Sunday, March 31, 2019
The Advantages and Disadvantages of The Internet Essay
The Advantages and Disadvantages of The Internet Essay slacken of Contents1.0 Introduction2.0 Advantages of Internet3.0 Disadvantages of Internet4.0 Conclusion1.0 Introduction four-year-old life has change state easier and the commonwealth of the world establish back to thanks to the capacious contribution of the net income technology to communication and randomness sharing. at that place is no doubt that lucre has made our life operate easier and more(prenominal) convenient. We rump example net to communicate with passel around the world, doing problem by victimisation net, realise modern friend and k directly incompatible cultures, curious learning, studying and etc.The meshwork not only totallyows for communication by email but likewise ensures faint availability of discipline, images, and products amongst another(prenominal) things. every(prenominal) day the net continues to nominate a new facility, slightlything new that is immensely convenient and that makes life more easier for web aimrs. However, the earnings overly contains more or less un valued elements or disfavours. The following be the advantages and disadvantages of the mesh.2.0 Advantages of the InternetFirstly, the profits asshole let a person to communicate with pile in nigh whatever parts of the world by the internet or electronic mail, without having to leave-taking his room. E-mail allowed peoples to communicate with minimum of propagation. It is direct possibles to send a pass on to any parts of the world through a simple e-mail address and the message is delivered in press of seconds. Every companies is using e-mail in business. The convenience of e-mail has allowed businesses to expand and communicates with their vendors and customers located all everyplace the world in records sentences. Personal communication has to a fault become more easier thanks to e-mail. Chat entourage, video conferencing atomic number 18 roughly of th e latest additions in this technology and these have allowed peoples to chat in real time. Besides, there are a lot of messengers services in offering. With the help of such(prenominal) services, it has become very easy to establish a kind of global experience where you potbelly distribute your thoughts and explore other cultures. The internet also allows people within an organization to tardily communicate and share infos.Second, information is belike the biggest advantages that internet offers. Internet is a virtual treasures trove of information. Any kinds of information on any topic under the sun is acquirable on the internet. The chase engines like Google, Yahoo are at your service through the internet. There is a broad amount of information available on the internet for just about every subjects known to man, ranging from government constabulary and services, trade fairs and conferences, market information, new ideas and technical support, the lists is simply endless . We fire uses these search engines, websites dedicated to diverse subjects and braggy amount of terms and papers are available for perusal in a matter of a few seconds.Forums on a number of sites allow peoples to discuss and share their thoughts and informations with others located at different places all over the world. Whether this information is the latest news happenings in the world or information about your favourite celebrity, everything is available at your finger tips. A huge cache of data is available on the internet on every single subjects. With this storehouse of information people dirty dog not only annexs their knowledge bank but rouse do so without wasting their time through traditional agent such as visiting libraries and conducting exhaustive research. With internet, students eject save their times to search for information and using their time to do other works.This is in particular relevant for students who whoremonger use this wealth of information f or their school projects and also learn new things about the subjects they are interested in. In circumstance this internet is for many another(prenominal) schools and universities that are now able to assigns projects and work to the students and follows their come which crumb be easily posted on the school or university internal websites. Online education has grown at a very card-playing pace since internet allow the development and uses of innovative in like mannerls for imparting education. University students and lecturers can communicate through internet. Besides, round universities are also offerings far distances courses to make study become more inefficient and convenience. Internet become a gateway for those who wants to learn but cannot afford the living fees at distant countries.Thirdly, entertainments is another popular reasons why many people prefer to crop the internet. In fact, the internet has becomes quite successful in trapping the varied entertainment in dustry. Downloading games or just surfing the celebrity websites are some of the uses people have discovered. Even celebrities are using the internet effectively for promotional campaigns. Besides that, there are numerous games that can be downloaded for free. The industry of online gaming has tasted dramatic and phenomenal attentions by game lovers. The internet has also revolutionized the entertainments industry. People present no need to go to a cinema hall to watch your favourite movie. Instead of watching movies at cinema now have companies offering their services where you just can downloads or order your favourite movie and watch it with a abstain internet connection. Besides that, you also can download other definitive software or your favourite music in a matter of few minutes. There are a number of shareware programs that allow you to share and download your favourite music and videos. The internet also allows people from different cultures and background to connect wit h each other. Internet gaming is a huge business and allow enthusiastic gamers to compete against each other in games even when they are located far apart. Likewise dating has also allowed people to find their prospective soul mates.Through the internet, shopping has also got a complete makeover thanks to the contributions of the internet. You have many website selling a varieties of products online and matchless just need to select or bid for the craved product and entire financial transactions can be conducts through the internet. E commerce has got a facilities because of the internet and entire global business deals can be conducted over the internet. Transfer of money is also no longer a times consuming job and with just a click of a button you can easily transfers funds to any place you wish. or so of these services of courses come at a price. The internet has made life very convenient. With numerous online services you can now performs all your transaction online. You can b ooks tickets for a movie, transfer funds, pay utility(prenominal) bills, taxes etc, and right(a) from your home. several(prenominal) travel websites even plans an itinerary as per your preferences and cat one across care of airline tickets, hotel reservation etc. by using internet, consumers can compare the prices of product before making decisions to purchase.People who believes that impacts of internet on students is positives said that internet help students by providing them the handy material and resources for their studies. It is a big reality that now students takes a scads of help from internet. Students have any problem regarding their studies or their daily life they can finds lots of solutions of that problem from internet. There they can find out articles of scholar and other professional people which would be helpful for them. They can take lectures from different academics on different topics.One of the most important benefits of internet is that students can ear n from internet through bloggers. Students can take interest on earning through internet. It would be a great source of income for them and also it would provide them a big experience of writing. The students who are interested in media and wanted to be a writer in the future must do this work. This would increase their professional skills which would lead them towards great future.Students can also use internet for the complaisant connectivity and there are lots of social media websites which broadly speaking students use for social networking. Such as Facebook, Twitter, Weibo etc are the famous social networking site. Students can contact themselves with the foreign students and discuss them on different exsert to enhance their skills and knowledge. By using internet wisely, students can push back many information to enrich their knowledge.3.0 Disadvantages of the InternetHowever, for all its advantages and positive aspects, the internet has its turned and ugly side too. The recent rumours that mongering about racial riots in Kuala Lumpur which in created a furores, just goes to show how this tool, with its unrivalled reputation as an information assassinations and company reputations can suffer if internet facilities are ab employ, especially by those with an axe to grind.Besides that some students go away spend too much of time through the internet. Students are likely to neglect their studies. If the movie has too strong a hold even elderly people are likely to neglect some their important work. Students might lose brook on their studies because they spent too much time on internet. Some of them cant even divide their time to do grooming but they spent their time on watching movie or chatting with their friends through internet.While the internet has made life easier for people in many ways it is also reflecting an uglier side to its existence through a number of problems that it has thrown up for its users. With a large amount of information fr eely available on the internet theft and misuse of this information is a likely possibility. Time and again you see cases of people using someone elses information and research and passing it off as their own. Children nowadays seem losing their ability to communicate with others. They are used to communicate with others via internet but they cannot communicate with others face by face fluent. It was a rum sight that internet had make people losing their ability to communicate. It is because people now are over depending on internet.Another problem or disadvantage of the internet is that it has allowed a great deal of anonymity to a large number of people who may access the different websites, forums and chat rooms available. This has allowed perverted individuals to at times take advantage of innocent people and abuse their trust. We can always hear from news that cheaters used internet to make crimes. The cheaters will make friends with single ladies and cheat them by using sweet words. Lonely single ladies are very easy substantiate in trap of these cheaters. These cheaters normally will cheat these ladies to bank-in money to them. Some of the cheaters try to borrow money from these ladies.There are a drove of games that are available on the internet and this has made most children to bar all outdoor activity. In the absence of physical activity, children can easily fall prey to a lot of lifestyle related diseases such as obesity, apart from failing to develop interpersonal skills. Apart from these factors, sitting continuously in front of a computer screen can seriously damage our eyes, and put a strain on our fill in and shoulders. Children are in their developing years and these factors can create life-long problems for them. Children will become more violence because affected by internet games. There are too many internet games that contain violence sum and it may affect negative influence to children.Another disadvantage of internet is harmful t o little children. Children nowadays are explored to internet and they are used to maintain internet as their daily life. This is one of the greatest threats internet poses to children. Internet has provided an easy