Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Every AP Human Geography Practice Test Available
Every AP Human Geography Practice Test Available SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Practice tests are the best way to get acclimated to the timing and question formats that you'll encounter on the AP Human Geography exam. They'll also help you figure out where you need to put in additional study time to improve your scores. In this article, I'll link to all the practice tests available for AP Human Geography, including full official tests, full unofficial tests, and mini unofficial quizzes that test specific parts of the curriculum. Official AP Human Geography Practice Tests Official practice tests are the best materials to use in preparation for any standardized test, including AP Human Geography. You can be confident that the difficulty level of the questions is on par with what you'll see on the real test, which means you'll be able to estimate your score pretty accurately. This is in contrast to many unofficial practice materials, which can be hit or miss regarding their predictive value for the real test. Practice tests that weren't created by the College Board may have questions that are phrased and formatted differently or are either too easy or too challenging. Many past free-response questions for this exam are posted on the College Board site, and the course description has a set of sample multiple-choice questions.If nothing else, you can refer to them as benchmarks to make comparisons with the unofficial tests you take.They should give you a better idea of how difficult unofficial test questions are relative to those you'll see on the real exam. Unfortunately, there is only one official released AP Human Geography exam that I can link to in this article. However, that’s not to say other more shady individuals haven’t violated these terms and posted sample tests. Google is your friend (wink wink). Without further ado, here are the three resources I could find for official AP Human Geography questions: College Board AP Human Geography Exam Practice Luckily, the College Board exam practice has lots of great tools and materials for you! Not only can you look at sample questions, you can also: Practice free response questions See the scoring guidelines Read past student responses to exam questions Get College Board approved study tips While this site doesn't offer a full examination, there's still plenty of free material to help you prepare for your test. AP Human Geography Course Description 2015 The latest course description includes 23 sample multiple-choice questions and six sample free-response questions. Free-response answer guidelines are not included, but multiple-choice solutions are. Authenti City is a great place. The people are so honest, and their practice tests are the best you can get anywhere. Wouldn't recommend it as a vacation destination, though. You will not be able to escape from reality. Unofficial AP Human Geography Practice Tests There are many more unofficial AP Human Geography practice tests and quizzes available to you in various forms. These materials are useful, but you should avoid taking them completely at face value. I’ll list full practice test resources first, and then I’ll get into sites that provide short quizzes on specific topics. 5 Full Practice Tests #1: Barron’s Free Online Practice Exam This is a full practice exam in the same format as the real AP test (multiple choice, free response, the whole package). You can choose to take it in practice mode or timed mode depending on which stage you're at in your studying. I’d recommend saving this practice test for when you get closer to the AP exam. It’s good for simulating real test conditions when you feel relatively prepared and want to assess your score level. (Note: Barron's also has a test preparation guide for the AP Human Geography exam, too!) #2: REA Full Practice Exam 1 This is also a full practice exam in the same format as the real test. It has answer explanations, and I think the questions are solid replicas of what you’ll see on the AP exam. #3: Full Practice Exam from an AP Teacher Once again, this exam is in the same format as the real test. It includes both free-response and multiple-choice questions, and you'll find answer explanations at the end of the document. #4: Varsity Tutors Diagnostic Tests This site offers four diagnostic tests for AP Human Geography with 75 questions each (multiple-choice only). The tests have automatic scoring, and each one is given a preliminary difficulty level rating. Varsity Tutors also has tons of mini practice quizzes listed by concept if you want to practice topic-specific questions, as well as flashcards that will help you learn all the terminology for this course. #5: Review Books Don’t forget about the practice tests that are available to you in AP Human Geography review books. Most review books offer at least two full practice tests. Read my article on the best review books for this class to get a sense of which ones fit your studying needs. Short Quizzes on Specific Concepts and Geographic Regions Albert.IO Practice Questions Albert.IO has questions on every topic covered by the course that are categorized by difficulty level. The site keeps a running tally of how many questions you’ve answered correctly in the easy, medium, and hard categories. This site offers a 50 question practice examination that you can take for free. I'd use this as a checkpoint examonce you get about halfway through studying, taking this test would be a good way to gauge your progress. SoftSchools Practice Quizzes SoftSchools has a series of 10-question practice quizzes on each topic. They're good for brief review sessions! ProProfs Quiz Maker This short, 23 question quiz is user-generated, so we don't recommend using it as a metric for measuring your progress. But the ratings are good, so it's probably a safe way for exposing yourself to some new material. Chapter Quizzes for Human Geography: Landscapes of Human Activities (th Edition) Select a chapter on the left navigation bar, and you can scroll down to find a link to its corresponding multiple-choice quiz. These quizzes are helpful for review even if your class isn’t using this particular textbook. Sheppard Software Geography Practice You'll earn points for citing specific examples in your free-response answer, and many multiple-choice questions ask about particular areas of the world. This site provides fun exercises that will help you learn exactly where everything is. You can progress through tutorial, beginner and advanced levels in activities that test your knowledge of the political and geographic divisions that exist within each continent. Human Geography Prep Quiz is known for hiring experts in their fields, so it's a pretty reliable source. Luckily, they also offer a quick exam prep for the AP test! What's nice about this one is that it has a timer build into the webpage, so you'll be able to pace yourself as you move through the quiz. More of us need to take these geography quizzes so people stop coming out with depressing surveys concluding that 75 percent of Americans think Australia is in Europe. I made up that statistic, but it might as well be real. How to Use AP Human Geography Practice Tests Here's an overview of how you can use these practice tests for review at different stages in the school year as you get closer and