Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Road Safety Essay Example for Free
Road Safety Essay Hai friends, teachers and the judges on the dice my name is santhiya from VIII ‘B’. I am here to give you a small speech about road safety. Road safety refers to method and measure for reducing the risk of a person using the road network being killed or seriously injured. Road traffic crashes are one of the World’s largest public health and injury prevention problems. According to World’s Health Organization, more than a million people are killed on the world’s road each year. A report published by the WHO in 2004 estimated that some 1.2 million people were killed and 50 million injured in traffic collisions on the road around children 10-19 years of age. Most of the roads crowned that is, made so that they have rounded surfaces, to reduce standing water and ice, primarily to prevent frost damage but also increasing traction in poor weather. Poor road surface can lead to safety problems. Lane markers in some countries and states are marked with Cat’s eye or Botts dot, bright reflector that do not fade like paint. Turning across traffic poses several risks. Pedestrians and cyclist are among the most vulnerable road users and in some countries over half of all road deaths. During the 1990s a new approach, known as ‘sharped space’ was developed which removed many features in some places has attracted the attention of authorities around the world. The approach was developed by Hans Monderman who believed that ‘‘if you treat drivers like idiots, they act like idiots’’ and proposed that trusting drivers to behave was more successful than forcing them to behave. Major highways including motors, freeways, Autobahnen and Interstates are designed for safety high-speed operation and generally have lower levels of injury per vehicle km than other roads. More people die on the hard shoulder than on the highway itself. Without other vehicles passing a parked car, following drivers are unaware that the vehicle is parked, despite hazard light. 30% of the highway crashes that occurs in the vicinity of toll collection booth in the countries that have them, these can be reduced by switching to electronic toll systems. Safety can be improved in various ways depending on the transport taken. The main way to stay safe while traveling by bus or coach is as follow: †¢At the bus stop, always follow the queue. †¢Do not sit, stand or travel on the footboard of the bus. †¢Do not put any part of your body outside a moving or a stationary bus. Some countries or states have already implemented some of the ideas pay-as-you-drive adjusts insurance coasts according to when and where the person drives. Since 1999 the EuroRAP initiative has been assessing major roads in Europe with a road protection score. RoadPeace was formed in 1991 in the United Kingdom to advocate for better road safety and founded World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims in 1993 which received support from the United Nations General Assembly in 2005. Some road-safety groups argue that the problem of road safety being stated in the wrong terms because most safety measures are designed to increase the safety measures are designed to increase the safety of drivers, but many road traffic casualties are not drivers, and those measures which increases the driver safety may, perversely, increases the risk to these others, through risk to these others, through risk compensation.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Narration, Metaphors, Images and Symbols in One Flew Over the Cuckoos
Narration, Metaphors, Images and Symbols in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest   In 1962, when One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (the Nest), was published, America was at the start of decade that would be characterized by turmoil. Involvement in Vietnam was increasing, civil rights marches were taking place in the south and a new era of sexual promiscuity and drug use was about to come into full swing. Young Americans formed a subgroup in American society that historians termed the â€Å"counterculture†. The Nest is a product of time when it was written. It is anti-authoritarian and tells the tale of a man's rebelling against the establishment. Kesey used metaphor to make a social commentary on the America of the sixties. In this paper I will deal with three issues that seem to strike out from the novel. First; is the choice that Kesey made in his decision to write the novel using first person narration. The second part of this paper will be an analysis of some of the metaphors and Kesey uses to describe America in the sixties. Finally I will speak about the some of the religious images that Kesey has put in the novel.  For the reader of the Nest, the most familiar character of the story would be Chief "Broom" Bromden, a half Indian, paranoid schizophrenic, who has been in the institution since World War two, (about 15 years). He spends his days dwelling in the clouded mind that his mental illness has produced. This illness is characterized by audio and visual hallucinations. He makes constant reference to the "fog," "the combine," and "the machine." Bromden lives in a world inhabited by people who have been implanted with machines. In part one of the novel, we read nothing but the delusions of a madman. The novel opens ... ...illan Company of Canada Limited, 1962. Klein, Maxwell. The Images and Metaphors of Flower Children. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1988. Kunz, Don. Mechanistic and Totemistic Symbolization in Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. A Casebook on Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Ed. George J. Searles. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. 1989. Pratt, John Clark. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. New York: The Viking Press. 1973. Semino, Elena, and Swindlehurst, Kate. Metaphor and Mind Style in Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Northern Light (online posting) Spring 1996. <www.northernlight.com/cgi-bin/pdserv?cbecid=6619970923010053874&ho=monsoon&po=508&cb=0> Unknown Author. Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. (online posting) <http:www.nhmccd.cc.tx.us/contracts/lrc/kc/kesey.html> Â