medium to children to gain access to pornography and this can cause them to either become sexually-deviant or sexually-addictive. This phenomenon has also caused another problem, and that is the increase in prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) in children. According to reports, one out of every four teenagers gets infected with a STD every year. The crowing content that is present on the internet promotes irresponsible sex and creates treacherously notions in the minds of students.If you have been following news lately then you must know what we are referring to. Children have been lured by paedophiles posing as true Samaritans and have been physically abused and molested. Internet has also made it easy for unscrupulous elements to get in touch with child ren and this has led to an increase in the cases of kidnapping and identity thefts. About 60% young teens in the join States have admitted to responding to messages from strangers. This kind of behavior is highly risky and has made children extremely vulnerable to become victims of cyber-crime.4.0 ConclusionThe points mentioned above have posed new challenges to teachers and parents. There are demands from various quarters that there should be some sort of regulation to check this issue. However, we believe that instead of making internet a taboo, we should educate children to use it for their benefit. It is advisable for parents to monitor how much time their children spend on the internet, and if possible set a time-limit till which they would be allowed to use the internet. Having the computer in the living-room instead of a childs bedchamber can also ensure censorship on what they are accessing on the internet. It is also important that you blather to them about the birds an d the bees because if you do not talk to them, they will turn to their friends and internet for answers which may not provide veritable(a) information. Parents play important role in this content and they have to pay attention on their children despite them get affected by internet.Although studies on this disorder are in preliminary stages, it has been established that children who spend most of their time on the internet, show a peculiar kind of behaviour which is marked by an urge to be on the internet all the time, so much that the child may show all activities and become immersed in the virtual world. Surveys conducted over the years have found that most people who suffer from Internet habituation disorder are young adults, who easily fall into the lure of exploring everything that is available on the internet. In the States alone, it has been estimated that around 10-15 million people are suffering from internet addiction disorder, and this is increasing at the rate of 25% e very year. Internet had controlled some of them who are depending internet in their life activities. Most of them will get mad if they cannot connect to internet. It becomes a kind of physiology sickness around us.The internet focused on the negative effects, it in no way inwardness that we are undermining the importance of internet in our lives. We have written this article for the internet audience, and you are reading it through the internet, which itself explains the positive side of internet usage. It is for us to decide whether we use technology for the betterment of our lives or put it to unabated abuse. Children may not be mature enough to get wind this, but us as parents, teachers and guardians need to ensure that we inculcate the right behaviour in our children. Lastly, we have to take the responsibilities to guide out children to use internet wisely and ensure them to get right information from internet.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Diversity, Learning and Progress
smorgasbord, Learning and Progress regeneration, Learning and Progress foot miscellanea is ab turn up identifying the dissimilarities in the characteristics of individuls that form their identities and the experiences they have in order of magnitude. Diversity is the degree of basic human differences among given population.The modern-day instruction surround faces many learning issues. Todays classrooms do non consist of homogeneous (uniform) disciple groupings, or else they be composed of heterogeneous (different) school-age child groupings. As our classrooms snap on new look, our teachers approaches to teaching mustiness change to accommodate scholar renewal. lthough the schools are unable to control many factors that house influence students faculty member victory they can improve the modes in which they previously served them. This stress discusses diversity, learning and progress in concise and comprehensive way.Diversity Managing diversity is relly about m anaging differences, and simple training program cannot accomplish it. It is floriculture change culture change initiated by enlightened managers who can advert the energy and enthusiasm that result from capturing the best of many people and ideas. It is not enough that companies state their concern they must take actin to visualize that diversity is vlued (Kram, 1996, pp. 90-98).Diversity, include diverse perspectives, approaches and sensitivities of culture, gender, religion, ethnic and natinl origin, attitudes, socio-economic and psychel differences, sexul orientatin, physicl and mentl abilities, culturl power groups versus majority culturl groups, productive abilities, power, knowledge, stance and forms of socil and culturl reproductin.Therefore, diversity management means the creatin of internl and medical externl environment within which these different perspectives, approaches and sensitivities are incorporated and real in order to manage diversity in such way that the full potentil (productivity and personl aspiratins) of individuls and institutins may be relised optimlly. (Kram, 1996, pp. 90-98).Diversity activity is vluable resource in the educatinl environment and many institutes are seeing the need to implement these programs. Diversity is normlly viewed as race or gender issue except diversity covers an extensive couch of various personl differences. Diversity training through activity has become necessity in businesses because of peoples differences in the educatinl field. Because institutes are so diverse, Diversity activity programs volition help educate, sensitize and prepare students to get long in the educatinl environment.Issues in learningIn socil learning possibleness, suppuration and learning are, in another(prenominal) words, inseparable processes and they constitute each other in an understanding of learning as participatin in socil processes.The overll governing questin for this review is How does socil learning su rmise contribute to an understanding of organizatinl learning, which differs from point of departure in individul learning theory? Most of the literary turns on organizatinl learning and its counterpart, the Learning Organizatin, departs from individul learning theory and socil learning theory in organizatinl learning literature has grown out of criticism of just that departure. The criticism is elaborated later, but, in short, it is that individul learning theory focuses on learning as national mentl processes related to the acquisitin and processing of informatin and knowledge. It leads to mind being the locus of learning, and as consequence, separatin of the individul learner and the context, in this case, the organizatin, for learning (Cazden, 1988, pp. 20-26).Inclusve teching indicates that teaching in techniques that do not leave out students, accidentlly or intentinlly, from chances to learn. Inclusve teachers mirror on how they teach, as sound as what they tach, in order to employ the wide range of experiences and learning styles ther students bring to the classroom (Cazden, 1988, pp. 20-26).Communca sound clear expectatins, using inclusive linguistic process, and articulating your dedicatin to honourng diverse perspectives can ll add to more welcoming learning environment (Cazden, 1988, pp. 20-26). Additinlly, giving students the opportunity to stomach an opinion at different tmes ll through the quarter can lso be cooperative in measuring how well your inclusve strategies are workng.There is very clear relatinship between socil and educatinl outcomes in the United Kingdom establishing itself from early childhood. Our eductin clay has developed over numerous years through changing companionship with changing demnds and hopes. The vlues and assumptins that are widely shared throughout our society have determined how and why we teach and to understand why this happened we must consider the history of our relatively brief educatin history .Bowles and Gintis (1976) developed an pipeline they clled Correspondence thesis where they believed that schools were organized to correspond to the work place. For example, the relatinships of the principl, teachers and students corresponded to relatinships of the boss, leadership hand and worker. This form of educatin prepared students for different positins in the parsimoniousness in later life and was determined largely by the status of their family within society.Todays classrooms do not consist of homogeneous (uniform) student groupings, rather they are composed of heterogeneous (different) student groupings. As our classrooms take on new look, our teachers approaches to teaching must change to accommodate student diversity. lthough the schools are unable to control many factors that can influence students academic success they can improve the ways in which they previously served them. When differences in student achievement are detected associated with factors such as r ace, gender or economic status, bias in teaching strategy must be suspected (Tenbrink, 1974, pp. 16-21).Monitoring ProgressResearch on self-monitoring typiclly has assiduous multi-item, self-report measures to identify people high and low in self-monitoring. The two close frequently employed measuring instruments are the 25 trueflse items of the originl Self-Monitoring Scle and an 18-item refinement of this measure.Empiricl investigatins of testable hypotheses spawned by self-monitoring theory have accumulated into sizable published literature. Among others, it includes studies of the relatin of self-monitoring to expressive control, socil perceptin, correspondence between private belief and open actin, tendencies to be influenced by interpersonl expectatins, propensities to tailor behavior to specific situatins and roles, capability to advertising, and orientatins toward friendship and romantic relatinships.It may be mentioned that soon after its inceptin, self-monitoring was offered as partil resolutin of the traits versus situatins and attitudes and behavior controversies in personlity and socil psychology. The propositins of self-monitoring theory clearly suggested that the behavior of low self-monitors ought to be readily predicted from measures of their attitudes, traits, and dispositins whereas that of high self-monitors ought to be best predicted from knowledge of features of the situatins in which they operate. Self-monitoring promised moderator variable resolutin to debates concerning the relative roles of person and situatin in determining behavior. These issues set the agenda for the first stray of research on self-monitoring (Tenbrink, 1974, pp. 16-21).To be brief monitoring is the process of creting and changing experience into knowledge, abilities, attitudes, vlues, emotins, beliefs and senses. It is the procedure through which individuls become themselves.ReferencesKram, K. E. and Hll, D. T. (1996). Mentoring in context of diversity a nd turbulence . In S. Lobel and E. Kossek (eds.), Human preference Strategies for Managing Diversity . Oxford Blackwell, pp. 90-98.Cazden, C. B. (1988). Classroom discourse The language of teaching and learning . Portsmouth, NH Heinemann, pp. 30-35.Lindfors, J. W. (1987). Childrens language and learning . Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hll, pp. 2026.Tenbrink T D (1974) Evluatin practicl guide for teachers Maple press, pp. 16-21.
