Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Unit 5 Individual Project Biology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Unit 5 Individual Project Biology - Essay Example The Dichotomous Key (Appendix B) was used to determine the taxonomic category (phylum or class) for each animal picture, and these categories written on Classification Column on the table. The phylum list (Appendix A) for each animal picture were also written in column one; and all steps on column two as used to arriving at the classification for each animal given. The cartilaginous Fish are in class chondricthyes for instance the rays and sharks. Their skeleton is made of cartilage and not the bone. They do not have the lungs and swim bladders. The placodermi fishes are precursors of these fish that are now extinct. They were the first fish to develop paired fins and jaws. (Don, & DeeAnn, 2005). 6. The three types of mammals based on how the young one develops are marsupials, monotremes, and placentals. The monotremes lay eggs; marsupials give birth to underdeveloped young ones and develop them in a pouch such as the koala and kangaroo (Mayr, & Bock, 2002). The placental mammals give birth to adequately mature young ones, feed them via the placenta until they are fully developed in a womb before they are born (Mayr, & Bock, 2002). An example is the humans. Dichotomous means â€Å"divided or cut into two parts.†A dichotomous key is a tool used by scientists to classify organisms into classification categories or taxa. The key is made up of a series of numbered couplets, and within each couplet are two opposing statements which you read, choosing the one that best fits the animal picture. To use the key, you always start at the first couplet (look for a 1 in the first column). Read the two couplet choices (labeled a and b in the second column), and consider them carefully. If you do not know the meaning of a word, as some of these terms are technical, look them up in a reference, a dictionary, or your textbook glossary, perhaps. Again, you
Monday, October 28, 2019
Women in the Civil War Essay Example for Free
Women in the Civil War Essay In American society during the 19th Century, men and women occupied different realms. Women dealt with private affairs, while men were in charge of public matters. When the Civil War broke out, the rigid distinction between the sexes became flexible. Women changed because the war allowed them to expand their roles to become active in the realm that previously isolated them. From housewives, women became doctors, nurses, and spies. Some even did the extreme; they assumed a masculine appearance to join the army. The concealment of their gender proved to be the downside of the changes in women during the war. They may have had relevant contributions in the war, but it was left unrecognized because of its concealed nature. The Civil War was a defining moment in American history. It was the event which determined the fate of the nation as the American community was divided into two opposing sides. It was also a time of significant social change. The realm of war previously belonged to the men; it was the male soldiers who fought in the battlefields. However, the Civil War altered the situation. The status of women dramatically changed as they became active participants in the war effort. Indeed, the Civil War opened many opportunities for women and allowed them to be active members of society. This research paper aims to discuss how women changed during the American Civil War, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the said changes. In the 19th Century America, men dominated society and women were regarded as inferior to them. Women lived under the authority of the opposite sex, either that of the father, husband or another relative (Massey, 1994). They were confined in the domestic sphere; their main concerns were their home and family. Women had no voice in the political arena because only the men had dealt with public affairs. Not only was it objectionable for women to fulfill men’s jobs, it was also disagreeable for them to wear men’s clothes (Eggleston, 2003). When the Civil War began, the social lines were blurred. Women suddenly were presented the chance to go beyond their realm and participate in the world of men. They were given roles and jobs that were not accessible to them before. Both the Union and the Confederacy allowed women to take part in the war effort. For the first time, the government allowed women to become doctors and nurses (Eggleston, 2003). Women also served as messengers and spies. Meanwhile, there are also those women whose contributions were domestic in nature; these include cooking, as well as mending and sewing uniforms for the soldiers (Eggleston, 2003; Silber, 2005). These activities may have been the same as those women were tasked to do in the past; however, there was a significant change. Before, women only did those jobs due to the necessity in the household. During the war, the women did those jobs due to the necessity of the nation. Their domestic activities were no longer performed for private purposes; they had become part of the public affairs. However, women were not merely passive participants. They were also directly involved in the war effort as soldiers. The battlefield was reserved for males, but the females eventually found themselves fighting the same war. Women became soldiers by concealing their real identities (Eggleston, 2003). There were many reasons why women opted to disguise themselves as male soldiers. There were those who fought in the war to either escape from their betrothal or to be with their loved ones. Some saw the war as an adventure and craved its excitement. There were others who saw fighting for its financial benefits and the opportunity to better provide for their families. Meanwhile, there were women who took part in the Civil War for more noble reasons; they went to war because they were compelled by duty and patriotism (Eggleston, 2003). Women had to resort to extreme measures to appear like male soldiers. There were women who were immediately discharged because the way they acted revealed their real identities (Eggleston, 2003). Meanwhile, there were women who dramatically changed their actions and behavior before enlistment to successfully disguise themselves. They modified the color of their complexion and learned how to chew tobacco. They used vests with pads to conceal their breasts; the pads also made them seem more bulky and masculine (Eggleston, 2003). Having women disguised as men in war had its share of difficulties. The problems arose from the different toilet habits as well as other personal routines (Eggleston, 2003). Nonetheless, the recruitment of young men in the army proved to be advantageous for the female soldiers. The army consisted mostly of boys, who were still shy and reserved around each other. Most of them were hesitant to relieve themselves in the company of other soldiers; to attend their toilet needs, they had to hide in the woods or others areas which offered privacy. The meek nature of young men was beneficial for the female soldiers because it allowed them to seek privacy without appearing unusual. In addition, the young men of the army have not yet started shaving, so it did not appear unusual for the females if they did not shave (Eggleston, 2003). It is remarkable that women have finally reached the public realm during the Civil War, even if they had to pretend as men to do so. However, that kind of participation had disadvantages. Women who had successfully kept their real identities hidden as part of the army suffered all the difficulties which came with war (Eggleston, 2003). Female soldiers were held captive by their opponents, brought to prison camps and killed in the battlefields. There were those who perished and buried without their real identities discovered. Because women soldiers were not supposed to be fighting in the war, their participation in the war was previously not acknowledged. There were even those who denied the direct involvement of women as soldiers (Blanton, n. d. ). The non-recognition of women fighters in the Civil War prevented the discovery of the total number of female soldiers who offered their services. The numbers available on record are merely estimates. This situation posited a real problem, as it undermined and ignored the contributions of women in the battlefield. During the American Civil War, women changed because they went beyond the roles that were initialed assigned to them. The war effort presented them to enter the public realm of men and participate in it. Women had indeed changed during that time, as they progressed from housewives to participants in war. Women even came in disguise to become soldiers. While it is a great thing that women became active members of the community, some of their contributions were not recognized or accurately recorded because of their secret identities. Nonetheless, this does not diminish that fact that women were a significant part of the American Civil War. References Blanton, D. (n. d. ). Women soldiers and nurses of the American civil war. American Civil War Website. Retrieved March 13, 2009, from http://americancivilwar. com/women/index. html Eggleston, L. G. (2003). Women in the Civil War: Extraordinary Stories of Soldiers, Spies, Nurses, Doctors, Crusaders and Others. North Carolina: McFarland. Massey, M. E. (1994). Women in the Civil War. Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. Siber, N. (2005). Daughters of the Union: Northern Women Fight the Civil War. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
charhf Development of Hucks Character :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays
Huckleberry Finn – Development of His Character  Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn displays the development of a 'sound hearted pre teen boy' called Huck Finn. We see Huck develop in character, attitude and maturity as he travels down the Mississippi River. This is represented through Huck's search for freedom from 'sivilisation' and it's beliefs and through his personal observations of a corrupt and immoral society. Most importantly, we live through Huck's confusion over his supposedly immoral behavior and his acceptance that he will '...go to Hell...' as he conquers his social beliefs.  Huck's displeasure in 'sivilisation' and it's beliefs is the trigger to his development. Initially, Huck is presented as a uneducated 12 year old, born in to the rigorous life of pre-civil war America. He lives with Widow Douglas (Huck's conservative and motherly foster parent) and Miss Watson (Widow Douglas' sister) who both try to 'sivilise' Huck through religion, manners and beliefs. 'In the opening chapters, Huck is relatively though not completely, untouched by society. He is totally unsophisticated and is basically unthwarted by the ethical ideals and manners of adult society or by the game-playing unreality of Tom Sawyer.' PAUL EGGERT: Literary Perspectives. From this critics comment, we see that Huck's limited understanding in the 'sivilised' world also limited his capacity to comprehend society's teachings such as religion '...she told me all about the bad place, and I said I wish I was there.' and it's rules and life style 'She put me in them new clothes again, and I couldn't do nothing but sweat and sweat, and feel all cramped up.' This in many ways allowed Huck to make decisions from his own moral evaluation instead of relying on the disillusioned teachings of society.  As the novel develops, we see Huck kidnapped by his father, a drunken byproduct of society's corruption. At first, Huck enjoys the relief from religion and the 'sivilized' life ' warn't long after that till I was used to being where I was and liked it...' but latter realized he was still trapped in the depressing confines of 'sivilisation'. Huck is subjected to the constant tyrannical treatment inflicted from his father ranging from beatings to being locked up days at a time.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Chern’s Chapter 1