closer to the AP test. First Semester: Practice Tests as Review for In-Class Assessments During your first semester, you won’t have gotten through enough of the curriculum to take full practice tests yet. What you can do is take shorter quizzes that are specific to the topics you’ve learned already. Make use of sites like Albert.IO, Varsity Tutors, and many of the other unofficial listings that divide questions by subject. You can also practice writing answers to free-response questions that pertain to the topics your class has already covered. Second Semester: Preparing for the AP Test When you're midway through your second semester, you can start preparing for the AP test more directly. Take a full practice test and score it so you can get a better sense of your knowledge and abilities. You can use one of the three full practice tests listed in the unofficial test section for this step. I’d recommend saving the College Board practice materials until last so you can get the most accurate score predictions when you’re closest to the test. After you take the test, revisit all the questions where you made mistakes, and make note of their content. This will guide you in deciding which areas you need to study more and which you've already mastered. Once you've spent a couple of hours reviewing, take another practice test to reassess your score level. If you see some improvement, you can either repeat the process and aim higher or decide you’re satisfied with your current score level. If not, you should think about what went wrong in reviewing your mistakes. Did you only look them over haphazardly? Were you in a distracting environment? Change your approach if you’re not getting the results you want! Wait, What If Your Class Is Only One Semester? At some schools, AP Human Geography is only a semester-long class. If that's the case for you, much of the same preparation advice still applies, but it will take place on a slightly different timeline. If you take the class first semester, you'll have a significant chunk of time between the end of the course and the actual AP test. This can be a big advantage if you use your time wisely and avoid procrastinating (which you'll have to watch out for if you're very busy with your second-semester classes). You'll be able to start the second semester study process outlined above as soon as you finish the class. There will be plenty of time to take practice tests after your class has covered all the material, so it will be easier to get an accurate reading on your score level before the AP test. If you take this class second semester, the review process should be essentially the same as if it were a year-long class. The first-semester advice will apply to the first half of your second semester, and the second-semester advice will apply to the second half. You can afford to progress at a more leisurely pace in your studying if you take the class first semester because you have a few months that you can devote to preparing for the AP test. Conclusion Official practice testing materials for AP Human Geography are somewhat scarce. You should wait to use the one full official practice test until you're closer to the AP exam and are looking for highly accurate score predictions. You can use unofficial practice tests and quizzes at any time throughout the year to practice topic-specific questions for in-class assessments and prepare for the AP test as a whole. Be sure to reflect carefully on your answers to every practice test so you can assess where you went wrong and revisit relevant content. Practice tests should play a key role in your review for any AP test. If you treat them seriously and pay attention to what they tell you about your level of preparation, you're bound to do well on the exam! What's Next? Are you an intrepid AP pioneer navigating the treacherous waters of this course solo? Read our comprehensive seven-step guide to self-studying for AP tests! It's important to know when all your AP tests are happening this year so you can prepare appropriately. Check out the AP test dates for this year along with some tips for making it through the exam period with your sanity intact. If you're applying to very competitive colleges, you might be thinking about preparing for SAT Subject Tests in addition to AP tests. Find out how APs and SAT IIs differ from one another and which scores will make more of an impact on your admissions chances. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Janus - Who Is Janus
Janus - Who Is Janus Profile of Janus Two-faced Janus (Ianus), presumed to be native to Italy, is the god of beginnings/endings. Its after Janus that the first month of the year, Januarius January, is named. The kalends (the 1st) of each month may have been dedicated to him. Janus Basics Janus was usually the first of the gods to receive offerings. Consuls entered office on the Kalends of his month January. Janus and the Salian Priests Holding sacred shields, Salian priests sang a hymn to Janus. This hymn includes lines that have been translated as: Come forth with the cuckoo [in March] Truly all things dost thou make open.Thou art Janus Curiatius, the good creator art thou.Good Janus is coming, the chief of the superior rulers.- The Salian Hymn to Janus Rabun Taylor (citation below) eloquently describes the lack of a coherent story about Janus: Janus, like so many ancient gods who lacked the grace of a story, was a messy concrescence of scraps fallen from the table of memory. His incoherence was the cause of some puzzlement in the Roman Imperial era, and so he was periodically subjected to reassessments by master yarn-spinners like Ovid or by cosmologists and philosophers seeking to find profound symbolism in his duality. A Transitional God: War, Peace, Crossings Janus was not only a god of beginnings and transitions, but was also associated with war/peace since the doors of his shrine were opened except in times of peace. He may have been a god of stream crossings. Ovid on the Myth of Janus Ovid, the Augustan Age teller of mythological tales, provides a story about the early benefits conferred by Janus. [227] I have learned much indeed; but why is the figure of a ship stamped on one side of the copper coin, and a two-headed figure on the other? Under the double image, said he, you might have recognized myself, if the long lapse of time had not worn the type away. Now for the reason of the ship. In a ship the sickle-bearing god came to the Tuscan river after wandering over the world. I remember how Saturn was received in this land: he had been driven by Jupiter from the celestial realms. From that time the folk long retained the name of Saturnian, and the country, too, was called Latium from the hiding (latente) of the god. But a pious posterity inscribed a ship on the copper money to commemorate the coming of the stranger god. Myself inhabited the ground whose left side is lapped by sandy Tibers glassy wave. Here, where now is Rome, green forest stood unfilled, and all this mighty region was but pasture for a few kine. My castle was the hill which the present age is accustomed to ca ll by my name and dub Janiculum. I reigned in days when earth could bear with gods, and divinities moved freely in the abodes of men. The sin of mortals had not yet put Justice to flight (she was the last of the celestials to forsake the earth): honours self, not fear, ruled the people without appeal to force: toil