Dawn Bread Company Analysis
forenoon earnings caller-out AnalysisCompany Profile dawn pelf perforate prick is amongst the leading bakers of the beingness, and atomic number 18 attached to unendingly upgrading quality, health standards and nutritional values. finish up lollipop pitch brought one of the mankinds closely technologically ripe baking acerbic units to Pakistan and the use of quality ingredients and an advanced work process ensure that its consumers capture purchased a fresh and nutritive crossroad of world class standard. dawn sugara name that has come to signify quality and rancour in swag increases. A success story that was written by a family that is committed to honest to intelligentness enterprise and concerned with the prosperity of the country. The enterprise, which made a humble beginning in late 1981, has, within a decade, expectant to capture 35% of the consolidated market shargon of all scraping intersections in the country, a fact that speaks volumes about the credibility of the company and its products. prior(prenominal) to the establishment of morn scar, the largest producer of mark products was the public sector. However, this sector could not cope with the learns of the consumer and this when, perceiving a change in the eating habits of Pakistanis, put over Bread was envisioned.Beginning with the found in Karachi, commissioned in October 1981, Dawn Bread built-up a reputation for freshness, quality and taste. Creating awareness plus a demand for bread products, the second plant was commissioned in Islamabad in January 1985. Nothing succeeds like success, so next came the plant in Hyderabad in January 1987, a year that was to also witness the establishment of another plant at Lahore, in November 1987. In 1989 we established the plant at Multan. afterward consolidating this expansion, the sixth plant was commissioned at Faisalabad in February 1992. Now our customers tin find Dawns quality and freshness from the southern tip of P akistan to the Northern city of Peshawar.For purpose of standardization, the company associated itself with FMBRA of United Kingdom in 1990 to bring itself in neckcloth with international standards of production, technology, machinery and workulation Now, all theDawn Breadplants boast of the latest machinery utilise in the bread-making process. They are managed by senior nutrient technologists with decades of experience, while those manning the machinery are provided on the job training in congenial working conditions. victorious a responsible place in society, the company is committed to the learn and development of the society as a whole, and participates in sports and social eudaimonia activities. yields of Dawn BreadDawn Bread is amongst the leading bakers of the Pakistan, and is committed to continuously upgrading quality, health standards and nutritional values. Dawn Bread have brought one of the worlds most technologically advanced baking units to Pakistan and the use of quality ingredients and an advanced production process ensure that its consumers have purchased a fresh and wholesome product of world class standard.Dawn Bread has good range of products chiefly categorized into Breads, do-nothing, Sweets, Frozen and other. Following is the description of products of Dawn BreadBreads intersection verbal descriptionMultigrainDawns Multigrain bread brings you Natures Best in a unblemishedly soft, spunky and textured loaf . baked from a special combination of merchandise grains, skillful of natural flavor aroma, this premium bread is a thoroughgoing(a) companion to any meal, snack, sandwich or well(p) by itself. scented Wholesome Goodness for the whole family to enjoyBran BreadDawns Bran Bread saucily baked for health conscious customers. This bread contributes towards the daily intake of role to help maintain the right balanced diet.Milky Bread do by the addition of milk, this oven fresh aromatic bread is made so that each(prenomina l) slice contains the richest of texture and nurses that extra taste.Plain White BreadThis freshly baked and nutritious bread was one of the first products to be introduced in the Pakistani market by Dawn Bread.Fortified BreadFreshly baked and wholesome, this bread contributes to the recommended daily intake of essential nutrients that form a major component of a healthy and balanced diet. do from the finest ingredients, this multi purpose bread green goddess be used for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks or whenever, with whatsoever you like.Buns Product Description blistering Dog BunsHot Dog Buns are growing in favoriteity by the day. Baked using the strictest of quality standards, our tasty product is made to be the freshest hot dog bun available in the Pakistani market.Fruity BunsAn all time favorite breakfast alternative comm moreover cognise as Maska Bun, our Fruit bun still carries that distinct taste perfect by Dawn. Served with a luxuriant layer of butter or just by it self, the taste of this sweet treat will not let you calibrate.Burger BunsOur Oven fresh buns are a treat by themselves. Baked by using only the very finest of ingredients, and perfected by years of experience in the baking field, these aromatic buns turn the perfect burgers. We also take pride in the fact that we are the official bakers in Pakistan for the largest fast food chain in the worldSweets Product DescriptionStrawberry Vanila barStrawberry Vanila flavored cakes made with only the beat out of ingredients. These little delights are simply a must have, good things do come in fiddling packages.Short Cake sometime(prenominal) called Ship Cake, is best choice for tea parties and snacks. One of the most popular products of Dawn Bread in Cake category.Pineapple Cake form Shaped cake flavored with pineapple and with only the best of ingredients.Mango CakeMango Cake is tasty cupful shaped cake full of mango flavor, best in all seasons. Fresh and likeable product of Dawn Bre adCup CakeSimple tasty cup shaped cakes made with only the best of ingredients.Frozen Product DescriptionDAWN PARATHA FROZEN PARATHA PREPARED ON PLANTIn line with Dawns philosophy of continues innovation, we are proud to be the first to introduce DAWNs PARATHA. Our paratha provides the best of both worlds, giving the same home cooked tasted while providing the most pleasant preparation method possible.Other Product DescriptionDAWN ruskThe first packaged crispy rusks to be made available in the Pakistani market. Made under hygienic conditions and packaged to retain their freshness and taste. Try our rusk with tea or coffee today.Export Products of Dawn BreadDawn Bread also has number of export food products under category of Frozen Dough of different type with shack name Mezban. Dawn Bread amongst the leading bakers of the world, and are committed to constantly upgrading quality, health standards and nutritional values. Dawn Bread use of quality ingredients and an advanced produ ction process ensure that its consumers have purchased a fresh and wholesome product of world class standard.Export Products and DescriptionAloo ParathaGriddle-fried Potato stuffed tight breads are called Aloo Parathas The stuffing is made with mouth watering exotic stump spuds brisk with different herbs and spices. For a simple, rich indulgence eat it plain or top a freshly made hot parantha with a dollop of whipped butter or mint chutney. baskSheermalSheermal is a sweet flat bread baked in clay ovens which gives it a unique aroma and texture.It can be eaten plain or with any curry of your choice. EnjoyPuriPuri is a thin flat bread which after deep frying turns into a crispy golden brown bread. Puri can be attend tod with pickles, spicy potato and chickpee curry or any other meal of your choice EnjoyChatpata Mix Vege get across SamosaMix vegetable samosa is a traditional Pakistani savory pastry stuffed with spicy vegetables.This aromatic freshman is a perfect harmony of flav or and texture. Stuffed with Potatoes, Peas, Cauliflower,Coriander and a wonderful mix of spices, these samosas are an exotic finger food choice for any occasion.Chatpata Potato SamosaPotato samosa is a traditional Pakistani savory pastry stuffed with spicy mashed potatoes. This aromatic appetizer is a perfect harmony of flavor and texture. Stuffed with potatos, Onions and wonderful spices, these samosas are an exotic finger food choice for any occasion.Chai ParathaCapture the spirit and substance of the Peshawari Chai Paratha as made by Pathan dhabas (cafs) all over. This regional delicacy has been prepared as per the original recipe using only the very finest of ingredients to give you an authentic mouthwatering experience. The original aroma and taste Takes only minutes to serveWhole Wheat ParathaRegular consumption of fiber is associated with risk decrement of coronary heart disease. In general, soluble fiber (of which oats are a good source) is the dietary fiber most linked to a decline of cholesterol levels. Dawns Whole Wheat Paratha is prepared with the finest of whole chaff flour, oat bran and glycerol trimargarate to give you the same great tasting paratha, but better conform to to a healthy lifestyle.Roghni KulchaThe Kulcha is a traditional unleavened whole wheat bread baked in a clay tandoor (Oven). The distinct smoke-filled flavour of the Kulcha is the result of the moisture dripping onto the hot charcoal in a traditional tandoor. The Naan is pressed against the sides of the pot with the use of a small pillow and is cooked by conducted heat. Incidentally, the familiar tear shape of Naan bread comes from the earnings dripping down the sides of the tandoor. Good with any dish bring the tandoor to your table today.Tandoori RotiTandoori Roti all time best choice for dinner and lunch.TafanFrozen Taftan product of Dawn Bread with all best ingredients for traditional lunch and dinner.Dawn Bread Product Ingredient Chart SheetDawn Bread use qualit y ingredients and an advanced production process to ensure that its consumers have purchased a fresh and wholesome product of world class standard.Dawn Bread Product Distribution Network in PakistanDawn groupsstatistical distribution electronic network comprises of over two hundred company owned vehicles in a distribution system spread all over Pakistan. On a daily basis, Dawn Bread distributes its goods to over a 10,000 retail outlets. This makes Dawn Bread one of the largest distribution networks for any product in Pakistan. Dawn Bread distribute in almost all the major metropolitan areas, secondary metropolitan areas as well as the rural split of the country. Dawn Bread network has been in the business of touching each of our 10,000 retail customers on a daily basis for the past 20 years.Distribution Network of Dawn Bread in Pakistan can be studied by dividing it into basketball team parts based on its five plants in Pakistan at Karachi, Hyderabad, Faisalabad, Lahore and Rawa lpindi in Sindh and Punjab province of Pakistan, respectively as shown in diagram.Plant-wise Distribution Areas of Dawn BreadDawn Bread Export Product Distribution NetworkDawn Bread exports its quality products to different countries of the world namely Alaska, Canada, United States of America, Norway, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Netherlands, Germany, South Africa, Saudia Arabia, Japan as shown in below diagram of Dawn Bread world wide distribution network.In United States of America, distribution network future break down into distribution areas as follow Washington Oregon Idaho Nevada California Texas okeh Illinois Wisconsin Michigan Indiana Ohio Virginia New York Massachusetts Connecticut New jersey. Maryland
Friday, March 29, 2019
The Apollo Program By Nasa History Essay
The Apollo Program By Nasa History EssayThe Apollo curriculum is a blank space design by NASA which aims to transfer men to moon. It began in 1961. The force out was accomplished during the Apollo 11 mission, when Neil Armstrong was the first hu objet dart to step on the moon. The political chopine has legion(predicate) dimensions other than space field and explorations, it has political dimensions too. Apollo weapons platform stirred the world in many another(prenominal) ways and started a space exploration revolution.Introduction Sense the beginning of the 17th century, when Galileo took the first close visit to the moon using his first telescope, people started dreaming of flying to the out space and to r each(prenominal) the moon. That dream became real after 3 centuries, when NASA launched Apollo Program.The Apollo class was a stand out by NASA in the United States. The oddment of this project was to discharge humans on the laze and bring them back to earth s afely. The idea of getting a human to the moonshine started during the Eisenhower administration hardly it really began in 1961 after chairman John F. Kennedy declared a national goal of landing a man on the corn liquor before the end of this decade. One of the biggest reasons behind starting this program is the opposition between the United States and the Soviet Union in space exploration field. In 1961 and during the cold war, the Soviet Union was the first country to send a man to the outer space in an orbital flight, that man was the Soviet astronaut Yuri Gagarin. After the great achieve of the Soviets, many Americans power saw that the United States must win the competition over against the Soviet Union. On the twentieth of July 1969, the goal was finally accomplished when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Albrin landed on the lunation and returned to Earth safely and that was during the Apollo 11 mission. Between 1969 and 1972, there were a hit of six successful landings on the Moon. In these flights, 12 astronauts walked on the Moon and collected around 382 Kgs ofrocks, sand and many other samples to study the geological features of the Moon. The program ended in 1974 with Apollo 17.The Space Race Early in 1960 and during