Monday, September 30, 2019
National Stock Exchange
NATIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE OF INDIA LIMITED DEPARTMENT : FINANCE AND ACCOUNTS Download Ref. No. : NSE/FA/21156 Date : June 29, 2012 Circular Ref. No. : 3/2012 To the trading members in the F&O and CD segments Sub : Levy of charges for High Order to Trade Ratio In continuation of Exchange Circular. No:NSE/CMTR/20662 dated April 30, 2012 on additional SEBI guidelines governing decision Support Tools / Algorithm for trading through Non-Neat front end and as directed by SEBI, Trading Members are hereby informed that the following charges will be levied for high algo order to trade ratio with effect from July 02, 2012.The said charges will be computed at member level on a daily basis and will be collected on a monthly basis, after reckoning all algo orders and trades of the member: Daily algo Order to Trade Ratio Less than 50 50 to less than 250 (on incremental basis) 250 to less than 500 (on incremental basis) 500 or more than 500 (on incremental basis) * Charges (per algo orders) Nil 1 pai se 5 paise 5 paise * In case the ratio is 500 or more than 500 during a trading day, the concerned member shall not be permitted to place any orders for the first 15 minutes on the next trading day(in the continuous trading session) as a cooling off action.However, the trading member shall be permitted to enter transactions in risk reducing mode in the respective segments during such a cooling off period. Members may note that for the purpose of calculation of Daily Order-to-Trade ratio all algo orders, i. e. , order entry, order modifications and order cancellations will be considered. Regd. Office : Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai – 400 051 Page 1 of 2 It may further be noted that, a) if the orders entered and/ or modified are within 1% of the last traded price (LTP) of the respective security/ contract ((Absolute (Limit price – LTP)/LTP)
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Law of Attraction Essay
The law of attraction is the name given to the belief that â€Å"like attracts like†and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts one can bring about positive or negative results. This belief is based upon the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from pure energy, and the belief that like energy attracts like energy. For example, if a person opened an envelope expecting to see a bill, then according to the law of attraction would confirm those thoughts and contain a bill when opened. A person who decided to instead accept a check might under the same law would find a check instead of a bill. Although, there are some cases where positive or negative attitudes can produce corresponding results, there is no scientific basis to the law of attraction. I do believe in the law of attraction to some extent and in this paper I will explain thoroughly the steps in the law of attraction and give examples why it works if you truly believe in it. Before I can give examples and explain why the law of attraction is an accurate way of thinking, I have to first explain how it works and the steps you have to take. First, you have to believe in the concept of subjective reality. Subjective reality is a belief system in which there is only one consciousness and everything and everyone in your reality is a projection of your thoughts. The correct viewpoint is that you the single consciousness in which this entire reality takes over. An example of subjective reality is if someone asks you what happens when people put out conflicting intentions, like two people intending to get the same promotion when only one position is available? Since you are the only intender, this is entirely an internal conflict. You are holding the thought, the intention for both people to want the same position, but you are also thinking that only one can get it. You believe in competition so that is what you manifest. You may have a higher order belief that life is random, unfair, uncertain, etc†¦, so in that case you may manifest a surprise because that is what you are intending. Being the intender in your reality places a huge responsibility on your shoulders. You can give up control of your reality by thinking randomness and uncertainty, but you can never give up responsibility. Since you are the ole creator in this universe, if you think about war, poverty, and disease that is exactly what you will manifest. Your reality is exactly what you think it is, so whenever you think about anything you summon its manifestation. So by thinking that there are two people competing for one position, you focus too much attention on the other person, and not enough attention on yourself who in fact holds the key to success. By focusing inward and just on yourself, you pay more attention on the job itself and not the competition making the job come to you and the promotion. The vital step in the law of attraction is letting go. It is one of the most important stages in the manifestation process. If you cannot let go of the attachment to the desire itself, you will not ever be able to see it manifest for you. An example would be a lot of people want to manifest more money but because they really need to manifest the money they find it difficult letting the desire go and releasing it to the universe. One of the steps is you create in two different stages. The first stage of creation happens when you form the desire. As you see an unpaid bill, you immediately form the desire of wanting more money. It is automatic and it happens without you ever realizing that you are asking for more money. However, if you stay in this mode and never move forward, you are always going to be wanting. Wanting can never attract you what you want. The second part of the creation process is when you get into alignment with your desires. Getting into alignment is what will bring the manifestation into the physical world. Holding onto the desire and staying in the desire forming stage will not. If you want to manifest anything into the physical world, you have got to move out of the desire forming stage and into the alignment stage. There are two ways in which you can become aligned with your desires, they are believing and feeling good. When you have massive expectation and actually begin to believe that you have what you are asking for, in that moment you will become perfectly aligned with what it is you want and so the law of attraction matches like with like and ultimately yields you the stuff. Affirmations and vision boards are examples processes that are used to yourself believing your desire is already here. The second way of alignment stage is feeling good. This step is the easiest because all you have to do is feel good and you will manifest the stuff you want. The law of attraction does not hear or see your thoughts; it responds to your vibration which is primarily affected by your feelings. If you practice these ways of first letting go and then the ways of the alignment stage, it is a sure thing that it will work. Personally, when we watched the documentary in class two weeks ago I had never heard of the law of attraction or how it worked. After watching the movie I was skeptical about if it truly worked or not so I decided to do an experiment of my own and see what would happen when I followed all the rules to the law. I had this huge midterm for my social work class last week and I needed to get a very good grade on it. Usually I will study as much as I can but I am always negative and think the worst when I am waiting to see what grade I get, never positive. So I decided to think positively after I studied and took the midterm. This consisted of me getting rid of all my bad thoughts and just focusing fully on the midterm and grade. I never thought about the day I was going to get it back but just the grade I was going to receive. I thought these thoughts for four days straight and believing that the I did all I could do but now I have to leave it in the universe’s hands and let it take over. All I could do is think fully on it and know that if I did it would work out in my best interest. Four days past and I got the exam back and received a 90 percent on it and I wanted an A, nothing lower than that. This is why I know the law of attraction works and I would recommend anybody to start focusing your thoughts on the positive. The Law of Attraction is a complex system that takes practice and understanding to fully receive the benefits of what you want. From all the steps in the process to the examples I think the law of attraction really works and even if someone does not believe it to the full extent I think just the way of thinking like it is beneficial to everyone. Form positive habits and repeat processes that feel good every single day.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
LinkedIn Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
LinkedIn - Essay Example Professionals dealing with ISM enable all categories of organizations to receive information benefits through adequate investments in staffs, processes and equipment. ISM is people focused, with adequate focus on quality service. Presently, the ISM is increasingly being developed on the computer networks, software and also hardware. ISM is applied in the facilitation of analysis, strategic and operational processes. LinkedIn is a category of ISM, in that it is a business focused social networking service. The business focus is the main reason why it is suitable for professional networking. Professionals use the information system processes of LinkedIn to share information on organization business environment. The increasing international business connectivity is the main factor why the users of LinkedIn are continuously increasing in terms of millions on yearly basis. Presently, the professional networking site has approximately 259 million users. LinkedIn is also present internationally, in approximately 200 countries. The multinational corporations operate in diverse business environments. The diverse cultures and language in the international business environment is the main reason why LinkedIn is available in 20 international languages including; English, Portuguese, French, Spanish, German, Swedish, Russian, Korean, Japanese and Chinese. LinkedIn initiated the initial public offering durin g January 2011. The shares of the company were initially traded at the New York Stock Exchange on May 19, 2011. LinkedIn is applied by professional internationally to share ideas on organization processes like management activities, innovation, technology adaptation and quality standards. LinkedIn is effective in its operations as an ISM tool, due to its capable management team and professional experts. The CE of the organization is Jeff Weiner, the immediate former executive of another global information system corporation, Yahoo! Inc. The founder of the company
Friday, September 27, 2019
An Epistemic Defense of the Blogosphere Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
An Epistemic Defense of the Blogosphere - Article Example Goldman is one of them. In the given paper we will evaluate the statement of Alvin Goldman and his opponent David Coady. In order to understand the position of Goldman, it is necessary to recollect his approach to knowledge and the truth. He states that the information people read in blogs lacks evidences. Goldman criticizes the post modernistic directions in epistemology. He defines an interesting approach to the notion of truth. According to Goldman, the truth should be verified by the evidences. He applies mathematics working out the basics for generic social practices. He uses the Bayes theorem, which states about the probability of the event A only if the event B took place. The application of the theorem by Goldman states about the probability of the event (A=X) if there is an evidence B, which testifies that X happened. Thus, everything should be verified, and before talking about something a person should possess the definite degree of knowledge about it. And blogging in its turn usually lacks this necessary degree of knowledge in comparison with traditional media. Thus, Goldman is afraid that journalism as a serious profession is disappearing due to blogging. His thoughts on the topic are clearly stated in his work The Social Epistemology of Blogging. â€Å"For the acquisition of knowledge to occur, it isn’t sufficient that there be a free press that publishes or broadcasts the relevant truths. It is equally critical that members of the public receive and believe those truths. If truths are published but not read, or published and read but not believed, the public won’t possess the information (or knowledge) that is important for making correct decisions†(Goldman, p. 3). David Coady is one of the critics of Goldman’s opinion about blogging. He states that there is no significant difference between conventional media and blogging. He considers blogging to be just electronic reflection of traditional media.