Monday, May 25, 2020
Analysis of Romanticism, The Brothers Grimm, and Hansel...
Timothy Towers Becky Austin Honors English IV April 18th, 2014 The Brothers Grimm, Romanticism, and Hansel and Gretel Today when one thinks about the Grimm Brothers, they most likely think about how widespread their stories are, being that they are told in many homes and have had many adaptations of them. This was not the case however when Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm first started to write and collect their tales. Many were uncomfortable with them and the very violent scenes they had. People eventually came around and Jacob and Wilhelm became two of the most famous people in the history of things relating to literature and this shows through their tales such as Hansel and Gretel. The Grimm Brothers were both born in Hanau Germany†¦show more content†¦One of the few points on which all people who claimed to be a Romantic was the refutation of enlightenment’s skeptical rationalism. Romantics were more concerned with the imagination and relied on metaphysical things, where as someone who was a part of the enlightenment movement would cl aim that there is no evidence and is therefore irrational. Another point that most Romantics agreed upon was a love and respect for nature. One a part of the enlightened movement would want to use intellect to â€Å"master†nature while a Romantic would rather admire the beauty, wildness, and other inspirational qualities of nature (Micale 2026). Along with the admiration of nature and the strong use of imagination goes the strong interest in the emotions and getting in touch with one’s roots. Some topics related to the emotions heavily emphasized in Romanticism are dreams, horror, fantasy, and madness. The Grimm Brothers were influenced by Romanticism in both this emotional sense, their tales encompassing often times all four of the emotional ideas just stated, and by getting back to one’s roots. It was the getting back to one’s roots that helped the Grimm Brothers feel led to collect folk tales from throughout the ages (â€Å"Grimm Brothers†838) . Most of Grimm Fairy Tales are rooted in society’s problems. During this time there were many wars, plagues, and famines and there were
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Improving Students Attitude Towards Math, Reading, And School
The after school mentors will give students the opportunity to build a relationship with an adult who will serve as an advocate for them. They will also offer resources for improving academics as well as build on their self-esteem. These programs can change students attitude towards math, reading, and school in general. Kay Augustine explains, students are more likely to remain and achieve in school when they are perceived by people in school who care about them. (Augustine, 2014) According to the National Dropout Prevention Center, mentoring has been identified as one of the basic core strategies for dropout prevention and it has the power and influence to change the negative cycles of their mentees and families. (Effective Strategies)†¦show more content†¦Amanda Shelmire studied a school-within-a-school transitional program for ninth graders and what she found was that grades improved and students changed their perception of school while in the program. (Shelmire, 2011) Ho wever, once out of the program and in the traditional high school setting student’s long term grades did not continue to improve. This just shows the positive effects for students when placed in a school-within-a-school setting. Not to mention the low cost to develop a school-within-a-school. This is another example that at-risk students are very capable of success when given the right instruction and tools. Alternative schools are another approach to assisting kids in need of academic assistance. These institutions are very much like the school-within-a-school setting because of its minimal student body. It has a sense of community and has the ability to offer support and flexibility for its students. Alternative schools focus on the specific needs of its students as well as maintaining a challenging curriculum that meets all state and federal standards. By giving students more time to learn and practice academic concepts will help advance these students to a higher educational level. â€Å"Middle school is where at-risk students start to get off track†(Jones, 2011) and implementing an alternative school in the middle school grades is a way to prevent these students from dropping out of high school in the
Thursday, May 14, 2020
F.Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby - 568 Words
What does F. Scott Fitzgerald suggest in his story ‘The Great Gatsby’? Fitzgerald writes about the difficulties of social class, the struggles of the rich, the poor, and the middle class. The American dream is immanent at the extension of one’s arm. How someone could be so close to absolute happiness, yet so far from achieving what is truly needed in their life. He also includes deception, desperation, and determination, along with dense color symbolism. To Fitzgerald, the American dream is conformity. One must fit into certain categories to have achieved the American dream. Jay Gatsby pays for what he did with death. His way of life, the things he owned, and his actions cost Mr. Gatsby his life. Fitzgerald suggests that one must be cautious and always careful once they have achieved the American dream. He suggests that one will never reach true happiness unless true love is found. That money may grow on trees for some but is extremely hard to come by for others. How money doesn’t buy happiness. An example of this is by Jay Gatsby’s actions and thoughts towards Daisy. He had all the money in the world but he was not happy without her. Gatsby realized his love for Daisy. She greatly deceived him after he was murdered in the pool by George Wilson. Daisy wanted to leave Tom for Gatsby but she was forced to leave with her husband Tom. Even after being invited to the funeral, she still ignored calls and avoided everyone in e very way possible. Daisy didn’t only deceive GatsbyShow MoreRelatedF.Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby Essay967 Words  | 4 PagesEast New York’s high society in the Roaring 20s. F. Scott Fitzgerald captured all three with his literary voice. He made impressions everywhere with the supreme achievement of his third novel, The Great Gatsby. This novel is a tale of people’s exciting lives in the 1920’s. Fitzgerald uses the Great Gatsby to illustrate the American identity during the early twentieth century. Fitzgerald uses symbolism and narrative techniques to illustrate the materialistic chase of the American dream by upper-classRead MoreF.Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby Comparison and Contrasted with Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice1708 Words  | 7 Pagesof other texts contributes to creating meaning for other texts. An example of this is Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice, this novel is more easily understood when it is compared and contrasted to other literature works, such as F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby. The aspects of the two novels that can be compared and contrasted are the plot development, characterisation, setting, narrative point of view, writers context and themes and issues. The plot of Pride and Prejudice is about a lowerRead MoreThe Great Gatsby Love Analysis957 Words  | 4 PagesThe Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald shows multiple times that real love does not exist in the world. In the classical story by F. Scott Fitzgerald, he shows many affairs go on in the story and that their is fake love in the world. When this story was written it was coincidentally similar to his actual real life. The characters life and problems were very similar to what was going on in his life. In the book of Horst H. Kruse called F.Scott Fitzgerald at Work: The Making of The Great Gatsby†, heRead MoreIdentifying And Surveying F. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby1675 Words  | 7 Pageshistorical, cultural and political discourses within the text. F.Scott Fitzgerald constructs a variety of truths throughout the novel, the two truths that where clearly noticeable where â€Å"The American dream†and â€Å"Old and New Money†which greatly support ed the normalities of the era, these two topics will be discussed later in the piece. But let s start by recapping a brief understanding that is this novel. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby is a classic about the desire for love and money andRead MoreEssay On The American Dream In The Great Gatsby954 Words  | 4 PagesGatsby changed Nick’s mind on the American dream and what it really is.Nick’s original thoughts on the American dream â€Å"...become again that most limited of all specialists, the ‘well-rounded man.’†(Fitzgerald 6),were much like his families in the beginning.Later after the events in his time with Gatsby Nick sees the error of his ways and returns to the Midwest giving up on his bond market dream.†Gatsby was never in it for the money and this revelation eventually caused Nick to give up his questRead MoreF. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby - A Tarnished American Dream1992 Words  | 8 PagesThe Great Gatsby: A Tarnished American Dream    Thesis: In his influential book The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald recognizes and describes many of the less alluring characteristics of the 1920s and the pursuit of the American Dream including dysfunctional relationships, materialism and classism.      The American dream states that people can work themselves up from rags to riches by hard work.1 For this reason, the new society has developed dreams of the blind pursuitRead MoreEssay on The Dust Jacket of The Great Gatsby723 Words  | 3 PagesThe Dust Jacket of The Great Gatsby The dust jacket of The Great Gatsby has an extremely complex yet influential relationship to its text as well as its author. Francis Cugat, the artist of the cover, developed the painting through a series of ten sketches[1]. In each sketch he develops a new element of the painting which indicates the level of complexity in the final work. Interestingly, Fitzgerald never mentions the artist’s name in his correspondents with his editor Maxwell Perkins[2]Read MoreAffairs, Wealth, and Murder in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby638 Words  | 3 Pages In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald tells about affairs, describes wealth, and tells about Murder. There are three different murders in The Great Gatsby. An automobile hit and killed Tom’s mistress, Myrtle’s companion shot Jay Gatsby, and Wilson committed suicide. Most of these murders happened as a consequence of the love affairs that happened throughout the book. Two love affairs in particular are a cause for all three of these murders. One was Tom Buchannan and Myrtle Wilson and the other was DaisyRead More Comparison of A Farewell to Arms and The Great Gatsby Essay1267 Words  | 6 PagesComparison of A Farewell to Arms and The Great Gatsby The author’s style from Ernest Hemigway’s A Farewell to Arms differ from F.Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby in many ways. Fitzgerald uses a more reflective style of writing meaning that he makes his characters reflect and the theme also includes reflection from the reader as well as the plot. On the other hand, Hemingway uses a more self-interest style with its theme, characters, and plot, meaning that he makes this book on hisRead MoreDaniel Handler: Lemony Snicket1561 Words  | 6 Pagesstrongly in. Anglo-Saxon literature is not the only place in which the theme of fate appears within literature though, it also appears in several works of literature from the twentieth century such as in W.W. Jacob’s â€Å"The Monkey’s Paw†, F.Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, and Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five. W.W. Jacob’s wrote the macabre-style short story â€Å"The Monkey’s Paw†in 1902. In the Monkey’s Paw, an elderly couple and their son are visited by a family friend who bears a cursed monkey’s
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Critical Factors Of Implementing An It System - 2198 Words
Roymari Zapata Dr. Ilisher Ford, PhD HSA 315 Health Information Systems July 31, 2016 Critical Factors in Implementing an IT System in Health Facilities Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) are mechanized restorative data frameworks that gather, store and show understanding data. They are a way to make intelligible and composed recordings and to get to clinical data about individual patients. Further, EMRs are expected to supplant existing (regularly paper based) medicinal records which are as of now well known to specialists. Persistent records have been put away in paper structure for quite a long time and, over this timeframe, they have devoured expanding space and remarkably deferred access to effective therapeutic consideration. Interestingly, EMRs store singular patient clinical data electronically and empower moment accessibility of this data to all suppliers in the medicinal services chain thus ought to help with giving intelligent and predictable consideration. As it obliges doctors to effectively backing and utilize EMRs to profit by them, it is crucial to comprehend the conceivable boundaries to their execution from the docto rs points of view. Despite the fact that there is as of now an assemblage of writing on such obstructions, there has been no precise outline of these studies joined with an investigation of how to address these boundaries. Along these lines, the goal of this examination is to recognize, classify, and investigate hindrances saw byShow MoreRelatedHardware and Project Considerations When Implementing a New CRM System1638 Words  | 7 Pagesand Project Considerations When Implementing A New CRM System The most effective Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are deliberately designed to align and enhance the strategic initiatives and programs of a given business or enterprise. 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The Different Aspects of Conflict in a Selection of Four...
The Different Aspects of Conflict in a Selection of Four War Poems Many poems have been witnessed throughout history that show different views on war and the glory and sacrifices made. Everyone was affected, from the men in the front lines to women and children working back at home. Men involved in the war effort often wrote poems to record their thoughts and feelings, or simply to pass the time. Poetry was an outlet through which they could express great depth of meaning by condensing it into a few words. In this assignment I am going to write about the war poems entitled ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’, a poem written in 1854 by Lord Alfred Tennyson, ‘Dulce et Decorum est’, a poem†¦show more content†¦England is personified as being a mother. Brooke’s message in this poem is that if he should die, the place of his death will be made richer by his body. The body will carry these English blessings, passing them onto the ground on which it lies. Brooke writes his own epigraph and shows a moving sense of the poet’s deep love of England and it’s people. The poet feels he can influence the thoughts of those left behind, with this he will try to cement the continuation of those qualities that he thinks of as being essentially English. Brooke has transformed the poem into a sonnet, not addressed to a loved one but to his country. In this poem the moods of the first few months of the war are summed up. Despite the subject matter there is a sort of serenity in the poem, even the words ‘If I should die’ suggests that he expects to survive. The reality of the horror had still to be discovered. This poem mirrors the sentiments expressed in The Charge of the Light Brigade . This event took place in 1854 and is still remembered as one of the most famous triumphs in British history. The truth is that Lord Cardigan suicidally led his troops IntoShow MoreRelatedEssay on Victorian Age1258 Words  | 6 Pagesproduced a variety of changes. 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Corporate Culture Responsibility and Profit Orientation
