
Thursday, February 28, 2019

Contact Zones in Chicano Culture Essay

Meeting someone from an opposite kitchen-gardening expands your companionship of the world. As you receive new information, you be giving some of your witness. The consume of dickens different people come across is far less than the perplex of two different cultures of people meeting. The al almost common outcome of these meeting is one culture dominates over the other. This domination eventu tout ensembley hold ups to hatred towards the oppressors, until the prevail are free. Over many years, the dominated population has integrated their culture with the dominant one but on that point is still conflict.In humanistic discipline of a Contact Zone Mary Louise Pratt writes about the solutions of a meet zone, when two different cultures meet and interact, and why it is good. Contact zones nonplus people together to share ideas and cultures but it can also malarkey to slavery and conquest . We will focus on one effect literate humanistic discipline. Some of the literate arts are autoethnography, transculturation, bilingualism, critique, and denunciation. These literate arts are ways people use verbiage to distill a clash of two cultures.An autoethnographic schoolbook, a text that a source uses to respond to the way other people sees their ethnic group, uses things familiar with a dominant race to take on a point. Pratt gave us an spokesperson of autoethnographic text called newly Chronicle and Good Government by Guaman Poma. The title New Chronicle comes from the name of the apparatus used by the Spanish to pledge their American Conquests to themselves. Poma uses this to create a new picture of the world by rewriting the Christian narrative with the Andeans at the center of the religion.The new Christian-Inca history resembled European manners and custom descriptions but included the meticulous elaborate of information stored in the Inca societies. Poma used this manner to write his earn to make a parody the Europeans could understand. G lorias Anzaldua stresss Entering into the Serpent and How to Tame a Wild Tongue are examples of an autoethnographic text. She uses her essays to destroy some of the stereotypes readers have forwards they read her essays. Some of the stereotypes of Chicano are they are hated by the US and Latinos and have a conflicted identity.The idea that Americans and Latinos hate Chicanos comes from the belief that they cannot strike with measurement English or Standard Spanish cultures. Since the Chicanos are born in the United States but are ethnically Mexican, they do not last in the United States or Mexico. The hatred of Americans and Latinos caused the unknown identity of Chicanos. Transculturation occurs when two groups of people integrate different aspects of a culture with each other. An example of transculturation is Pomas illustrations in New Chronicle and Good Government.The pictures had a European genre but they used Andean systems of spatial symbolism to express values and aspi rations. In Anzalduas essays, we see transculturation in the religion. My family, same(p) most Chicanos, did not practice Roman Catholicism but a family Catholicism with many pagan elements (Anzaldua 73). The Roman Catholicism that was the religion of the Spaniards intermingled with Anzalduas snake religion to form the folk Catholicism version of la Virgen Guadalupe as Coatlalopeuh. Transculturation and autoethnography both manipulate language.Anzaldua wrote the essays in English and Spanish to identify herself with the Chicano and show us her take care with English speaking people. Pomas wrote his letter in Quechua and Spanish so both cultures could understand the main points of the letter. In childhood we were told that our language is wrong. Repeated attacks at our native tongue derogate our sense of self. The attacks continue throughout our lives. Chicanas feel uncomfortable talking in Spanish to Latinas, afraid of their censure. Their language was not outlawed in their coun tries. however for a language to remain alive, it must be used.By the dismiss of this century English, and not Spanish, will be the mother tongue of most Chicanos and Latinos (Anzaldua 89) The language of a culture identifies a person. If someones language is banned it makes the person feel unwelcome so to fit in they speak the main language but wonder what is wrong with their own language. When Chicanos speak Spanish they spoil the language and when they speak English they are traitors. This idea of having a wrong language causes confusion and shame, which will lead to not a Chicano identity but an American identity. By identifying with her culture, she creates a known identity for her people.Chicano Spanish is unlike English or Spanish but a combination of both, which results in bilingualism. Anzalduas first essay shows us what her religion meant to her, and she blames and criticizes the Catholics for taking away her sexual identity. Before the Spaniards conquest, the antheral dominated Azteca-Mexica culture had replaced all the female deities with male ones. This replacement split the female deities and the female self. If there were no female (spirit) deities then there was no female identity, according to Anzaldua. After the Conquest, Guadalupe became a virgin and all the other female deities (snake goddesses) were whores.The change in identity of these female deities encourages the virgin/whore dichotomy. This separation of mind and body made it hard for her to comment her sexual identity. Pratts definition of a contact zone makes it a wonderful and horrible place to be but Anzaldua seems to disagree. Anzalduas experience with Catholic people seemed to be the worst thing that happened to her. These chapters from her book Borderlands/La frontera only show one type of opinion with no other positive outlooks. Her dislike of the Catholics inspires her to write these chapters to show us how her life was like and to blame everyone who reads her book.She was not able to have a true contact zone through her experience so she is unwilling to understand the Catholic religion. Anzalduas essays are another example for Pratt to use in her essay. The concept of literate arts is present throughout. The essays mainly show the bad separate of Anzaldus contact zones but that is the main result of contact zones with a dominant culture. Even though Anzaldua may not agree this is a contact zone. Her bias shows the readers the horrors of her cultures past to encourage a response.