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Economic Growth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Economic Growth - Essay Example Economic growth is widely defined as ‘the sustained increase in real per capita incomes’ (Gould, pp. 1, 1972). The definition can be broken down into small pieces. The growth that occurs should be ‘sustained’ because short-term changes in the economy do not count. There should be an increase in ‘real’ income. This takes into account inflation, which cuts down the monetary value of goods and services. Moreover, the definition includes ‘per capita’ for it has to ensure that the increase in the income is distributed evenly across the population. Economic growth is shown by a shift in the Production Possibility Curve (PPC) of a curve outwards since it indicates that there is an increase in the capacity to produce goods (Mukherjee, pp. 239, 2002). Broadly, economic growth encompasses living standards in various countries as well. Economic growth is a global topic and quite a compelling one (Weil, pp. 19, 2009). It is also a topic, which has been studied since the days of Adam Smith (Helpman, pp. ix, 2005). Economic growth is bound to be desirable when the benefits to the economy and the society are more than the costs. In economic terms, these costs and benefits are termed externalities. In essence, if social welfare has increased, then the economic growth has been desirable. Essentially, economic growth leads to an increase in national income. It achieves that through more investment whether private or government funded, leading to an expansion in consumption. The advocates of economic growth place great emphasis on the increment of material possessions. Economic growth therefore increases living standards.... 32, 2004). This increase in national income can be shown through a diagram: (Intermediate Economics, n.p, n.d) As shown in the diagram, as the aggregate expenditure (AE) which consists of Consumption and Investment among other things increase, the national income increases from A to B. In this sense, an increase in investment might also spur off employment opportunities. Therefore, increases in economic growth may indicate more jobs have been created, thus balancing the economic cycle (Clarke, Islam, pp. 32, 2004). Proponents of growth further argue that an increase in growth leads the society to increase social welfare in the sense that there is redistribution of income from the wealthy to the poor. This has been achieved through increased incomes, which are progressively taxed leading to an increase in social security payments for the poor (Karl E, pp. 676, 2007). There is an accelerator effect of growth on capital investment. Because aggregate demand increases in times of economic growth due to an increase in national income, more output is produced. This encourages investment in capital machinery. In addition, during times of economic growth, there is a boost in business confidence. Investors would want to invest in an economy where the aggregate demand is high for they can pursue better profits (, N.P. n.d). As mentioned above, economic growth leads to an increase in the ‘Aggregate Demand’ (AD) of a country. If the aggregate supply (AS) is not keeping up with the increase in AD, then there might to inflation. Therefore, there is a trade off between inflation and economic growth. Inflation is particularly harmful for a country for it erodes the value of the currency. (Harper College, n.p, n.d). In the diagram above, it can be seen that
Midterm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 11
Midterm - Essay Example Additionally, porosity allows waste products out of the scaffold. Biodegradability: Since the intention of TE is to facilitate the body’s own cells to eventually replace the implanted tissue engineered construct over time, scaffold are not intended to be permanent implants. Thus scaffold need to be biodegradable to allow cells to generate their own extra-cellular matrix (Robert, 2013). The key consideration should be the source of the cells. Cells are categorized by their sources. For instance, autologous cells are obtained from the same individual to which they need to be re-implanted; Allogenic cells are got from the body of the donor of the same species while xenogenic cells are from individuals of another species (Robert, 2013). During cells selection, cells leading to fewest problems with rejection and pathogen transmission are preferred (mostly autologous). However, autologous cells cannot be obtained if the individual affected is elderly or has suffered severe burns. Biocompatibility: The initial consideration of any biomaterial for TE is biocompatibility; cells must stick, function normally and move onto the surface and finally through the biomaterial and begin proliferation process before producing new matrix. Biomaterial construct must show negligible immune reaction after implantation to prevent rejection by the body Injectability: TE tissues requires precisely designed combination of cells and specialized scaffold support system, Injectable biomaterials, especially those delivered in aqueous solution are ideal delivery vehicles for both the cells and bioactive factors (Robert, 2013). c) When designing a template for repairing a damaged bone, I will ensure that the template is biodegradable, bioresorbable, three-dimensional; which provides mechanical strength to the bone while at the same time providing a guide for regeneration of bone tissue (Robert. 2013). Thus the template
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Stock Valuation and Behavioral Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Stock Valuation and Behavioral Finance - Essay Example Following formula is used to estimate the price of the stock using dividend growth model: Growth of the stock is calculated using the dividends paid by Shell since 2008 and it is shown in the appendix 1. Discount rate is calculated using the CAPM equation which is as follows: Rf = 4% Rm = 0.59% B = 0.078 So, using the above equations Re is found to be 3.9997% So, the price of the stock using the values identified is 84.86 The current price of shares of Shell is 2,246.5 however the estimated price is 84.86 which is well below. Price to Earnings (P/E) Ratio is the other technique used to estimate the price (Gitman, 2003). Price to earnings ratio is the market price of the company with the earnings per share. The higher value of P/E ratio shows that the investors are paying more for per unit of income they are getting from the share and it can be said that the stock is more expensive (McLaney, 2009). To estimate the price, earnings per share is taken from the annual report of Shell. Pri ce 2,246.50 EPS 4.98 P/E Ratio 451.104 So the price is 2,246.50 and PE is 451.1. However, if the estimated price is considered to calculate the PE ratio then it is 17.04 P/E ratio of the company is very high and it indicates that the shares of Shell are very expensive. However important reasons for this would be that Shell is an important player in the market and investors are eyeing stocks of Shell for investment purpose, so with higher demand the price of Shell’s stock is high. Part 2 – Individual Investors and Sophisticated Investors There are different techniques and valuation methods that investors use to estimate the price of the stock and then make their investment decision. Not all the techniques would give the same kind of results; however these techniques are helpful in giving a signal or a hint to the investors. Investors have different aspects and factors to consider while making the investment decision. Investors have different socio-economic background, q ualification, believe, emotions. Moreover, differences in race and age of investors also influence the investment decision and therefore the decision of one investor could differ from other investor and this has been the main role of behavior finance i.e. to define and discuss why people are not only concerned about the market decisions but they have their own perception and opinion and judgment as well while making the investment decision. Behavior finance has been defined as the study of how people understand and take actions on the financial information they have in making investment decisions (Simon, 1987). Every investor would like to earn higher return on his investment however he or she needs to define his or her risk tolerance level, goals of the investment and other factors that could influence the decision. Different investment and stock valuation techniques are used by investors and it is up to the investor to choose which technique he or she would like to use to make the investment decisions. Some would prefer using PE ratio whereas others would like to use PEG ratio. Some would fancy going for Gordon Growth Model whereas others would like to analyse the previous price and identify the ‘hi and low prices’ and believe that the stock price would go in the same way as in the last few years. Even after using different techniq
Monday, September 23, 2019
Interactive marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Interactive marketing - Essay Example Has cookies which are small texts files placed in the computers by the websites visited by the consumers Has an e-dialogue channel for the high frequency travellers and the customer communications in the UK. Has the mobile marketing and also personal messaging on its website. Sell tickets online. Has web sales and marketing Has online booking and paperless ticketing Customers can check their passenger information and details from the internet before they travel Has enormous online travel offers for the customers making them to embrace he online travel technology. 2.0 British airways British airlines have been using the web marketing very extensively and it has installed various modes of marketing the airline via the websites and this has since increased their anticipated profits. To start with through the internet marketing the airline has offered a Google earth vacation views in an attempt to lure more people to book their next flights with the airline. (BBC business news 2001) The Google earth imagery that has been added in their website has been used in helping the people who are travelling with the airline to see where they will be enjoying their vacations before they even take the flights. The British airways and the like have since suffered a considerable loss of revenue from a dramatic drop in demand for the transatlantic flights like the Ryan air as well as from the temporary closure of the American airspace after the attacks. (Vincent 2003) 3.0 Budget airline Ryan air In the midst of the turmoil in the airline industry the Ryan air breed has continued to prosper and attracting more and more passengers against all the formidable odds. The airline which is known as no frills or discount...(BBC business news 2001) The Google earth imagery that has been added in their website has been used in helping the people who are travelling with the airline to see where they will be enjoying their vacations before they even take the flights. The British airways and the like have since suffered a considerable loss of revenue from a dramatic drop in demand for the transatlantic flights like the Ryan air as well as from the temporary closure of the American airspace after the attacks. (Vincent 2003) In the midst of the turmoil in the airline industry the Ryan air breed has continued to prosper and attracting more and more passengers against all the formidable odds. The airline which is known as no frills or discount airline is seizing the initiative while most of the other carriers like the British airways are loosing their heads. Their low cost ethos advantage is enabling them to ride out the economic slowdown. Ryan airs low cost culture have made the company's costs gradually decline as they use the paperless ticketing and they also do their sales and marketing over the phone or through the internet.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Kellogg Company Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Kellogg Company - Coursework Example This paper examines business strategy of Kellogg’s Company by taking into account its strategic plan, an evaluation of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and the comparison of the company with other companies in terms of strategic planning. Overview of Kellogg Company Kellogg Company is currently the leading producer of cereal and convenience foods such as cookies, cereal bars, frozen waffles, meat alternatives, pastries, piecrusts, and ice cream cones. The products of Kellogg are manufactured in more than seventeen (70) countries and marketed in more than one hundred and eighty countries (180) around the world (Kellogg Company, 2010). Strategic Planning Strategic planning refers to the process of developing a mission and long-range objectives and how such objectives will be accomplished. Strategic plans are often developed for five years but they are regularly reviewed and revised annually to achieve the laid down objectives for five years (Simerson, 2011:1 35). Strategic planning process entails the developing of mission, analyzing the environment, setting objectives, developing strategies, implementing, and controlling the strategies (Lussier, 2011:128). Strategic planning can help companies to identify products that are suited to the needs, objectives, and resources of the firm and in the development of plans for introduction of new products in the market. Despite the positive contribution of strategic planning in organizational planning, it has some problems. One of the problems associated with strategic planning is the emphasis of quantity instead of quality. Most strategic plans stress on the achievement of quantitative results while ignoring or paying less attention to quality (Botten, 2009). The second problem of strategic planning is the failure or neglect in the analysis of internal and external environment. Another problem that is associated with strategic planning is the implementation of the goals and strategies as outline d in the vision, mission, and goals of organization (2008). Although companies often do strategic planning, its successful implementation is an arduous task. Financial implications are another problem associated with strategic planning. The cost needed to implement strategic plans adds more burden to organizations. Failure by companies to allocate sufficient resources towards the implementation of strategic plans can jeopardize the whole process (Simerson, 2011). Tesco Company was also faced with strategic planning problems. Tesco is one of the largest food retailers in the world with United Kingdom as its dominant market. The company developed a strategic plan and it has yielded results for the firm. Strategic planning has brought fortunes to the company by successfully engaging in branding and effective service delivery to customers (Cavusgil, Knight & Riesenberger, 2008). Through effective strategic planning, Tesco has fostered and established brand identity and awareness through consumer experience and brand extension approaches. Strategic planning has enabled Tesco to compete with other companies in food retail sectors and to adapt to various business environments (Needham, 2009). Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Growth –Share Matrix Due to increase in competition and need for market share expansion, companies