the Eisenhower administration, the Apollo program was c one successionived as a follow-up to the Mercury program which was the program that send the first American astronaut to the space. The Apollo spacecraft was able to conduct three astronauts whereas the Mercury capsule could support only one. NASA manager Abe Silverstein named the program after the Greek god of light and music he state later In November 1960, John F. Kennedy was elected president after he promised in his campaign to put America in superiority over the Soviet Union in space exploration and missile exculpation field. Despite Kennedys promises, he didnt approve immediately on Apollo program once he became president. Though he knew about some of the technical detai ls, at the same time he was put off by the great financial commitments.On the 12th of April, 1961, Soviet Union successfully sent Yuri Gagarin to the outer space to become the first human to fly in space. That movement reinforced American fears about losing the space race against the Soviet Union and being left behind in a proficient competition. At the same time prexy Kennedy refused to make any commitments on Americas response to the Soviets. After 8 days on April 20, Vice President Lyndon Johnson received a memorandum from President Kennedy discussing the Americas space program office with him and asking him to find a solution to catch up with the Soviet program. Johnsons respond came out one week later, he concluded He mentioned also that landing humans on the Moon will be achieved by the United States.On the following month, on May 25, 1961, President Kennedy announced his approval and his full support for the Apollo program. He said that with a speech during a special ses sion of Congress.At that time, many of NASA employees doubted whether Kennedys goal could be met. many a(prenominal) people doubted too, because only one American had flown in space.The goal of landing astronauts on Moon before the end of 1969 required an advanced technology, and a huge amount of money to manoeuvre the program, it was around $24 billion which is the largest commitment of resources ever made by any nation at that time, and to get the work done in less than 10 years, NASA employed 400,000 people to work on Apollo program plus the support of more than than 20,000 industrial companies and universities.Apollos mission mode once Kennedy had announced the national goal, the planners of Apollo mission faced the challenge of calculative a flying system with the minimum risks to human life. At the same time they dont indispensability to exceed the limits and spend extra money on designing flights. They came up with four possible mission modes to choose from Direct insu rrection Its to send the spacecraft directly to the Moon, make it land and return as one unit. To be able to make this kind of missions work efficiently, they realize to design a strong launching system and a more powerful booster. Earth theater of operations assignation (EOR) In this mode many rockets would be launched, each one of the rockets will be carrying a unlike part of a Direct Ascent spacecraft and propulsion units to slip by the spacecraft moving until it escapes earth orbit. Then the spacecraft will land on the Moon as a unit. Lunar Surface Rendezvous They would launch two different spacecraft, one is a vehicle with propellants on it, and the other is the man vehicle. First, the vehicle carrying propellants would land and then the manned vehicle will land later. They would transfer propellant from the first vehicle to the manned vehicle to make it able to go back to Earth. Lunar force field Rendezvous (LOR) In this mission mode they would send a main spacecraft an d a smaller lunar module to travel together into a lunar orbit. Then the lunar module will respectively land on the Moon. When the mission is completed, it returns to the lunar orbit and come again with the main spacecraft. Then the main spacecraft returns to Earth.After studying each mission and examination some of them they came up with some expected results to choose the best mission mode for Apollo program, they decided to go with the Lunar Orbit Rendezvous mode. In the LOR method, astronauts can use the spacecraft as a life boat in case of a failure in the command ship, which is an advantage. On Apollo 13, astronauts faced a problem of oxygen store failure that caused a cut in the electrical power in the command ship. The Lunar Module provided all the needs to get the crew back to earth safely.Apollo MissionsThere are two types of Apollo missionsUnmanned missionsNASA began preparing for the Apollo program long before they decided to start the manned Apollo missions. In Octo ber 1961, they started testing flights of the Saturn I booster and it lasted for around three years until September 1964. In 1963, two tests of the launch escape system at the White sands Missile Range. After all the tests, NASA sent three unmanned missions, they were Apollo 4, Apollo 5 and Apollo.Manned missionsAfter testing the launching vehicles and making sure that nought wrong is going to happen to the crew, NASA started the manned missions which carried three astronauts each or sometimes more. The first manned mission on the Apollo program was Apollo 7, launched on October 11, 1968 in an Earth orbital flight it was to test the Command Module. Many manned missions continued the following years with some successful Moon landings. The last Apollo mission was Apollo 17, launched December 7, 1972.Canceled MissionsApollo 18, Apollo 19 and 20 were originally suppositional to be a part of the Apollo program, but those missions had been canceled. In 1968, during the beginning with t he preference of Richard Nixon, the space program started to lose focus. After Nixon was elected president, he didnt want to continue what Kennedy started and he was not so interested in the space program, in hes opinion, its enough and its the time to stop the space missions because the original goal has accomplished. In 1969 Apollo 20 was canned, and 18 and 19 were dispensed with in 1971.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Napster vs. Music :: essays research papers
Napster is an online trading program that allows users to look into some other persons hard-drive in order to trade practice of medicine. Napster and similar software provides users with a mode of searching thousands of other users computers to share thousands of high quality music, music that is stored in the compressed .mp3 format.(Internet). Music of the popular artist is traded through the Internet at no cost. In other words instead of having to pay food market price for music users of Napster receive the music for free. Napster has caused major controversy throughout the music industry. The recording Industry association of America is suing Napster, claiming it allows users to make ill-gotten copies of the secureed songs. It is seeking an injunction against the service and damages for lost taxation from thousands of songs it says were pirated through tapsters program (Internet). So one must look at the question, are programs same(p) Napster illegal or does the program actually fix some validity.There are several people against the use of programs like Napster. The band Metallica filed the first federal suit against Napster. The band is suing the company for copyright infringement and racketeering. Lars Ulrich, the band drummer says Napster hijacked our music without asking. They never sought out permission. kayoed catalog of music simply became available as free downloads on the Napster system(Internet). Metallica is suing Napster and has accused Napster of copyright infringement and racketeering. The Metallica bands as well as other groups desire that Napster has cost them much notes. They do not believe it is fair that people can go in and download their music for free instead of having to pay for it. The drummer suggested that the music traders were cowards using high technology for low-down theft (Metallica). In this day and age on has to take the money issues. These issues are what make Napster bad. Napster has been accused of illegal acts because it does provide secure music.According to a CNN article internet music debates plays our on not bad(p) hill The growth of online music services and utilities such as Napster has caused offend among many record labels and artist, who care that the site are places for music buccaneering that deprives them of earrings and royalties. Metallica drummer Eulrich said every time a Napster enthusiast downloads a song, it takes money from our pockets of all these members of the creative community.
Custom Term Papers: Hamlet’s Heroine, Ophelia -- GCSE English Literatu
Hamlets Heroine, OpheliaIn Shakespeares tragedy Hamlet in that location is, technically, no heroine. But the female character who comes next to qualifying for the role is not Gertrude, whose sinful past precludes this, but sort of Ophelia, the universal victim of the drama. She is truly a good, upright person although she is used by her father, brother and boyfriend. Harry Levin, in the General Introduction to The riverside Shakespeare, elaborates on the particular kind of prose which the dramatist uses with Ophelia when she suffers her madness Though there is no invariable rule, the comic scenes are frequently in prose, whereas the tragical scenes are usually in verse. Yet some of the most tragic, notably Ophelias made scenes and the sleep-walking scene of Lady Macbeth, are in that special kind of distracted prose which Shakespeare reserved for moments of mental distraction, when the fragments of suppressed emotion hearty up from the unconscious. (11) Shakespeares use of dis tinctive language is one status concerning Ophelia. Another is her victimization. Gunnar Boklund in Hamlet performs a partial-analysis on the character of Ophelia in Shakespeares tragedy, Hamlet The only character who is presented almost entirely as a victim is Ophelia, a victim of the Kings care and curiosity, her fathers servility and fundamental indifference to her, Hamlets misunderstanding of the situation and brutal treatment of her, and finally his fatal garget through the arras in the closet scene. Her madness is, as I see it, a purely pathetic element in the play. In the world where Hamlet has been forced to act, there appears to be no way of life for passive and obedient innocence. It is crushed, and perishes. (123) The p... ... Madness Her Only Safe Haven. Readings on Hamlet. Ed. endure Nardo. San Diego Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from Hamlet A Users Guide. New York Limelight Editions, 1996. Pitt, Angela. Women in Shakespeares Tragedies. Readings on The Tragedies. E d. Clarice Swisher. San Diego Greenhaven Press, 1996. Excerpted from Shakespeares Women. N.p. n.p., 1981. Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995. http// village/full.html Ward & Trent, et al. The Cambridge History of English and American Literature. New York G.P. Putnams Sons, 190721 New York, 2000 http// Wilkie, Brian and James Hurt. Shakespeare. Literature of the Western World. Ed. Brian Wilkie and James Hurt. New York Macmillan publish Co., 1992.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
In Praise of Jared Diamonds Guns, Germs, and Steel Essay -- Wealth En
In Praise of J ard rhombuss Guns, Germs, and markJared Diamonds bestseller Guns, Germs, and Steel (GG&S) is an attempt to explain why around parts of the foundation are currently powerful and prosperous while others are poor. Diamond is both a physiologist and a linguist who spends a good dish up of his time living with hunter gathers in Papua cutting Guinea. As a researcher and as a human being, he is convinced that each people have the same potential. Hunter gatherers are just as intelligent, resourceful, and diligent as anybody else. Yet satisfying success isnt every bit distributed across the globe. Civilization sprung up in relatively few places and spread in a defined pattern. I should emphasize that Diamond doesnt equate material prosperity with well-being or virtue. Hes just curious about the spherical distribution of bling bling. Diamonds hypothesis is that geography gave certain groups big initial advantages. Specifically, some places are more conducive to domesti cation of plants and animals. Most people moot that domestication is just a matter of capturing animals and breeding them in captivity. This is a misconception. Domesticated species of plants and animals have undergone major genetic changes through years of selective breeding. Compared to their wild ancestors, the major cereal crops are more nutritious, quicker to germinate, and easier to pose and harvest. Domestic animals are more docile, easier to train, and generally more suited to tone in captivity. Diamonds key point is that not every wild species is equally susceptible to domestication and that domesticable species are not evenly distributed across the globe. fruity horses and camels had the right stuff, reindeer not so much. As modern attempts to domesticat... ...ccupied with gathering and child rearing. In other societies, some people can feed their time to science, technology, philosophy, politics, finance and the other cultural roles that define state societies. The res nought in Diamonds book to suggest that he is anything but a wiz of the Enlightenment. Hes a practicing scientist who attempts to analyze historical trends in scientific terms. He is too a sympathetic interpreter who respects and admires human diversity. He believes in progress, but he doesnt assume that technologically advanced people are superior or even uniformly better off. Finally, he affirms the set of the Enlightenment by suggesting how we can use history and science to get up more prosperous, stable, and just societies. Source CitedDiamond, Jared M. Guns, Germs, and Steel The Fate of Human Societies. New York Norton, 1997.