Question: Discuss about the Corporate Culture Responsibility and Profit Orientation. Answer: Introduction The aim of the following report is to make fruitful evaluation of certain factors of Nike Inc. such as the organizations mission, its core purpose and its profit and non-profit orientation, impact of two individual factors from the general and specific environment of Nike and its corporate social responsibility. Moreover, the present assignment, which is going to be constructed as a profound report has intended to elaborate and evaluate the results obtained from the quiz of personal insight. Henceforth, it is to say that the purpose of the present report is to acquire a coherent understanding about the considered organization and thereafter to see whether personal competencies are potential and supportive enough in befitting into the organizational culture or not. Prior to evaluate certain factors about Nike, it is essential to state that the considered organization Nike is one of the leading multinational organizations for designing, developing, manufacturing and marketing apparel, equipment and footwear in an international level. Moreover, the organization is known to be a profit-oriented organization whose net revenue of the year 2015 has been US$3.273 billion (Blok 2014). On the other hand, according to the financial report of Nike of 2015, it has been found that the organization has 62,600 employees in terms of organizational size. Mission, status and location of Nike It has been identified that the core mission or purpose of the organization Nike is to inspire every athlete of the world for innovation. Moreover, it has been found that the organizations statement for purpose has evolved over the years for appropriately representing the business situation of Nike (Hollensbe et al. 2014). Most significantly, Nikes mission statement acts as the guide for formulating the strategic policies as it includes inspiration, innovation and every athlete of the world. This particular mission of the organization is accompanied well by the organizations prime object to make profit for the shareholders. Most importantly, in 2016, Nike has considered to stick to their age-old mission to bring both innovation and inspiration to the entire athlete in the world (MoranSendra et al. 2015). On the other hand, it has been understood that the organization is predominantly profit-oriented as per the fact that the organization aims to inspire athletes through their products. As per their financial report of 2015, the organization has received 13% growth in their fourth quarter excluding the currency changes and it seems that their quarterly profit has jumped nearly 20%. Most significantly, the organizations profit orientation is related with Nike Golf, Nike Pro, Nike Blazers, Nike Dunk and Nike Skateboarding instead of its own brand. On the other hand, it is important to mention in this respect that with its growing profit orientation, the organization replaced Alcoa and became the member of Dow Jones Industrial Average in the year 2013 (Chung et al. 20130). However, in terms of location, it has been found that the organization is headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon of the Portland metropolitan territory. Nevertheless, Nike is located within more than 45 countries outside th e US. Some of Nikes locations outside the US include China, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines and Pakistan (Blok 2014). Impact of economy on Nike Prior to examine one of the potential factors from Nikes general environment, it is required to mention that in the last quarter, the organization has earned near about 5.7 billion dollars in terms of revenue and for their per share, they acquired one dollar. In the year 2016, it has been identified that the economic factor would have potentially influenced its operations. The economic factor is a strongly influential factor as in terms of opportunity, economic stability and rapid growth of the market work as opportunity for Nike, whereas recent slowdown in the Chinese economy would work as a threat for Nike in the year 2016 (Golden et al. 2015). However, it is unfortunate to note that in terms of international trade, recent incident of Brexit and the slowdown of world trade would affect negatively upon the business operations of Nike. Therefore, in the year 2016, the economic recession would prove adverse for the company. Considering all these adversity, it can be said that Nike could deal with this situation by increasing its brand image. The company believes that their brand has already earned an impressive amount of trust and according to the organizations financial report the economic recession of China has not till now affected the sales growth (Jovanovic 2015). Therefore, it can be said that the organization could improve its marketing strategies and increase its promotion. For instance, it can be said that the company has the capacity to reach to an extensive amount of customers by its target segmentation strategy (Robbins et al. 2013). Therefore, it can be said that Nike can utilize this quality to combat with the current concern. Impact of the buying behavior of the customer of Nike In terms of Nikes specific environment, the buying behavior of the customers or the bargaining power of the customers in 2016 could be prioritized. It has been found that like other potential organizations, the customers of Nike hugely influence its operations. In this respect, it is to say that three particular aspects in terms of