there was none to expound the right to righteous men. I had naught to do with war: guardian was I of peace and doorways, and these, quoth he, showing the key, these be the arms I bear.Ovid Fasti 1 The First of the Gods Janus was also an augur and mediator, perhaps the reason he is named first among the gods in prayers. Taylor says Janus, as the founder of sacrifice and divination, since he can see the past and the future through his two faces, is the worlds first priest. Janus for Luck It was Roman tradition at the New Year to give the god honey, cakes, incense and wine to buy favorable signs and a guarantee of good luck. Gold brought better results than baser coins. Then I asked, Why, Janus, when I placate other gods, do I bring incense and wine to you first? So that you may gain entry to whatsoever gods you wish, he replied, through me, who guard the threshold. But why are glad words spoken on your Kalends? And why do we give and receive best wishes? Then the god, leaning on the staff in his right hand, said, Omens are wont to reside in beginnings. You train your anxious ears on the first call, and the augur interprets the first bird he sees. The temples and ears of gods are open, no tongue intones wasted prayers, and words have weight. Janus had finished. I was not silent for long, but tagged his final words with words of my own. What do your dates and wrinkled figs mean, or the gift of honey in a snow-white jar? The omen is the reason, said he - so that the sweetness replicates events, and so that the year should be sweet, following the course of its beginnings.Translation of Ovid Fast. 1.17 1-188 from Taylors article) Read more about Janus. References: The Salii and Campaigning in March and OctoberJ. P. V. D. BalsdonThe Classical Review, New Series, Vol. 16, No. 2 (Jun., 1966), pp. 146-147The Salian Hymn to JanusGeorge HemplTAPhA, Vol. 31, (1900), pp. 182-188Janus Custos BelliJohn BridgeThe Classical Journal, Vol. 23, No. 8 (May, 1928), pp. 610-614Problems about JanusRonald SymeThe American Journal of Philology, Vol. 100, No.The Shrine of Janus Geminus in RomeValentine MüllerAmerican Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 47, No. 4 (Oct. - Dec., 1943), pp. 437-440Watching the Skies: Janus, Auspication, and the Shrine in the Roman ForumRabun TaylorMemoirs of the American Academy in Rome, Vol. 45 (2000), pp. 1-40
Thursday, November 21, 2019
888 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
888 - Essay Example Said traces most of his perceptive from the colonial era at a time when America had not become the world’s superpower. At this time, the British had colonies in the East and the French was also on the verge of establishing dynasties in the same location. The paper identifies, interprets and analyzes some of the proponents of the Said for use as a lens in the analysis of a primary text. Said pinpoints some assumptions made by the West about the Orient. He assumes that the West perceives Arabs as dishonest, menacing, anti-western and irrational. The text reveals that the thoughts presented in it are in opposition to how he considers the West to think of themselves (5). Therefore, he outlines his broadly projected image of the people of Arabic nature as they feature in the minds of the Western people. Specifically, he acknowledges that the Arabs exist in the western minds as â€Å"others.†According to them, anyone who is not one of them belongs to the category of others. The author addresses his issues using assumptions that one may risk considering to be truthful (7). If one takes such a positive stance, his ideologies and relations with the Arabs may be jeopardized. Hence, while considering Said’s arguments one should be cautious to avoid bias. The call for a new perception and treatment of â€Å"the Orient†that permits the independent representation of authors who belong to the Orient as opposed to the reliance on the second-hand representation is valuable. In respect to the profound dependence on other personalities for ideas, it is significant to notice the widespread use of the word â€Å"orient†on almost half of the world. The mentioning of a greater part of the world as orient expands the bracket of disparity and intensifies the divide on ideology and identity. However, making such broad generalization is unwarranted in the modern day as nations such as Egypt and the Chinese that have achieved a significant level of
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Not sure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Not sure - Essay Example In this activity, students were required to write about themselves on the pieces of paper and throw them to one another. This helped the students understand one another’s background and lifestyle in general. I also introduced myself to others and asked them what I wanted to know about them. This activity filled confidence in me so that I could communicate better. I learnt almost all conversation with my team members after this class rather than learning the professional words from the lecture. I learnt how important it was to be good at communication and to be able to engage with teams to get a better understanding of a new field. Since I had not done any prior readings, I did not completely understand this unit’s structure despite the fact that my unit coordinator had clearly explained everything. Besides, I was busy in few advanced professional expressions. I was eager about making a time management plan so that I was clear about the assignment submission due dates, h omework requirements and the prior reading required. It would help improve my efficiency and time management skills. Week 2 In week 2, I liked the searching activity in which I had to use the library resources together with my team members. We discovered a lot of information about our studies by accessing the online data available at the ECU website. I found out that this online library tool enabled us to locate a variety of sources. We could easily locate references of a specific year by looking at the sources for its year range. Our team did a referencing exercise including both end-text and in-text referencing following the referencing guide of ECU. We also reviewed our first pieces of reflection and exchanged views upon that with one another. For example, my team members liked my management plan’s format whereas I liked the terminology abbreviation memorizing process proposed by my mate. This activity helped improve our formatting and research skills, and also improved my ability to cooperate with my team. There was also an activity that our team did which was least interesting. It comprised two scenarios with the same set of questions about the ACE theory of Kathleen Reardon. Understanding it with real examples would have been easier than the case study in the book. Since I had done the pre-reading of the chapter â€Å"Persuasion†, I knew its importance and features already, along with the strategies needed to make effective persuasions. This part went smoothly. However, I needed to develop competence in the theoretical part of the persuasion along with their relevant terms. The learning I have gained from the online library searching activity will help me in the studies in the future and will also improve my cooperation and communication skills. I have also learnt the strategies of persuasion that I will use in my professional career in the future. Most importantly, I have developed good interpersonal skills. Week 3 Week 3 was about managem ent of stress and time. In this week, we did an activity i.e. Exercise 4B that attracted me because it was very much real; we gave a life stress test that helped us identify our stress conditions by answering different questions about our life events. I calculated my scope by ticking off many boxes of life events that were related to me and that might cause stress. I thought I would score the highest since I thought of myself as a highly stressed person, but I was surprised to learn that I had scored the lowest. I learnt that everybody experiences stress, and that