Saturday, September 21, 2019
An Analysis of Jane Addams’ Newer Ideals of Peace Essay Example for Free
An Analysis of Jane Addams’ Newer Ideals of Peace Essay Jane Addams, an internationally renowned advocate of peace, became devoted in serving the people for several years. She has done numerous charitable works and became a recognized leader of Progressivism in the United States of America. This movement is a political attitude favoring reform. She was also a creative writer who authored a dozen of books and over 500 articles. One of her books was entitled â€Å"Newer Ideals of Peace†which spoke about different themes about social philosophies in life, but most especially, about peace and how it could be attained. Her book redesigned the peace movement worldwide to incorporate ideals of social justice. This paper will discuss certain perspectives that will explain Jane Addams’ way of thinking. Adams was known for her numerous thoughts and arguments in Social Philosophy. In her written piece, she considered some themes such as the matter of peace and concepts such as pluralism and democracy. This also aims to criticize how Adams looked at social calamities and situations. Adams realized the human beings’ need and urge of finding out how they could bring peace into the world. One of the known world peace movement included an act to support immigrants coming from all over the world. Although several people thought of condemning the perversity of immigrants, Adams thought otherwise. In her work, she dealt with Pluralism. She suggested that pluralism should be embraced, not feared for this will also benefit to those who could be affected. It was evident that she saw the value of cultural diversity in the United States. It kept the states from being static. He added that cultural diversity could also be used to develop relations between nations. For Addams, social development insisted that all voices be heard but she believed in the power of collective intelligence to discover common cause from that diversity. According to surveys conducted regarding the immigration issue in the states, people from different parts of the world became part of the American Tribunal, so their efforts should not be ignored. By accepting these people means bringing peace and justice to the world. Multiculturalism is a part of America’s history, which is why this should not be taken for granted or given other impression. With this movement, we could develop a sense of patriotism which, according to Addams, is a significant sentiment that may be strong enough to move masses of men out of their narrow national considerations and cautions into new reaches of human effort and affection. She affirmed that patriotism is the highest form of social emotion because it is dominated by warlike impulses. The convention is quite not capable of sweeping into itself the spirit of bravery and impassiveness that belongs to modern industrial efforts, although people defend warfare because it engenders these very qualities. She argued that one’s commitment to humanity should go beyond national borders. Addams also created a definition of democracy. According to her, democracy is far beyond seeing it as a political structure. Democracy embodied a living and social morality. She envisioned democracy as an acknowledgement that the lives of citizens are connected with one another and their relationship creates a duty to comprehend the difficulties and circumstances of fellow citizens. Reciprocity of social relations is critical for providing citizens with the compassionate foundation essential to strengthen democracy. Social arrangements became experiments in the kind of democracy that Addams endeavored to promote an active social engagement. Democracy is considered as a dynamic organism that must be able to exist with the evolution of times in order to remain vital. Addams suggested that it was time for the progression of the political institution and morality of the United States. She stated that America’s founders, created the Bill of Rights which was based upon an individual logic of morality suitable for their period. On the other hand, Addams viewed social morality as the right reaction to the contemporary rise of big cities next to the enhancements in technology and transportation that brought several individuals together. The time had come to give emphasis to the social relations essential for a pulsating democracy under the existing historical conditions. Some commentators described Addams as reforming a social democracy, one that accentuates a way of being over the political construction. Addams’ valorization of democracy did not necessitate a static object of affection. Her objective was for democracy to grow and flourish which required ongoing discussion and change. Addams had written several books that addressed issues regarding peace. It was evident in her works that she kept away from discussing ideological positions. She focused on the principles of Pacifism and how the government could help bring tranquility within the states, within their people and within other nations around the globe. Her philosophy is derived from a particular social, political and historical situation. Her theoretical work was about movements of working out tangible social issues. Addams envisioned democracy, social justice and peace as mutually reinforcing. These concepts, according to her, had to advance and move together to achieve any one. These concepts remained apparent with all of her literary works and articles. The ideals of justice were given other sides that lead to reshaping peace movement. When dealing with the matters of war around the globe, Addams pointed out several things that individuals should consider in order to embrace tranquility. She made it very clear that she saw peace as more than the absence of war. For Addams, peace represented a chance for social development because individuals were proficient of working simultaneously in order to accomplish social objectives. She viewed social evolution as developing in the direction of greater peaceful affairs and social synchronization. Collective peace was tied to individual peaceful relations such that common activism represented peace labors. On of the examples of this situation which was given by Addams involved the issue of the immigrants. Helping immigrants prosper in the United States was an act of serenity. In this manner, given her obligation to democratic social advancement achieved through combined commitment in an attempt to promote sympathetic knowledge, Addams found out and stated that war is socially regressive. When war is fought with arms, it ends coherent and dispassionate conversations impeding the agreement necessary for social growth. War makes opposing human beings into ultimate others creating the antithesis of sympathetic knowledge. Those beings were considered as someone so alien that it is possible to be terminated. Sympathetic knowledge is an experience which is imaginatively extrapolated. This concept was also visible in several of Addams’ books. This kind of knowledge was a rational effort to comprehend with other individuals. Sympathetic Knowledge belonged to a certain category in Social Philosophy in which Addams never failed to state in his books. Even though she used this with different issues, the significance remained the same. Addams also suggested social activism as the foundation that should be rallied around. Addams challenged her readers to visualize heroism in the work of social activists to improve the lives of those living within the urban zone. Engaging to social activity would be beneficial to the advancement of the states, development of the humanity and would also result to the occurrence of peace. Without the voices of individuals, nothing could change and all will remain frightened and repressed. Jane Addams saw different possibilities and chances that peace could still be attained if individuals would find a way to move together as one nation. She believes that the power to change and progress is within the hands of individuals who are willing to be involved with social activities and social awareness movement. The Newer Ideals of Peace contained somehow positive reactions toward maintain peace and orderliness. Addams probably wanted to give another approach to maintain harmony within individuals. By including different issues and situations that the nation has, Addams made a better and simpler understanding of pacifism. The author did not fail to give justice to her contemporary views. Although other commentators, like George Mead saw few points that the book lacks knowledge of, Adams surely made another break in the history of America. Her works were full of ideals which were deeply rooted within the foundations of the problems. Many of what she stated could be applicable to the nation’s settings. If individuals would learn to understand, communicate and see things positively, then that would be the time when peace and harmony could be attained.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Design And Build Procurement
Design And Build Procurement In this chapter, the definitions of Design and Build procurement including its concept and characteristics will be revealed. The success factors of using Design and Build procurement and the major task of developing the projects scope of work will be covered in great detail in this chapter. The definitive performance criteria of a project specifically in major aspects of time, cost and quality will deeply explained. The chapter then moves forward to the affect of features of Design and Build on roles and responsibilities of the contractor within the process. The explanation on ways of the contractor proposes to achieve them. This chapter then also describes the implementation of Design and Build in Malaysia accordingly to its history performance and problems that have been occurred in Malaysia by using Design and Build procurement. 2.1 INTRODUCTION OF DESIGN AND BUILD PROCUREMENT It is clear that there are many different variables to take into account when selecting the procurement method for our project. It is quite difficult due to each procurement methods differ from each other in unique ways. The key on making decisions on choosing the right procurement method is that each differs from the other on its own basis. Thus, it takes a few key questions to help decide which one should be use. The flow chart below shows the key questions and decisions on which procurement method should be used. The process of building procurement involves a series of different specialists in contributing to the construction work at different times. Design and build procurement has been in use for a very long time for more than a decade in the twentieth century. It has become more widespread across United State as well as around the world and had found in many industries. From a survey of trends in methods of procurement that were carried out by RICS from Davis Langdon and Everest revealed that in 1984, 5.06% of construction projects were procured on a Design and Build basis. Added that by 1991, this had risen to 14.78% .Revealing proudly by the Contract Journal July 1994, that the Design and Build turnover of the United Kingdoms top 70 Design and Build contractors increased by 15% during the period 1992 to 1993. The growth in the use of Design and Build recently as a procurement route is seen as being such radical change that could allow the industry to develop cost radical change that allo w the industry to develop cost models that automatically can reflect the construction rather than design processes. It seems as the most logical way to procure a building and thus given a clean slate to start with. However, many design professionals and owners had feared that this would result in the minimization or even destruction of the designers responsibility. This procurement is said to be able to furnish a design that maximizes quality within the projects budgetary constraints. Numerous successfully completed Design and Build projects range from housing, through industrial and commercial projects, to major complexes. It proves that this procurement method has very wide applicability. Frequently, the Design and Build contractor would be asked to contract with the clients designers, so that there is some continuity of the design effort, but the remaining design work is the contractors responsibility. This involves formally transferring the designers contracts from the client to the builder which is called novation. 