the buying behavior of Nike should be considered (Robbins et al. 2013). The first one is the low switching costs, which works as strong force whereas the second one is the availability of the moderate substitutes that works as the moderate force and the small size of the individual customers that works as the weak force. It has been found that in the year 2016, the buying behavior of the Chinese customers would not probably work in favor for the organization as per the Chinese recession. On the other hand, due to Brexit and the weakness of Euro, the buying behavior of the European customers would also fluctuate (Schiffman et al. 2013). Keeping in mind about the current circumstances, along with anticipating their possible consequences it can be said that Nike may revise its brand prices for their customers in the Asian and European zone mainly. However, it is still a fortunate sign that the organization has achieved 30% increase in sales in the year 2015 in the market of China (Chung et al. 2013). Therefore, it can be anticipated that the behavior of Chinese customers would not probably change to a huge extent. Impressive amount of discount as well as product development and modification would help them in this adverse situation. Loyalty card, free coupons or festive sale in terms of discount and improvement of the existing products based on current customer feedback would help the organization to retain their existing customers as well as will attract new ones instead of the adverse circumstances (Szyma?ska and Walecka 2016). Nikes corporate social responsibility and ethical concerns It is significant to state in this context that the Nikes sustainable innovation in terms of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is one of the organizations potential assets. The present vision of Nikes corporate social responsibility is to bring individuals, community, planet and the profit in a balanced alignment for sustaining its success for a long time. In this respect, it is to mention that in the year 2010, the organization has ranked 23rd in the index of 100 best corporate citizens 2010 (Hayhurst and Szto, 2016). Some of the organizations prime contribution under the name of CSR includes 41.9 million dollar distribution for promoting education as well as sports, huge investments for averting risks for the adolescent girls in most of the impoverished countries (Lu et al. 2016). On the other hand, in terms of ethical concerns, the organization has raised salaries in accordance with individual country laws and has gradually started to pay back those labors that belonged to the closed factories. Most importantly, considering both corporate social accountability and ethical concerns, Nike has impressed the world by recycling its old shoes into Grind a material that is capable of being utilized into multiple ways (Lund-Thomsen and Coe 2013). Most importantly, the organization enthusiastically participates in RED, through which Nike donates an impressive amount of money to South America for combating aids and HIV. On the other side, Nike has also donated more than 100 million dollars to the Cancer Institute of Oregon in terms of their corporate social responsibility. It is significant to mention that in Australia, Nike began to charge 10% extra for each bag and donated the entire proceeds to the local charity houses for sports. Furthermore, it has been identifie d that more than $85 million has been spent by the organization for buying products from minority-owned business to support them (Blok 2014). However, it is still unfortunate that the organization in terms of their ethical activities has been criticized for failing to raise wages in most of the foreign countries and the organization has also been highly criticized for doing excessive amount of child labor (Verbos et al. 2007). Nevertheless, it is fortunate that considering the need of recycling for maintaining a healthy environment, in the last year Nike has collected and recycled more than 25 million pairs of shoes through their program called Reuse-A-Shoe. Personal insight As per the result of the quiz Whats the Right Organizational Culture for me? I have understood that I have the flexibility to work accordingly to a culture that is mechanistic, formal, rule-oriented and well structured. Furthermore, the result of the quiz has implied me that my ability can afford me to work in large organizations as well as in government agencies. In this respect, I should mention that the quiz has proved to be supportive for me as it has pointed out my strength as well as weakness. Prior to understand whether a person is eligible for an organization or not, it is required to review the strength and weakness of the person, which can be understood well by such assessment or personal insight quizzes (Corrin and de Barba 2014). Nevertheless, after having a coherent understanding about the considered organizations purpose, profit-orientation, working-culture and corporate social responsibility, I can understand that my abilities according to the insight quiz are seemed w ell-aligned with the organizational dimension of Nike. It is because I have understood that Nike is a well-structured and rule-oriented organization and my capability to befitted in a similar atmosphere, is indicative of the fact that there is an impressive amount of compatibility between my traits and Nikes corporate culture. However, in terms of organizational culture, it is to regard that, seven aspects