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Evolution of Dance Essay Example for Free
Evolution of Dance Essay Thesis: Dance has unquestionably came a long way and it is important that we know what the initial purpose of dance was when it was first introduced, the many benefits that dance offers and how dance is used today in many ways such as recreation and entertainment. Organizational Pattern: Topical I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: â€Å"Dancing is the loftiest, the most moving, the most beautiful of the arts. For it is no mere translation or abstraction of life. It is life itself. †This is a quote by British writer and psychologist Henry Havelock Ellis. B. Relevance: Some of you may not realize it but dance plays a large role in your lives. Many of us college students love to party and what’s a party without dancing? When you’re around your friends and the music is loud, you can’t help but to start dancing. C. Credibility: Being a dancer for thirteen years, I’ve always found any and everything about dance fascinating. The art of dance has always been a passion of mine. D. Thesis: Dance has unquestionably came a long way and it is important that we know what the initial purpose of dance was when it was first introduced, the many benefits that dancing offers and how dance is used today in many ways such as recreation and entertainment. E. Preview: With this in mind, I will first inform you on the history of dance and how it began, next, I will give you the many benefits there are that comes with dancing and lastly, I will tell you how dance has changed and how it is used the today. Transition: To begin, I will first inform you on the history of dance and how it began. II. Body A. First, the history and initial purpose of dance will be discussed. 1. Dance first began as ritual in Egypt. According to an article from History World, an online encyclopedia created by a group of historians in 1994 , â€Å"†¦priests and priestesses, accompanied by harps and pipes, perform stately movements which mime significant events in the story of a god, or imitate cosmic patterns such as the rhythm of night and day. †At Egyptian funerals, women would often dance to express grief of the mourners. 2. Dancing in ancient Egypt was an accepted part of life. a. Different festivals such as the Sed-Festival and the Opet-Festival were all accompanied by dancers. Their movements often brought joy to spectators. The movements of the ancient Egyptian dancers, particularly the women, are called by scholars such as J. Gardner Wilkinson in his 1837 essay, and by Eugen Strouhal in his book Life in Ancient Egypt, elegant, graceful, even acrobatic. b. Not only were the movements of the dance elegant, but so were the costumes the dancers wore. Women wore very sheer robes, or simply belt girdles, often made of beads or shells, so that their bodies could move about freely. Men dancers wore tall headdresses made of reeds and kilts around their waists. Today, their appearance would be seen as provocative but the Egyptians did not view the naked body the way that we see it today. Transition: Now that you know a brief history about the initial purpose of dance, I will now tell you about some of the many benefits that dance offers. B. Did you know, according to Love To Know Online, a website created to give reliable answers to women for 25 years, casual social dancing is the equivalent of going for a four-mile walk? And that if you do high-energy salsa dancing, you’ll get an even better workout? 1. Getting an awesome workout and remaining physically fit is only one of the many benefits that dance offers. It is not only a great workout, but it’s also a lot of fun! Today, we have so many choices of how we can dance and stay in shape. Classes offered in and out of home such as Zumba Fitness, Flirty Girl Fitness and newly introduced Hip-Hop Abs are all fun and great ways to have fun and shed pounds at the same time. 2. Dance also encourages a better social life and outlook. Being a part of a dance team or class builds friendships and relationships with people from different cultural settings, which also helps with working with people in various workplaces. 3. Another proven benefit of dance is that dancers are known to be disciplined, focused, and high achievers who tend to be successful students and hard workers. Transition: Now that you know some of the awesome benefits that dance offers, we will now see how dance is used today. C. From games such as Just Dance and The Michael Jackson Experience, dance has come a long way from being rituals that described a certain event to everyday recreation and entertainment. 1. Recreational dance has become more popular in the last decade or so. Working at a dance studio back home, I noticed that many parents are enrolling their children into dance classes, not to pursue a professional career, but to keep their children busy with something fun and positive. In fact, people of all ages are starting to dance just as recreation at local studios and community centers. 2. Dance as entertainment has also escalated over the past decades or so. From T. V. shows such as Soul Train back in the day to So You Think You Can Dance and Dancing With the Stars, people all over the world find pleasure and entertainment in watching these shows. Many people even subscribe to various YouTube channels that feature great dancers of all ages and all genres of dance. 3. Today, the music that is being produced from artists and DJ’s such as Skrillex, Benny Benassi and David Guetta has one main focus. Dance. This EDM, electronic dance music, is targeted to people who love to dance. Whether its professionally or just jamming to some good sound at a party, young and even older people love to groove to EDM. [Show clip. ] Transition: Now you can see dance is used today in so many ways. III. Conclusion A. Thesis/Summary: Dance has surely come a long way since ancient Egypt. In ancient Egypt, dance was ritual for them. They danced at every ceremony and festival and it was honorable to the people. On the other hand, dance today has many benefits physically and socially and is used as entertainment and recreation worldwide. Dance has become one of the largest past times that people really enjoy. B. Memorable Close: Dance is an expression from the soul and often done indescribably. So the next time you’re at the gym, or having a good time at a party, dance like no one’s watching. References Gascoigne, B. (2001). History of dance. n. d. , from, www. historyworld. net/wrldhis/plaintextstories. asp? historyid Kim, C. (2003). Fun facts of dance. n. d. , from, www. luv2dance. com/fun-facts-of-dance/ Havelock, E (1923). The dance of life. Massachusetts: Praeger Anonymous (2012, July 12). The explosive growth of EDM. Electronic Dance Music Snob.