Turbo Or Nitrous :: essays research papers
Turbo or nitricAs you are driving, you absorb many cars going over the speed limit. Many of the drivers are into travel and modifying their cars. In most cars there are two major modifications that keister be done, they are turbo kit, or a nitric kit. Both gain horse tycoon dramatic bothy, but one is instant and the other goes into effect later on a certain rpm.Turbo, is a turbine that is connected to your locomotive engines air phthisis that spins to give explosive power at high rpms. This is something that with minor modifications can be done to almost any car in the market. Turbo comes in many different sizes depending on the type of engine you have and how much power you want. When a turbo is installed in a car it is considered a difficult push but an upgrade that will make you car run bump and faster. It also doesnt shorten the life of your engine if done properly. The only problem with a turbo is the price. Turbos range anywhere from 2,000 dollars to 5,000 dollars and many other minor modifications must be made which also increase constitute.Nitrous, is something totally different from turbo. Nitrous is a gaseous mixture that is either directly injected into your engines pistons or into you intake manifold. Nitrous is cheap and gives you a lot of power. It costs about calciferol dollars and depending on how much you want to spray is how much horsepower your engine will receive. A 50 shot of azotic gives you about 45 more horsepower. What is impressive about nitrous, is that you only use it when you want because all you have to do is flip a switch and then it works. The down pat(p) side of nitrous is that it burns your engine, and if used frequently it will deterioration your engine beyond repair. While turbo gives you horsepower at high rpms, nitrous is instant at anytime. Turbo is very costly, while nitrous is extremely cost efficient. Nitrous can be temporary and turbo is permanent. Turbo requires many minor modifications and nitrous d oesnt require any.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Feminism In The Handmaids Tale Essay -- Feminism Feminist Women Criti
Feminism In The Handmaids recital Feminism as we know it began in the mid 1960s as the Womens venting Movement. Among its chief tenants is the base of womens empowerment, the idea that women are capable of doing and should be allowed to do anything men can do. Feminists believe that neither sex is naturally superior. They baulk behind the idea that women are inherently just as healthful and intelligent as the so-called stronger sex. Many writers have taken up the cause of feminism in their work. One of the most well cognise writers to deal with feminist themes is Margaret Atwood. Her work is clearly influenced by the movement and numerous literary critics, as well as Atwood herself, have identified her as a feminist writer. However, one of Atwoods most successful books, The Handmaids Tale, stands in exacting contrast to the ideas of feminism. In fact, the female characters in the novel are visualised in such a way that they directly conflict with the idea of wo mens empowerment. On the surface, The Handmaids Tale appears to be feminist in nature. The point-of-view character and vote counter is a woman and thus we see the world through a womans eyes. Theres much more to the story than that, though. Atwood doesnt show us our world. She shows us a newly created world in which women lack the freedoms that they currently take for granted. This dystopian society is completely controlled by men. Of course, the men have help from the Aunts, a crack team of brainwashers that run the reeducation centers and teach the handmaids how to be slaves. These characters really dont mouth well for womankind for two reasons. First of all, its difficult to tell who their real flavor counterpart is, assuming that this... writers. Its obvious that Atwood intentionally set herself apart from these writers with The Handmaids Tale. At times, she seems to disagree with them completely, such as when she shows pornography in a fond manner. At ot her times, she portrays feminists themselves as the powerful women they would like to be seen as, only when its always with full disclosure of their human frailty. Atwood never bashes feminism. Instead, she shows both sides of it. wish well everything else in the novel, feminism is shown to have good and bad elements. Even in Atwoods brave new world, there is no black and white. Sources Atwood, Margaret. The Handmaids Tale. New York Fawcett Crest, 1985. Moore, Pamela, Atwood, Margaret The Handmaids Tale. Boston, MS Houghton Mifflin, 1986. Internet www.wsu.edu8000/brains/science_fiction/handmaid.html
Forest Management :: essays research papers
Forest focusing is the maintaining and management of non only thetrees in the plant, but the streams, habitat, watersheds, and even thedecaying trees or logs on the tone floor. Managing our tones is not onlyimportant to the wildlife, but to our future economy and office of life. We needto continue to save the Oregon forests and help the ecosystems within thembecause military personnel beings ar also part of the ecosystem.By using forest management, it displace help certain species of wildlife. Some species of birds, such as the pileated woodpecker, which need big(p)snags to build nest cavities(7). But the worst possible approach to maintaininga wide mixture of species would be to manage every acre of the forest the selfsame(prenominal) way. Any change in forest habitat creates &8220winners and &8220losers. Asforests go through natural cycles of growth, death and regeneration, speciesmay inhabit or be absent from a given area partly in answer to naturalchanges in the struc ture of trees and other forest vegetation(4). The sameoccurs when forest stands are managed by humans.Unless future credible research indicates otherwise, effort should bemade to manage a wide range of forest structures. Maintaining diversity wouldbe best served by using a broader range of management tools. Those wouldinclude harvesting on federal official area - not simply thinning - and increasing thecommitment to old-growth attributes on private forest land throughtechniques such as retaining large trees and snags. As long as federal landsare substantially committed to providing late successional habitat, privateforest land can be substantially committed to younger, intensively managedstands, provided exact habitat characteristics are available.The federal lands make up more than 50% to 60% of the forests inOregon(3). Because timber harvest in now dramatically reduced on federallands, those lands represent a sizable, well distributed share of both old-growthforests and forest s that could become old-growth, providing habitat to thosespecies associated with forests with old-growth characteristics. While a large raft of federal land is committed to sustaining species that needold-growth, the difficult question remains, how frequently is enough? Leaving theseforests completely unharvested invites unacceptable, large-scale insectinfestations and catastrophic fires(6).Because federal lands comprise nearly 50 to 60 percent of Oregon&8217sforests, practices on these lands have a major impact on forest-dwellingvertebrates(2). These lands are well distributed throughout the state. Private land will power accounts for approximately 40 percent of the statesforests(5). Of this private ownership, over half is in industrial ownership andthe rest is held mostly by small woodland owners(7).Since 1992 harvesting on federal lands has dropped sharply.
Monday, March 25, 2019
nations of dreams :: essays research papers
I have a pipe hallucination. These argon the infamous words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on the day that he voiced his vision of America. It was his dream that was deferred for so many generations that finally blow up in the Civil Rights Movement of the 50s and 60s. The blood of this nation was started as a dream and on dreams it has grown. For without a vision, the spate shall parish. Nevertheless, there have been dreams that have fallen to the wayside of other dreams. These dreams whitethorn be left behind, but they have not been forgotten. To defer a dream, is to cause an explosion of mass proprieties.The American dream was first repose on paper in what is call today the Declaration of Independence. The dream was that all men are created equal. Before this dream America was rule by a hierarchy system, that constables, dukes and kings ruled not by prize of the people, but because they were born into it. It was the dream that men had the right to Life, Liberty, and the pur suit of blessedness that at first festered like a sore and finally detonate in the Revolutionary War.In Russia the dream of the turfs was to have food, clothing, and shelter eon the czars lived in castles wearing ermine cloaks and velvet dress clothing, eating feasts of swan, sweets and caviar. In their Communist Manifesto of 1848, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels printed the dream of a socialist system. It was a dream that exploded 70 years later. On March 8 of 1917 a severe food shortage cause riots in Petrograd. The crowds demanded food and the touchstone down of Tsar. When the troops were called in to disperse the crowds, they refused to fire their weapons and joined in the rioting. From the smallest child to the oldest man, dreams are an integral part of us.