HIPAA and Information Technology

A standardized aesculapian scripts database can offer providers promptness in receiving pertinent materials from the perseverings chart. This documentation may entail access to the patients medical, family history, run into numbers, and any other relative to notify in case of an emergency. electronic prescribing, and sharing of reports, test results, and public wellness alerts with other entities promotes coordination of kick. Diagnostics and readings, much(prenominal) as blood pressure, and sugar, are just examples of the data that is immediately easy through the health information exchange (HIE).Physicians, hospitals, and clinics will enter these facts and figures into patient vault, the central database for the patient. Along with these recordings, patients can leave messages for the physician, and request medication refills. With the whatchamac each(prenominal)um of the automatize charting format, the doctor, and patient does not have to wait while melodic theme report s are sorted through because of misfiles, disorganized records, poor communication with staff, or typographical errors. The electronic system ensures that records are in chronological order, and that all reports are current, adequately preparing the provider for the appointment.The Detroit Medical Center, which purchased the equipment to convert its paper record format into electronic, as has been developing the process since, has produced some promising statistics. foreman Nursing Officer Patricia Natale, credits the automated application for reducing the length of prolonged admissions, and misjudgments in administering medications through the EMR-enabled medication scanning feature. The hospitals attention team affirms that the electronic filing system has already generated or so $5 in savings for the facility, and has been upgrading security for patients.This feat is accomplished by effectively supervising imperative activities conducted daily, and diminishing the occurrences of prescription inaccuracies by 75 percent, as per the current assessments, observes DMC Chief Medical Information Officer Leland Babitch, MD. Findings by The United States Institute of Medicine indicate that hospital blunders are obligated for approximately 100,000 of patient deaths a year. DMC Vice President for Quality and safety Michelle Schreiber, MD claims that the automated charting format has proven to greatly assist providers with treating patients throughout the day.The HIPAA issues that could arise are as follows. In the article in GreenvilleOnline. com website, increase Medical Identity Theft Puts Patients at Risk, Osby, (2013) cites a report issued by The U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, (2010). As a concern, health care identity theft, is in competition with the other most prominent depicted object identity crimes, claiming every tell 5 million victims in the year Osby (2013) apprises. photographic print Savage, a senior attorney for Consumers Un ion, announced that breaking into patients personal information via automated databases is a problem that is worsening in the medical office.He recognizes that electronic medical records are capable of offering advantages to the health care industry, and its patrons. However, he adds that quandary lies in the assurance of safeguarding patients sensitive materials (2012). Individually identifiable information, such as birthdates, demographics, amicable security, and edge numbers, provide an abundance of facts which prospective felons find extremely attractive to when attempting to thrust funds from hospitals, or for other monetary rewards.These illicit activities wreak massacre on the patient, in the form of erroneous invoices, which can compromise their credit, their employment, and even subject them to improper treatments, stemming from inaccurate medical documentation (Osby, 2013). The author likewise alerts that security measures fail to match the demand for electronic recor ds, data sharing, and social media and mobile technology to manage patient data, or the new uses for digital health information.Stealing is the primary offender in the medical field, impacting over 500 patients, trailed only by authorized disclosure to, or with health information, and staff oversights, and misplacing automated, or paper files (The Department Health and Human Services, 2010) GreenvilleOnline interviewed Chad Lawson, a spokesman for Spartanburg Regional, (where an information security council was comprised in 2012, to guarantee that regulations put in place to shield patient information are resilient, and dependable).During this conversation, Lawson advised that as technology grows and changes and becomes even more vital to the continuing development of improved quality, we essential promise that our efforts to keep information safe are adaptable to the closely growth of electronic medical records and other portals for speed and efficiency in patient care (2012).I believe technology in the medical records management industry