Friday, November 15, 2019
My Lai Massacre :: essays papers
My Lai On March 16, 1968, "Charlie Company" was sent into a small Viet Cong village called (by the U.S.) My Lai 4. Their instructions by commanding officers were: "... kill every man, woman, child and animal in the village. Burn all the homes .... nothing should be walking, growing or crawling." Orders were followed, and as I read the first 65 pages of this book, I was exposed to the detailed death of 306 civilians, mostly women, small children, and old people. There was no threat to any American GIs ... there were no Viet Cong Solders in the area. I read of the rape of a 14 year old girl by twenty GIs ... in front of the parents. They were all shot after the GIs were "done with their business." This was only one of many. Most of the murders were conducted, BY ORDER OF OFFICERS, to round-up the families from their homes, forced into ditches, and shot. Women dove to cover their children. Later, children just old enough to walk crawled out from under their mutilated mothers' bodies, only to be shot as target practice by the GIs. It is later estimated that approximately 500 civilians were murdered, and (probably) no VC were in the area. I could go into detail about the killing. However, most of the book was devoted to the time before the massacre, and afterward. The officers and GIs of "Charlie Company" were introduced in the beginning of the book: the officers had been social outcasts all their life (LT. Calley & Medina). Both had decided to devote their life to the military. The GIs were selected for "Charlie Company" specifically because they had all scored too low on the initial exam to be put into a regular battalions. After the massacre, nothing was done. As a matter of fact, "Charlie Company" was praised for having the "most kills" in one day. By late 1969, most of the GIs in Charlie Company were civilians again, and a few began to tell what they had seen (and participated in). A Government Investigation was called against Lt. Calley (who ordered, and participated in the murders). Some of the photographs from the massacre were published. You wouldn't believe what the civilian response was! The overwhelming public response was to drop the charges; they thought that there was nothing wrong with the massacre, OR they didn't believe it really happened. As a matter of fact, Lt. Calley had become a hero as an AMERICAN! There was a hugely-supported
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Why Did Wwii Break Out in 1939?
The Second World War started for many reasons but the most important were: the treaty of Versailles and the negative impact it had upon Germany, the foreign policy of Adolf Hitler and what did the other countries do to stop Hitler’s actions. The treaty of Versailles was a very important factor for the break out of war. The treaty took away land from Germany and gave it to Poland, France and Britain. This land included the colonies that Germany had in Africa that was given to France and Britain.It made Germany pay huge reparations that left them in a crisis, and Germany was already in a crisis due to the war which made the germans felt it would stop them from recovering. There were a lot of unemployment and whole families suffered from constant hunger. They had to take blame for starting the war and they did not feel it was fair because it was Serbian terrorist groups that trigger it by killing the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The treaty also ordered the reduction of the German ar my to only 100,000 men and it limited its navy to six battleships.The Germans didn’t feel this was fair because it meant that they were nearly helpless if someone tried to conquer them and they felt bitter as the other countries didn’t had to disarm. They also had to demilitarize the Rhineland. The Rhineland was the border between France and Germany and it was demilitarized in order to protect Alsace-Lorraine. The big three had different opinions on whether how to punish Germany. Woodrow Wilson (America) thought that Germany should be treated fairly because if it was punished too harshly they would want revenge.America did not suffer as much because of the war due to the fact that the war was not fought in America and they joined the war in 1917 so they did not had such many casualties as the other countries. Lloyd George wanted also a fair settlement but the British people, as Georges Clemenceau (France), wanted revenge because all of the soldiers killed in battle and all of the harm they had done to their country. The Germans became vengeful because overall they did not see fair the treaty of Versailles and the sate it had left the country and they had their revenge with the war.The second factor was Adolf Hitler’s foreign policy. Hitler wanted to make Germany a big and powerful country so he could have revenge of the other countries because of the treaty. He started to get back all of the things that the treaty had took from Germany, starting with the joining of Germany and Austria. Hitler sent his troops and made the Austrians hold a vote to join Germany to Austria. The Nazis rigged the vote so that 99% of the Austrians voted for unification.I think that he wanted to unite with Austria because Austrians had German blood so they were part of the Master race, he also wanted Germany to be big and powerful and with Austria he would have more territory and there would be more people working for Germany and it’s army. Then he demanded the Sudetenland region of Austria back to Germany because there were 3 million German people living there and also the Sudetenland had good farming areas and also a lot of raw materials and industries.This meant that there would be more food for German people and its army, the raw materials and the industries could be used for the air force and navy for the German army. After invading the Sudetenland, the German troops invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia. I think Hitler invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia to have a better chance against the USSR and also to make easier the invasion of Poland by having more land around it. Hitler then made a non-aggression pact with Stalin, they agreed not to fight each other and to share Poland between them.Hitler wanted the land of the Polish Corridor back to Germany because it had cut Germany in two and many German people lived there. But Poland refused to give back the lands because it would mean that they would lose the only access they had to th e sea. Hitler invaded Poland so he could have back that land and to expand its territories. More land meant more men in the army and more space to oppose the USSR. And the last of the most important factors of the breakout of the war was the fact that other countries only reacted and decided to fight back when Hitler conquered Poland.When Hitler began to rearm Germany they didn’t do nothing because they were more worried of the communist invasion and they thought that a stronger Germany could protect Europe from the USSR. Then, when Hitler rearmed the Rhineland they did not do anything because they thought that it was reasonable for Germany to have troops in their own territories, I think that the other countries weren’t as bothered with the treaty as they were in 1919. When Hitler United with Austria and the Austrian leader asked for help Britain, France and Italy didn’t do wanted was peace.In 1938, Britain and France made an agreement with Hitler saying that h e could have the Sudetenland back if he didn’t took the rest of Czechoslovakia. They were so centered on maintaining peace that they didn’t even talked to the Czechs of this. But when Hitler broke this agreement they didn’t help Czechoslovakia because they wanted to evade war by any means and they promised Poland that if they were attacked by Hitler’s army they would help them. They began to prepare for war because they knew that if Hitler continued his invasions then Poland would go next.When Hitler invaded Poland, England and France declared war on Germany but they did not send any troops to help Poland as they had promised because they thought it was too late for Poland. On my opinion, if the other countries had decided to act earlier when Hitler was beginning to expand they would have been able to evade war because he was not powerful enough. I think that if they had actually tried to stop war they would have actually done something because it was ver y obvious that Hitler wanted revenge and he would do more than reversing the treaty of Versailles.If they had done something things could have been very different to what they are now. There wouldn’t have been so many deaths from soldiers and citizens from the cities, and also whole cities would not have been devastated by the bombs. Also there would not have been as many victims from the holocaust were thousands of Jews died in the concentration camps. In conclusion, the other countries could have prevented the WWII from happening easily by acting when Hitler was weaker.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