Chern’s Chapter 1 Process (Short-term) Goals * Attract enough applicants to fulfill staffing requirements of 15 new stores a year plus new vacancies in existing stores. * Attract enough internal candidates to promote managers within. * Obey laws and company policy. * Staff efficiently. * Staff effectively. Outcome (Long-term) Goals * Hire sales associates with quality customer service skills. * Hire candidates with potential to be promoted to management. * Retain stable turnover rates. Use strong cash flow and conservative debt policies to expand markets and create stronger shareholder value. * Increase diversity. * Continue consistent annual increase. * Rank higher on Fortune magazine’s â€Å"top 100 best companies to work for. †* Enhance information-technology. Chern’s has maintained a strong business strategy and culture throughout the growth of the company. In continuing this growth, it is recommended that Chern’s manage practical and necessary goals over the course of staffing.In the immediate future, the company should focus on attracting enough applicants to fill the opening sales associates positions. With the goal of opening 15 stores a year, the company will need to hire approximately 1,875 sales associates per year, not including ones needed to fill opening in existing stores. A significant amount of internal candidates, approximately 255, will be needed to promote within and fill the management positions in the up and coming stores.Chern’s prides itself to be high quality which makes following laws and company policy necessary for continuing its strong culture. Superior customer service has helped to differentiate it from the competition which makes staffing efficiently, the highest quality of customer service, necessary to uphold the main business strategy. Finally, effective staffing will be necessary to fill all the vacancies and continue Chern’s growth rate.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Advantages of trade liberalization Essay
During these last decades, the world economy has experienced rapid growth. This growth has been fueled in part by the more rapid growth of international trade. Trade growth, in turn, results from both technological developments and concerted efforts to reduce barriers to trade. Some developing countries have opened their economies to take full advantage of opportunities for economic development through trade, but many are those who abstained. Trade barriers that persist in industrialized countries are concentrated on agricultural products and manufacturing intensive labor, for which developing countries have a comparative advantage. The pursuit of trade liberalization, particularly in these areas, both industrialized and developing countries, help the poorest out of extreme poverty while also benefiting the industrialized countries themselves. Policies that open economy to trade and investment around the world are essential to sustained economic growth. For several decades, no country experienced economic success, demonstrated by the substantial increase in living standards of its people, without being open to the rest of the world. Conversely, opening to trade – as well as foreign direct investment – was an important element in the economic success of East Asia, where over the last 20 years the average import duties fell to a level of 30 % to 10 %. China for example, remained closed in 2003 based on the undivided power of the Communist Party and its black market exchange rate premium, which averaged 36% between 1990-1999 (Easterly and Sewadeh, 2002). In addition, China had a relatively high average tariff rate, 31%, between 1990-1999. Today, we can admit that China is perhaps the best example of the positive connection between openness and economic growth. Reforms in China transformed it from a highly protected market to perhaps the most open emerging market economy by the time it came into the World Trade Organization at the end of 2001 (1). The opening of their economy to the world market is the key factor that has enabled many developing countries to develop comparative advantages in the manufacture of certain products. In these countries that the World Bank called â€Å"new globalists†the number of people living in absolute poverty has declined by more than 120 million people (14% ) between 1993 and 1998 (2). There is a considerable number of facts showing that countries that are more open to the outside tend to consistently grow faster than those which are closed onto themselves (3). In fact, we can see that the benefits of trade liberalization can be more than ten times higher than its Cost. Countries that have opened their economies in recent years, including India, Vietnam and Uganda, have experienced faster growth and a more pronounced reduction of poverty (4). On average, those developing countries that have strongly reduced their tariffs in the 1980s have grown faster than other growth during the 1990s. Trade liberalization often particularly benefits to poors. The increased growth resulting from trade liberalization tends to increase the incomes of the poors in general at the same proportions as those of the entire population (5). New jobs are created for unskilled workers, enabling them to enter the middle class. Generally, inequality between countries has been declining since 1990 , reflecting the fastest economic growth in developing countries, which is partly due to the trade liberalization. Trade liberalization reduces the cost of living. For example, in the EU Member States, services such as transport, energy, postal services and telecommunications have previously been provided by national organisations with exclusive rights to provide a given service. By opening up these markets to international competition, consumers can now choose from a number of alternative service providers and products. Opening up these markets to competition has also allowed consumers to benefit from lower prices and new services which are usually more efficient and consumer-friendly than before. This helps to make the economy more competitive (6). The elimination of the remaining trade barriers is likely to provide significant gains. Gains from the removal of all barriers to merchandise trade are estimated between 250 and 680 billion dollars per year. Approximately two thirds of these gains accrue to industrialized countries. But the amount for developing countries would still be more than two times higher than the support they currently receive. Further trade liberalization would benefit more, as a percentage of their GDP, to developing countries than to industrialized countries because their economies are more strongly protected and they face higher barriers. Although an improved access to the markets of other countries has advantages, liberalizing their own market is the most profitable to the countries. For industrialized countries, the main benefits come from the liberalization of agricultural markets. Developing countries benefit equally to liberalize their manufacturing and agriculture. Sources 1. For China’s Economy, 7 Is a Favorite Number, video April 24 2014 Liberalization and Its Role in Chinese Economic Growth, Nicholas R. Lardy, New Delhi, November 14-16, 2003 2. World Bank : Globalization, Growth, and Poverty : Facts, Fears and an Agenda for Action 3. Example: Jeffrey Frankel et David Romer, â€Å"Does Trade Cause Growth?†,American Economic Review, juin 1999 4. David Dollar, â€Å"Globalisation, Inequality, and Poverty since 1980†, World bank 5. David Dollar and Aart Kraay, â€Å"Trade, Growth, and Poverty†, World bank 2001 6. La libà ©ralisation des à ©changes rà ©duit le coà »t de la vie, Organisation Mondiale du Commerce L’à ©volution des à ©changes internationaux
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Practice Essay Example
Practice Essay Example Practice Essay Practice Essay Can the frequency of cricket chirps be used to predict the outdoor temperature? According to one of the founding fathers of communications engineering, George Washington Pierce, the answer is yes. During his career, Pierce invented several pieces of technology that earned him patents and a lot of money from companies like RCA and ATT. When he retired, Pierce built a device that allowed him to record the sounds made by various insects near his New Hampshire home. In 1948, he published his research findings in a book titled The Songs of Insects. In this Activity, ou will examine data that Pierce collected on the number of chirps per second of the striped ground cricket and the outdoor temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. You will compose a Word document with the answers to each of the numbered questions below as well as your scatterplot with regression line. Cricket chirps per second Outdoor temperature (OF) 20. 0 88. 6 16. 0 71 . 6 19. 8 93. 3 18. 4 84. 3 17. 1 80. 6 15. 5 75. 2 14. 7 69. 7 82. 0 1 5. 4 69. 4 16. 2 83. 3 15. 0 79. 6 17. 2 82. 6 17. 0 83. 5 14. 4 76. 3 1. Enter the data into your MS Excel spreadsheet. Which is the explanatory variable? 2. Make a well-labeled scatterplot of the data. Describe the direction, form, and strength of the relationship. Are there any outliers? 3. Use MS Excel to find the least- squares regression line for these data. Record the equation, paying attention to precision. [After plotting the scatterplot, position cursor on one data point and right click. Choose Add Trendline, then select linear. Experiment with Chart Layouts to find regression equation. ] 4. Interpret the slope and the y-intercept of the least-squared line in this setting. 5. Use the equation to predict the temperature when there are 15 cricket chirps per second. Determine the value of the Correlation Coefficient. [Remember that the r is the square root of r2] Comment on how well the regression line fits the data. 7. Is it reasonable to use the equation to predict the temperature when there are 25 cricket chirps per second? Explain. 8. Crickets make their chirping sounds by rapidly rubbing their wings together. From Pierces data, we see that outdoor temperature increases as the number of cricket chirps increases. Can we conclude that the increased number of chirps causes the temperature to increase (maybe due to the heat generated from wings rubbing together)? Explain.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Bad Luck and the 4th Dimension essays
Bad Luck and the 4th Dimension essays Have you ever wondered why certain people seem to be born with bad luck? Some people appear to be touched by the hand of Midas, and yet others always step out on the left side of bed. What if there were actual scientific explanations for these phenomenons. During a physics lesson in my junior year we were discussing Einstein's theory of relativity and how it applied to the "space-time" continuum, or fourth dimension. Leaping off tangent from that topic we discussed the "what-if" of not only multiple, parallel universes, but intersections of those dimensions. This line of thought eventually brought me to a conclusion that bad luck is actually caused by fluctuations in the space-time continuum. To understand this theory, you first have to have a general understanding of the theory of relativity and also my own understanding of the 4th dimension. Basically this theory attempts to analyze the interdependence of both time and space. It explains how, to an observer, the effect of a gravitational field is parallel to the effects of an accelerated coordinate system, like a spaceship. There are seven main postulates in the theory but those I am primarily concerned with are that time is relative, space and time are interdependent, and gravity is a result of curved space and time. This means that the more massive an object is, the more gravity it has. A personal pet theory of mine is that each human has their own continuum, and they are created of infinite continuums of tissue, molecules, atoms... or mini- continuums. The universe is a continuum, but the earth could be classified as one as well. Each mini-continuum is enclosed in a larger one, and the energy of the larger continuums contributes to the overall stability of the universal continuum. Since mass effects gravity, and gravity is controlled by space and time, the smaller an object is, the less effect it has on the larger continuums. A single iron atom's continuum does ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Exploring the Academic Credibility of Investigative Journalism