2.1.1 DEFINITIONS OF DESIGN AND BUILD PROCUREMENT Design and build procurement is a procurement where it combine the design and construction process under a single entity. Design and Build terms are taken from its strategy itself where it would entail the contractor to carry out the work; the design work as well as the construction and also the completion of the work. As according to Turner (1990) and Jansen (1991) has supported that design and build contractor is supplying the procurement option of buying a finished building. While according to Masterman (1992) the term Design and Build has almost been unanimously interpreted and defined as being an arrangement where one contracting organization takes sole responsibility, normally on a lump sum fixed price basis, for the bespoke design and construction of a clients project. he then elaborate that this contains three elements; the responsibility for design and construction, contractors reimbursement is generally by means of a fixed price lump sum and the project is designed and built specifically to meet the clients need. Furthermore, as according to David Cappell (1997), Design and Build place responsibility for both design and erection in the hands of the contractor one point of responsibility for everything. However, theres an existence of one common thread that all Design Build delivery systems share which would be a single point of responsibilities for both design and construction. In other definition, Design and Build can be said as arrangement where one organization design and construct to the firm orders of the client for a single financial transaction. In general, the definition of Design and Build can be summarized as providing a single point responsibility for the whole design and construction. Below is a chart to differentiate between Design and Build procurement with traditional procurement. (a) (b) Figure 2.2: (a) Single point responsibility Design and Build Procurement (b) Fragmented responsibility Traditional Procurement (Source: Bennett and Grice, 1992) 2.1.2 CONCEPT AND CHARACTERISTICS OF DESIGN AND BUILD A basic concept in Design and Build procurement is that it requires the project to be contracted to a single organization which is responsible for design, procurement, and engineering and commissioning. The first step before choosing a procurement method should be through analysis of the projects characteristics on a global basis, including those technical requirements for design and construction. The projects owner will ensure that the entire context in which the project be delivered is thorough understood and can be accounted for in plans for schedule, price and quality. Once the owner has determined all the external constraints that might impact on its project, a project procurement method can be selected. There are quite many good reasons why an owner would select Design and Build for a given project. Theres a list of reasons for which an owner might decide that a project is suitable for the use of Design and Build procurement method. It would be: Where a compressed delivery schedule is required; A single point responsibility is required, Constructability consideration drive the design concept or details, Unique factors require special knowledge or experience to produce the least-cost design, The owner/designer must rely on the builder to optimize technology wit cost, The project will site-adapt a previous design, The project is a common commercial facility, The project is beyond the owners technical capability, Lastly, where risk can be shared to reduce cost. This can be supported by Masteman (2002), who argued that the definitions of the Design and Build contains three elements that would fundamental characteristics of this system, which are; the responsibility for design and construction lies with one organization, reimbursement is generally by means of a fixed price lump sum, and project is designed and built specifically to meet the needs of the client. 2.2 PERFORMANCE OF DESIGN AND BUILD An owner of a project would definitely want to obtain a building that satisfies his needs of good performance. The meaning of a good performance here require the project to form a high level of quality, of which including optimum economic price within the agreed time. Hashim (1996) concluded that the major factors tat affect the time and cost overruns would be; (1) the procurement systems adopted, (2) the variation works, (3) delay in subcontractors work, and lastly (4) shortage of building materials. She also provides her findings to prove the relation to the procurement systems used and their impact on time cost overruns. It is very crucial that the selection of the procurement method lies in the clients responsibility. Because of that, the selected procurement should; Meets the needs of the client, the type of project and the risks that might occur, can be handle by the client Related to the expertise available within the clients organization, resource and funding facility. Before the client decides which procurement method to be use, the relative importance of the three key criteria that need to be taken into account in procurement would be; time, cost and quality performance. TIME COST QUALITY The three criteria are inter-related. For instance, decisions affecting time will affect cost or both cost and performance. The key objective are exists to ensure that the clients objective are met effectively, efficiently and economically. 2.2.1 TIME Early completion of a project rather one of the most required by the client. Nevertheless, most construction project fails to achieve this requirement. Because of that the selection of procurement method to be use should be done wisely. This requirement of early completion can be achieved if construction starts before the design is completed. It can be said that the greater overlap between the construction and the design stage, the less time will be required to complete the project. However, the amount of variation is likely to increase because of this relation. Form the studies by University of Reading (United Kingdom) evaluate that the construction speed of design and build projects is 12% faster than traditional approaches and the overall project delivery speed (including design and construction) is 30% faster than traditional methods. Added that, the certainty of completion in time increases with the earlier the contractors involve in the design processes. 2.2.2 COST Lower cost of the construction project is another factor that is most important in ones employer requirement. The overlap between the design and construction means that construction starts before the cost is fixed, which will increase the uncertainty over the cost. This will drag the cost forecasting to become critical. Research had found out that time or cost have a real strong interactions between the design and build system. Also, from findings it stated that by combining the full overtime schedule, average ordering and also fast track construction with moderate crashing of design can made achieve towards improvements in both time and cost. By the researchers findings, it had stated that 75% of design and build project were completed within 5% of budget, compared with 63% of traditional projects. Design and build projects are at least 13% cheaper than traditionally procured projects. Greatest cost certainty is achieved for design and builds projects when the owners requirements are detailed. 2.2.3 QUALITY The issue of building quality is very important. From the facts, the quality performance characteristics determine the project time and cost. The performance of a project includes the function of the facility, its quality and appearance and durability, together with reliability and efficiency of the operation. The quality performance required from the completed facility is where it has the ability to control and make changes to the detailed specification after the contracts have been let. Design and build consistently better in meeting quality requirements for complex or innovative buildings rather than simple, standard, traditional buildings. 2.2.4 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CONTRACTOR The roles and responsibilities of each of the members of the project team should be considered carefully to avoid problems associated with assembling temporary teams of professionals. The contractors are responsible to; (1) undertake the design work outlined in contractors proposal which match with the employers requirements, (2) to fabricate the building, (3) to coordinate and integrate the entire process. The figure below shows the relationship of project team in design and build procurement. This contractual relationship in design and build is clearly shows that the contractor is responsible for everything. The design and build process increases the opportunities to use the contractors experience during the design stages of the project and their key strengths in management of the construction works. The extension of the contractors role design role is sometimes much less than the associated design responsibilities. The contractor then takes the responsibility for the design, without having any previous involvement with the design team. However, with the variability of types of construction projects and the experiences of clients in such projects, recent research had found that contractors may lack proper understanding of managing the varying types of design processes. The contractor must do whatever it takes to achieve the employers requirements. A single point responsibility means that the contractor is responsible for ensuring that the project is completed in time within the specified budget. Any delays beyond the control of the employer would be at the risk of the contractor. Other than that, the contractor also has to take into account the qualities that are agreed between the employers. Design and build contractors should understand the aesthetics or architecture value because the clients might not understand this kind of things. However, to ensure a contractor to produce what is specified by the client is not the same as ensuring the contractor producing a good and high quality building. 2.3 IMPLEMENTATION OF DESIGN AND BUILD PROCUREMENT IN MALAYSIA Construction activities occurred mostly on the more developed western side of peninsular Malaysia, which would be around KL. It began to gain importance in the economy in the 1990s through its roles in the areas of reconstruction and modernization. There are seven main elements of the processes of construction procurement considered to be specific to Malaysia. These seven elements are divided into two broad categories; (1) the processes during preconstruction stage, and (2) the processes during construction stage. The processes of construction procurement during preconstruction stage are: Initiation / promotion Funding Design schematic design, detailed design and specialist design. Statutory approval approval to initiate and to construct a facility and final approval to occupy the completed facility. Tendering The processes of construction procurement during construction stage are: Construction management and physical construction processes. Risk allocation The mostly used procurement are listed below in order of their importance that has been identified as the dominant procurement systems in Malaysia. Traditional lump sum system Design and build / turnkey system Management contracting 2.3.1 HISTORY AND BACKGROUND OF STUDY Design and build procurement was first launched in the Public Works Department by the Malaysian Prime Minister in 1983. The first unit that has applied the system would be by the Kuala Terengganu Hospital, which was completed in 1985. Research has shown that there is a continuous increase in the use of Design and Build over the last 24 years. The system use in Malaysia was pioneered by the JKR. In this system, there exist only two parties, i.e., the client and the contractor. In Malaysia, comprehensive data on the use of different types of procurement systems is not available. However, design and build is one of the procurement systems frequently used in Malaysia. 2.3.2 CONTRACTORS IN MALAYSIA The total goals of a project to significant cost savings, time savings and better quality can be achieve in considering the contractors construction experience in earlier construction phases. Since the system of design and build become successfully growing in recent years, many contractors are successfully operate in this market and they bring appropriate skills to bare in regard to the management and co-ordination of the overall process. However, the studies from Nima, M.A. M.R. Abdul-Kadir et al. (2001) also Rosli M.Z. (2004) show a shortage of knowledge among Malaysian contractors. They added that, a contractor have a supreme position in developing the constructability issue in different stages of construction projects which decreases probability of stoppages, delays and contract modifications. Any contribution from construction players in early stages of project can supply a useful guidance to bring deconstruction rules to design phase (Herman et al., 2003). The issue in this country is where the construction contractors are not invited to participate in design activities, before the design reaches to end. This will reduce their ability to influence the project specification finally. Other researches had state that different sources of knowledge has emphasized on importance of design phase and decisions that can make tremendous changes in the project output (BCA, 2005; Construction Industry Review Committee, 2001; Galvinich, 1995; Gray Hughes, 2001; Nima et al., 2002; Unlik Lones, 1998). The more integration will result in greater amount of cost savings, labor savings and also less substance wastage. The design itself can lead the contractors to choose a better construction method which helps to an improved constructability. In addition, the contractors can use their construction experience to help the designers in better designs, then they can try to increase the flexibility of the project to avoid any later design modifications that requires more money injections to the projects (Lam et al., 2007). 