is so far behind other industries primarily because of affordability, and that the cognizance of cost can outweigh the value. Although the president has allocated nearly $3 million Medicare/Medicaid bonuses to various health care establishments, including clinics, and hospitals, to aid in the transition, the expense of purchasing, and trading operations still hinder progress.Despite the positive reviews from current customers of the electronic system, less than 4 percent of facilities have followed through with conversion, having already limiting funding of many an(prenominal) a(prenominal) IT projects, The University of Michigan School Of Medicine reported. A quarter of American hospitals, already fiscally impaired by the down-spiraling economy, have upgraded only partially to automated records, or have remained with paper. Healthcare reform in general has been a political hotbed of controversy throughout several pre sidencies.The nations flunk economy, rising unemployment, terrorism, natural disasters are already on the forefront of many debates. The fiscal budget puts the squeeze on any other programs, in particular those which would most likely require enormous funding to proceed. I am of the opinion that these are some of the reasons that the push to incorporate a habitual electronic records format has been delayed, and still continues lagging behind other industries.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Craft-Oriented Objects Essay

We encounter many another(prenominal) craft- oriented objects day to day. I do not signify I really judgement about how objects were make and their value in life until I received this assignment. As I was thinking about all of the things that are craft- oriented, I especially thought about things at operate on and my home.I actually work at a dress shop and Ive thought about how those dresses were made. any dress company has a location where they make their dresses, like China. separately dress is handmade and takes many hours and hard work to make. I entrust this is an art of craft and has high value in a womans world. I also own many dresses of my own from loss to prom and participating in various pageants. The next time I am wearing champion of these delicate dresses I am outlet to take a minute to think about the hard work and long hours that it took to make my dress just for me.Another one of the many craft-oriented objects that I see and use every day is my home. My home is one of the most important places to me and it has several qualities that make it unique to me. It is amazing to think about all the hard work and the time that went in to grammatical construction my house. Although my house has many craft-oriented objects in it, my house as a all told is a huge craft-oriented object in my everyday life.

World War Ii the American Experience

public fight II The the Statesn Experience HIS120 Date World state of war II The American Experience It is no cognize secret that America attempted to reframe from becoming a part of what was projected as organism a major state of war which started with the European culture. Historians believe that the second war was a contribution of the heavy(p) Depression which caused for America to seize from their invest custodyts in Europe. This caused for a struggle of function in Europe which provide an fortune for Hitler and Stalin to obtain control all over Europe. However receiving control over Britain would dumbfound a ch in allenge.The prime minister at that cadence knew in put together to survive he would need an alliance the get together States. With Germany, Italy, and japan grasping majority of Europe, chairperson Roosevelt agreed to support Britain in the war in order to promote the Four Freedoms immunity of speech, freedom of worship, freedom for want, and freedom for fear (Schultz, 2012). With the booming of Pearl Harbor on December 7, President Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war. Once war was declared and with Hitler a analogous declaring war on the United States this became the beginning of World contend II. atomic number 7 African grounds prototype 1. Allied cognitive processs in World War II, 1942-1945 American troops throw ined into North Africa in late 1943. The North African Campaign, fracture known as the Desert War, took place in North African desert which surrounded those vault of heavens of Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, and the Western Sahara (United States History, 2012). After the axis of rotation (name given for the Germane, Italian, and lacquerese) were defected in France, Northern Africa became the focus of conquering.It is stated that the North African Campaign was fought for not merely unity crusade but for two reasons. The Suez Canal was the send-off clinical to gain control over for t he reason that the Suez Canal ordain be the source of controlling the Middle East. The second objective for the North African Campaign was the Middle East oil supply and resources. Egypt was a main focus due to the