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Analysis of Dubai Development Model with relevance to India
Table of Contents l. Introduction and Dubbed Policy Relevance to India II. Challenges faced by both India & Dubbed Ill. Policy Changes – What can be adopted by India & Dubbed from each other IV. Business Context of the policies in India & Dubbed V. References To: The Leaders of the Business Association of India From: Hull Consultancy Group Date: Reason: Analysis of Dubbed Development Model and relevance to India Dubbed Is one of the most flourishing clues In the world attracting people from all over the world with a strong economy.India being a part of the BRICE nations and with the ambition of being perceived as a developed nation need some changes economically and politically. Could the Dubbed model work in India? L. To analyses how Tuba's model can be relevant to India we need to look at various different factors. Looking at the model of Strategy, Structure and Resource we could make some comparisons of how Dubbed is similar to India. Dubbed India Relevancy Strategy Economi c Development Political Stability Import Talent & reliance on foreign companies in Dubbed. Logistical Hub and this promoted with good port facility.Strong ties with other Emirates Strong & Continuous Leadership Relaxed religious laws although still Islamic focused. Focus on education, medical & engineering sectors good. Primary sector of Agriculture not ignored. Infrastructure development, cities and broadband development is another major focus. Political Stability Member of the BRICE countries. Democratic government with secular laws. Relevant Infrastructure development at the ports as the south of India is also strategically located. Strong ties between cities Egg: Bangor & Hydrated can be made Low Relevance One leader strategy may not be applicablePolicy of importing talent for domestic needs. Structure City vs. Rural Development Education system City vs. Rural Cluster focused for companies and development towards ABA Dhabi close to the coast line. Old Dubbed vs. New Dubbed Educa tion System Focus is on introducing more foreign universities. Satellite city structure. New development outside major cities towards small towns. Egg: Whitfield, Oneida. Infrastructure development in rural areas. Good education system after British colonization. Science & Engineering has special focus. Focus on rural areas education. Cluster structure could be replicated.It is already done in a few places but could be done in most cities. More foreign universities can be introduced in India. Not Relevant Old city vs. New City is already in place in some cities. Egg: Delhi Resources Natural resources Human Resources Population- Low Manpower (Skilled, Unskilled, Technical)- Low Natural Resources- Low Alliance with ABA Dhabi for resources- High Population- Very high Manpower (Skilled, Unskilled, Technical)- High Natural Resources- High Alliance with other states or countries for resources- Low Alliance with neighboring countries or other BRICE countries for resources can be Dade.II. T o analyses if Tuba's model can be adopted by India, the challenges faced by both countries should be analyses further. Policies used by Dubbed for the above mentioned challenges are: 1 . Quality of Education: AAU government invested up to Dabbed invested on improving general education. Solution : They have a partnerships with several international schools in order to improve their education system. 2. Policy relevance to India is low. Main issue faced by India is inaccessibility in rural areas.Extreme poverty is another problem Solution- Mandatory CARS activities enforced by the government. Secondly broadband services to provide education by internet in inaccessible areas as done in Gujarat . 3. Quality of Health care : Expanse have expressed their lack of confidence in the Dubbed Health care services. Solution: To improve medical quality partnerships with international organizations like ‘John Hopkins' and ‘Cleveland ‘ medical centre have been made. Policy relevan ce to India is low.Issue is infrastructure with lack of sanitation and clean water causing illness. Lack of roads or transport makes it difficult for unmet needs to be fulfilled. Solution: Having infrastructure projects like the ones in Gujarat as initiated by the current prime minister is a better solution then attracting foreign medical care. 4. Expiate Migration : Tuba's over reliance on expiate employees. Competition from nearby countries like Qatar and Oman. Solution : Better infrastructure, attractive surrounding and tax free policy Similar problem with rising unemployment.Solution: Foreign companies can be attracted like in Dubbed but a realistic solution would be to encourage local entrepreneurship in order to create Jobs. Dubbed is conscious about the over reliance on fossil fuels to generate power Solution: Collaborations with Policy relevance to India is again low. Energy requirement in India is massive compared to AJAX. There are local companies with renewable technologi es which needs to be promoted. Solution: Collaborating with foreign companies is a temporary solution though it can be done.Natural gas exploration and nuclear energy long term solution. Ill. Many of the policies used for Dubbed are not recommended for India. These are because of many reasons like the Population, different Industrial focus, focus on domestic development including talent and technology. To further analyses this and understand what policy changes can be adopted for either India or Dubbed we need to look at the and the ‘Fragile Failed State' Index. The Fragile State Index, is an index which focuses on the stability of the nation on 3 different factors: 1.Economic: Uneven economic development, Severe Economic decline 2. Social: Demographic pressures, Massive refugee