Exploring the Academic Credibility of Investigative Journalism Figure out what an investigative journalism is and how it is connected with the academic credibility. Hashtag: #SwissLeaks World of Superficiality Journalism in its original form is a separate world and far removed from academic sphere. The reason is that superficial thought and research are contradictory attributes of a scholarly article that by nature are systematic, in-depth, and well-structured pieces of writing. An academic complaint article is normally coherent, discusses all sides of the issue, makes use of scientifically acquired facts, properly acknowledged its sources, peer-reviewed, written and presented in technical language for informed readers. In contrast, popular journalistic publications such as newspapers, magazines, and others are mostly for the lay audience, thus informal, skimmed, and speculative. They are sometimes sketchy and one-sided, no author, and lack the credibility of scholarly works. However, the form of journalism responsible for #SwissLeaks or expose of secret billion Swiss bank accounts allegedly owned by HSBC clients seems unusual and more academic in nature than traditional journalism. The reporters that divulged secret bank accounts of known personalities (some may be facing tax invasion charges afterward) are practitioners of Investigative Journalism, an academic compliant form of journalism. This is the same form of journalism (best known as â€Å"Watchdog†journalism) responsible for unmasking corruptions, abuse of power, environmental and health scandals, and publishing of well-researched and written news articles in recent years. Academic Intellectual in Politics Academic Credibility of Investigative Journalism The definition of Investigative Journalism varies from author to author but it is commonly about a journalist’s own initiative to look into the significance of the issue, conduct a comprehensive and exhaustive research, make detailed information public, and inspire reform. Creating an outline of Investigative Journalism features found in literature would give us a form of journalistic undertaking that is truth-seeking, objective, systematic, in-depth, facts and evidence oriented, and consistent. Similarly, a careful analysis of academic research requirements will give us an idea that a certain result of a certain research must add value to existing knowledge. This new knowledge must be acquired through scientific methodologies, ethical, analytical, synthesized, and presented in succinct style and appropriate terminology. In other words, academic research is an objective, systematic, in-depth, and original piece of writing. Given that Investigative Journalism reports or articles are objective in its quest for truth, systematically and thoroughly researched, structured and presented with supporting facts and evidence, then they must be compliant to the academic standard. The problem, however, is the fact that their method of data gathering will not pass academic ethical scrutiny. Certainly, scientific data gathering in academic sphere is never about #SwissLeaks or systematically stealing data from anyone. In fact, an academic research is about consent and confidentiality. It should be reactive to the welfare of data sources. There is no doubt that investigative journalists and academic intellectuals both seek after the truth. In fact, they are both systematic and support their claims with facts. However, they strangely vary in their values and ethical practices. For instance, although generating and promoting new knowledge is critical, the academic sphere gives more weight to the transparency and integrity of the research process. It is rational but passionate and sensitive to partiality, exploitation, and morality of its quest for truth.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Cancer Biology and MicroRNAs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cancer Biology and MicroRNAs - Essay Example These various RNAs then decide how the amino acids will be coded to make the final protein chain and hence the expression of the genes. MicroRNAs however, are non-coding which means that they are not involved in the transcription and the translation process in any way. They are small molecules and they contain about twenty to twenty-five nucleotides. The role of the micro RNAs is to regulate gene expression as the work of the coding RNA needs to be streamlined to avoid abnormal or wrong coding. They are also very important in RNA silencing which involves suppressing the effect of a gene or more than one gene after coding has taken place (Dutta & Lee, 2010). This can also be important in the elimination of certain unwanted genes form the body. RNA silencing involves the use of antisense RNA which is used in the gene silencing. The identification of the two were among the greatest works done in this field in the last century. Of more importance is the realization that miRNA were signif icant players in the etiology of cancer. Further studies have shown that the miRNAs can be used in cancer therapy and so understanding their nature existence and roles is of great importance to molecular biology. miRNAs are often expressed differently in various stages of development in the organism an aspect that made them be called small temporal RNA due to their temporary expression (Dutta & Lee, 2010). The techniques used to measure their expression include Northern blotting and primer extension assay. This has been developed to help in understanding the small aspects of DNA and RNA that scientists could have ignored or bypassed in the past. As highlighted earlier, micro RNAs play a role in suppressing target messenger RNA expression. This is a complex interaction which includes interacting with 3’UTR in the mRNA. What has been noted is that there are many mismatches in the micro RNA target sites a situation that is still being probed to establish the cause and effects in gene mRNA expression. miRNA is also known to inhibit or decrease the target levels in the respective mRNA and so this can affect the organism adversely or serve as a predisposing factor for cancer.
Essay on your name Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
On your name - Essay Example The hospital staff told my parents why they strongly believed that I should be named Victor. They told them the origin of the name. The name Victor is a Latin word meaning â€Å"one who conquerors†or â€Å"champion.†It is derived from the word â€Å"vincere†which means â€Å"to win.†The doctors also said that early Christians referenced â€Å"Victor†to Christ’s victory over sin and death and that there are numerous saints and three popes named Victor. One of the saints was Victor the Moor, a Christian martyr, born into a Christian family who became a soldier in the Roman Praetorian Guard. After he destroyed some pagan altars, he was arrested, tortured and killed. It was claimed that miracles occurred above his grave. A church was built above the supposed grave site. Many churches have been dedicated to him in the city and throughout the Diocese of Milan and its neighborhood. His memorial day is May 8th in the Roman Catholic Church and th e Evangelical Lutheran Church. One of the nurses stated that although I was not born on that day, yet my parents were granted a miracle and it was my determination to make it to this world that allowed that miracle to occur. Everything from the circumstances in which I was born to the name’s beautiful meaning went in favor of having me named
Friday, October 18, 2019
Data warehouse and data mining in business Essay
Data warehouse and data mining in business - Essay Example The choice of the system depends on the firm’s priority the market is flexible and there is need to introduce a database system management that covers is adjustable. The need to develop and acquire information technology has revolutionized business. Market analysis refers to the study and acquisition of the market trends and activities associated with the market. When analyzing the market, the firm uses various methods. The most effective is data mining and various tools are used to facilitate it. Patterns are developed using data mining where graphic visualization combine with statistical analysis and refinement to produce the desired market tend or activity. The combination of the three provides for a pattern extraction from large sets of data which combine with various factors to provide emerge with a market analysis (Shaw et al, 2001). The method is also referred to as the dependency analysis. Where a relationship is drawn between the acquisition of goods and the client base of the same. This lay basis about the marketing strategies to be deployed by a given firm. It creates room for the firm to develop a strategy that dominates the market in relation to the buying power (Shaw, 1993). Marketers develop strategies that will ensure a steady market for their products. The approach gives room for a well-developed method where there is a balance between goods in that there is a continuity in supply in the market. It involves classifying customers into specified domain. The concept is to allow character summarization to be derived from a subset of data. A marketer always monitors customer trends by using the concept description. This domain and any change on preference identified and action plan taken to cover for the customers needs determine the nature of customers. The customer’s classification depends on various factors including age, gender, income and other social factors. In which different
Protecting the Environment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Protecting the Environment - Research Paper Example As a result of the industrial revolution and globalization, however, today, we are used to a lifestyle that promotes all these ills. However, they are also promoted by governments that work in collaboration with industries that tend to pollute the environment and exploit natural resources in an unsustainable manner. The initiative and the drive to clean up the mess, therefore, need to come from governments across the world. This has been slow in coming but slowly, across the globe, there has been recognition of the political nature of the problem and the need for a political solution for this problem. This paper shall focus on the initiatives that the Brazil government has taken so as to decrease pollution that occurs as a result of the gases that are emitted by vehicles that run on fossil fuels. An energy crisis that occurred in Brazil during the 1970s made the government of this region sit up and take notice of the problem and made it recognize the need for finding a solution that would be long-lasting, to this problem (Hofstrand). This crisis was the result of the scarcity of fossil fuels during the 70s that led a lot of countries to look for means to reduce their dependence on imports for fuel. While most countries switched back to fossil fuels as soon as the crisis was over, Brazil opted for a more lasting and environment-friendly option. In this move, we see how the political will of the government was important in the setting up of the policy that has today reaped rich rewards. The Brazilian government is far ahead of other governments in the sophistication of its machinery and the availability of ethanol- based fuel. The ethanol fuel industry would not have reached the heights that it has reached today if not for the will of successive Brazilian governments that have maintained the production of this form of fuel as a priority and initially offered heavy subsidies to this industry as a result of which many car- manufacturers started producing automobile s that ran on ethanol. By the middle of the 1980s, most of the cars that were being produced in Brazil were ones that ran on ethanol. The response that the private automobile firms made to the scenario that developed was one that was encouraging but was based on the market forces of supply and demand. This scenario came about because of the commercial viability of ethanol- based fuels for the consumers; a situation that evolved out of the government’s policy of providing subsidies to the ethanol fuel industry (Thompson). This made the option of ethanol a profitable one for the consumer classes which in turn influenced the automobile industry to switch to the production of vehicles that ran partially or completely on ethanol. The government’s policy that subsidized the production of these fuels is what was instrumental in the present situation where private players have stepped into the fray, thereby allowing the government to spend more on welfare projects that further enhance the standard of living of the Brazilians. The policies that were followed by the Brazilian government, thus, have enabled the protection of the environment, without compromising upon the goals of development that are important for a developing country like Brazil. This again goes to prove that the protection of
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Financial system Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Financial system - Assignment Example rough taxation of the various economic activities and in turn providing essential services such as health care, public mortgages affordable, education, and defense. The governments are always not taxing directly, but their presence if often felt through the regulatory concept that they execute in areas such as licensing, wage bill, foreign ownership, and safety of products. The concept of macroeconomics often focuses on the details in the market for particular goods and services instead of the economic principles such as unemployment, economic growth, total output, and inflation. The macroeconomic policy divides the economy into monetary policy and fiscal policy. Fiscal policy refers to the set of decisions that the government makes in consideration of spending, taxation, and spending. There are various dimensions for the government’s fiscal policy specifically at the central level because revenue can be earned through various kinds of taxes and it can occur on infinite products in separate geographic regions aiming at different beneficiaries (Fender, 2012). Monetary policy refers to the collection of decisions that a government make through the central bank of state concerning the issue of the amount of money that circulates within the economy. In Canada, the monetary policy is done through the adjustment of very short- term interest rates in order to achieve a rate of monetary expansion. This depends on the maintenance of a minimum and stable rate of inflation. The monetary policy is operated by the bank of Canada. A major corporation of crown is under the supervision of the government. Therefore, there is a considerable independence from the central government but not a major issue in the legislative context. Since the financial capital can flow easily and smoothly within the state of Canada, the interest rates on the same assets are constant across all different geographic regions in Canada. This has eventually made an outcome of one financial policy or