location in which was at the halfway of the eastern Mediterranean, Abyssinia, and the Middle East (United States History, 2012). Operation torch was lead by General Bernard Montgomery.During operation torch, British troops were in Egypt fighting the Germanys while American troops launched an invasion of cut North Africa (United States History, 2012). The objective for operation torch was to gain control of Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia which were all under the French dictatorship. By having control, the associate (Britain, Soviet nitty-gritty, and the United States) treasured to push the axis of rotation out of Africa. The affiliate were successful. On May 12, 1943, the last organized axis vertebra army force in Africa surrendered.The Allies had killed, wounded, or captured to the highest degree 350,000 Axis soldiers, and had suffered about 70,000 casualties. After the victory in the North African Campaign, the level was set for the Italian Campaign to begin (United States History, 2012). Italian Campaign Figure 2. The Pacific and Adjacent Theaters, 1942-1945 At the Casablanca Conference held in Casablanca, Morocco in January 1943 the conclusion was made to invade Italy. The Allies had their get-go war conference to converse the invasion. This launched the Italian Campaign which placed Allied soldiers on the mainland in Europe.The Italian Campaign consisted of five objectives to capitalize on the collapse of Italian safeguard, fix immediate use of ready Allied strength, engage German forces that aptitude otherwise be used in Russia and northern France, secure airfields from which to increase the assail of Germany and the Balkans, and gain complete control of the Mediterranean (United States History, 2012). D-day Normandy gets was the Operation Husky. During this operation, Allies landed on the landes while leading the Germans to thinking that they would attempt Sardinia and Corsica.Due to the bombing in Rome, the head of the government king Mussolini was forced to resign from his position. At that time, the Italians wanted to withdraw from the war with Japan and Russia. Operation Husky wanted to completely eliminate Italy from the war. By the end of the Italian Campaign, the war against Germany real fixed to France. In the spring of 1945 Allied forces cut throughd the final German defensive line to enter the fertile plains of the Po River Valley. On May 2, the Germans in Italy surrendered (United States History, 2012).Japanese American, Infantry men of the 442nd Regiment, runs for cover as a German artillery shell is about to land outside the building. Levine, Italy. April 4, 1945. Normandy Campaign The objectives of the Allies were during the invasion of Normandy was eliminate all of the Germans capabili ties of hard to organize a counterattack during the Allies amphibious assault. The Allies used their airborne capabilities to seize significant objectives like bridges, road crossings and terrain areas mainly on the eastern and western flanks.The Allies also used their airborne infantry to land behind enemy forces on the coastes of Normandy to help egress the amphibious forces and also neutralize and destroy the Germans coastal defenses batteries. Sword beach was invaded by the British infantry, we the infantry made it ashore they were met with light resistance and the suffered minimal casualties. They had advanced five miles inland by the end of the first day of contend, but they did not meet their major objectives such as Caen which was still in possession of the Germans.Juno beach was invaded by the Canadian army they were met with heavy German resistance upon landing ashore in Normandy. There were by heavy machine gun fire, check boxes, and other major concrete fortificatio ns that the German army had set up. Juno beach was the second heaviest outpost guarded by the Germans. The Canadian Army was the only unit to reach all of their objectives on D-Day. Gold beach was invaded by the 50th (Northumbrian) infantry grade they were also met with stiff German resistance due to the Germans fortifying a village along the beach front.However, the 50th infantry divisions were fit to overcome Germans and were able to proceed to outskirts of Bayeux by the end of the first day. The 50th infantry division then linked with Allied fire warden units who were securing the Port-en-Bessin. This gave the Allies a base that they could deploy the PLUTO pipeline. Omaha beach was invaded by the American allies they met fierce resistance from the German 352nd Infantry disagreement who were Germanys best trained force for defending the beaches and coastal areas. Omaha beach was so well fortified by the Germans that the Americans missed most of their landing objectives.However , after battling the Germans for three days the American allies were able to penetrate the Germans fortifications and move forward. Utah beach was invaded by the 4th infantry division they were met with very little German resistance and were able to move and inland by the late afternoon where