2.3.3 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES IN DESIGN AND BUILD Ndekugri Turner (1994) suggests that by using design and build can provide better value for money and can give rise to fewer disputes than other procurement methods. One of the key advantage by using design and build is the opportunity to integrate the design and construction components. Argues by Saxon (2000) include that design and construction offers better performance in time and costs and results in lesser defects. The main advantages of design and build system that are obviously shown include: Single point responsibility for both design and construction processes Price is fixed in advance of construction Overlapping of design and construction process (in contrast to the traditional system) The design and build contractor could incorporate the concept of buildability into the design which in turn would facilitate speedier and economical construction production. However, implementing design and build procurement also have the cons that need to be aware of. Its disadvantages are: Unclear client brief (Ho et al., 1996; Chan, 1997; Ernzan Schexnayder,2000) Lack of standard forms of contract (Ho et al., 1996; Gunning McDermott, 1997) Inadequate and insufficient information and coordination among parties (Ndekugri Church, 1996; Ho et al., 1996) Late design changes (Gunning McDermott, 1997; Chan, 1997). The projects costs could be higher than the traditional system Projects often lacks of aesthetic values The system is not very accommodative to changes Other than that, Smith (1992) stated some of his research of design and build difficulties that may have to be faced: Contractor dominated by staff who are unfamiliar with the design process Inadequate fee quoted for design services by consultants Contractors operational staff too busy to consider design issues Contractors lacks expertise to manage the design interface between consultants and subcontract designers Contractor leaves subcontractors to co-ordinate work amongst themselves 2.4 CONCLUSION Alternative project system or delivery is gaining popularity towards Malaysia and outside countries. From this literature, we can see that the implementation of design and build in Malaysia proven to be one of the successfully delivering method in an expeditious manner without sacrificing quality or economy. As for the contractors in Malaysia, the lack of knowledge can become the main reason to the unsuccessful of design and build delivery. Other than that, design and build seems the most appropriate delivery method that can improve ones project performance. DRAFT OF CHAPTERS CHAPTER 1 ABSTRACT CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY CHAPTER 4 DATA ANALYSIS (CONTRACTORS VIEW ON DB) CHAPTER 5 DATA ANALYSIS (DB ACHIEVEMENT) CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 INTRODUCTION OF DESIGN AND BUILD PROCUREMENT 2.1.1 Definitions of Design and Build Procurement 2.1.2 Concept and Characteristics of Design and Build Procurement 2.2 PERFORMANCE OF DESIGN AND BUILD 2.2.1 Time 2.2.2 Cost 2.2.3 Quality 2.2.4 Roles and Responsibilities of the Contractor 2.3 IMPLEMENTATION OF DESIGN AND BUILD PROCUREMENT IN MALAYSIA 2.3.1 History and Background of Study 2.3.2 Contractors in Malaysia 2.3.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Design and Build 2.4 CONCLUSION
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Essay on Whartons Ethan Frome: Development of the Novel and Characters
The Development of  the Novel and Characters  In the novel Ethan Frome, by Edith Wharton, the character of Ethan Frome plays an important role in the development of the rest of the book. He has several character traits which distinguish him from the other main characters. Also, there are many factors which play against him throughout the novel.            The physical appearance of Ethan Frome played a significant part in creating his character. He was a tall, thin man. He had dark colored hair and dark eyes. He seemed a little rough around the edges and the scar on the side of his face was another of his distinguishing marks. At the very beginning of the book, he is 52 years old, but is described as looking much older than that. Throughout the main part of the book, which is a flashback, Frome is in his 20's. After the sledding accident with Mattie, he is left with bad vision in his right eye, which causes him trouble sometimes. Ethan Frome stutters and speaks in abbreviated forms sometimes. Most of the people in the town and in the novel speak in abbreviated forms. The actual town itself and the surroundings of Frome are harsh and cold, especially in winter when the book takes place. These harsh surroundings make Frome who he is and give him a "careless powerful look".            Speech also renders some importance in this novel. A few examples of abbreviated words are: "Wurst kind", and "More'n enough", and lastly "Oh, I ain't afr'd". All of these slang words and also many more were used throughout the novel. This misuse of words shows that Frome and the other characters were not well educated. The work was more important than learning and also, Ethan Frome's p... As they stood in each others arms, they experienced a sense of ease that neither of them had ever felt before. They had led hard lives and this was the end. Theirs dreams were crushed, yet these moments were very important in the course of their lives. This was also the point in which they decided that if they couldn't live with each other, they wouldn't live at all. They decided to commit suicide mutually, and failed. It may have been better off if they had succeeded, because they led miserable lives after the accident.            The novel Ethan Frome, by Edith Wharton, created a vivid character image for the actual character of Ethan Frome. His role was depicted by physical appearance, speech, behavior and motivation, response and change, worst life experience, and best life experience. All of these themes help develop the novel and other characters. Essay on Wharton's Ethan Frome: Development of the Novel and Characters The Development of  the Novel and Characters  In the novel Ethan Frome, by Edith Wharton, the character of Ethan Frome plays an important role in the development of the rest of the book. He has several character traits which distinguish him from the other main characters. Also, there are many factors which play against him throughout the novel.            The physical appearance of Ethan Frome played a significant part in creating his character. He was a tall, thin man. He had dark colored hair and dark eyes. He seemed a little rough around the edges and the scar on the side of his face was another of his distinguishing marks. At the very beginning of the book, he is 52 years old, but is described as looking much older than that. Throughout the main part of the book, which is a flashback, Frome is in his 20's. After the sledding accident with Mattie, he is left with bad vision in his right eye, which causes him trouble sometimes. Ethan Frome stutters and speaks in abbreviated forms sometimes. Most of the people in the town and in the novel speak in abbreviated forms. The actual town itself and the surroundings of Frome are harsh and cold, especially in winter when the book takes place. These harsh surroundings make Frome who he is and give him a "careless powerful look".            Speech also renders some importance in this novel. A few examples of abbreviated words are: "Wurst kind", and "More'n enough", and lastly "Oh, I ain't afr'd". All of these slang words and also many more were used throughout the novel. This misuse of words shows that Frome and the other characters were not well educated. The work was more important than learning and also, Ethan Frome's p... As they stood in each others arms, they experienced a sense of ease that neither of them had ever felt before. They had led hard lives and this was the end. Theirs dreams were crushed, yet these moments were very important in the course of their lives. This was also the point in which they decided that if they couldn't live with each other, they wouldn't live at all. They decided to commit suicide mutually, and failed. It may have been better off if they had succeeded, because they led miserable lives after the accident.            The novel Ethan Frome, by Edith Wharton, created a vivid character image for the actual character of Ethan Frome. His role was depicted by physical appearance, speech, behavior and motivation, response and change, worst life experience, and best life experience. All of these themes help develop the novel and other characters.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
How To Make Tobacco Bongs :: essays research papers
How To Make Tobacco Bongs      A tobacco bong is another way for someone to smoke tobacco instead of just rolling a cigarette you can just stuff the tobacco in a bowl and smoke it. It is much quicker and easier to do than rolling it in papers. There are many types of tobacco bongs but I'm only going to explain how to make two different types because I dont have enough time to explain how to make all of them. That would take forever. The first type im going to explain how to make is a gravity bong. The other type is a water bong.      A gravity bong is probably one of the easiest and cheapest ones to make. All you have to have is a 2-liter bottle, 5 gallon bucket filled with water, alluminum foil, a sharp knife, tobacco, and a lighter. The first thing you do is take the lid off of the 2-liter bottle and then cut the bottom off with the sharp kinife. Then put the alluminum foil over the top of it and push it down inside of it a little to make a little bowl for the tobacco. Poke about six or seven little holes in the aluminum foil. And that is how you make the gravity bong. To use it all you have to do is put the 2-liter bottle in the water and push it all the way down, but dont push it to far down just push it to where the water is almost up to the aluminum foil and then put the tobacco in it and hold the lighter close to the tobacco and pull up on the bottle. The suction pulls the smoke inside the bottle and when you get the bottle almost out of the water, pull the aluminum foil off and put you r mouth over the hole and push the bottle back into the water. The pushes the smoke down your throat.      A honey bear bong is pretty easy to make also. All you have to have is an empty honey bear bottle, a bowl, which costs about a dollar at any smoke shop, 1 foot of 3/4 inch rubber hose, tobacco and a lighter. First you need to be sure most of the honey is out of the bottle but leave about a half inch of it in the bottom. Then you get the
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Lord Of The Flies :: essays research papers
In Lord of the Flies, a novel by William Golding, an airplane load of school-age boys are stranded on a deserted tropical island after their plane is accidentally shot down during World War II. Since there are no adults, the boys try to organize themselves with a chief, hunters, and a few people to watch a signal fire for any ships that might pass. Factions develop with the original group and the hunters. The child who is chosen to be the chief is Ralph. As the leader of the hunters, Jack, creates his own group, Ralph grows and matures as a result of his internal conflicts. At the start of the novel, Ralph is very immature. Like most children, he is excited to find out that there are no adults to watch him and tell him he couldn't do something. At the moment Ralph was told this information from his friend Piggy, he takes off all of his clothes and starts to swim in a pool of water on the beach. When Ralph does this, he is like a child left alone to play his favorite games. He does not care about anything at first because he has a strong belief that his father, who is in the navy, will send someone to rescue them. In the meantime, Ralph and Piggy find a conch shell. If you blow into a conch shell a certain way, in makes a loud, low-pitched sound. Piggy tells Ralph about this, and Ralph uses the sound from the conch to call an assembly. All different aged boys appear on the shore where Ralph blows the conch. When it is thought that all of the boys are there, they begin to have a meeting. First, they elect a chief. They choose Ralph as their leader over a boy who was in the choir and his old school named Jack. After Jack losses, Ralph makes Jack the leader of the hunters. As Ralph tries to make law and build his society, all of the others seem to loose interest in helping one another and go off on their own and play. This happens when Ralph tries to build shelters; everyone builds the first one, then only four build the second one and only Ralph and a boy named Simon build the third and final one. Ralph is currently in the maturing process. He doesn't understand how to be a good leader, but he i s respected by everyone one the island.