should be prioritized attention to detail, stability, capability of taking risk and innovating, aggressiveness and team orientation. The insight quiz indicates that I have the potentiality to stay attentive towards the details of each task; it means I would be able to accomplish every tasks. On the other hand, in the ground of risk taking and stability, my score in the insight quiz has been indicative of the matter that I have a preference for structure. Alongside, it has been mentioned before that I am rule-oriented and attentive towards details; it gives hint that I am able to find risks and can innovate. Nonetheless, the quiz has pointed out that I am less aggressive; therefore considering Nikes culture to maintain rule-oriented chain of commands, I can say that I will be convenient enough to be fitted with the culture. Most importantly, I am fortunate in the premise of team orientation also as the q uiz has implied that my personality can work with teams and can also work for the benefits of a team. Henceforth, I believe it would not be hard for me to get acquainted easily with Nikes work-culture. Conclusion From the above report, it can be deduced that Nikes purpose for 2016 is influenced by their fundamental mission to innovate and inspire every athlete of world. On the other hand, it has been identified throughout the report that Nikes present business culture is hugely subjected toward the economic environment and the buying behavior of the customers. The report has also illustrated that both the economic factor and the buying behavior in the year 2016 would be highly influenced by the recession of the China market and the event of Brexit in Europe. Therefore, to avoid the adverse effect, Nike can increase the rate of discounts and can undertake product modification. However, the other side of the report has analyzed the result of the insight quiz and has stated that most of the characteristic traits of the concerned individual will help to get befitted in the corporate culture of the considered organization. References Blok, J., 2014. The priestess of Athena Nike. Chung, K.Y., Derdenger, T.P. and Srinivasan, K., 2013. Economic value of celebrity endorsements: Tiger Woods' impact on sales of Nike golf balls.Marketing Science,32(2), pp.271-293. Corrin, L. and de Barba, P., 2014. Exploring students interpretation of feedback delivered through learning analytics dashboards. InProceedings of the ascilite 2014 conference. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Circle Wars Reshaping The Typical Autism Essay Citation Example For Students
Circle Wars: Reshaping The Typical Autism Essay Citation AUTISM Autism is a rare developmental disorder that affects approximately four in every ten thousand children (Baron-Cohen, Leslie Frith, 1985). Employing a clinical perspective, Kanner (1943) (as cited in Sachs, 1995) was the first to provide a description on the disorder of autism. However, in the 1970s, Wing (1970) (as cited in Sachs, 1995) applied a cognitive perspective in describing the mental structure of autism. This essay will therefore argue that autism is characterised by the lack of theory of mind (Premack Woodruff, 1978, as cited in Baron-Cohen et al., 1985), which is a cognitive mechanism. It will further outline empirical evidence derived from the review of two studies, collectively known as false belief tasks. The Sally-Anne task and the Smarties task, in particular, will be discussed and interpreted in support with the arguing thesis. There is no true causal definition of autism at a biological level, however, autism has been recognised to be a developmental disabi lity affecting cognitive processing (Frith, 1997). The key behavioural deficits that characterises autism are, the inability to interact in social situations, impairments with comprehending verbal and non-verbal communication and the lack of understanding pretend and imaginative play (Wing, 1970, as cited in Sachs, 1995). Other behavioural characteristics contributing to the diagnosis of autism are, engagement in repetitive automatic movements and activities, preference to be alone, displays of self-destruction and aggressive behaviour, sensitivity to external stimuli, attacks of anxiety, and some display savant abilities (Sachs, 1995; Frith, 1997). Baron-Cohen et al. (1985) applied Wimmer and Perners (1983) puppet play paradigm to test the hypothesis that autistic children are unable to attribute beliefs to others and are incapable of representing mental states. The participants comprised of 20 autistic children, 14 children with Down syndrome, and 27 normal preschool children. The procedure for this false belief task included setting up two doll protagonists, Sally and Anne. Initially, a naming question was asked to ensure participants could distinguish between the dolls. Sally then placed a marble in her basket. Sally exited the scene, and Anne takes the marble from Sallys basket and placed it in her box. Sally later returned, and the test question asked by the experimenter was Where will Sally look for her marble? (Baron-Cohen et al., 1985, p.41). The subjects also had to answer two control questions: a reality control question and a memory control question. Another trial was preformed, where conditions were changed, and included an additional location (experimenters pocket) to where the participants could point. The outcome for this study indicated that all subjects passed the naming, reality and memory questions. For