responsibility of McDonalds - Assignment ExampleThe paper tells that corporate social responsibility includes a variety of simulated military operation such as environmental, philanthropic and ethical. A new field of corporate social responsibility has emerged that encourages companies or organization to take steps and initiatives in the interest of all stakeholders. The public or consumers are also considered stakeholders and hence the organization should lay down a balance between the interests of both stake shareholders. McDonalds is the leading world(prenominal) fast food retailer which is spread over 36,000 locations and serves approximately 69 million customers in coulomb countries daily. Most of the McDonalds branches are run by independent businessman and women. The victory of the companys success is the system which aligns the franchises and supplies. By the implementation of this system, McDonalds was able to satisfy the customers with what they want ed. This system also allows local customization of the product. McDonalds focuses on leash priorities for the optimization of its menu to modernize the consumers experience, to increase accessibility to McDonalds with convenience and to optimize the menu. McDonalds plan to entice strategy focuses on people, product, place, price, and promotion in order to increase the customers experience regarding McDonalds. McDonalds is considered to possess the largest framework when the humble of CSR is discussed. Their motto of CSR prudent food for a sustainable future outlines their social responsibilities. A board of directors is responsible for keeping McDonalds up to the standards that are being guaranteed to their stakeholders. The first step taken by this board of directors was to create a code of conduct in order to ensure that every supplier follows this code of conduct. This concord is then signed by the suppliers. McDonalds also considers the three Es that is ethical responsibili ty, environmental responsibility, and sparing responsibility. This serves as the vision for the supply chain management.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Operations Management and Supply Chains Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Operations Management and Supply Chains - see ExampleThis helps to minimize the unnecessary movements of the inventory inwardly the work place which in turn lowers the be of material handling. This will also eliminate the necessity of having a large space for storing inventory within the firm (CSCMP and Nada, 2014).To successfully lower the inventory as well as the lot size, the firm must(prenominal) always know what it has to produce, when it should produce and the quantity of the fruit it should produce. This in turn will depend on the demand of the product and a clear knowledge of the amount of raw materials and labor force required. efficacious methods of forecasting the demand will help predict the quantity that consumers will need in the extensive term period. The availability of the required labor will eliminate the necessity of adjusting the operation hours all the sentence and avoids the possibility of stoppage of work due to inadequate labor. Upon achieving all thes e important factors then the firm bear comfortably order the amount of inventory required for that given period only. For I know the plans I have for you, says the lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 2911).Another means of lowering inventory and lot size is through proper process and product designs. Through proper designs in the process and the product means that there is less uncertainity in the occupation process that builds confidence in the workers and ensures that the consumers will accept the products. As a result, it will not be necessary for the firm to maintain additional inventory or lot size to cater for the uncertainties. In addition, good process design will ensure flexibility in the operations hence slatternly to adjust the system to respond to changes in customer demands and preferences (CSCMP and Nada, 2014).Lean production system aims at maximize the value that is added by each

Friday, May 10, 2019

Delivering Superior Customer Service- Amazon Essay

Delivering Superior Customer Service- virago - Essay ExampleInstead, grass has improved in signifi nominatece in relation to other purchase drivers such as location, price, wont and convenience (Millward Brown 3). The Millward Brown survey shows that too m some(prenominal) brands atomic number 18 not successful in optimizing their power to persuade, and rather overstress cost while under leverage entrust. Some prominent takeaways from the remove are that brands, which enjoy strong equity normally, rate high on desire (Millward Brown 4). Also, the well-nigh priceless brands successfully drive a desire to shift from normal to astonishing productivity. Finally, according to the study, atomic number 82 brands such as virago do not ignore price, but they adjust price derived from desire (Millward Brown 4). Also, in another study released by ForeSee on customer satisfaction among cyberspace shopping giants, Amazon topped the list (Tecca 1). The truth that Amazon was number one amo ng dozens of companies with regards to their customer satisfaction is not an outstanding finding to the 152 million individuals with active Amazon customer accounts (Tecca 1). What is outstanding is the realism that ForeSees client satisfaction score of Amazon is the highest score ever to be awarded to any online shopping website (Tecca 1). It is vital to take note that ForeSee bring been carrying out their studies for over five eld now and that no other business has attained a higher rating than Amazon. Therefore, Amazon clients have always been satisfied, and the online firm allow for always strive to satisfy their clients (Tecca 1). An Amazon Prime membership will only cost someone $79 a year. They can begin with a one-month forgo tryout, or if they are a parent or a student, the Amazon Mom and Amazon Student programs on an individual basis provide other benefits. A single membership can be shared with a utmost of four extra individuals, so someone in a family of four can all nark the membership for one annually fee (Tecca 1). A customer can get a free two-day shipping, as well as $3.99 one-day shipping on appropriate purchases. The firms account of a perfect client experience is one in which their clients do not just want to peach to them (Tecca 1). Each and every time a client contacts Amazon, they see it as a flaw. The firm says that they conceptualize their clients as friends, but not merchants. Any person can be eligible for the normal Amazon Prime membership, even though subscribers in the U.S. can see the streaming video for free. Buying of goods change by Amazon itself are primarily eligible for free tow-day shipping, even though some goods are extremely bulky, hazardous and heavy material may get normal shipping instead (Tecca 1). The Amazon Mom and Amazon Student programs provide benefits close to Amazon Prime, but they are not fairly the homogeneous (Tecca 1). For example, neither program offers free streaming video. Amazon Student s ubscribers are entitled to the same shipping benefits as Prime members for six months of subscription and also get deals, as well as promotions special to students. Amazon Mom subscribers, on the other hand, get the Prime shipping benefits for only three months and can prolong that through earning an additional month of free shipping for every $US 25 use in the Baby Store (Tecca 1). Amazon Mom subscribers also get discounts, as well as exclusive deals on a variety of baby products. Going through the reviews on their