Conflict Diamonds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Conflict Diamonds - Essay Example Though the wars in Angola and Sierra Leone are now over and fighting in the DRC has decreased, the problem of conflict diamonds hasn't gone away as yet. Diamonds mined in certain rebel-held areas in a West African country in the midst of a volatile conflict, Cote D'Ivoire, are reaching the international diamond market. Conflict diamonds are also being smuggled into neighboring countries and exported as part of the legitimate diamond trade from Liberia. A major milestone occurred in 2003, a government-run initiative was introduced to stem the flow of conflict diamonds known as the Kimberley process. The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) imposes requirements on participants to certify and ensure that shipments and selling of rough diamonds are conflict-free. The Amnesty International USA announced its support of the film production of Blood Diamond. Set against the backdrop of the chaos and civil war that enveloped 1990s Sierra Leone. It tells the story of two African men w hose fates become involved in a quest to recover a rare pink diamond that can transform their lives entirely. The film’s curriculum guide help us survey diamond retailers despite its pledge to support the Kimberley Process and the clean Diamond Trade Act. The Diamond Industry has failed to implement the necessary policies for self-regulation. In particular, the retail sector fails to provide sufficient assurance to consumers that the diamonds they sell are conflict-free. That is why help is needed to find out how policies are being communicated at the shop level and what actions are being taken to ensure that policies are more than just rhetoric and no action. At the same time, a strong message will be sent to local jewelers that their role in diamond fueled conflict must end (Levy, 2003). Literature review Conflict diamonds, are sold to fund hostile warfare; this process mainly exists in central and western Africa. The issue of conflict diamonds first gained global exposu re in the late 1990s throughout Sierra Leone’s civil war. This brutal nine year battle was due to the desire of insurgents to control the local diamond mines as a means of wealth to help fund the war, amongst other reasons. Since then, the issue of conflict diamonds has been globally recognized and several measures have been taken to ensure the ethically sound sourcing of diamonds, boycotting the countries that sell conflict diamonds and adhering to the standards of the Kimberley Process and the Patriot Act. The Kimberley Process is an initiative that was launched in conjunction with the United Nations and the global gemstone industry to ensure the market is free of conflict diamonds. The process aims to do this by enforcing all gemstone traders and suppliers to follow a single legitimate procedure that focuses on the ethical and environmentally sound sourcing of diamonds. Since its inception in 2002 the amount of conflict diamonds in the gemstone industry has decreased drama tically from 15% to less than 1% and now today, 99.8% of the world’s diamond distributors adhere to the Kimberley process. The Patriot Act is an American law that was passed in response to the September eleventh (9/11) terrorist attacks and grants US officials more power to monitor communications and trade between countries. The prevention of laundering of money and high value gems is among the Act’s objectives. According to (Le Billon, 2006), There was a waged insurrection that
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Financial system Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Financial system - Assignment Example rough taxation of the various economic activities and in turn providing essential services such as health care, public mortgages affordable, education, and defense. The governments are always not taxing directly, but their presence if often felt through the regulatory concept that they execute in areas such as licensing, wage bill, foreign ownership, and safety of products. The concept of macroeconomics often focuses on the details in the market for particular goods and services instead of the economic principles such as unemployment, economic growth, total output, and inflation. The macroeconomic policy divides the economy into monetary policy and fiscal policy. Fiscal policy refers to the set of decisions that the government makes in consideration of spending, taxation, and spending. There are various dimensions for the government’s fiscal policy specifically at the central level because revenue can be earned through various kinds of taxes and it can occur on infinite products in separate geographic regions aiming at different beneficiaries (Fender, 2012). Monetary policy refers to the collection of decisions that a government make through the central bank of state concerning the issue of the amount of money that circulates within the economy. In Canada, the monetary policy is done through the adjustment of very short- term interest rates in order to achieve a rate of monetary expansion. This depends on the maintenance of a minimum and stable rate of inflation. The monetary policy is operated by the bank of Canada. A major corporation of crown is under the supervision of the government. Therefore, there is a considerable independence from the central government but not a major issue in the legislative context. Since the financial capital can flow easily and smoothly within the state of Canada, the interest rates on the same assets are constant across all different geographic regions in Canada. This has eventually made an outcome of one financial policy or
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Should and United and States and government and supply and health and Essay
Should and United and States and government and supply and health and care and all and citizens and their and families - Essay Example The health of citizens in any given country is vital to the growth and development of that country. In order to guarantee that the government does not enlarge its budget deficit by treating preventable diseases as well as maintain the productivity of its citizens, it is necessary that the United States Federal government provide health care to citizens who cannot afford their own. Lange writes that the portrayal of Obama healthcare reform as a foray into socialism is ironical at best since programs such as Medicare and Medicaid consume eight percent of the national budget, which is the same amount in socialist European countries. The only difference is that their medical programs cater for every citizen, not just the seniors. He quotes Reid who points out in his book ‘The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Better, Cheaper, and Fairer Health Care’ on the need to pattern American health care reform after that employed by other developed nations. Reid states that close to 18,000 Americans die every year, since they lack access to the basic medical treatment that would otherwise save their lives, based on statistics from the Institute of Medicine. Despite some people having access to healthcare, approximately 200,000 lose their lives owing to preventable medical errors as well as preventable hospital infections. cites the Medicaid report stating that the death of people who earn a salary of less than 10,000 dollars is three times more than that of people with an income of 30,000 dollars. Overall, lack of a proper healthcare is seventy times more dangerous to American citizens each year compared to the September 11 attacks. Reid further points out the fact that other wealthy nations around the world have been able to provide accessible health care to their citizens at a more affordable rate than the US. He explains a set of health care models that exist in these nations.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The United States of America Essay Example for Free
The United States of America Essay Write a letter to the documentary maker, Paul Hamann, explaining how effective you thought the film Fourteen Days in May was as an illustration of issues surrounding the use of capital punishment in the United States of America. Dear Mr Hamann, I am writing to you regarding the documentary that you made on Edward Earl Johnson called Fourteen Days in May. I overall found your documentary very informative and useful. However I personally thought that there are some things that you could of changed to make it better. At the beginning I think that the voice over off the radio, which informs us of all the information, is very useful. Edward Earl Johnson was convicted of the 1979 shooting death of Walmet Grove Marshall J. P. Crest. Johnsons attorneys say theyve got a strategy to save the inmate from execution on the 20th May. You get the initiative that you are there in Mississippi going to see the Edward Earl Johnson. Before I watched your documentary I had my own preconceptions about death row and the people who were on it. I thought that it was a place where very evil people were put when they have committed a serious offence, I felt that all the people here deserved to die and that I had nothing against them being executed. When the helicopter is circling over the prison where Johnson is being held I think it would be a better idea to have a view of where the murder takes places. Then the narrator could read the information to the viewers. They would be able to see the place of the murder. Also during this it could show a view of the grave where the Marshall is buried. This would add an extra effect, letting viewers see the crime scene and then the grave. Furthermore when you are still having the view that you are I the car you can see black prisoners digging at the side of the road. I individually think that this is a good idea since we are all quite aware that places such as Mississippi in the South of America are still prosperous Ku Klux Klan areas. The things that I would change are first when you interview Edward Earl Johnson I think it would be better to have him in a cell. At the beginning of the interview you zoom in through the window of the cell into him as he is sat alone. Possibly having him sat in the room where he will be executed would be a very good effect, but this would be unfair on Johnson going to the place where soon he may be killed. He may become even more defensive about the murder, stating even more that he is not guilty because seeing where he may die could frighten him. If you were however allowed to do this and Johnson did not decline this then it would have a very good effect, it would make people understand the seriousness, that he will die here if justice is not done correct. I also would not let the interviewer be seen. You could also have a view of Edward Earl Johnson through the bars of the cell. This would let people see him in prison behind bars as he is, and I also think that it would give a mysterious effect, did he do it or didnt he? If it was necessary to see the interviewer then you could see him while he asks a question but then go back to focusing on Edward Earl Johnson while he answers. This is an effect used often on television shows, and in my opinion looks good for interviewing a person.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Call of the Wild Essay -- essays research papers
     The Call of the Wild      The Call of the Wild, by Jack London, is a classic piece of American literature. The novel follows the life of a dog named Buck as his world changes and in turn forces him to become an entirely new dog. Cruel circumstances require Buck to lose his carefree attitude and somewhat peaceful outlook on life. Love then enters his life and causes him to see life through new eyes. In the end, however, he must choose between the master he loves or the wildness he belongs in.      The novel starts on Judge Miller’s property in Santa Clara Valley. Buck is the king of his domain and everyone knows it - from the lowly house dogs to the Judge’s sons. However, a gardener with a gambling problem soon ends Buck’s relaxed life. He sells Buck in order to obtain more money; Buck is sent west to be a sled dog and is cruelly mistreated along the way.      A quick learner, he adapts well to the sled dog life. His heritage also helped him become accustomed to the harsh Klondike climate. Some difficulties such as sore feet and a voracious appetite set him back at the beginning, but he speedily overcomes them. Buck goes through several masters and many thousands of miles. Along the way, he learns â€Å"The Law of Club and Fang†: never challenge a human that has a weapon, and once a fighting dog falls to the ground, roaming huskies quickly destroy it.    ...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Communism vs. Hegelism Essay -- Philosophy, Hegel, Marx