Management Changes Affects Employee Morale
Management Changes Affects Employee Morale As the world changes, many organization may create changes to their company structure in order to remain successful and look good amongst shareholders. These organizational changes may be beneficial for the company overall. However, it may affect the remaining employee’s morale. Some organizations changes such as layoffs, reduce work hours, a stagnate in benefits increases and rewards may result in management trying to figure out a way to motivate and gain employees trust and loyalty.Layoffs When an organization experiences a downturn in the economy, they may be force to perform employee layoffs. Organizations such as the Boeing Company announced in September 2001, that they will be cutting 10,000 jobs which is caused by the U. S. airlines to decrease operational capacity by about 20% due to traffic reductions. Airlines are expected to park older aircraft and defer deliveries of newly built transports as they trim their operational fleets (Smith B. (2001)).The Boeing Company is an American multinational aerospace and defense corporation that was founded in 1916 and is the largest exporter by value in the United States (Smith B. (2001)). This layoffs will created a shortage of aerospace jobs and has created a tough hiring environment for unemployed workers. Brockner, J. (1992) stated that â€Å"if the layoffs are mismanaged, thereby hampering survivors' productivity and morale, then the organization stands to lose a sizeable portion of the savings it hoped to achieve by introducing layoffs. Even though employee layoffs may allow organizations to cut jobs and safeguard relationships with the existing employee this can be create a challenge to the remaining employees in that, they may experience excessive stress of increase workload, lack of motivation and they may consider searching for a new place of employment to reduce redundancy. Heathfield, S, M (2010) stated that â€Å"employees experience a n increased level of stress relating to both the increased workload and your distrust of management. Depending on how respectfully the layoffs were handled with their organization, this distrust may run deep. This may cause distrust with the employee and the organization. Employees may be less motivated to complete assigned work when coworkers depart from an organization due to layoffs. According to Adler, N. (2008) â€Å"motivation is a passion to work for reasons that go beyond money or status a a propensity to pursue goals with energy and persistence. †One would suggest that to motivate these individuals could consist of bringing in bake goods to work or have a potluck with existing coworkers. This could motivate the remaining employees to work towards a successful work performance and accomplishing team goals.Searching for a new place of employment to reduce redundancy is common in organizations when layoff occurs. According to Heathfield, S, M (2010) â€Å"Research ind icates that many employees polish up their resumes and begin a job search which can help the downsizing survivor feel more in control of their situation. †Employees could be fearful to be unemployed due the many responsibility of life such as child care expenses and bill payments. Child care expenses could include child support payment, food and clothes while bill payments could include mortgage, rent and utilities. Child care expenses and bill payments is essential to one’s life.A decline or shortage in salary for childcare expenses and bill payments and could result in one child or children being uncared for and one could become homeless. Reduce work hours Management changes can include reduction in work hours for employee, early-retirement and furloughs. Pierce, J. L. ; Dunham, R. B. (1992) conduct a research on police officer responses to changes to their work schedule from a rotating eight hour shift to a compacted 12 hour shift which includes personal activities, work schedule attitudes, stress and fatigue and concluded that â€Å"employees was not satisfied with the result†.One would suggest that the organization give the employee ample time to prepare for the individual wages to be reduced in that the employee can be proactive and make changes that can affect them in their personal life. Some of these proactive measures could include speaking with loan officers to refinance personal loan, cut back on dinning expenses or discontinue insurance plans or retirement matching plans. Even though furloughs may temporarily aid organization on reducing pay cuts in staying in business employee may choose not to return to work after being furlough or the employee may consider to ind another place of employment. Organization may offer senior employees early retirement as another method for to reduce operation cost during an economy downturn. Senior management and those who have been working for an organization the longest usually make the highe st salaries and have the best benefits package Bradley J, B. ; Demand M. (2011). Early retirement of senior employees may result in can result lost of unspoken knowledge over a long run. One would suggest that the organization. Some organizations perform furloughs in economy recession. A furlough is mandatory time off for an employee.For non-exempt employees, the employer doesn’t pay the employee when the employee is not at work. However, exempt employees are required to take a mandatory full workweek off without pay (marylandnonprofit. org). Salary reduction of any kind can also be hardened on the employee where as the individuals may also have to limit expenses in order to afford to pay for regular expenses. Benefits and rewards Benefits reductions and canceling educing reward are other ways for organization to cut back on operation expenses. Benefit reductions are yet another way to cut back on expenses.An employer may have to discontinue some insurance plans, reduce or el iminate retirement plan matches or contributions, or require employees to pay higher co-pays and deductibles on health and/or dental insurance (marylandnonprofit. org). Organizations changes such as layoffs, reduce work hours and a stagnate in benefits increase and rewards affects employee morale in that, employees consider a new place of employment or retire earlier than expected. Employees may also be less motivated to accomplish goal or become stress from work overload as a result from their past co-workers who have left the organization.Mossholder, K. W. , Richardson, H. A. , ; Settoon, R. P. (2011) stated that â€Å"employees are encourages perceiving that developing and maintaining relationships creates a tacit social resource from which to draw when pursuing more complex or ambiguous goals. Relationships among employees will be more lasting than in market pricing climates, for they serve as an asset that has value for both extrinsic and intrinsic reasons. †References Adler, N. (2008). International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior. (5th ed. ). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning. Brockner, J. (1992). Managing the effects of layoffs on survivors.California Management Review, 34(2), 9-28. Retrieved from http://web. ebscohost. com. ezproxy. umuc. edu/ Smith B. (2001). Boeing cuts delivery estimates, prepares for major layoffs. Aviation Week and Space Technology, 155(13), 29-p+, 2p. Retrieved from http://ehis. ebscohost. com. ezproxy. umuc. edu/ Chatterjee, N. (2009). A study on organizational culture and its effect on employee retention. Journal of Management, 2(2), 147. Retrieved from http://proquest. umi. com. ezproxy. umuc. edu/ Pierce, J. L. ; Dunham, R. B. (1992). The 12-hour work day: A 48-hour, eight-day week.Academy of Management Journal, 35(5), 1086-1098. doi: 10. 2307/256542 Michel, A. , Stegmaier, R. , ; Sonntag, K. (2010). I scratch your back – you scratch mine. Do procedural justice and organizational identification matter fo r employees’ cooperation during change?. Journal of Change management, 10(1), 41-59. doi: 10. 1080/14697010903549432 Mossholder, K. W. , Richardson, H. A. , ; Settoon, R. P. (2011). Human Resources systems and helping in organizations: A relational perspective. Academy of Management Review, 36(1), 33-52. doi:10. 5465/AMR. 2011. 55662500 Heathfield, S, M (2010).How to Cope When Coworkers Lose Their Jobs. Retrieve from http://humanresources. about. com/od/layoffsdownsizing/a/survivors_cope. htm Bradley J, B. ; Demand M. (2011). What Are the Reasons Why Organizations Offer Early Retirement Plans. Retrieve from http://smallbusiness. chron. com/reasons-organizations- offer-early-retirement-plans-110. html Maryland Nonprofit. Retrieve October 25, 2011 from http://www. marylandnonprofits. org/ html/support/documents/Lay-offsinaToughEconomy. pdf Hennigan W. J. (2011). Boeing cutting 900 jobs at Long Beach C-17 plant. Retrieve from
Monday, September 16, 2019
Persuasive Essay About Smoking
Smoking: The Inhaled Killer Smoking is a very harmful habit that should be banned. This nasty habit has many grotesque side-effects. It causes yellow teeth, bad breath, smokers always smell like smoke, death, heart disease, cancer, asthma, emphysema, and many other health related problems. Smoking is also very expensive. Cost of smoking. com says that a person spends thousands of dollars a year on cigarettes. Smokers also pay more for insurance because they are expected to have a shorter life span.Not to mention the cost of health bills from the life-threatening effects. Why would you want to pick up a terrible habit that wastes your hard earned money and harms your body? Smoking should be banned to lower the poverty rate and make our world a healthier place. Another reason smoking should be banned is, second-hand smoke. Young children, family members, and even strangers are all affected by the smoke given off from cigarettes. Yes, even those who do not smoke their selves.Whenever so meone lights up, the smoke that is released goes into the air and everyone inhales it. This is a huge problem in public areas. I live with someone who smokes, and I hate smoking. It is gross and makes air difficult to breathe. People who inhaled second-hand smoke can grow up to have lung cancer, or develop any of the other diseases cause by cigarette smoke. Smoke can also trigger asthma attacks, which have been known to cause death.Do you want to live with the guilt and know you caused the attack or disease that killed an innocent person or loved one? Some argue they are addicted to smoking because of the nicotine. This can be avoided by never starting the horrible habit or by using patches, pills, and the aid of a doctor to help you quit smoking. So next time you light up, or witness someone smoking, think about or remind them off the effects. Is the loss of a life really worth it?