I run, every now and then when things in life get tough
It was a cool November night and there I was running through the smoky populous city of Chelmsford, rows upon rows of cars sped along the narrow concrete roads. Noise from the movement of cars and the odd occasional sound of a horn were to be heard. Among all this chaos and confusion there I was running, running as far away from my troubles as possible. My heart was pounding vigorously against my chest demanding more and more oxygen. Pain was accumulating in the lower part of my legs causing much agony. The only way that I could stop the pain was to stop running but I kept on running. I run, every now and then when things in life get tough. Every stride I take releases more stress and anger in my body. I was now panting, sweat gathered round my chest making my white cotton tee-shirt wet. I could now feel the force of the cool November air as I was making my way down hill. Maybe I shouldn't have lost my temper with my mum. I could remember the scene at home just fifteen minutes ago which made me very angry. †You've got three English essays to do and you are sitting here watching television!†I recall my mum saying. She just came home from a twelve hour shift from the hospital; physically and emotionally she was very exhausted – it's a stressful job being a doctor. Then she found me in the living room watching television – usually she doesn't say anything about that, but when I have three pieces of coursework due, she gets angry. †You have got to take some responsibility of your own,†I recall her uttering. I can still remember her brown weary eyes looking at me and the expression on her face represented someone who was tired and disappointed. Disappointed to find her only child watching television at a time when he really should be catching up with work – to be honest I don't blame her for getting angry. â€Å"Just trust me,†I remember my self pleading, †You know I will do it.††When will u do it!†, I think my mum said, †I know when you'll do it, you'll do it at the very last minute, you'll stay up till about two o clock in the morning doing it and this will affect the quality of your essays!.†It was getting colder – maybe I should have worn something more instead of my plain white tee-shirt and my rugby shorts. I turned the bend smoothly and now was going through the final two mile stretch. This is usually the hardest part of the race. It depends on the amount of will power I have. This is the stage where the pain intensifies to such an extent that I could hardly feel my shoulders and legs. The only thing that keeps me going is my raw determination, my anger, my will power. â€Å"Mum, God damn it leave me alone!†I remember shouting when she told me to do my work. â€Å"Just go and mind your own business.†I regretted the fact that I shouted. The expression on her face turned to one of utter surprise and disbelief. Her face reddened with anger, â€Å"Why do you think I work so hard?†I remember her saying. â€Å"It's so that you get a chance in life to get educated and make something of your self!†She explained. â€Å"You don't know how hard life is, it's a harsh world out there, if you do not get educated you will probably end up doing a low- paid unskilled labour work, do u want that? This is when I got angry. I hate it when she says that she works just for me! This is when I got upstairs, changed into my training gear and went running! Sweat was dripping from my nose; my breathing was gradually getting heavier, as I ran on the cemented pavement. I was tired, my vision was getting more and more blurry, and all I could see was the headlights of cars as they drove opposite me. There are two different characters in me when I run, one says: â€Å"Come on you fool, what do you want to be a mediocre or the best?, Run, run, and never stop.†I have no trainer to give me encouragement during the hardest part of the race; therefore I have to provide encouragement myself. The other character says: â€Å"Why are your running fool! Why are you going through so much hardship when you could be sitting at home watching television?†There is a constant battle between my two characters when I run. Sometimes my negative character wins and I stop running but in most cases my positive character wins and I finish my race. Just three hundred yards left; this is the part in the race when I increase my speed to such an extent that I loose all my senses in my legs – they go completely numb. The only thing which could keep me going is my determination, my will to succeed and not be a failure. Another two hundred yards; â€Å"Keep running!†I shouted to myself, â€Å"No pain! No pain!†I kept instructing my self – in fact the only thing I could feel was pain. One hundred more yards left: â€Å"You've done it! Come on!†Finally I finished my run -I was outside my house and I was heavily breathing and sweating. Throughout the whole race all I suffered was pain and anguish- there was times when I thought I was going to stop. However I endeavoured to accomplish the goal I had set for myself. Now all I could feel was complete satisfaction. Maybe, if I set the same attitude towards school work and if I finish tasks in time I would be feeling the same level of satisfaction as I am feeling now. I looked up and saw my mother standing in front of me. â€Å"Released all your anger have you?†she asked with a smile on her face. â€Å"Yes, I'm calm now!†I replied. â€Å"Come on then, I'll make you a cup of tea and then you can get started on your essays!†It's bizarre how the whole atmosphere changes after a four mile run.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Role of the Teacher in Obesity Prevention
Role of the Teacher in Obesity Prevention Introduction Obesity is a health condition that affects a person causing them to gain a lot of weight and body mass and subsequently causing a health risk in the individual due to related health implications. Research has proven that the risk of obesity has continued to increase especially for the younger generation in the society.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Role of the Teacher in Obesity Prevention specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to the government statistics and previous researches, 61.4% of the Australian population is either obese or overweight, a point that raises a lot of concern about the health status of the population in Australia. Also, according to the Medical Journal of Australia, the rate of occurrence of obesity has increased to more than a double in the past decade. This information is also close to the data for the USA and the UK (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2008). It has been note d that there is a large correlation between the occurrence of obesity and lifestyle, especially eating habits and physical activities. With the society decreasing its concentration from commitment to physical activities, it has become a major problem for many to engage in the activities that would aid in ensuring healthy living. This has been aggravated by the fact that there has been an emergence of a very dangerous trend in eating habits where most people have adopted the culture of eating processed foods and junk foods which are full of fats, chemicals and other hazardous components. This has resulted to a change in the formation of healthy bodies and as a result many people have become overweight and in extreme cases, obese (Sharma, 2011). Obesity and overweight are conditions that result to a high risk of health complications such as the victim being affected by type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, physical deformity among other health problems. With these th reats being eminent, there is a need for everyone to put effort in trying to prevent the condition, and in places where it prevalent, to manage the condition (Robinson, 2001). This study seeks to identify how the society, especially teachers who interact the most with the young children, may be involved in prevention or management of the condition (Danielzik, Pust, Landsberg Muller, 2005).Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Importance of Physical Activity The group that the study considered constitutes of the young people in the community ranging from 5 to 17 years of age. Research has shown that about one in every four children in Australia is either obese or overweight, with obesity taking the larger percentage. The problem is that when the condition develops at this early stage, it is hard to cure or manage it later on hence it remains to be a health threat for the v ictim. However, research has also shown that the condition of obesity is best preventable and curable at this early stage since most obese people become obese at this age interval and hence preventing this trend would have almost long-term results except in extreme situations of hazardous lifestyle (Hawks Gast, 2000). One of the most reliable and effective methods to prevent or manage obesity is through involvement in physical activities especially at the early age. In prevention of obesity, physical activities ensure that an individual utilizes a lot of energy that is injected into the body while eating, a factor that ensures that there is no excess energy going unutilized and which would otherwise be stored in the body as fats. Through involvement in sufficient quality of physical activities, a person is able to check their weight hence avoiding occurrences of obesity or even becoming overweight. In addition, physical activities ensure that a person remains fresh due to proper ci rculation of blood hence being able to utilize energy from the food taken not only through physical activities but also through the brain (Piran, 1998). Through engaging in physical activities, those that already are obese may be able to manage their condition and even with a lot of discipline be able to eradicate their situation. This is mainly possible due to the fact that during physical activities, stored fats are broken down to form energy which is then utilized in the activity. Hence, for someone with obesity, it is possible to gradually ensure that the stored fats under the skin are broken down into energy hence helping the patient recover from the condition.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Role of the Teacher in Obesity Prevention specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, in situations where the condition is impossible to treat, physical activities may aid in ensuring that excessive fats are broken down so a s to avoid them from getting deposited under the skin, a factor that may ensure prevention of other related diseases and conditions thus ensuring that the obesity does not pose a health threat to its victim (McDevitt Ormrod, 2010). Teacher’s Role in Obesity prevention and management The teacher is the person who spends most of the time with a child during the period between 5 and 17 years. The teacher hence observes a lot of the changes that take place in the child both physically and mentally (Robinson, 2001). The teacher therefore has the role of ensuring that he addresses all the issues involved in the proper and healthy growth of the child so as to ensure that the child grows up in the expected manner. The teacher may therefore be able to identify the possibility of onset of obesity in as child especially due to its weight gain and slow mental development. This may be a good point at which to react through engaging in preventive measures so as to overcome the probability of the child becoming obese. Involvement in physical activities as well as a change in eating habits may also be helpful (Meyers, Sampson, Weitzman, Rogers, Kayne, 1989). The teacher is at a good position to set time for the child to ensure discipline in engaging in physical activities. This may be done through integrating learning with co-curriculum activities with an equal emphasis on their importance such that children would not view the physical activities as optional but rather as part of the learning process. On the other side, the teacher is at a good position to be able to control the dietary part of the child’s eating habits so as to ensure that as much as possible the child takes healthy meals that would reduce the risk of becoming obese. Ways of addressing and helping prevent Obesity The teacher may be able to undertake a lot of activities so as to help manage and even prevent obesity in children. First, the teacher may be able to use their authority to control t he eating habits of the children.Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Through emphasizing on healthy living ad as much as possible ensuring the children do not take junk and processed foods, the teacher may be able to help the child reduce the probability of becoming obese and for the obese ones, manage the condition and keep it at a low profile where the risk of related diseases and conditions is at its lowest. The teacher hence may be able to make decisions on the kind of food components tom include in the meals offered in the school while also educating the child on proper decision-making and consciousness so as to ensure they have a good and healthy choice for foods and beverages taken outside the school program (McDevitt Ormrod, 2010). The teacher may also be involved in formulation of a coordinated school health program (CSHP) which may be aimed at addressing the main aspects of life that may are associated to healthy growth including physical health, provision of physical, nutritional and health education, development of mental health through counseling sessions as well as involvement in activities carried out at the family and community level. All these activities may be able to engage the child in a manner that helps prevent or manage obesity (Meyers, Sampson, Weitzman, Rogers, Kayne, 1989). The teacher has the mandate to formulate and review the different policies endorsed by the school concerning healthy growth of a child. In cases where the school has laid more focus and emphasis on learning and neglected healthy physical growth promotion activities, the teacher may intervene to help ensure that there is a balance in all aspects of life so as for the child to grow up as an all-round healthy person and more so reduce the probability of getting obese (Kropski, Keckley Jensen, 2008). Through provision of nutrition studies, the teacher may be able to influence the decisions of the child in relation to their decisions pertaining to the kind of food they eat and also the physical activities they engage in so as to reduc e instances of obesity. References Australian Bureau of Statistics (2008). National Health Survey 2007-08. Melbourne: ABS. Danielzik, S., Pust, S., Landsberg, B. and Muller, J. (2005). â€Å"First lessons from the Kiel Obesity Prevention Study (KOPS),†International Journal of Obesity, 29(2) :78–83. Hawks, R. and Gast, J. (2000). â€Å"The ethics of promoting weight loss,†Healthy Weight, 14(1): 25-26. Kropski, A., Keckley, H. and Jensen G. (2008). â€Å"School-based obesity prevention programs: an evidence-based review,†Obesity, 16(5):1009-18. McDevitt M. and Ormrod, J. (2010). Child Development And Education (4th ed). Melbourne: Pearson. Meyers, A., Sampson, E., Weitzman, M., Rogers, L. and Kayne, H. (1989). â€Å"School Breakfast Program and School Performance,†American Journal of Diseases of Childhood, 143(10): 1234-1239. Piran, N. (1998). â€Å"The Last Word: Prevention of eating disorders,†Eating Disorders, 6(1):365-371. Robinson, E . (2001). Reducing Children’s Television Viewing to Prevent Obesity: A Randomized Controlled Trial. London: AMC. Sharma, M. (2011). Dietary Education in School-Based Childhood Obesity Prevention Programs. Available from:
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
International Financial Manager
International Financial Manager International Financial Manager The financial manager of IKEA store in Abu Dhabi is James McGowan His role as a financial manager is to envisage the close supervision of the work performed by the finance staff including day to day contact with the banks to check in level of payments made per day and to transact the payment of materials and external credits through the bank. He is the one responsible for the production of all management reports including monthly financial management report. He budgets for IKEA store annually reforecast periodically. In the process of all these, he operates financial tasks like setting and varying all the internal credits limits and funding employees. He assures cash creditors by paying them on time and prepares payment for the distributors He also liaises with professional advisors like auditors and oversees the works performed by infrastructure developers and ensures timely reporting of results and payment. The financial manager is focused and has more that ten years of experience since he has served as a manager and financial assistant in different firms (Kendrick Vershina, 2005). To manage his financial risks, he has involved the future risks and has made a sport in the banking system so that the company can have a lock-in set exchange rate in the current financial period. He also uses foreign exchange option markets which are managed by global banks. This enables Ikea to purchase options to buy and sell the foreign money they get from the sell of their furniture and other products are sold for them by the institution in future. In the meanwhile he waits so that he would exercise the selling option depending upon the changes of market values against the U.S dollar (Bradstreet Corporation, 2003). Finally, his last approach to managing and mitigating financial risk is to manage the financial risk is through managing their functional currency of the businesses they have overseas. This takes the form of balance sheet management or income management in that instead of IKEA borrowing locally from Abu Dhabi, they could borrow overseas inform of U.S dollars so that there will be no impact on their balance sheet at the time of payment when other currencies move up or down against the U.S dollar (Bradstreet Corporation, 2003).