the belief question, 85% of normal preschool and 86% of Down syndrome subjects passed both trials. However, only 20% of the autistic group passed the tested question (Baron-Cohen et al. 1985). Interpretation of these results indicates the vast majority of normal preschool and Down syndrome children could contrast between what they see to be true and what the doll sees to be false. However, the 15% of preschool and 14% of Down syndrome children who failed the belief question need to be taken into account. It may be concluded that at the time of testing, the proportion of preschool children had not yet developed the complete theory of mind, which is a mechanism required to succeed in this study. Also, it can be assumed that the proportion of Down syndrome subjects who failed, simply did not fully understand the question being asked as they have a below average IQ range. Other possible reasons for the two control groups to fail on the belief question may be that they comprehended the question as ambiguous. For example, when asked the belief question, the proportion of the control groups who failed, could have registered the question as, If Sally looks in her basket and the ma rble is not there, where will she look?. In this case the correct answer would be the box. Instead, if the experimenter asked, Where will Sally look first, for her marble?, then that proportion of the control group may have passed. Another inconsistency is that 20% of autistic subjects passed the test. This may be that they were incorrectly diagnosed with the disorder, or they have experienced through rote learning that others have different beliefs to them, and therefore can apply this concept without understanding it. However, the fact that the majority of autistic subjects failed the task indicates they lack the ability to distinguish between their belief and the dolls belief. Therefore, this supports the thesis that autistic children lack a theory of mind. .u7c7ccca3644920b7429fd50fc3f0a1fc , .u7c7ccca3644920b7429fd50fc3f0a1fc .postImageUrl , .u7c7ccca3644920b7429fd50fc3f0a1fc .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7c7ccca3644920b7429fd50fc3f0a1fc , .u7c7ccca3644920b7429fd50fc3f0a1fc:hover , .u7c7ccca3644920b7429fd50fc3f0a1fc:visited , .u7c7ccca3644920b7429fd50fc3f0a1fc:active { border:0!important; } .u7c7ccca3644920b7429fd50fc3f0a1fc .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7c7ccca3644920b7429fd50fc3f0a1fc { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7c7ccca3644920b7429fd50fc3f0a1fc:active , .u7c7ccca3644920b7429fd50fc3f0a1fc:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7c7ccca3644920b7429fd50fc3f0a1fc .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7c7ccca3644920b7429fd50fc3f0a1fc .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7c7ccca3644920b7429fd50fc3f0a1fc .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7c7ccca3644920b7429fd50fc3f0a1fc .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7c7ccca3644920b7429fd50fc3f0a1fc:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7c7ccca3644920b7429fd50fc3f0a1fc .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7c7ccca3644920b7429fd50fc3f0a1fc .u7c7ccca3644920b7429fd50fc3f0a1fc-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7c7ccca3644920b7429fd50fc3f0a1fc:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Causes Of The American Revolution EssayPerner et al. (1989) Smarties task (as cited in Happe, 1994) is another representation of a false belief task. This study involved a number of autistic and normal four-year-old children. The method involved the experimenter questioning the child to predict what was inside a closed Smartie box. The subjects would give the obvious answer, being sweets or Smarties. The box is then opened to reveal a pencil. The experimenter then closes the container, and poses the question, When the other child comes in, he will be shown this closed up Smarties box, like shown to you. What do you think he will say when I ask him what is inside? The conse quence of this study showed that normal four-year-olds succeeded by answering sweets or Smarties. However, autistic subjects failed this task by answering pencil (Pern et al., 1989, as cited in Happe, 1994). In analysing the results, it is shown that four-year-old normal children understood the concept that if a person like them, has not been exposed to the situation yet, they will give the obvious answer like them. However, autistic children, based on the fact that they lack the ability to represent mental states of others, and therefore not pose a theory of mind (Premack Woodruff, 1978, as cited in Baron-Cohen et al., 1985) would assume that everyone else knows what they now know. The result of this study hence supports the thesis argued in this essay. Possessing a theory of mind is fundamental for social interaction with others. For those who do not have this cognitive mechanism, it is merely impossible for them to understand other peoples beliefs, wants and desires. It has been shown that autism is characterised by the lack of this cognitive mechanism, theory of mind. In addition, research studies have supported this theory, that individuals with autism lack ability to comprehend ot hers beliefs from their own. Future research should aim at applying a clinical perspective to help autistic individuals overcome this lack of theory of mind in order for social interaction to be less complex.
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