In the late 18th and early 19th century, revolution was on the tip of the world’s collective tongue. The French monarchy was in the process of being overthrown; there was political and civil unrest throughout Europe. In the midst of all this turmoil Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel emerged, presenting an analysis of history that would echo through the future, an understanding of the human condition, and an estimate of the end of said history and what would bring it about. This end of history would be brought about by the State, for the State’s sole purpose was to bring positive change and freedom to the individual. Less than a century later, Karl Marx released the Communist Manifesto. Marx had drawn heavily from Hegel for basis of his thoughts, yet he believed that Hegel failed to account for the largest hurdle to human freedoms, that of property; something that could not be remedied within the State as it currently was. Hegel not only presented an overly idealistic v iew of the future of mankind’s history, but also an inherently empty approach to reaching that state. Marx’s view of the future is not only more practical, but he addresses where civilization is headed and how we will arrive there. Revolution, glorious revolution. //Still need to work on ending and transition In many regards Hegel and Marx agreed with one another’s philosophies, chiefly that of human history. Hegel states that history is a reasonable progression of human civilization toward its ultimate truth: freedom for the individual. This path has been a rational advance from the earliest of humans to where we are now. As he states â€Å"†¦ the history of the world, that its development has been a rational process; that it represents the rational and necess... ... cornerstone, of the Manifesto is elucidated by Marx when he says â€Å"Communism deprives no man of the power to appropriate the products of society: all that it does is to deprive him of the power to subjugate the labor of others by means of such appropriation†(Marx 383). By doing this, the oppression and control of individuals in society will be impossible; freedom will finally be available to more than the bourgeoisie. Marx, not only addresses what needs to be done to reach the pinnacle, and concluding, point in history but he also lays down a roadmap to reach there; something that Hegel failed to. Hegel and Marx, two of the great romantic philosophers, constructed ideas similar in many regards to one another. Their concepts of history, its eventual end, and their agreement that individual freedom is the perfect form of civilization were all closely in line.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Flight 587 Crash Investigation
This paper examines the disaster of American Airlines flight 587 on November 12, 2001 in New York City. At least 265 people died in this tragedy making its one of the major disasters in modern aviation history. In the immediate aftermath of the accident, there were great fears that this could be another outcome of a terrorist attack on the U. S soil. Official investigations, however, quickly ruled out any terrorist involvement. Findings indicated that the weak wake turbulence caused by an airplane that took off slightly before flight 587 initiated an unfortunate chain of events that resulted in the catastrophe.The final report of the NTSB held the faulty rudder control system design of Airbus A300-600, and the inadequate pilot training program of American Airlines to be chiefly responsible. In addition, the allegedly quirky response behavior of the first officer at the controls of the airplane is considered a critical factor. However, many people, common men and experts alike, are no t convinced of the validity of the NTSB investigations. Introduction On the morning of November 12, 2001, Tom Lynch, a retired firefighter, is on Rockaway Beach Boulevard taking his regular morning exercise march.He watches an airplane complete a banked turn and start towards the ocean. Then, all of a sudden, he sees a small explosion in the fuselage behind the wing. Two more seconds elapse and suddenly there is a second explosion, engulfing most of the plane in flames. It was the American Airlines Flight 587. Two months after 9/11 – this Airbus 300-600 left John F. Kennedy International Airport en route to Santa Domingo, the Dominican Republic. Less than three minutes after takeoff, the aircraft crashed in a blazing inferno in the heart of the neighborhood of Bell Harbor, Queens. All 251 passengers along with 9 crew members perished.Most remarkably, only five people died on the ground. 44 fire trucks and 200 firefighters were rushed to the scene. Soon, the disaster of AA Fli ght 587 would be found not to be due to terrorism, but to mechanical failure. However, in the stark post 9/11 environment of the day, it was difficult for many people to believe that planes could still fall from the sky for reasons unrelated to terrorism. Feelings and fears were especially strong and these were exacerbated this fresh tragic event. As the author S. D. Manning (2003) put it, â€Å"This crash jarred a city (and a nation) still scarred and numb from the agony it has already endured†The Investigation Tonight, American holds its collective breath, Prays this nightmare is due to mechanical failure, Not premeditated design. The sheer irony would shame Kafka – It's not the disaster itself but its cause That bothers us, enslaves us to out TV's; We pray that it’s something man-made, not man. – L. D. Brodsky. (2002). As the aircraft climbed from John F. Kennedy airport, some people on the ground saw an explosion and fire on the underneath side of the aircraft, which was quickly followed by parts falling off the aircraft, including the vertical stabilizer and rudder.During the aircraft's fall, engines came away from the wings. Falling separately, one engine landed on Beach 129th Street the other engine on Beach 126th. The plane then plunged to the ground on the narrow strip of land known as Rockaway, in Belle Harbor at Queens. The plane's tail broke off and fell into Jamaica Bay, more than a mile from the primary crash site. Although a few stray remnants landed here and there, the fuselage and wings pounded into the home on the corner of Beach 131st Street and Newport Avenue. The plane's impact, subsequent explosions, and fire destroyed other homes.The rudder and the tail fin were found first along the flight path, followed by the engines and then the main wreckage. According to the NTSB, the tail fin and rudder of the plane sheared off as it accelerated. The aircraft began a climbing turn over Jamaica Bay when it encountered tu rbulence caused by the wake vortices generated by a Japan Airlines 747 that had taken off just one minute forty-five seconds earlier. Records from the flight data recorder later recovered from the crash site showed that the turbulence had cause movements of flight 587's rudder, part of which, together with the vertical tail fin, became detached from the aircraft.Control of the aircraft was lost and it fell from the sky. This was the second deadliest crash in US history, but it also, â€Å"was the first example where we had an in-flight failure of a major structural component of an aircraft that in fact was made of composite materials,†as NTSB Chairwoman Marion Blakley would assert later. From the outset, the investigation into the loss of the American Airlines aircraft was conducted on the premise that it was an accident. There seemed to be no immediate indication it was anything else, except for the numerous eyewitness accounts of fire and explosion just before the aircraft plummeted.Officials were keen to reiterate that there was nothing to suggest any foul play had been involved in the loss of the aircraft. Coming so soon after the September 11th outrages, another terrorist assault in America would have been untenable and morally damaging. The President had declared war on terrorism. Congress had been actively involved in developing new legislation to contain the threat that al-Qaeda posed to civil aviation operations. The possibility of a terrorist strike seemed a little farfetched in the state of intensely heightened vigilance that the air transportation industry was in during the aftermath of 9/11.Even if there was foul play involved, it could have been more of a sabotage than the explosion of a bomb. Though terrorism was suspected by everyone, it could not be substantiated. The main difficulty of associating the loss of AA587 with terrorism was the manner of its destruction. If the tail assembly did lie at the root of the problem, then sabotage when the aircraft was on the ground appeared a more likely scenario than a suitcase bomb or a suicidal passenger detonating a device on board the plane. Accident scenarios had to be explored first.Marion Blakley said in an interview on CNN Newsnight on the day of the crash: One of the things that we're very committed to doing is to have a full investigation from a system standpoint, mechanical standpoint, looking at the history of this flight, the crew, the human factors that may have been involved. Immediately following the loss of flight 587, a 40-strong NTSB Go Team under the Investigator-in-Charge Robert Benzon was sent to the site of the crash (NTSB News, 2001). As was the norm, their work was supported by other agencies and companies considered appropriate by the board.The NTSB used the American Airlines facility at Tulsa for a detailed examination of the aircraft engines. No evidence was found of a fire, bird strike, or other pre-impact malfunction. The auxiliary power unit ( used to power the aircraft when it is on the ground) was sent to Honeywell, its manufacturer. Nothing wrong was found with the unit. The tail fin and rudder assemblies underwent visual inspection in New York before being sent to the NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia.Extensive preliminary tests at Langley sought to identify whether the vertical stabilizer and rudder had had any damage or faults before the accident. None were found. Although the flight data recorder indicated significant rudder movement before the crash, there was nothing to show why this had happened (NTSB News 2002). That both engines separated from the wings as the aircraft fell from a comparatively low height posed another question: Could the engines have been sabotaged, if not by an explosive device, then by some other means so far undetected by the NTSB investigators?â€Å"Investigators suspect a catastrophic engine event as the likely cause of an airline crash Monday in New York,†went CN N. com’s headline on the very day of the accident. However, the primary focus of the investigation eventually shifted to the rudder system. The NTSB team flew to France to work with experts from Airbus Industrie, the aircraft's manufacturer, at their headquarters in Toulouse. The purpose of this visit was to study at firsthand the mechanism of the rudder system and to simulate the pattern of the aerodynamic loads that may have affected the vertical stabilizer during the failure of flight 587.If the investigators could not identify a possible mechanical or structural reason for the accident, they would have been left considering the impossible. Even though they may not have found any terrorist involvement in the loss of AA flight 587, in the absence any other demonstrable reason for the crash, terrorism would be back in focus. Flight History Flight 587 was an Airbus A300-600, Registration Number N14053. It took off from JFK International Airport at 9:14:29 A. M. on November 12 , 2001 in clear weather conditions. At 0915:44.7, the captain Edward States asked, â€Å"little wake turbulence, huh? †to which the first Officer, Sten Molin, replied, at 0915:45. 6, â€Å"yeah. †At 9:15:51, when the plane was 2,000 feet and was over Jamaica Bay, the first officer initiated a series of emergency control inputs and called for the emergency â€Å"escape†maneuver. During the wake turbulence encounter, the airplane’s pitch angle increased from 9? to 11. 5? , decreased to about 10? , and increased again to 11?. At 9:16:01. 9, F. O. Molin was heard on ATC uttering â€Å"losing control.†The airplane crashed 13 seconds later, it was airborne for less than 106 seconds. At 0915:58. 