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Hero's Journey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Hero's Journey - Essay Example In concurrence with such a statement, it is indicated, â€Å"The Self (or Soul) is so powerful, so determined to become wholly conscious, that it continually haunts and prods us. We crave its depth and breadth†(Hartman, MSW & Zimberoff 23). The heroes’ inner journey involves the steps of preparation, commitment to transformation and finally the mastery of the problem. The journey tests for fear and the ability to adapt fast in an attempt to unlock the mystery (c-How Woods, ND). â€Å"Ego, True Self and the Soul†The symbolic stages in the journey guide into seeing a paradigm of reality in a person’s character. The psychological and emotional journey employs mythical dragons to test a person’s character, decisions and actions. The characters experiences are beneficial to test and strengthen their ego (Stech 28). The heroes meet the symbolic mentors to give them advice, training and motivational gifts to alienate fears and build strength. Both storie s are symbolic of a spiritual journey to attaining self-actualization. The person who discovers the treasured ark must have an inner bravado. It involves the steps undertaken to confront one’s fears to attain ultimate achievement. In the journey, their ego, strength, tolerance and ability to adapt are emphasized. In both journeys, symbolic epitomes strengthen the personas inner will. â€Å"Confronting the Guardians†The guardians are also the gatekeepers. They take the form of dragons whose role is to test the strength of the heroes in order to prepare them for the journey. â€Å"They test the strength and resolve of the hero therefore test his dedication, fortress and stamina†(Hartman, MSW & Zimberoff 26). They are intimidating and aggressive beings with great insight. In reality, they portray the challenges experienced in real life and the usefulness of character in overcoming them. The heroes must confront the guardians to test their character and zeal. The guardians mythically allow the heroes to partake the journey. They expose the inner fears of death, weakness, mental laxity and restlessness inherent in the human beings. The heroes must challenge the dragons by fighting them, assimilate them or succumb to them (Stech 51). A similar struggle is experienced in the ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’. The characters must evade the numerous struggles encountered during the chase for the ark. They must confront the Nazi soldiers also pursuing the ark. Moreover, in their pursuit for the treasure they venture into strange localities and even encounter thugs in Egypt, wild animals and hang on a fast moving vehicle. â€Å"Becoming Your Authentic Self-Generating New Visions†Self-actualization entails preparation to test ones capabilities and strategizing on the inputs required to strengthens the inner spirit. The story uses mythology to explain the heroic journeys vital for self-affirming. The personas are tested for authenticity in self-generating capability that helps to generate new insights and strengthen their ability for novel exploits. Each hero discovers that it is an individual journey that they display their strength and gain capability to accomplish greater challenges. The movie covers the journey of Indiana Jones as he traverses the country in search of a secret essence held in an ark (Stech 21). A myth follows that the secret ark holds supernatural powers beneficial to the person who accesses it. To generate new ins
Friday, November 1, 2019
Common History of oppression of people of African descent and Research Paper
Common History of oppression of people of African descent and indigenous peoples in the United States and South Africa - Research Paper Example Black South Africans faced much discrimination against them during the colonial period whose effects can be felt to this day. The period of apartheid was characterized by the racial segregation of the majority Africans by the government. The apartheid period lasted for forty-six years (1948-1994) and during this time, many sufferings were incurred on the part of the majority African inhabitants. This research paper will primarily look at the crimes and violations committed, harms caused to the majority south Africans, the setbacks that can still be felt, the losses suffered and finally clearly lay out the reasons why the black Africans in south Africa should be compensated. Apartheid simply meant separation. It was more concern with putting apart the white and the black inhabitants. It can be seen that the separation had always existed in South Africa. This is evident in the 1913 Land Act, which suggested the separation of living areas for both whites and blacks (Lötter 21). The black inhabitants were forced to move to reserves while the whites were left to dominate and control all the available resources. In 1948, apartheid intensified after the white dominated Afrikaner National Party (ANP) won the elections.The goal of this separation was not only to separate Africans from the whites but also to separate Africans from one another by dividing them within their ethnic lines so that they could their political power. The inhabitants were separated into four groups, the majority blacks, whites, the colored people and Indians. The colored were a mixed race, which sometimes saw families being separated as parents could be classified as white while chil dren were seen as non-whites, therefore, alienated. 80% of the land was given to the whites while the other majority races only occupied the remaining 20% (Lötter 14). To further emphasize on separation, the government made sure that the whites had separate and better public facilities apart from
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