they linked up the hundred-and-first airborne division. After the beaches were secured confederate forces were able to set up the mulberry tree Harbors, which allowed supplies and reinforcements to come ashore to support allied forces.Victory in Normandy was followed by a pursuit to the French border in short order, and Germany was forced formerly again to reinforce the Western Front with manpower and resources from the Soviet and Italian fronts. By September, Allied forces of seven field armies (two of which came through southern France in Operation Dragoon) were approaching the German frontier. Allied material weight told to a great extent in Normandy, as did intelligence and deception invents. The general Allied fancy of the battle was sound, drawing on the strengths of both Britain and the United States.German dispositions and leadership were frequently faulty, despite a creditable showing on the ground by many German units. In larger context the Normandy landings helped the Soviets on the Eastern front, who were facing the bulk of the German forces and, to a certain extent, contributed to the shortening of the negate there. War in Europe The Battle of Atlantic was a battle that began with Great Britain declaring war on the Germans in September of 1939. The battle of the Atlantic brought about significant changes and creative inventions to the allies military.This was a major reason that allied forces were able to defeat the Germans in the Battle of Atlantic. The Battle of the Atlantic cost thousands of soldiers their lives and thousands of navy blue ships were destroyed as well. During World War II allied forces conducted strategic bombing missions against the Germans. Allied forces would bomb railways, harbors, industrial places, and cities. As World War II begins to intensify, allied forces began to conduct many bombing missions. Allied forces bombed city believes that it was physiological warfare and they believe it would fracture the enemys will to continue fighting. The Majdanek ingress camp was located in Eastern Poland and was the first concentration camp that was liberate by the soviets in July of 1944. Before the Soviets were able to liberate the Majdanek concentration camp the German Nazis had killed between 90,000 and 140,000 prisoners. Majdanek concentration camp was initially a Prisoner of War camp that housed Russian Prisoners of War, but the camp briefly turned towards a concentration camp for the Jews. It is estimated that 60,000 Jews were killed during the camps operation.In July of 1944 the soviets advanced on the Majdanek concentration so fast that the German Nazis were not able to conceal the evidence of the to rture and killings they had committed. Liberation of genus Paris America was in war on two fronts, the war against Japan, and the war against Germany. The beginning of the meshing started with Paris started with Britain and Germany over a blockade that was preventing America to trade with either country. America had signed a treaty to layover out of the remainders with unusual countries.America was drawn into the conflict when Germany decided to launch a full scurf war with against Britain and France (Schultz, World War II, 2012). Paris had been invaded by the Germans, causing stress, killings, and mayhem to the residents until D-Day, a code name for Destination Day, when America and France liberated Paris and stone-broke the Strong hold of Germany and freed Paris (Weider History Group, 2006). Operation Market Garden was a strategic military maneuver plan in September 1944 to be carried out by supply to attack the Germans from the north, south, across the Rhine River, and we st of Normandy along with an air attack.This plan failed due to conflict in order on when to strike and bad weather (Macdonald, n. d). The Germans scheme was if they could declare control of smaller section of a country like Belgium, they would eventually take control of the country entirely. The Battle of the Bulge was one of the largest battles to take place on the west front. They lost the battle because they were beam too thin and was unsuccessful in knocking out the power in Bastogne, Belgium (Schultz, World War II, 2012). During the time of war the three allied forces, Stalin,Churchill, and Roosevelt was under great concern of the condition Poland would be in as they draw near their victory of the World War in January 1945. The Soviet Union, United States, who sided with Great Britain, was at odds with each other over Poland of which Soviet Union occupied. The Soviet Union wants to serve as a buffer for Poland whiles the United States and Britain wand Poland to be more inde pendent. The Soviet Union proposal was more favorable and resulted in the Yalta Agreement. Churchill was in disagreement with the end and the Soviet and Britain ended up in a Cold War (Schultz, World War II, 2012).While at the conference meeting in Yalta, Churchill and his ally, Roosevelt was planning an attack on Dresden, a city outside of Berlin. This city was a city of refuge that had no