5, the CVR (Cockpit Voice Recorder) recorded the sound of a loud bang. At that time, the airplane was traveling at an airspeed of about 251 knots. â€Å"Hang onto it, Hang onto it,†were the last words of the Captain Edward States, as recorded on the CVR The Crew Background The captain was 42 years of age and the first officer 34. They were hired by American Airlines in July 1985, and March 1991 respectively. The captain had 1,922 hours total flyingtime in military and general aviation before his employment with American Airlines, and 8,050 hours total flying time thereafter which included 3,448 hours as pilot-in-command and 1,723 hours as a pilot-in-command for A300 specifically. His last proficiency check took place on June 21, 2001; and his last pilot-in-command line check occurred on July 31, 2001. He consumed alcohol sparingly and never during a time around his work schedule. According to a colleague, he was an extremely good pilot, very relaxed and competent.The first officer had 3,220 hours total flying time in commercial and general aviation before his employment with American Airlines, and 4,403 hours total flying time, which included 1,835 hours as second-in-command for A300 specifically. Both the captain and the first of ficer had no FAA records that indicated any incident history or enforcement action. One pilot who worked with the first officer, however, described him as being â€Å"very aggressive†on the rudder pedals after a wake turbulence encounter. Except for that, his overall skills were described as excellent, and â€Å"well above the norm. †The 5M ConceptThe 5M concept is a risk assessment tool used to graphically illustrate how the dynamic interaction of the man, the machine and the media (that is, environment) converge to produce either a successful mission or if unsuccessful, a mishap. Man-category encompasses aircrew members, their training, selection, proficiency, habit patterns, performance, and personal factors. Factors under â€Å"performance†heading include awareness, perceptions, saturation, distraction, channelized attention, stress, confidence, adaptive skills, and fatigue (physical, motivational, sleep deprivation, circadian rhythm, klutz).â€Å"Persona l factors†include job satisfaction, values, families/friends, command/control, discipline (internal and external), and communication skills. The Machine-category encompasses the various design, maintenance, logistics, and other technical data related to the aircraft. The Media is the environment in which aircrew fly and includes factors and forces that are related to climactic, operational, hygienic conditions. The fourth category is the management. Management regulates standards, procedures, and controls.The interaction between the 4M’s Man, Media, Machine, and Management determine the desired outcome, or the Mission. When outcome fails to meet anticipated goals, these 5 M’s must be thoroughly reassessed (Civil Air Patrol). The Shell Model The factors that affect the outcome of each flight can be assessed under the SHELL Model: Software, Hardware, Environment, Liveware (outer ring) and Liveware (inner ring). Software is what makes the system work, and includes guidelines, regulations, operation specifications, and company policy and procedures.Hardware is the physical equipment that is necessary for a flight to operate. The category â€Å"Environment†relates to the broad external context that can affect the flight or the pilot, and includes factors such as weather, g-forces, and ambient light. Liveware represents the human factors. The outer ring includes air traffic controllers, flight service briefers, dispatchers, other crewmembers, pilots of other aircraft, flight attendants.The inner ring is the most important part of the SHELL model and includes various variables affecting the competence and performance of the pilots (Shields 2002). The NTSB Findings The NTSB officials very early on in the investigation suggested the cause of the crash might be due to wake turbulence from an aircraft that departed earlier. However, many experts doubted that the light turbulence from such an encounter would register on the scale of the type o f extreme turbulence that aircraft undergo from atmospheric disturbances such as in the vicinity of thunderstorms.Commercial jets are built to withstand forces up to 2. 5 G-forces, while the turbulence that hit the plane was one tenth of a G-force  barely strong enough to be even noticed (Dyer 2002). The Board then suggested that the composite vertical stabilizer may be faulty. However, this does not address the numerous reports of reliable witnesses, such as policemen and firemen, concerning fire and explosions coming from the aircraft before the vertical stabilizer ripped from the aircraft.Finally, after three years of investigations, National Transportation and Safety Board stood by its wake turbulence hypothesis. However, it was only a triggering event. The report, under the heading â€Å"Probable Cause†placed most of the blame on the first office for his â€Å"unnecessary and excessive rudder pedal inputs. †It goes on to say, â€Å"Contributing to these rudder pedal inputs were characteristics of the Airbus A300-600 rudder system design and elements of the American Airlines Advanced Aircraft Maneuvering Program†(NTSB 2004).The NTSB's conclusion was that the cause of the crash was the tail separating from the fuselage, which happened as a result of pilot placing loads on the tail that exceeded its ultimate limit – which in turn was an outcome of pilot’s rudder movements. He put excessive pressure on the rudder pedal in response to the wake turbulence caused by the JAL flight that preceded them. But why did the pilot move the rudder pedals as aggressively as he did? This became an issue of great controversy.The NTSB report dwells on the previously observed tendency of the first officer to place inappropriate pedal inputs, which in tandem with two other reasons, the deficient pilot training system and the defective Airbus rudder control system, resulted in a colossal disaster: The Safety Board’s investigat ion determined that three main factors influenced the first officer’s rudder use during the accident sequence: a tendency to react aggressively to wake turbulence, as evidenced by his responses to previous wake turbulence encounters; his pilot training, including the training he received at American Airlines regarding wake turbulence, upset recovery, and rudder pedal use; and the characteristics of the A300-600 rudder control system. (NTSB 2004)These findings resulted in a mammoth row between Airbus and American Airlines is –– with Airbus contending that the first officer’s inappropriate response caused because of his improper training by American Airlines, and the American Airlines contending the Airbus’ rudder pedal system unusually sensitive.The NTSB RecommendationsThe NTSB report discusses several safety issues relevant to the Flight 587 disaster, focusing on characteristics of the A300-600 rudder control system design, A300-600 rudder pedal in puts at high airspeeds, aircraft-pilot coupling, flight operations at or below an airplane’s design maneuvering speed, and upset recovery training programs. Airbus Industrie and American Airlines have acted upon industry-wide amendments to ensure safety of operation of aircraft.American Airlines continue to operate the Airbus A300, Airbus are confident of the structural and functional integrity of their plane – although many AA pilots and those of other airlines sought transfer to supposedly much more stable Boeing airplanes in the wake of the disaster. Conclusion New Yorkers may be resilient, But they have their breaking points, And they must be getting close to them. Like all of us, they want to believe That something like a shorting wire, Exploding fuel tank, or malfunctioning turbofan Is the reason at least 265 perished in Queens. – L. D. Brodsky. (2002).The biggest unresolved issue in this entire tragic episode of Flight 587 crash were the flames and the ex plosions noted by over 50% of over 400 witnesses. In its report, the NTSB attributes them to either an â€Å"initial release of fuel†or the â€Å"effects of engine compressor surges. †Both of them could have been caused due to out-of-control motion during the airplane's precipitous descent. However, one must remember that the airplane had just took over and was not at a great height, and most importantly that the witnesses observed the fire before anything else happened.In effect, the fire could not have been set off during the descent and as a result of the descent. Most of the witnesses are unequivocal about it and stand vehemently by their testimony to this day. Many quarters have felt that the NTSB prematurely declared the crash to be an accident and hastily concluded that the tail separation was the initiating event without adequate analysis of all the evidence, and especially without giving proper credence to witness testimony – and later went on to bols ter its convenient preconceived notions.Today, claims of NTSB cover-up and conspiracy theories pointing to terrorist involvement abound around this subject – making the tragedy of flight 587 a lingering mystery.References:Brodsky, L. D. (2002). Shadow War: A Poetic Chronicle of September 11 and Beyond, Volume Two. St. Louis, Missouri : Time Being Books Civil Air Patrol. Civil Air Patrol Guide to Operational Risk Management. Retrieved 3 March 2007 from www. orwg. cap. gov/Safety/CAPguidetoORM. pdf Dyer, N. (2002). The Mystery of Flight 587?What Caused the Crash of Flight 587? Science World. Feb 25 2002. Retrieved 3 March 2007 from http://www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m1590/is_10_58/ai_83667600Manning, S. D. (2004). American Dream, A Search for Justice. New York : A&M Publishing NTSB News (2001).American Airlines Flight 587. National Transportation and Safety Board. 12 November 2001. Retrieved 3 March 2007 from http://www. ntsb. gov/events/2001/AA587/default. htm NTS B News. (2002).Fourth Update on NTSB Investigation into Crash of American Airlines Flight 587. National Transportation and Safety Board. January 15, 2002. Retrieved 3 March 2007 from http://www. ntsb. gov/Pressrel/2002/020115. htm NTSB. (2004).Aircraft Accident Report. National Transportation and Safety Board. October 26, 2004. Retrieved 3 March 2007 from http://www. ntsb. gov/publictn/2004/AAR0404. pdf Shields. J. (2002).SHELL Model. Josh's Little Aviation Place on the Web. Retrieved 3 March 2007 from http://people. aero. und. edu/~jshields/CRM/shell_model. htm
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Typical 360-Degree Feedback System
360 – Degree Feedback This usually means an individual being rated by peers, supervisors and sometimes clients, as well as doing self-assessment. All indications are that 360-degree appraisal in one form or another is probable to be used more extensively – it is not some provisional fad. An example of a Traditional Feedback versus a 360 – Degree Feedback, you can see below. Basically you can see at the Traditional Feedback, there is only one direction Feedback, from Supervisor to Employee. On the other hand, there are a variety of canals of Feedback to employees. Typical 360-Degree feedback System The 360-Degree feedback system works with the following two ways: †¢The Questionnaire: This basically shows a series of statements about the â€Å"target†manager’s performance and efficiency, and frequently is linked to the key competencies described in an organisation. For example, if there are eight competencies thought to be pertinent to the organization, there might be somewhat like five to eight questions asked in relation to each of them. More or less there would be sixty questions. Some organizations mix all questions together; some group them under related capability direction. †¢The Raters: The focal manager (meaning the person on whom the feedback is being given), completes a self-rating while being rated by others. Many companies allow the individuals to decide who contributes to the rating procedure, according to who is in the best place to remark on their performance. Most often the number of raters scope between: three to twenty, depending on conditions. The Feedback process There are three major elements to this process: †¢First is the individual who collects the feedback †¢Second is the feedback report and how the data are represented within in it †¢Third is the supervisor in which this information is conveyed the focal manager The whole rating forms usually go either to a designed basis in HR or to an external expert; less often, they go to a senior manager. Whoever collects the data has the task to gather them in a form that will help the receiver. He/She has to combine the ratings and present an average â€Å"score†, on each competency, broken down by rating group (peers,etc), perhaps place the self-rating together with it. Provided that the numbers in each group are adequate, this preserves secrecy for the respondents.