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Respose to “He-y, Come on Ou-t!†by Shinichi Hoshi Essay
What would a life be without sunshine or moonlight, without the sound of the wind rushing through the trees, the smell of crisp autumn air, or without the feel of dewy grass brushing our feet? Our environment gives us a source of peace, happiness and relaxation. But what about a life filled with ringing cell phones, angry bosses, tight deadlines and traffic jams? Living with these aggravations causes us stress, anger and chaos, but what are the benefits? Oh, but of course! How could I forget about money! People will go to any lengths for prosperity, even as far as destroying our precious environment. Shinichi Hoshi demonstrates this mania in his short story â€Å"He-y, Come on Ou-t!†. Upon the discovery of the infinite hole, we are first introduced to man’s willingness to sacrifice the Earth’s well-being. A concessionaire claims the hole with a profitable plot in mind and launches a vigorous campaign. â€Å"We’ve got a fabulously deep hole! Scientists say it’s at least five thousand meters deep! Perfect for the disposal of such things as waste from nuclear reactors!†(154), he chanted. Since it’s not environmentally safe to dispose of nuclear waste above ground, it must be perfectly harmless to put it in ground, right? I’d hoped that the villagers would object to this ridiculous arrangement, and they did. They balked at the idea until â€Å"it was explained that there would be absolutely no above-ground contamination for several thousand years and that they would share in the profits. Into the bargain, a magnificent road was built from the city to the village†(154). I am sadly disappointed in you, villagers. You are all in the mindset of â€Å"Oh, it won’t affect us for awhile, plus we’re getting money and a new road! What could be wrong with that?†Has it not occurred to you that even though you are benefiting from this proposal, that it might be causing harm elsewhere, in serious areas such as the environment? Of course not! As human beings we â€Å"dislike thinking about the eventual consequences†(155) and are extremely ambitious, therefore being much too preoccupied with our thoughts of success and growth. Our society has become so preoccupied with visions of wealth and expansion that we’ve failed to notice the state of our weakening environment. We are â€Å"concentrating solely on producing one thing after another†(155), no matter the price the Earth is forced to pay. I have a hard time to believe that such an intelligent species could be so horribly ignorant about such a matter. Although some are aware of the way we are wrecking havoc against our planet, so little being done to protect our earth. We all need to realize that all of our selfish and inconsiderate deeds that we are pressing upon our planet will be back to haunt us. We are sitting in the driver’s seat, chattering away on our cell phones, too engrossed to spot the danger. In the blink of an eye we see the impending collision, but it’s too late. We are all so absorbed with dollar signs that we can’t appreciate Mother Earth’s true value. â€Å"The man, however, was gazing in id le reverie at the city’s skyline growing ever more beautiful, and he failed to notice†(155).
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Unemployment in UAE
United Arab Emirates is one of GCC members which suffer unemployment increase since the early country development time of the 70th of the past century. According to the (C. I. A The World Factbook, n. d. ) the unemployment rate for the United Arab Emirates is 2. 1%; with roughly 32. 6% of Emirati men and 47. 7% of women out of work. This is based on a study conducted in 2006 from a poll of 4,800 U. A. E nationals of working age. To break it down even further, 73. 8% among those aged between 18-29 were unemployed. 18. 6% of individuals aged between 30-39 were unemployed. 30. % of individuals with a University degree were unemployed. Those of who are educated at the secondary school level constituted a 35. 8% unemployment. This paper addresses and discusses the topic through several resources emerging the situation of unemployment in UAE based on statistics gathered since 2001 till 2010. Furthermore this paper spots and focuses on the associated reasons which are considered as root cause and the effective solution. (Muawia E. Ibrahim, 2004) wrote about the fluctuation of the unemployment among UAE nationals despite of the attractive offers in both public and private sector. Till 2002, 29900 nationals were registered as unemployed in addition to 12600 in 2003. In 2001& 2002, 7124 national was graduated from university; this increment in the number of university graduates influenced the phenomena of the unemployment in UAE to score 35% of the total number 29900. According to the planning ministry statistics only 9% of the total workforce was occupied by UAE nationals in 2003 and this situation referred to the incompatibility of academic training and market requirements. The increase of the theoretical than practical academic isciplines graduates is one reason behind this phenomenon; however the market demands the technological and professional field. The gap between the academic institution and the employment institution caused students to wrongly select their studying major which is not required by the market. Because of the deterioration in the standards of students in mathematics, English and Arabic, also lacking basic study skills, research ideas and personal abilities made the university and the higher colleges of technology to spend money on training newly admitted student in order for them to become educated with new academic life requirements. Accordingly, recommendation raised to the concerned institutions to cooperate in prescribing syllabus so that students are well prepared and capable of carrying on with their studies in higher education institution. Also, recommended strong and closer coordination between higher education institutions to design academic programmes that are aligned with the labour market demand. Ultimately the concept of the training students during college period is important to improve the employment relationships. Elsa Baxter, 2009) clearly emphasis on unemployment among UAE nationals at its highest level since the country was founded 38 years ago, with more than 40,000 Emiratis out of work. According to the National human Resources Development and Recruitment (Tanmia) the UAE was suffering unemployment crisis, which will continue to rise unless action is taken. While the local unemployment rate on an influx of expatriate labour and the failure of plans to create more jobs for locals. The UAE society like other Gulf societies is suffering from an article published by the Abu Dhabi based Emirates centre for Strategic Studies and research. Further, the unemployment rate among UAE nationals peaked at 13 percent at the end of 2008. The same rate for expatriates was just 2. 6 percent. Despite of the numerous efforts by the UAE government to tackle the unemployment problem they had little effect. Overall, this problem started to convince us that there is a sort of imbalanced or legal gap, it could also be a lack of coordination among those institutions. UAE unemployment rises to 4%, 2009) unemployment in the UAE jumped to 4 percent in 2008, from 3. 45 percent in 2007, according to figure from the Ministry of Economy. Considering the fact of expatriates have left the country since the global financial crises. Which means the jobless rate among expatriates will not increase sharply. The rate among UAE nationals records a higher increase given the rapid growth in their num ber. However, this is not basically for economic reasons but due to the reluctance of nationals to join the private sector and their preference for the public sector. Anees Dayoub & Ben Flanagan, 2006), The high rate of unemployment among UAE nationals was revealed today in a study that found that 32. 6% of Emirati men, and 47. 7% of women, are not in work. Nepotism and the preference for imported labour were seen as being the two main factors behind this. The study by Sharjah University polled a random selection of 4,800 UAE nationals of working age. The unemployment rate among those aged 18-29 was 73. 8%, the newspaper said. In the 30-39 bracket 18. % of those polled were unemployed. Those with a university degree – representing 30. 1% of the total unemployed – are actually less likely to be in work than those with a diploma (21. 1% of the total). Those only educated to secondary school level constitute 35. 8% of people not in work. The predominate reason behind the high figures was nepotism – where jobs are awarded to family members of management – with 74. 3 per cent citing this as a cause. Competition from expatriates was a factor for 30. 9% of those surveyed. Nadim Kawach, 2004), All Arab League countries are suffering from such a problem but joblessness has remained under control in some members, including the UAE, on the grounds their development spending is still high and their economy has been growing fast enough in some years. While unemployment in some member states is as high as 20 per cent, it has remained as low as 1. 8 per cent over the past seven years in the UAE and Kuwait. Unemployment among UAE nationals is higher, standing at around six per cent, given the relatively low numbers of local manpower, according to official figures. But the reasons for unemployment among nationals in the UAE have nothing to do with economic performance but with completely different factors. They include a sharp increase in native graduates, their preference for working in the public sector and the reluctance of the private sector to recruit nationals on the grounds they are costlier. Figures revealed by Matar Humaid Al Tayer, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, showed around 13,000 known nationals are looking for jobs, accounting for nearly six per cent of the total native workforce of around 200,000 at the end of last year. More than 3,000 nationals are graduating from universities and institutes in the UAE every year and the rate is expected to continue until 2015†¦this requires serious measures to accommodate all those graduates in the labour market,†the Minister told the monthly bulletin of the Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry. UAE has a wealth of oil and is distinct from the rest of the Gulf populat ion density low is supposed to not face many of the problems faced by countries with densely populated, but it turned out, through reports from parties interested in internal and external different that the UAE suffer from the problem of unemployment . The problem has emerged since the early years of statehood movement development. Results of some of these reports prove the existence of the problem of unemployment in the UAE, which is high from the perspective of reality where the UAE Emiratis ratio of two percent of the total workforce, including the state and the rate of thirty-five percent of the UAE based unemployed are university graduates. Reports in this regard indicate that the unemployment rate continues to increase since the year two thousand and six months, until today, although observers show concern about this problem and its future if it remained the case as it is without any progress to solve the problem of unemployment. The truth is that reports attributed the occurrence of the problem of unemployment to many reasons, and of the most prominent and most powerful and realistic is the absence of the comprehensive educational plan and also the absence of co-ordination between state institutions concerned. One of the reasons that have