Animal Farm The Fable The Satire The Allegory :: Essays Papers
zoology Farm The Fable The Satire The metaphor creature Farm, by George Orwell, is a metaphor close rulers and the ruled, oppressors and the oppressed, and an idea betrayed. The position meaning given will depend comparetly on the govern mental beliefs- political in the deepest sense of the word. The book is there to be enjoyed about how human beings can best live together in this world. The novel, Animal Farm by George Orwell, successfully combines the characteristics of three literary forms-the fable, the satire and the allegory.Animal Farm could be called A Fairy Story because people regain of the fairy story as the escapist form of literature par excellence. Animal Farm has sometimes been read as a fable against socialism. The animals are meant to represent certain types of human beings, not complex individuals. using animals as types is also Orwells way of keeping his hatred and animosity against exploiters under control. Each animal character is a type with whiz human trait, or two at most traits usually associated with that finicky kind of animal. For example, the pigs represented corrupted human behaveers in particular, the Bolsheviks, who lead the overthrow of the capitalist Russian government only to become late masters in return.(Internet) honest-to-goodness Major is a wise old pig whose stirring speech to the animals helps set the rebellion in interrogative sentence even though he dies before the rebellion actually begins. Old Major and his role compare with that of Karl Marx, whose ideas set the communist Revolution in effect. Also, the animals in Animal Farm talk and act like men and women. (Orwell 33) For instance, the pigs in the novel eat mash- real pig food provided with milk in it that they have grabbed. (Orwell 34) The pigs also persuaded the animals to let them keep a human action. The dogs growl and bite the way real dogs do only to support Napoleons drive for political condition. (Orwell 66) The two horses, boxer and C lover, represent the long-suffering workers and peasants of the world. Old Mollie, the loving mare, took a piece of thenar and put the ribbon on her shoulder looking at herself into the piece mirror. (Orwell 31) She actually leaves the farm for sugar and ribbons at a human hotel. (Orwell 52) He (Orwell) may have been thinking about certain Russian nobles who leftfield after the Revolution or a general human type. many readers view Animal Farm as a perfect exemplification of the famous saying associated with British historian Lord Action, All power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
The Ancient City :: essays research papers
The Ancient City PompeiiHow democratic was Pompeian politics?In order to dress the above question, it is first necessary to consider the exact meaning of the name democracy. Whilst it is difficult to give an exact definition of the word, it is certainly possible to get a list of the implications of democratic government for a partnership and its citizens. possibly the most obvious of these implications, certainly when considered from a forward-looking standpoint, would be that all(prenominal) full fraction of a society would be considered as world equal, and thus would have an equal say in the running and appointing of a government. Secondly, truly democratic government would similarly imply that e actually member of society would have an equal opportunity to be elected to a governmental position. Such an opportunity should at least(prenominal), in theory anyway, not be reliant on social class or position, nor monetary support. Finally, the existence of a truly democrat ic system of government would also imply that governments be periodically elected, and during any given term of government, politicians would be fully employed by the state in the running of the country. disposed such implications of democracy, Pompeian politics would appear at first appraisal to exactly be democratic at all. Certainly, it can be said that the politics of Pompeii in particular and by extension the politics of Roman society as a whole do not meet the modern, occidental thinkings of a relation backly liberal, democratic society. However, such a modern, Western idea of democracy was one that was entirely alien to the citizens of Pompeii and to the citizens of many ancient civilizations. Therefore, the temperament of Pompeian politics must be considered not only from a modern political standpoint, but also from a standpoint more relative to the political ideals of Pompeian society and the Roman Empire, where a very different var. of democracy was in existence. Whi lst such a form of democracy is very different to that of today, it is certainly accurate to say that there was at least some element of democracy in Pompeian politics. Without such an
The Character of Brutus in Julius Caesar Essay -- Julius Caesar Essays
The Character of Brutus in Julius Caesar Brutus was a very primary(prenominal) character in the play Julius Caesar written by William Shakespeare. He helped mean a plot against one of the most powerful people in Rome and killed the king to be. Brutus was well renowned for his deep thinking, his honor, and most importantly, his persuasion in stoicism. Brutuss stoic qualities played a major role in his character. He certain(p) his wife Portia very over a lot. In fact, he trusted her so a lot that he was even going to tell her or so the plot against Caesar. You are my true and honorable wife, As dear to me as are the ruddy drops That visit my sad heart ( II, i, 289-290) She cared very much for him. She was willing to slice her thigh open just to prove her obedience and trustworthiness to her noble husband. He also cared very deeply virtually his wife and he loved her very dearly. O ye gods, render me applaudable of this noble wife ( II, i, 303-304) Because of his profound stoicism, Brutus did not seem to show his graditude much when Portia killed her self. He simply drank wine to get ride of the pain and told Cassius to never speak of his wife again. Lucius a bowl of wine I did not think you could have been so angry, O Cassius, I am throw up of many griefs. Of your philosophy you make no use If you give rest home to accidental evils. No man bears sorrow better. Portia is dead. Ha Portia She is dead. How scaped I killing whe... ... ( I, ii, 79-90) Brutus had thought very deeply about joining the conspiracy. He had stayed up all night brooding about it. He feared that Caesar was gaining too much power and that soon Caesar would become king. If Caesar became king Brutuss dreams of Romes Democracy would be shattered. In conclusion Brutus was a very well respected man in Rome. He helped restore Rome to its original Democratic system. He finish up killing himself at the end of the play because of all the pressu re. He had said at the end when he killed himself that ....Caesar, now be still. I killed not thee with half so good a will. ( V, v, 50-51) Work Cited Shakespeare, William. Julius Caesar. Ed. Alan Durband. capital of the United Kingdom Hutchinson & Co. Publishers Ltd., 1984.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Bridge Design Concept :: essays research papers
span Design Concept Our bridge consists of three takes supported by 1 high piston chambers to support each level. On each level we exit have rows of both three and four cylinders extending across the middle. Each cylinder bequeath be push-down stacked on another, evenly head start and concentrate on to gain support. Our bridge will be 28 X 2 -7/8. The length of our bridge is probably the biggest and most significant reader to our outcome. The desk table gap is 14 colossal, while our bridge length is 28 long. This shows that we would only be testing a sm completely portion of our long bridge. It is significant because we have the advantage of having twice the criterion of supporters, while we will be only testing a small portion of our bridge. With all of our cylinders we know that this bridge will evenly distribute weight. Our bridge will span 28 long. Our main supporting system is in the hammer of a cylinder. We chose the cylinder because it is capable of supporting a large descend of weight. Each cylinder will brushed with an outer coat of Elmers mucilage to subjoin the cylinders strength. The bridge will consist of three levels. Each level will be supported by evenly spaced 1 X cylinders. The cylinders on the second level will be offset from the cylinders above and below it. This design will ensure the weight on the bridge will be evenly distributed. The bridge will be incased on all sides with an outer sheet of paper to increase weight distribution. In our design, we feel that the geometric shapes and the dimensions we chose will greatly make a motion the outcome of our bridge. We expect this bridge to hold a great amount of weight because our cylinders will be reinforced and backed up by one another. Since our bridge has stacks and multiple levels, we expect it to be strong. When we stack the weights onto our bridge, the offset cylinders will a ct like triangles, evenly distributing weight in a fine pattern.
Tibetan Thanka Paintings :: Buddhism Religion Art Creative Papers
Tibetan Thanka Paintings Tibet, with its isolated, harsh geographical location and history of political and social distance would seem an unlikely place to provide a cradle for creative prowess (Bailey 22). Yet it is in this desolate section of the world that peerless of the most intriguing artistic polishs has been cultivating over hundreds of centuries. One facet of what makes Tibetan art so unique and interesting is its interdependency on its sacred beliefs.In Tibet one might use the words religion and culture almost as synonyms, especi ally for the artsliterature, drama, painting, and sculpture. Not only were they stir by religion, but religion was their very raison dtre (Pal 18).Tibetan thanka1 paintings be a wonderful example of the interconnectedness of religion and art. These images are non meant to be the object of simple idolatry (Jackson 11), but rather distribute on a more interactive role, which can be employ to nearly every facet of traditional Tibetan life. Tibetan Buddhism pervades all aspects of the creation and use of thanka paintingsin the training and requirements of the artists who create the paintings, in the somatogenic creative process itself, in the iconography used, and in all the paintings multiple functions. Tibetan thanka paintings, throughout their entire lifespanfrom concept to divine imagehelp devotional religious activity for Tibetan Buddhism2.Thanka Artists Types of Artists Tibetan thanka artists, of which there were two types, monks and professionals, work within the confines of religious tradition. adroit professionals made up the majority of thanka artists, all of whom studied for years under(a) strict instruction. Lamas were also involved in the creation of many paintings, mainly in a supervisory capacity (Pal 25). The chief centers of Tibetan art were the monasteries that often supplied artists with work (Pal 24). Usually, professional artists either had their own studios or were accustomed to individual monasteries for the duration of specific jobs. Being an artist was not mechanically hereditary and any talented adolescent boy could join a studio as an apprentice. The training period each child underwent was normally extensive and demandingThe apprentice was expected to study drawing for about xvi months, simple coloring for ten months, and mixed coloring for at least a year. Only then was he allowed to paint under his teachers strict vigilance. This he did for many years before he was qualified to set up his own workshop (Pal 25).
Friday, March 22, 2019
Abolition Essay -- essays papers
Abolition A Stronger Resistance The abolitionist exploit in the United States sought to eradicate slavery using a wide range of simulated military operation and organizations. The antislavery movement mobilized many another(prenominal) African Americans and just about whites who sought to reverse the institution of slavery. Although both black and white abolitionists very much worked together, the relationship between them was intricate. The struggle for black abolitionists was much more individualized because they wanted to end slavery and also wanted to gain tally rights for blacks. However, many white abolitionists only sought to end slavery and did not fight for equality for blacks. From these exceedingly contrasting perspectives and the continuation of slavery, the sentiment of many abolitionists became more militant and radical some abolitionists began to use more baseless methods of resistance to abolish slavery. Before the 1830s most antislavery activists stressed gr adual emancipation. These feelings were express mainly by Southern whites, some possessing a fear of trim blacks not being ready for freedom and others holding beliefs that slavery would step by step disappear (Notes, 10/18/00). Generally, only black abolitionists demanded an immediate end to slavery. This difference in opinion contributed to some blacks taking more lashing measures to gain freedom and equality. Further contributing to the more aggressive tactics were the goals of the white abolitionists. Many white abolitionists were not able to accept blacks...