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Personal Values, Motivations, and Emotional Intelligence Essay

Personal Values, Motivations, and Emotional Intelligence - Essay ExampleFrom the results of the Disc Assessment, it was revealed that the highest Disc proportion which exemplifies ones personality is dominance and the classical pattern is a results-oriented pattern (Laureate Education, Inc., 2013). These results are indeed aligned with personal determine and motivational drives for achievement. As a result-oriented person, the strengths included exuding self-confidence, quick thinking abilities, persistent and persistent, direct, focused, and individualistic. The weaknesses allegedly include impatience, fault-finders, could be perceived as blunt and uncaring (Laureate Education, Inc., 2013). Thus, emotional intelligence could be perceived as needing improvement due to the innate ability to achieve tasks and responsibilities individually and independently or else than reliance on other people. All of these values, motivational drives, and emotional intelligence results were found to be exhibited in the work setting. For instance, ones previous work in a healthcare institution has be conformity to ethical, moral, and legal standards, as well as abiding with indicated values through adherence to the system of ruless policies and procedures. As a healthcare institution, it was specifically guided by standards proposed by the Joint Commission, which focuses on providing a high quality of patient care (The Joint Commission, 2013). Ones personal values were most appreciated and applicable in the healthcare setting and aligned with motivational drives of being a high achiever. One was tasked to undertake assigned responsibilities and submit reportorial documents in prescribed time frames. Likewise, all endeavors were spy to be undertaken in conjunction with the need to satisfy the needs of the patients and of the people one gets to interact with.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Economics 319-1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Economics 319-1 - Essay ExampleThe financial crisis put to waste years of addition and resulted to unfathomable harm the fundamental productivity of the economy. One of a direct result of financial crisis is the freeing of paper wealth (that can be measured monetarily). Loss of paper wealth has an indirect progeny on the real economy in that it effects are felt incase depression or recession follows.The 2007-2009 financial crisis originated from within the United State market. it coincided with what many an(prenominal) saw as a suspension from the geopolitical dominance of the United States to a multi-polar international framework. It was not accident but rather a mistake driven by deregulatory mentality that took half a decade of post-New Deal financial constancy for granted. The crisis was a failure of free market capitalism and over regulation which helped sow the seed of the crisis. The worldly concern experienced the most severe financial crisis in most recent times since Second military man War. It was precipitated by sub-prime mortgages crisis which became apparent to the wider public in the year 2007. In 2008, it became a global financial crisis, and whence into a global economic down turn that forced many countries to into recession. Stock market fell, considerable financial institutions collapsed and government had to come up with rescue packages to bail out the financial systems (Manuel, 2009).For a release understanding of the crisis there is need to look at the economic happenings of Post -world war II. This period shows a significant decline in the rate of net profit in the economy of the United States. From 1950 to mid 1970s, profit rates declined almost by 50%.As in past depression times, this decline triggered reducing in business investment, and consequently slower growth and higher unemployment rate. As a result many governments adopted expansionary monetary and fiscal policies. However the policies resulted to higher inflation ra tes