movement, Group grievances 3. Political: Crystallization, Progressive Deterioration, Security apparatus , Ethnic cleansing Based on these criteria, India is ranked at 81 which is categorized as ‘ High Warning and I-JAKE is inked at 143 which is considered a stable society. Under Economic , India has huge inequality in incomes and some states like UP, Briar are not highly developed. There are refugees movement and grievances from the lower class or religious sectors in society.Politically India is democratic and secular and given the religious and cultural diversity in India that an Autocratic rule would only increase the trouble in the country. Policies which India could copy from I-JAKE is to have infrastructure development, which could be awarded to foreign companies as this is the major problem in India. Better infrastructure could lead to solving some of the other problems like better education, reducing group grievances when people have the same basic facilities, and make uniform economic development.Security could improve with better roads and reaching in time . Infrastructure and roads have been a key element of all great civilizations starting from the Romans till mo dern countries like I-JAKE , Germany and the USA. If Infrastructure development has to be rapid foreign investment and companies would be essential. Having one religion and an autocratic government with very low population solves means that AAU does not face cost of the problems which India faces and thus makes it a very stable economy.However their reliance on foreign investment and technology, education is too high. This could bring about economic downturn to I-JAKE in the future. The change of policy which I-JAKE requires is to increase the amount of local universities and improve local education and businesses. A major aspect of doing business in any new country could be the ‘Corruption' in the country and ‘Business regulations' in the country. The ‘Ease of Doing Business' index helps analyses the conduciveness of a country to start a business.The factors considered are Infrastructure, Poverty ratio, Credit lines available, Tax rates, Educations standards , Reg ulations etc. Based on these criteria lets compare India to I-JAKE India- ease to do Business, Rank-134 Factors favorable are: Improving infrastructure Highly educated society Annual GAP expected to increase and best in South Asia Factors unfavorable are: Infrastructure still poor in many parts IN per capita is low Regulations are rigid High taxes Low credit lines as compared to I-JAKE Political rules favoring local companies Factors favorable are : Good infrastructure No taxesHighly educated people (mainly expanse though) Good autocratic leadership conducive to business High IN per capita Annual GAP best in MEAN region Factors unfavorable Expensive to run a business Need to attract talent from abroad Corruption is another major factor which businesses consider. According to the ‘Corruption Index' I-JAKE ranks at 26th whereas India ranks at 94. This shows that there could be a fear of corruption for businesses to enter India. ‘V. Businesses in India could play a major ro le in making some minor changes which would enable the country to become more business conducive.Collaborations or JP with foreign companies- This would attract more funds which would enable them to expand faster and also reduce unemployment. CARS activities to improve education and sanitation facilities. If CARS activities are not feasible Join with Social welfare groups like ‘Magic Bus' Transparency in business activities and raise awareness to reduce corrupt activities. Work closely with government to improve their sustainability and becoming energy efficient. Factories investing in machinery to have energy efficient equipment. Business in Dubbed could also take certain steps awards helping the local Political and Economic situation.Work with local universities and help hire local Emirate graduates. Take specific measures towards Energy conservation and sustainable measures Medical related companies can provide training for local Emirates. Considering the various factors th ere are some ideas and policies that either country can adopt. However the two countries are vastly different. While AAU is an autocratic society, it mainly focuses on one major sector locally which are the Emirates. Decisions are made and executed quickly as no consensus is required from the caked by huge funding which enables them to accomplish their goals.However in the long run the reliance on the foreign countries cannot be relied upon and local education and entrepreneurship definitely needs to be improved like what is been focused in India. India on the other hand is a very diverse society and it cannot focus on any major ethnic group. As it is also a huge country with a population of 1. 2 billion decision cannot be made by an individual. The consequences have to evaluated. Also despite the availability of natural resources funding is not as direct and easy like in Dubbed.Like some of the European countries they try to focus on agriculture and education, as in the long run th is would make their society self-reliant and not lament the lack of natural resources. There is a need for infrastructure in the form of roads of pipelines and sanitation facilities but the funding is not direct. Hence the rule of a mandatory CARS fee is created. Lastly to have a long term sustainable economy they need local entrepreneurship which they are focusing in many different areas like Finance, Infrastructure, Engineering, and Renewable Energy.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Serial Murder And Mass Murder - 936 Words