Isolation in Winesburg Ohio and Death in The Woods Essay -- Winesburg
Isolation in Winesburg Ohio and Death in The woods In 1919, Sherwood Anderson composed his work Winesburg Ohio, which depicts the intragroup put stunneds of small-town America. Andersons fascination to explore whats beneath the surface of compassionate lives results in another story in 1933 called Death In The Woods. These two works, incidentally, sh ar a common theme of closing off. The characters in these works, are portrayed as grievouss or people who live their lives by whiz loyalty, thus living a life of falsehood and isolation from the inhabit of the area. This essay will examine the theme of isolation in the two works described, and will also relate it to Andersons idea of the grotesque. In Winesburg Ohio, the lecturer is first introduced to The Book of the Grotesque. This introductory chapter, provides the reader with what might be considered a summary of the characters in the novel itself. The sr. writer, who has obviously seen and experienced a lot of the worlds turmoils, e.g. The well-bred War , has been haunted by the faces of all the people he has invariably known. The faces of these people are twisted and garble, and ultimately appear grotesque to the fourth-year writer It was his notion that the moment one of the people took one of the truths to himself, called it his truth, and well-tried to live his life by it, he became a grotesque and the truth he embraced became a falsehood. (p.24). In relation to the theme of isolation in this novel, Anderson uses this chapter to illustrate how the characters in the town of Winesburg should be perceived. Characters that are grotesque because they live their lives by a single truth that prevents them from maturing, developing, and ultimately growing into what Anderson... ... world in which he lives. On this journey, he encounters many grotesques or distorted examples of human life, that enable George to break free from the isolation of Winesburg and venture out to live the l ife of what Anderson would consider to be normal. In Georges case, the isolation leads to creation, whereas in the townspeople, it leads to self-destruction. The story of Ghost In The Woods is in itself, a modified, shorter version of Winesburg due to its narrator, an introspective man, desolate and lonely who inquirys the substance of his world. In conclusion, the two works examined in this essay provide cover evidence in support of Andersons view on isolation and the grotesque. He uses his grotesques, who essentially are isolated, to enable his main characters to question the purpose of life and examine the world beyond their immediate surroundings.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
The Supernatural in Shakespeares Macbeth :: GCSE English Literature Coursework
The Supernatural in Macbeth Displays of supernatural activities were use throughout Macbeth, and evidence of this was brought out in the appearances of the threesome becharmes. In Shakespeares day, finicky effects were not used in his plays. Therefore, the dramatic performances and the suspenseful scenes were the inherent qualities to making a great play. Shakespeare used the element of the unknown to remonstrate fear in the minds of his audience. By allowing the Witches to see into the future, it made Macbeth more suspenseful. With their prophecies approximately Macbeth?s future, they intrigue the audience to see if they are correct. The Witches were a emblem of evil, and Shakespeare uses this fear of the devil to give his plays an additional eerie and haunting effect. Shakespeare excessively used an evil character that can easily influence the of import character in his stories, in this case, it was Lady Macbeth. It is essential that Lady Macbeth and the three Witches cre ate the plot of Macbeth. Without the Witches powers of foretelling the future and the evil persuasions of his wife, Lady Macbeth, Macbeth would boast never become king. The expression weird sisters, used from the 1400s, means disastrous sisters. The word weird or in Old English Wyrd was a noun meaning Fate. In Act 1, Scene 3, The three Witches describe themselves as fore-tellers of destiny, and they all introduce themselves to Macbeth and Banquo as The weird sisters, exceed in hand. The appearance that the three Witches possess is that of pure evil. In the starting of the scene, distributively of the three Witches describe their wickedness with a proud manner. For example, when they asked the Second Witch where she had been, she replied, Killing swine. This statement shows how the Witches enjoyed being devilish. The impression that the audience gets of Witches is that they are horridly evil. In Shakespeares time, witches were believed to have supernatural powers, they could t ransform themselves into other shapes, usually animals. When the jump Witch describes where she had been, she referred to sailing across the sea in a silver screen and transforming into a rat without a tail, But in a strive Ill thither sail, and like a rat without a tail, Ill do, Ill do, and Ill do?. Witches were too believed to fortunetellers. The three Witches prophecies in Macbeth, foreshadow later events in the play.
Essay --
IntroductionIt tout ensemble starts when I was watching the ad on TV for the motor simple machine I always dreamed of, a BMW 528 x drive. The furnish was so attractive drawn that the monthly profitsments sh take in were actually within my budget. though the ad mentioned leasing not selling, therefor I need to know what is car leasing? How the process works? How it is different than buying? Should I choose or buy my next car? How should I prepare for the take up? What is the disseminate I am looking for? How to negotiate a good know? What are the after deal obligations? What are my lease finale condition options? And what happen if I decided to end the contract before the end of the lease term? As in any other negotiation, I should take enough time to prepare properly before devising any decisions that I might regret in the future. What is car leasing?Leasing is salaried for the use of a car over a specified plosive speech sound of time, in other words it is a term of fi nancing a car. In leasing a car, it is important to pit that the total price of the car is important (even if I am only responsible for part of it) and it arsehole be negotiated with the franchise the owner of the car is the leasing company not the dealership, the dealership acts as an agent for the leasing company and when the deal is generated I will be dealing directly with the leasing company I agree to make unbroken monthly payments for the specified period, maintain the car, pay the car insurance, local taxes and tags fees, and I am expected to stick with the mileage indicated to the end of the lease term. I will be hold accountable for any damages or extra mileage above the specified limits.Also, in a lease the monthly payments are upfront, not like when you buy the car where you pay at the end of the month. This means that i... ...the above and make sure that I will be having a good deal.I will be reminded a month a head of the lease term on the date of returning the ca r and if I am exploring other options I need to decide within that period.It is not a coincidence to note that forced arbitration clauses are included in nearly all car sale contracts and leases. Franchise laws in all 50 states give automobile dealers a special monopoly over new car sales, allowing them violence to decide what they want to include in their sale/lease contracts. Consequently, consumers buying or leasing a new vehicle are a jailed audience with no choice but to enter into the sales/lease contract put before them parties when they cannot be resolved on their own to Arbitration.( retrieved from http// (Please see exhibit 3 Sample of Vehicle obtain/Finance Arbitration Agreement)
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
War :: essays research papers fc
Recent photographs of Iraqi Prisoners Of warfare (POWs) being humiliated and abused by United States armed forces have caused uproar and disgust throughout the human race. The repair purpose of any war is to win either through destroying the enemy, or the achieving a specific goal. Why then should coalition forces be held to a higher standard in regard to treatment of POWs than the rest of the world? To fully explore this question we must understand the history of POWs, and the habit that the United States plays in world affairs.During the 1991 Gulf War, pictures of American pilots beaten and discharge were shown to the world. Civilized nations were outraged. As Major Rhonda Cornum told of being molested, Colonel Jeff Tice told of being electrocuted, and other American and British pilots read scripted statements on television (PBS), civilized nations were appalled. throughout the years, prisoners have been interrogated and mistreated by their captors. Vietnamese soldiers housed prisoners in substandard nurture or even pits throughout their country. The most famous POW multitude was known as the Hanoi Hilton. Here, POWs where beaten, tortured and humiliated for years. Brainwashing techniques were hone by North Korea during The Korean Conflict. humankind War I POWs were obligate into labor camps or systematically murdered through death edge where guards would force prisoners to march until they died from exhaustion in an effort to reduce the anatomy of prisoners in the camps. World War II POWs were killed, or used for health check experiments. The United Sates Department of Defense recognizes table below outlines the prominent emblem of torture administered during each of the official US Wars (DoD, 47). After the wars ended, and it was discovered simply how badly the POWs were treated, civilized nations convinced themselves that torture and abuse were the acts of uncivilized nations rule by madmen. Principal Wars in which the US ParticipatedOffici al War suffering techniqueRevolutionary WarMurder, destruction of propertyWar of 1812Rape, theft, incendiarismIndian WarsScalping, murder, rapeMexican WarMurderCivil WarHanging, destruction of propertySpanish-American Warproviding only saltwater to drink-causing dehydration and hallucinationsWorld War ISleep going, murderWorld War II(sexual) enslavement, medical experiments, death marchesKorean Warre-education, Bataan Death March, somatogenic tortureVietnam Warcutting off various body separate to get other prisoners to talk, Sleep deprivation, bamboo under fingernailsGulf War-1991Electrocution, humiliation, beatings, Sleep deprivationGulf War-2003Religious and sexual abuse, humiliation, beatings, sleep deprivationThe United States has, from the onrush of the Civil war, led the moral and ethical charge for proper charge and treatment of prisoners of War.
Epiphany :: Literary Analysis, Joyce and Calvino
World War I and World II are fundamentally the same, right? If so, Araby, written near WWI by James Joyce, and The Flash, written around WWII by Italo Calvino, are also the same, no? Indeed, these short circuit stories have many another(prenominal) similarities. At the same time, both(prenominal) stories have many differences. Thus, it is difficult to compare both stories when considering all the details. If the subject of comparison is more specific, such as epiphany, then more emphasis and effort can be chuck into the comparison. In Araby, the garter falls in love with a girl, further love deceives him. In his moment of epiphany, gazing up into the darkness he saw himself as a creature set and derided by vanity and his eyes burned-over with anguish and anger (Joyce 1). In The Flash, the protagonist suddenly grasps a world, still only for an instant He stopped, blinked He understood nothing. Nothing, nothing about anything. He didnt render the reasons for thin gs or for people, it was all nose outless, absurd. And he started to laugh (Calvino 1). The comparison between the epiphanies of both short stories reveals the relationship amongst the similarities and differences regarding theme, symbolism and setting. Most importantly, comparing the themes of both epiphanies reveals they can at the same time be similar and different. An important common theme in both epiphanies is facing reality. In Araby, the protagonist realizes his stay was useless (Joyce 6) since the young peeress only spoke to him out of a sense of duty (Joyce 6). Likewise, in The Flash, the protagonist realizes he accepted everything traffic lights, cars, posters, uniforms, monuments, things completely detached from any sense of the world, accepted them as if there some necessity, some chain of set and effect that bound them together (Calvino 1). Both characters face the reality and selective information of the world. Even so, separately epiphany implies each pr otagonist faces a different chassis of reality. The protagonist of Araby faces the reality of love and sees himself as a creature driven and derived by vanity (Joyce 6). On the other hand, the protagonist of The Flash faces the reality of existence and hopes he shall grasp that other knowledge (Calvino 2). Therefore, reviewing the theme similar to both epiphanies leads to discovering different themes as well.Conversely, looking at the differences in the symbolism of each epiphany hints at a comparable aspect of symbolism.
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Dodge Ram Quad Cab Advertisement :: Advertising Marketing
crash Tough The hazardrs of the Ram Quad Cab make the claim that this transport is representative of the freshly circumvent. This truck is, according to the makers, more promiscuous and easier to own words in than other trucks. In addition, loading and unloading citizenry and consignment is made easier when using their truck. The evasion guild makes the claim that their full-size cartridge truck is among the best and backs this up with impressive evidence in this advertisement.When Dodge says in their opening sentence that their company is always open for new ideas, they could be suggesting that other companies are not as willing to receive change. They also insinuate that they give people what they want and expect from a truck, resulting in the companys success. Implying that their company is legendary because of their reputation for having powerful trucks, they show realised confidence in the fact that their truck is better in its class. This Dodge Ram 4x4, acco rding to the advertisement, is the first extended-cab pickup ever with four doors, placing it among an selected group of vehicles. It appears that the company is so confident in its product that they correct predict it will win a fourth J.D. Power and Associates in the upcoming year. In addition to the evidence, Dodge even makes an appeal to the public man by saying that they make their truck roomier mainly because they intend its a darn good idea, believing that they are providing people with what they have come to expect from them. They emphasize what a proud company they are because of their many achievements and their devotion to the consumer. The Dodge company does not make their claims lightly. They back up their statements with strong support. One example of this is their assertion that they have a roomy, even more economic interior and a big, comfortable backseat that help to separate their truck from the competition. Even more convincing is their existent eviden ce by J.D. Power and Associates, noted for their credible analysis of cars and trucks, who rank the Ram Quad Cab as the Most Appealing life-sized Pickup for the third year in a row. These facts, coupled with an challenge and vibrant picture of the truck, draws the reader in and makes him more interested in the product.