Islamic Studies
ISLAMIC STUDIES Topic:- Islamic Principle Of business And Marketing & Present Business Evils GROUP MEMBERS:- Nauman Mushtaq Raja Hammad Ahmed kiani Farhad Shareef Shamsher Ali Daniyal Haider The teaching of Islam describe that Islam is a complete code of life. Since we talking about business and marketing therefore Islam give brief explanation about it. From the Islamic point of Islamic the first priority of business should be pleasing Allah and establishing Halal as a way of life. Seeking profit is not a bad aim, but it should be secondary.By making Allah the goal, and implementing Islamic rules of honesty, truthfulness, and good behavior with customers, Insha Allah, any Muslim business is bound to boom. Following are the characteristic that should need to present in Islamic business and marketing:- (1)Honesty (2)Trust (3)Fair and Kind (4)Truthfulness (5)Justice HONESTY IN BUSINESS The Holy prophet (pbuh) was declared not only Sadiq and Amin but he was an honest business man. This i s proved by Hazrat Khadija who was richest lady of Makkah. She gave a few things to sell and she sends her servant with him.But Holy Prophet (pbuh) proved his honesty brilliantly. Honesty is needed in everything we do. From the domestic work of daily routine or office work to studies, honesty makes the real difference. Honesty makes it easy for us to survive because an honest person is truthful and such a person does not fell into any trouble. The sad fact of the present day is the lack of honesty in people. Lies, and dishonesty has become standard in everyday matters and it is a common perception that no one can get rid of them now.This point of view is wrong, why cannot we live like honest humans? If one thinks that honesty cannot be achieved or truthfulness is a dream now this is wrong, just by practicing Islam truly in its true spirit we can achieve all this without devising any special plans or any complex system of morals. The world today is a big business hub, i. e. it is a b usiness market now. There are some main stock exchanges that control the money inflow and out flow of the world for example, wall street etc. these stock exchanges are actually business centers where whole world trades.Unfortunately, with the Jewish intervention in the business and introduction of riba in business, there has left no honesty and no halal money in the business any more. The best examples of the honesty in business are the prophets of Islam. From Quran we learn that prophet Yusuf a. s. used to look after the financial matters of the state as His own choice. That’s why It is called that honesty is the best policy, indeed honesty is the best policy. When a business man is honest, he will never sell a low quality product and will never earn unjustified profit.Thus, an honest business man will be God fearing and will never ever dodge his customers over the selling. An honest business man will never like to go for unjust means to increase his earnings neither will he ever like to give bribes or accept bribes thus with honesty in business, the curses of bribery and riba can be shunned. Hazrat abu bakar siddique r. a was one of the best and honest business men of Arabia. He was very rich and his financial as well as moral help was appreciated by Muhammad s. a. w. w as well. He was much honored in his region because he was honest in business.There are several examples in the Muslim world who did not only do business honestly but also earned much more than those who like to earn black money. In honest business ALLAH gives His blessings, thus honesty indeed is the best policy. The Prophet has said the honest and truthful businessman will be in Jannah amongst the Prophets the Truthful and the martyrs. Honesty and truthfulness are essential in this business. And when it comes to Muslim businesses, it means building a relationship of trust with customers, which cannot be done with lies and eceit. The Holy Quran already explains the factor of honesty in business and in every matter of life. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has a great business skill due to which he was offered marriage. But unfortunately our current business values have been changing day by day. Our environment is lacking in honesty. For having a good business policy we should need to be honest. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said,if you sell goods on lie basis then your goods would be sold with your faith.For instance if there is any medicine who will get expire any shop keeper sell to any uneducated person and he got infection, a person who got infected will complain to doctor not to pharmacy shop keeper. Today lie become the trend we just to sell a 300Rs shirt would lie many time. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said selling thing upon lie basis would break trust of others. TRUST IN BUSINESS For having a successful business a trust of people is require. This does not mean that only one sided trust is require but from both seller and buyer. This enhances better understanding and good c ommunication.A Unit Trust is an investment vehicle that allows investors to take advantage of investing in a diversified group of stocks which manages risk and exposure to one or a few stocks. It also offers the opportunity to participate in the long-term performance of the stock market. Islamic Unit Trusts add other aspects that are a screening process to remove stocks of companies deemed to be inappropriate for Muslim investors and cleansing or purification of a company’s profits by removing any income derived from non-Shariah complaint sources, such as interest a company would earn on its bank accounts and donating them to charities.Therefore, Islamic unit trust schemes are required to additionally appoint a Shari’ah committee or to ensure that their operations are in accordance with Shari’ah. Islamic Unit Trusts can invest in many financial products in conventional financial markets which are not interest-based, or where the element of interest could be elim inated, such as property funds, commodities, financial options and futures and forward transactions in foreign currency. They can take advantage of international markets growth by giving priority to equity investments in Islamic banks and financial institutions, stock markets ofMuslim countries; and companies managed under the Islamic system. The manager of a Unit Trust mutual fund would typically invest the pooled money in a portfolio which may include the asset classes such as cash, bonds and deposits, shares, property and commodities; tangible assets represent more than 51% of the portfolio. Islamic Unit Trusts have also a wide range of investment options based on growth and income, open-ended, redeemable, etc. Their investments can cover international equity markets, currencies and properties.A Mudarabah fund can invest in a specific business activity on the basis of profit and loss sharing; Murabahah fund invest in companies whose transactions are undertaken on a cost-plus basi s; Through Musharakah the Unit Trust and the third party contribute funds in a joint venture, producing equity participation; And in Ijarah fund, the Islamic Trust finances equipment, building or entire project for a third party against an agreed rental. Besides, there will be no restriction to stop non-Muslims investing in an Islamic Unit Trust.A good analogy with Islamic Unit Trusts is one of ethical and green Unit Trusts. Here the universe of investable securities is limited by certain criteria based on moral and ethical considerations (muamalah. com; 2009). An ethical investment is the principle of investing in companies which make a positive contribution to the world and avoiding those which harm the world, its people or its wildlife. Society's increasing awareness of its environmental and social responsibilities is impacting on financial services, more and more investments based on ethical principles are now available.Some may think that the restrictions imposed by ethical inv estment with strict criteria may result in weaker performance; however ethical funds have often matched or beaten their non-ethical counterparts. Ethical investments are generally made through managed funds such as unit trusts which specialty is to seek profits for investors while conforming to certain ethical criteria such as that the company is not involved in activities like illegal armaments, gambling or pornography, or that it doesn’t produce or distribute alcohol, tobacco or drugs.Before buying shares of companies in a chosen sector, an ethical fund manager will run checks on that company to find out if it has interests in a number of areas according to pre-determined criteria. Accordingly, clients who invest in ethical funds can be sure that their money will be invested in companies that engage in legal and ethical activities. Islamic Unit Trusts investments are also based on specific criteria based on morality, the main criteria is to not deal in transactions which in volve the paying and receiving of interest.Islamic Unit Trusts should be run on a transparent and modern corporate basis and up-to-date accounting and within a legal framework in conformity with the Shari’ah. In the same way the decision to invest in the case of ethical unit trusts is made by the fund managers, based on information received from various professional bodies and specially constituted committees of reference, the decision in the case of Islamic unit trusts is conditioned by the a binding approval from the Shari’ah Boards which consist of established religious scholars who make a decision based on the interpretations of particular operations and contexts.A person can earn money by two means; one is agriculture and the other is business. If business is not done according to the ethics then there will always be inflation and shortage of goods. As it can be seen in the case of many commodities like wheat, sugar etc. It is due to the stocking in, speculation a nd the selfishness of some businessmen. The government has also become a trader itself, while the shariah has stopped the Islamic government from trading. As it can be seen that business is an important part of life, the Prophet Muhammad (P.B. U. H) said, â€Å"People get 9/10 of their daily bread by trade. †Islam explains the concept of righteous trade by telling business ethics. If trade or any other thing is done against the morals and creed then this will lead to the bad end on the day of resurrection. Also by the law the person guilty of illegal business would end up nowhere. Islam emphasizes on the importance of the business ethics a lot. Allah says in the Quran, â€Å"they say that buying is also like interest but Allah has declared buying as permissible and interest as forbidden. And â€Å"When you buy or sell then make someone a witness of it. †The Holy Prophet Muhammad (P. B. U. H) said, â€Å"If trade was not there then you would have become a burden on others. †He also said that â€Å"A trader is the guardian of the means of daily bread and a keeper of the dignity of himself and other people. †The Holy Prophet Muhammad (P. B. U. H) encouraged the trust worthy traders by these words, â€Å"A trustworthy and truthful merchant shall be with the prophets and the truthful and the martyrs and the righteous. â€Å"God shows mercy to a person who is kindly when he sells, when he buys and when he makes a claim†The prophet emphasized on the truthfulness and the righteousness of the businessmen a lot. He said that â€Å"Verily, merchants shall be raised up sinners on the day of resurrection, except he who fears God, and is good, and speaks the truth. As Muslims, we have to adhere to ethical standards, not only in business but also in all aspects of life. Both business and ethics are interrelated. There is a reference to this point in the Qur'an, â€Å"For you in the Messenger of Allah is a fine example to follow. Al lah Almighty says, â€Å"To the Madyan people (we sent) Shu'aib, one of their own brethren: he said: ‘O my people! Worship Allah. You have no other god but Him. And give not short measure or weight. I see you in prosperity, but I fear for you the penalty of a day that will compass (you) all rounds. And O my people! Give just measure and weight, nor withhold from the people the things that are their due: commit not evil in the land with intent to do mischief. That which is left you by Allah is best for you, if you (but) believed!But I am not set over you to keep watch! †At one Place Hazrat Ali said, if you dog your friend then don’t think you had brilliantly dodged but think that how much he still trust upon you. FAIR IN BUSINESS Fair is another quality which is also needed for business. WE shouldn’t concern with business whether it is small or big, but we should be fair and kind with people and people with you. The Holy Qur'an and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) have made it clear that a Muslim must be honest and upright in his business and monetary dealing.Also the true Muslim should keep his word and fulfill his promises, shun fraud and avoid deceit and perfidy, encroach not upon the rights of others, nor take part in wrongful litigation. Also a good Muslim does not give false testimony, and abstains from making unlawful money as from usury and graft. According to Islam whoever is not free from these vices, is not a true believer but a renegade and a worthless transgressor. And the Qur'an is rich with verses that confirm all this. Allah says in the Quran, â€Å"Eat not up each other's property by unfair nd dishonest means. †Allah forbids all unclean and corrupt means of making money, such as, dishonest trading, gambling, and bribery. And the Holy Quran has explained and described such practices in many of its verses. He says, â€Å"Woe to those that deal in fraud, – those who, when they have to receive by measure from men, exact full measure, but when they have to give by measure or weight to men, give less than due. Do they not think that they will be asked on a Mighty Day when (all) mankind will stand before the Lord of the lords. Another example is given in the coming verse, where Allah urges Muslims to be very particular about their trusts and about other people's rights. â€Å"Allah does command you to render back your trust, to those to whom they are due. †Major principles of fair business dealings According to Islam, the following things must be avoided to commence fair business. 