Before we can take on the definitions of serial murder and mass murder, we must first understand what exactly constitutes murder. According to the United States Code-section 1111, murder is defined as the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought (4). With that said, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the term serial murder implies that there are at least three different murder events at three different locations, with a â€Å"cooling off†period between each event (Ramsland, 2009). Individuals who perpetrate the crime of serial murder are referred to as serial killers. The term â€Å"serial killer†was coined in the mid-1970s by Robert Ressler, the former director of the FBI s Violent Criminal Apprehension Program. He chose the name â€Å"serial killer†because authorities in England called these types of murders â€Å"crimes in a series†(Freeman, 2007). John Wayne Gacy, known as the â€Å"Killer Clown,†who to rtured, raped and murdered 33 men between 1972 and 1978 is an example of a serial killer. On the other hand, mass murder is defined as four or more murders occurring during a particular event with no cooling-off period between the murders. A mass murder typically occurs in a single location in which a number of victims are killed by an individual (2). An example of a mass murder would be the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing perpetrated by Timothy McVeigh, in which 168 people were killed. While serial murder has a definition that contains certainShow MoreRelatedThe Crime Of Serial Murder And Mass Murder1289 Words  | 6 PagesThe act of Serial murder and mass murder have similar characteristics, however they are not the same. Before they can be defined, it is necessary to first understand what exactly constitutes murder. According to the United States Code-section 1111, murder is defined as the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought (FindLaw, 2014). With that said, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, â€Å"the term serial murder implies that there are at least three different murder events atRead More The Truth About Serial and Mass Murders Essay1033 Words  | 5 Pagessame; there are some who are mass murderers who go on killing rampages for reasons of their own, and then there are the serial killers that love to kill people because it makes them feel some sort of emotion. People often mistake these killers as one and the same, but in reality they are completely different in the ways they are profiled by the police, how they commit their murders and the effect they have on the community and the nation. Granted mass and serial murders are both killers, the policeRead MoreThe Crime Of The Criminal Justice System1696 Words  | 7 Pageswhole. Next, we will discuss some of the most publicized types of murders. These include serial, mass, spree and sensational murders. Lyman (2014) states, â€Å"such crimes generally have a psychodynamic component that can be very difficult to detect and understand†(p. 301). Despite the fact that these types of murders seem to be generally the same, they each have their own distinct disparities. Firstly, â€Å"serial murder is the murder of separate victims with time breaks as short as two days to as muchRead MorePsychological Profile of a Killer1577 Words  | 7 Pagesstaggering elevation in serial killings. To give some insight into the scale of the problem posed by the serial killer, in the United States can be gained from examining the statistics for just one year. In 1989 (the last year for which detailed figures are available) there were 21,500 recorded homicides, of which some 5,000 are unsolved. 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These vicious killers are are generally vicious, fierce beasts and have an unusual inclination to murder. The questions that people ask about serial killers and mass murderers are what gives these people the desire to kill? What inspires them to continue murdering? Do these killers get fulfillment from slaughtering? Is there a contrast between mass murderers and serial killers or would people say they are the same? How do theyRead More profile of a killer Essay examples1561 Words  | 7 Pagesstaggering elevation in serial killings. To give some insight into the scale of the problem posed by the serial killer, in the United States can be gained from examining the statistics for just one year. In 1989 (the last year for which detailed figures are available) there were 21,500 recorded homicides, of which some 5,000 are unsolved. Unofficial sources believe that as many as a hundred serial killers may be at large at any given time. Add to this the number of known victims of serial killers, then betweenRead MoreThe Murder Of Serial Killers1703 Words  | 7 PagesA grieving mother drapes herself over the casket of her deceased son. The 14 year old had fallen victim to one of the most infamous serial killers in history, Jeffrey Dahmer. Dahmer killed a total of 17 known victims, all between the ages of 14 and 33. In his most recent murders, he often resorted to necrophilia, cannibalism, and permanent preservation of body parts (â€Å"Jeffrey Dahmer Biography†). The mother looks at what is left of her sonâ€⠄¢s face, the face that once smiled to her every morning beforeRead MoreChapter 16. Serial Killers Are Not A New Development. They1189 Words  | 5 PagesChapter 16 Serial killers are not a new development. They have been among us since the beginning of time. Evidence of this can be seen by reviewing some of the world’s most high-profile crimes; some of which remain unsolved. Serial killers are difficult to detect. They are able to move through society, masquerading as normal, healthy individuals. A serial sexual sadistic killer is a specific type of predator. Their crimes suggest that they are void of any feelings or emotion. However, theories suggestRead MoreCharles Manson Essay1297 Words  | 6 Pagesculturally progressive areas (San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, etc.). In 1969, Charles Manson, an American criminal, rose to infamy with his orchestration of seven gruesome murders in Los Angeles, California. Whats even more shocking than the murder scenes, was the fact that Manson did not perpetrate any of the murders himself, but instead convinced others to commit the crimes for him: the murderers had been done by the Manson Fami ly, a cult Manson himself had created. Manson’s total control
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