contributed to exacerbate this problem economic boom between the year two thousand and three to the year two thousand and seven, this rapid change and non-measured by the state institutions to create a large gap between the requirements of the labor market and the qualifications of citizens of study process are available, and then came the setback of the global economic to receive its consequences on the State and increase the complexity of the problem. Incurred higher education institutions and universities to pay huge ums in order to bridge this gap for the rehabilitation of citizens and provide them with the skills and science that correspond with the requirements of the labor market, as a temporary solution. On the other hand it is also the reasons is the lack of awareness and poor performance of the individual citizen and not to highlight the seriousness with full opportunity for the development of educational qualifications and scientific capabiliti es to be able to bear the burden of the labor market. There are also other reasons contribute to the survival problem of unemployment in the State, such as nepotism and cronyism, which leads to giving opportunities and positions of responsibility that need to be hard work experience to people who are incompetent and unable to bear the burden required and thus the failure and a waste of time and money at the expense of other citizens. One of the reasons also bring foreign workers without statistical studies and conscious to preserve the rights of citizens in the percentage of jobs available in the state. Through the above discussion of the problem and the reasons for their formation can be ascertained that the fundamental solution is to work on studies and statistics include all the emirates and the development of a future plan, taking into account the current situation and how to deal with him, and directing all state institutions, public and private cooperation and coordination to develop appropriate solutions. Distribution of roles between the emirates to make progress on the economic level in terms of geographic scope and manner of economic activity and also to reduce to bring foreign workers would help alleviate the problem relatively. It is also clear to the country's lack of national cadres and high-value intellectual and global experience a significant impact on the incidence and the continuing problem of unemployment and others.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Effect of Gradient on the Abundance of Ranunculus Repens Coursework
Effect of Gradient on the Abundance of Ranunculus Repens - Coursework Example First action to betaken is to identify the cause of the disease. This made me to study on the causes of the disease and what I found was that is caused by a plant called Ranunculus repens. This concerned me and I had to do a project on this plant. This is because Ranunculus repens have both the negative and positive effects on the environment. One of the reasons that I chose to do a project on Ranunculus repens is because of its unique property that can be used to treat musculoskeletal disorders. According to PFAF, chewing leaves of this plant will help in healing muscular pain. Therefore, my research can help us to understand the optimum conditions required for Ranunculus repens to grow so that higher yields of the plant can be obtained for its medicinal usage. The other reason for choosing Ranunculus repens as a project is that it is thought to be poisonous for humans and animals if eaten fresh and I think this is something that we as humans should be aware of especially agricultur alists. According to Garden Organic Ranunculus repens â€Å"can cause diarrhea in sheep and cattle. Ranunculus repens depletes potassium in soil making it inadequate for other plants. Therefore this particular plant is not suitable for grazing, especially cattle. My project can provide useful material for farmers about the plant e.g. where they mostly occur. Based on my project Farmers may decide not to graze their animals on a place where Ranunculus repens are most common in order to obtain higher meat yields. The farmers may also decide to manage their grassland to minimize the growth of Ranunculus repens to avoid its noxious effect. An alternative reason for choosing this plant involves its unique and attractive colour and structure. â€Å"It is essential to preserve our remaining natural heritage for future generations. Wildlife and geological features are under pressure from development, pollution, climate change and unsustainable land management. Therefore it is useful to st udy the important biological properties of the plants in order to maintain them e.g. by knowing their niche will help us to provide the best conditions possible for Ranunculus repens to survive and develop. Scientific background Ranunculus repens has many features that makes that makes it survive in its habitats. It grows well in wet environments as compared to its growth in dry conditions. Ranunculus repens competes for light, moisture and nutrients with other plants. This pressure has made it to have some adaptations to this environment. They are submerged in water making them lose diffusion pathways of getting oxygen between their roots and the atmosphere. This made roots to have elongated shoots that help them get oxygen from the atmosphere. Both leaves and the shoots come grow outward to the water surfaces to help the plant get oxygen from the air. Bodies of Ranunculus repens are submerged in water. They strive to get oxygen, light and nutrients from the environment. They get l ight through their leaves that are growing to the water surfaces. This helps them to absorb light from the atmosphere and make their food through photosynthesis. The leaves also help them get oxygen from the environment. All these features have made wet conditions suitable for their survival. Hypothesis of this research is to identify the effects of land gradient on the growth of Ranunculus repens. Null Hypothesis - There will be no difference in the abundance of Ranunculus rep
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Your an army commander. what three areas would would determin if Essay
Your an army commander. what three areas would would determin if soldiers are worthy of reinlistment. of those three areas what would the standard be for all three - Essay Example These include the following: Soldiers must meet the army standard of physical fitness, which is a minimum of 180 and a maximum of 300. Being in the army requires one to be capable of handling the physical rigors that accompany that lone of work (Hamilton 31). I would place great emphasis on physical fitness because for one to â€Å"survive†in the army it is highly recommended that they possess the capability to keep up with conditions and remain agile and mobile throughout. If someone is not fit he/she should not be in the army. There is no definite standard when it comes to career advancement, provided one is willing and ready to learn new things. For me however, I would not consider anybody without a diploma for a position in the army. Nowadays, being a soldier is not enough. Soldiers are usually encouraged to start and build other careers through which they can grow personally and professionally. This is why in most armies there are soldiers who also serve as doctors, nurses, engineers and professional and important roles. It is not enough for one to be able to load a gun and shoot, or fight and kill. Intelligence must be demonstrated, and an ability to think logically and make decisions may save a lot of lives (Hamilton 35). If anybody wants to join the army he/she should be clear thinking and reasonable. As a commander, I would feel honored to have soldiers who are both intelligent and disciplined serving under me. As a result of this, I would not think twice about enlisting a young person who has a ye arning for knowledge and combat. This, too, has no definite standard, but potential recruits must demonstrate confidence in whatever they do. For example, it is important to remain calm, level-headed and reasonable when confronted with difficult situations. This calls for coming up with the best and most logical decisions when they
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
The Story of the Last Hippie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Story of the Last Hippie - Essay Example The paper will cover elements of Greg's condition and how it has influenced his lifestyle and how it may affect his future. It will cover the neurology and psychology of Greg's memory loss and how it comes to be that Oliver Sacks classes him as such an important case. The Story of the Last Hippie â€Å"The Last Hippie†refers to a man known by the name Greg F., who participated in many of the things associated with the 1960s, including the use of drugs to achieve higher consciousness and political activism. In this way, Greg can be said to have been a typical 1960s teenager, experimenting with counter culture and many things that had been unavailable or undesirable to previous generations. Oliver Sacks suggests that Greg enjoyed the music of the 1960s, attending concerts by the Grateful Dead and other such typical musical bands at the time. It was during this phase that Greg became interested in religion, and decided to attend a Hare Krishna temple and eventually became a member of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. It was here that some of Greg's neurological symptoms became evident, although the members of the temple interpreted these as signs that Greg was a particularly holy member of the congregation, dedicated to meditation and Krishna. Greg was defined by those at the temple for his lack of 'worldly concern' and his freedom from desire, both physically and materially. These are two important things to the Hare Krishna community and many of those who are involved in the work of the temple strive for many years to achieve this state. In the case of Greg, he began to develop these traits almost immediately after joining. He also became known for his 'transcendent smile', something which was reminiscent of the very holiest people within the Hare Krishna community. After being a member of the temple for some time, Greg became revered and admired. Greg even began to go blind, and his eventual total blindness was seen by the community as further evidence of his holiness and his full and true participation in the community and its ways. Whilst the Hare Krishna community was in full admiration of this Buddha-like character, there were those who were wary and even concerned for Greg's health. His parents had been watching h is progress within the International Society for Krishna Consciousness and noticed the differences in their son. Whilst they were pleased that their son had stopped using drugs to achieve higher states of consciousness, and pleased that he seemed to have found his place in the world, they were concerned that his state was evidence of something more sinister. They were also concerned that all communication from the New Orleans temple had stopped, and they were no longer in continuous contact with their son. His eventual blindness was the straw that broke the camel's back, and they decided to contact the health authorities and Oliver Sacks to see if there was anything lurking behind the 'transcendent smile' that their son had adopted permanently. They were right in their concern, as it turned out that Greg had a massive brain tumour which had resulted in all the symptoms that the Hare Krishna community mistook for holiness. Greg's Disorder & Future After this intervention from Greg's parents, it is
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