1. No fraud or deceit, the Prophet (P. B. U. H) is reported to have said, â€Å"When a sale is held, say, there’s no cheating†2. Sellers must avoid making too many oaths when selling merchandise. The Prophet (P. B. U.H) is reported to have said, â€Å"Be careful of excessive oaths in a sale. Though it finds markets, it reduces abundance. †3. Mutual consent is necessary. The Prophet (P. B . U. H) is reported to have said, â€Å"The sale is complete when the two involved depart with mutual consent. †4. Be strict in regard to weights and measures. The Prophet (P. B. U. H) said, â€Å"When people cheat in weight and measures, their provision is cut off from them. †He told the owners of measures and weights, â€Å"You have been entrusted with affairs over which some nations before you were destroyed. †5. The Prophet (P.B. U. H) forbade monopolies. â€Å"Whoever monopolizes is a sinner. †6. Free enterprise, the price of the commodities should not be fixed unless there is a situation of crisis or extreme necessity. 7. Hoarding merchandise in order to increase the prices is forbidden. 8. Transaction of forbidden (Haram) items, such as intoxicants, is forbidden. Fraud and dishonesty in business Prophet Muhammad (P. B. U. H) has stressed the importance of honesty in most of his sermons, saying, â€Å"Remember, there is no faith in him who is n ot trustworthy; there is no place for him in religion who cares not for his ledged word or promise. He (PBUH) also said, â€Å"The signs of a hypocrite are three, when he speaks, he is false, when he promises, he fails; and when he is trusted, he plays false. †Condemning those who cheat in business Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) has said, â€Å"He who cheats is not of us. Deceitfulness and fraud are things that lead one to Hell. †Once Prophet Muhammad (P. B. U. H) came upon a heap of corn in the market of Medina and thrust his hand onto it. His fingers felt damp. On being asked, the trader replied that rain had fallen upon it. The Prophet (P. B. U.H) observed, â€Å"Why did you not then keep (the wet portion of) it above the dry corn, so that men may see it? He, who deceives, is not one of us. †Thus traders who deceive by showing to customers a false sample or by concealing from them the defects of the product they're selling are not true Muslims in the judgment of Allah Prophet (PBUH) and, they are going to end up in hell. Prophet Muhammad (P. B. U. H) said, â€Å"The seller must explain to the buyer the defects, if any, in the quality of the article offered for sale. Should this not be done, the seller will permanently be caught in the Wrath of Allah. In short, all manner of deceit and dishonesty in business is prohibited in Islam. The Holy Prophet has expressed his strong dislike for those who do so. The Prophet's general advice to all people was that, â€Å"What is lawful is clear and what is unlawful is clear, but between them are certain doubtful things which many people do not recognize. He who guards against the doubtful things keep his religion and his honor blameless, but he who falls into doubtful things falls into what is unlawful, just as a shepherd who pastures his flocks round a sanctuary will soon pasture them in it.Every king has a sanctuary, and God's sanctuary is the things he had declared unlawful. â€Å"Before the Proph et invited his people towards Islam, it was his truthfulness and trustworthiness which had earned for Muhammad (S. A. W. ) the glorious titles of â€Å"Sadiq†(truthful) and â€Å"Amin†. Therefore, one must follow the teachings of the Holy Prophet (P. B. U. H) in regard to business and all other aspects of life; to become a good Businessman and hence, a better Muslim. Islam puts certain conditions and restrictions to obviate the chances of bitterness between the employer and employees.Islam encourages and promotes the spirit of love and brotherhood between them. According to the Islamic teachings it is the religious and moral responsibility of the employer to take care of the overall welfare and betterment of his employees. Fair wages, good working conditions, suitable work and excellent brotherly treatment should be provided to the workers. The last Prophet of Allah (sws) has explained this principle in the following words: Those are your brothers [workers under you] who are around you, Allah has placed them under you.So, if anyone of you has someone under him, he should feed him out of what he himself eats, clothe him like what he himself puts on, and let him not put so much burden on him that he is not able to bear, [and if that be the case], then lend your help to him. The Prophet (sws) also said: I will be foe to three persons on the Last Day: one of them being the one who, when he employs a person that has accomplished his duty, does not give him his due. The Prophet (sws) is also reported to have said: The wages of the laborers must be paid to him before the sweat dries upon his body. TRUTHFULNESS IN BUSINESSIn order to earn profit and making things Halal truthfulness is essential. People to buy things where ethics like truthfulness is present. Islam encourages truthfulness in business transactions and raises the status of a truthful merchant so much so that he will be at par with the holy warriors and martyrs, in the Hereafter. The Prophe t (sws) is reported to have said: The truthful merchant [is rewarded by being ranked] on the Day of Resurrection with prophets, veracious souls, martyrs and pious people. The Prophet (sws) has also exhorted the believers to strictly adhere to truthfulness in business transactions.He says: The seller and the buyer have the right to keep or return the goods as long as they have not parted or till they part; and if both the parties spoke the truth and described the defects and qualities [of the goods], then they would be blessed in their transaction, and if they told lies or hid something, then the blessings of their transaction would be lost. The tradition implies that Allah blesses business dealings if both the buyer and the seller are true to each other. Telling lies and hiding facts will result in the loss of divine blessing. A tradition reads. The Holy Prophet said: ‘Traders are wicked people’.The Companions asked: ‘O Messenger, has Allah not permitted business? ’ The Messenger replied: ‘Of course He has declared trading lawful. But they (i. e. the traders) will swear by Allah and do evil, they will not speak but tell lies’. JUSTICE IN BUSINESS The Quran also emphasizes on the concept of justice. It is another types of ethics which is deeply needed for running on the business. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, He who deals unfairly with others can never become useful member of society. Among the set of values the Qur'an and the Prophet's sayings emphasize are the concepts of justice and benevolence.The concept of justice (‘Adl) occupies a central place in the economic system of Islam. This value is prescribed in legal, social, moral and economic dealings. It is to be practiced with individuals, orphans, wives, tribes, communities and nations and even with peaceful enemies. It is applicable to speaking, giving witness, acting as a guardian, writing an agreement, arbitrating between parties, dealing with other people, j udging in a court of law and making business transactions. The concept of justice in an economic context encompasses fairness, equity, balance and equilibrium, symmetry and impartiality.The Quranic verses address individuals not only in their personal capacity but also in their capacity of being rulers, administrators, directors, employers, and all who deal with others. Justice, like truth, is a Divine virtue. Islam does not compromise on this value as it does not compromise on truth. While the Qur'an lays great emphasis on the value of justice, the Prophet has repeatedly persuaded the Muslims to stick to the value of Ihsan, which stands for benevolence, generosity, proficiency and magnanimity. The absence of ‘Adl inflicts harm and disturbs peace and harmony, but the absence of Ihsan does not harm anybody.It implies a more liberal treatment than justice demands. It begins where the limits of justice end. Absolute justice is a legal requirement and, therefore, essential, but th e Prophet, in line with the Quranic requirement, has persuaded his followers to behave magnanimously in claiming their rights and be generous in discharging their duty. ‘While ‘Adl eliminates injustice and exploitation and strikes a real balance between rights and responsibilities in society, Ihsan decorates the society with generosity, kindness, mercy, forgiveness, self sacrifice, mutual cooperation and affection. Adl is the primary condition for setting up an Islamic government, while Ihsan plays a vital role in building up a truly Islamic society; the former is a legal phenomenon while the latter is moral and religious. When we say that prices must be just, or fair, does this justice or fairness involve a moral value? Wholesale prices for all the dealers are almost the same. Can we then justify price variations at different centres? In Islamic law, if anybody charges an extraordinarily high price, it is termed as grave deception and is unacceptable.The Ottoman Code of Civil Law defines grave deception as higher than 5% (profit) on goods, 10% on animals and 20% on immovable property. The concept lays down the rate of profit but not the sale price. As a matter of fact, the wholesale price alone does not determine the sale price. It is determined by locality, standard of intramural decoration, packing, service, environment and other overhead costs. A trader has to add all the incurred and accrued expenses to the wholesale price, in addition to a profit for himself/herself.What rate of profit he should charge is determined largely by market forces and the nature of the competition, given a normal or prevailing price. All this proves that the concept of a just price is not a moral concept except where monopolies or oligopolies arbitrarily fix an unrealistically high price quite out of proportion with costs. The concept of the right to justice is mentioned repeatedly in the Qur'an. There is quite a lot of detail in the passages relating to the freedom to justice.In Islam there are two concepts which are considered, Ihsan and Adl. While Adl is typical of monotheistic religions, referring to the need for balance and equality when judging and individual, in Islam perhaps the more important term is Ihsan. Ihsan refers to making up an imbalance or an injustice by returning or giving back something to the person that is at disadvantage. As such, it is not only important to treat all people equally, but to allow those that are at an objective disadvantage compensation.These relate to the two most basic attributes of God, mercy and compassion (Al-Rahman and Al-Rahim. ) These two concepts are often compared to the love of a mother to her offspring. A parent must love equally all of his offspring, but if one of them has a handicap or requires special attention Ihsan dictates that a loving parent will give that child more to help him make his way in life. In the ideal Islamic society, the concept of justice necessarily reflects helping the disadvantaged, like widows, orphans, and those living with handicaps or in poverty. If Musharakah principle†was applied to a bank which holds a huge amount of depositors’ money and no interest rates permitted to earn income, banks will be forced to invest in different projects whether it is new or current. But the bank here is exposed to a risk of loss! It encourages a bank to diversify its investments since interest is prohibited and that leads to a growth in the economy since money is injected in several business and projects. If the economy grows on average, the investment pool will make profit.Banks here make income from investment not form interest by lending money. No interest rates for the depositors but their income increase in line with the growth in the economy. Thus, Islamic system based in â€Å"cooperative†(Sharing) and does not favor rich people. But it works on the principle of sharing which in a way or another leads to justice. The current news is that Sweden government is awarded as best governance. When people asked reason behind this success. They replied, we followed the Hazrat Umar (R. A) Rule of law.
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