Challenging Gender Roles in English Society Essay -- England Literatur
Challenging Gender Roles in English SocietyThe geezerhood of Shakespeare was characterized by an overwhelming tendency for women to be looked d ingest upon as the inferior gender. Women of the judgment of conviction were expected to be submissive, dutiful, obedient, and predominantly silent. The idea of an independent, out-spoken woman would fork up scrapd all of the societal determine of the time. Shakespeare, however, challenged the conventional patriarchal values of his time by introducing powerful and highly influential female person characters in nearly of his most memorable plays. Lady Macbeth and her earlier counterpart, Volumnia, both serve glacial roles as dominant and commanding mother figures and also challenge the traditional role of the dutiful wife. Both of these independent, strong-willed women are far forrader of the times in their approach to marital, maternal, and societal involvement. Shakespeare successfully portrays his women in a sassy light, very di fferent from the perspective with which women were viewed at the time. Both women challenge traditional patriarchal values of English society and establish the female character as a significant and heroic figure among Shakespeares prominent male figures.Lady Macbeth, perhaps the most famous of these spirit women, is a particularly prominent character in Shakespeares tragical Scottish play, Macbeth. Her decisive and determined mentality serves as the driving consequence in Macbeths journey toward tragedy. It can non be mistaken that Macbeths own desire for bang-upness is motivated in large part imputable to his wifes passionate influence. Lady Macbeth appears to be the dominant cooperator in the twisted and power driven relationship between herself and Macbeth. She demonstrates her great cin one casern with her husb... ...nglish society, Shakespeare places his female characters at the center of the action, making them equally important, if not more important than their male cou nterparts. These women, especially, allow the audience to view gender roles and gender restrictions imposed by society in a new light. Perhaps women are not as frail, dim-witted, and incapable as once thought. Shakespeare seems to lead us to the idea of women holding significant yet typical roles in society. He has effectively created strong, independent women who do not claim traditionally prescribed gender roles, but instead speak what they will, when they will, and do what they deem best. Through their distinctive actions, each of these women presents alternatives to the traditional patriarchal values of the time period as they establish themselves as thinking, feeling, and essential members of society.
Monday, March 18, 2019
Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Essay: Inability to Love
Love phone call of J. Alfred Prufrock - unfitness to Love T. S. Eliots The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock is not a poem approximately love, at least in any traditional sense. Rather It is a collection of the fragmented thoughts of a man without self-esteem. Far from being close love, it is about unitary mans inability to love (himself or the world more or less him.) It is the cynical statement of a man who does not believe severe things will ever happen to him, or that the world has anything to offer him. The ennoble is bitterly ironic Prufrock does not love any body, least of all himself, (no matter how much he might aspire to the ideal of butterfly and passion), nor does he believe that any mavin could ever love him. His give birth life is devoid of love, so in his bitterness he brands his fetch a love nervous strain. Although the poem addresses the reader directly, saying, Let us go then, you and I,1 Prufrock is really just talking to himself. His is a storey of s hame and insecurity that he would never dare share with another(prenominal) human being. The epigraph graphically illustrates this being a passage from Dantes Inferno.... If I thought my reply would be to someone who would ever return to earth, this flame up would remain without further movement but as no one has ever returned from this gulf, if what I hear is true, I can answer you with no fear of infamy.2 When one considers the poem in the light of this prologue, one must see that Prufrock is basically telling the tale of his isolation and quick hell, but without shame because he believes his words will never be heard. He speaks to himself, and poses questions to himself as many do when they are grappling internally with issues and problems of their own. I wish to discuss two main thread... ...nse it is indeed a song about love, but it is not a love song in the traditional sense. The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock is not radio friendly mainstream love. Bibliography Eliot, T. S., The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, in Leonard, John, Ed., Seven Centuries of Poetry in English, tierce Ed., Melbourne Oxford, 1994, pp.128-31. End Notes 1 Eliot, T. S., The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, in Leonard, John, Ed., Seven Centuries of Poetry in English, Third Ed., Melbourne Oxford, 1994, pp.128-31, l. 1. All subsequent line numbers refer to this text. 2 Leonard, p. 128. 3 ll. 13-14, 35-36. 4 ll. 32-33. 5 ll. 38, 45, 122. 6 ll. 45-46. 7 l. 122. 8 ll. 97, 110. 9 l. 55. 10 ll. 73-74. 11 l. 34. 12 l. 51. 13 l. 60. 14 l. 81. 15 l. 85. 16 l. 84. 17 ll. 87, 99. 18 ll. 129-131.
Hunchback of Notre Dame :: essays research papers
THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAMEIn Paris, under the reign over of Louis XI, the annual Festival of Fools is underway. From atop the mighty Notre Dame cathedral, Quasimodo, a ill-shapen hunchback who rings the bells, looks down on the crowd in contempt. also in the crowd is Dom Claude, the kindly priest of Notre Dame, and his evil brother, Jehan. Clopin, a capital of Italy who has been crowned "King of the Beggars," c boths for his adopted daughter Esmeralda to dance for the group. As Esmeralda passes by the window of Gudule, the old woman curses her, for years before her daughter had been stolen by gypsies. Esmeralda dances for the crowd, while high above in the palace of Louis XI, Phoebus, a preteen captain of the guard, admires the pretty girl, though he is betrothed to Fleur de Lis, the niece of Madame de Gondelaurier. That night, Jehan has Quasimodo abduct Esmeralda for him, provided Phoebus is on patrol and thwarts the attempt. Phoebus takes Esmeralda out for a late su pper and attempts to ensnare her with his charms. She is clothing a necklace given to her by her mother when she was a baby which she says protects her from all evil. Phoebus has a change of heart and decides not to force his attentions on the girl, though she appears to be willing. The Court of Miracles is the hideout for all the beggars of Paris, so named because here the fraud see, and the lame walk. Gringoire, a harmless poet, has stumbled into the Court and is about to be hanged by the mob, but Esmeralda intercedes and he is released. Hereafter, Gringoire becomes her faithful servant. Quasimodo is tried for his attack on Esmeralda and is order to be lashed for an hour in the public square. He is beaten brutally and at the end of the beat, he cries for water. Esmeralda, pitying the poor beast captures him a drink and Quasimodo is forever in her debt. Quasimodo also does not forget how Jehan betrayed him, and he hates him thereafter.Madame Gondelaurier gives a ball and Phoe bus brings Esmeralda, dressed in the finest of clothes, and introduces her as a Princess of Egypt. Clopin has well-educated that Phoebus has taken Esmeralda as his plaything, and he breaks into the ball demanding her return. To prevent bloodshed, Esmeralda leaves with Clopin, broken hearted. Esmeralda has Gringoire bring a note to Phoebus asking him to meet her one last time at
A Unified Theory of Names Essays -- Philosophy Philosophical Papers
A Unified Theory of callABSTRACT Theoreticians of call are currently split into two camps Fregean and Millian. Fregean theorists preserve that names pay back referent-determining senses that account for such facts as the change of cognitive content with the substitution of co-referential names and the meaningfulness of names without bearers. Their enduring problem has been to state these senses. Millian theorists disclaim that names have senses and take courage from Kripkes arguments that names are primed(p) designators. If names had senses, it seems that their referents should vary among possible worlds. However, the Millians have the enduring problem of explaining the obvious cognitive content of names. I argue that Mills original theory, when purged of confusion, provides word-reflexive senses for names. Frege failed to notice senses of this peculiar(prenominal) sort. Moreover, it is these senses that account for names rigid designation. When the views of Mill and Frege a re understood as complementary, the problems that have faced the split up theorists of names vanish. The division of terms into connotative and nonconnotative is, consort to Mill, one of the distinctions that go deepest into the nature of language. (1) The importance of this distinction was reaffirmed by capital of Minnesota Kripke in Naming and Necessity. Kripke followed Mill in holding that proper names must be understood as nonconnotative. To insist on this smorgasbord was, on Kripkes view, to reject the powerfully supported view of names that originated with Frege. (2) Since the issue of Kripkes lectures theories of names have come to be thought of as divided into two opposing types-Fregean and Millian.This opposition of theories has impeded the development of a satisfacto... ...(2) capital of Minnesota A. Kripke, Naming and Necessity (Boston Harvard University Press, 1980), 26-27.(3) Gottlob Frege, On brain and Meaning, in Translations from the Philosophical belles-lettre s of Gottlob Frege, 3d ed., ed. Peter Geach and Max Black (Totowa, NJ Rowman & Littlefield, 1980), 57.(4) Mill, 34.(5) Ibid., 35.(6) Ibid., 36.(7) Ibid., 37.(8) Ibid., 38.(9) Frege, On Sense and Meaning, 56.(10) Ibid., 57-58.(11) Ibid., 58n.(12) Ibid., 58.(13) Frege, On Concept and Object, 46n.(14) Kripke, 68-70.(15) Note that the bearer of Socrates is a rigid description, a connotative term, synonymous with the nonconnotative term Socrates.(16) Pauline Jacobson, The Syntax/Semantics Interface in Categorial Grammar, in The Handbook of Contemporary Semantic Theory, ed. Shalom Lappin (Oxford Blackwell Publishers, 1996), 90.
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