military stations of weapons. It only was a place that had hospitals and house to care for the wounded from the military. The people fled to the city seek refuge from the Red terror of the war. Many of them were Jews, men women and children. The total devastation from the bombing is really unknown but is to be said to be over 600,000 (The WWII Dresden final solution A single Column of Flame, n. . ). During the time of all the events that took place in Germany and World War II, it finally broke the back and the strong hold that Hitler had over Germany. At the end of the Holocaust of Dresden an d the slaughter of Jews from the concentration camps of which 30,000 were killed, giving an estimated death toll of 600,000 men, women, and children. Hitler was known to nurse committed suicide in April 30, 1945, given victory over Germany, known as of today called V- E Day, Victory in Europe Day (Schultz, World War II, 2012). War in the PacificThe United States was holding a war on two fronts, the war in Germany with Britain and France against Germany, and the war against Japan. The Great Depression was perhaps the cause of both wars. With the Stock market crashing and the choke of the economy, America and some of the countries it served and served it was becoming financially ruin and was fighting to stay in power. Each country feeling its own power was trying to make sure that they were not going to be taken service of (Schultz, World War II, 2012). America had a strong presence in the Pacific andJapan did not want them there. They were fighting over who would control Hawaii. J apan also wants to take control of all Asia and China. During the time of World War II, Hong Kong was a part of Britain territory. MacArthur and Nimitz are two officers that have great similarities in helping turn the war to the benefit of America. Douglas MacArthur was a General in the U. S Army and Admirable Chester Nimitz was an officer in the United States Navy who had different styles of leadership that worked together to regain control of land and irrigate in the Pacific War. Gen.MacArthur took control of the Philippines and Adm. Nimitz gain control of the Pacific. Churchill and Roosevelt were winning the war. along with the best two commanders, they began to use a strategy to keep Japan from getting a foothold by sending troops to take over small islands and maintaining control and at the same time move the Japanese back while earning the name Island Hoppers (Schultz, World War II, 2012).References message of Military History. (1992). A Brief History of the U. S. Army. Ret rieved from http//www. ibiblio. org/hyperwar/USA/USA-C-WWII/index. tml Schultz, K. M. (2012). HIST2, Volume 2 (2nd Ed. ). Boston, MA Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. The WWII Dresden Holocaust A Single Column of Flame. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http//rense. com/general19/flame. htm Weider History Group. (2006). Retrieved from http//www. historynet. com/world-war-ii-the-liberation-of-paris. htm United States History. (2012). Italian Campaign. Retrieved from http//www. u-s-history. com/pages/h1742. html United States History. (2012). North African Campaign. Retrieved from http//www. u-s-history. com/pages/h1727. html

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Cezanne’s Apple Notes and Quotes Essay

Schapiros psychoanalytic approach, that is, his search for the underlying significance and relevance to the video, * thesis While Schapiros argument enters a well-considered analysis of the inventionists life as a source of interpretation of Cezannes work, very much of it is based on suggestion and fantasy. As in all historical interpretation, Cezannes work should be viewed at bottom the context of the dodgeists historical and biographical framework, but with a formalist analysis of the works that enables the spectator to interpreted not only their personal value, but their intended communication. riticism of Cezannes art cannot and, I believe, should not be limited by overcritical schools of thought.Also, though perhaps it has been the nature of critics to make vastly differentiating interpretations of Cezannes work, some(prenominal) forms of analysis add to the richness of the dialogue that can expand anes preconceived notions of the work and widen the scope of unders tanding and perspective. turnabout to views of critics such as Roger Fry whose formalist analysis deduces Cezannes works as only a problem of form and color, Schapiro seeks more symbolist meaning within the subject matter chosen by the artist. * Schapiro argues that the objects placed within the still-life display a game of an introverted personality who has found for his art of representation an objective sphere in which he feels self-sufficient, masterful, free from distressing other spheres. Schapiro believes that fruit is never the theme, rather, they are a symbol of his sensation and personal concerns. *Schapiro makes the case against a rigorously formal interpretation It capacity be supposed that in still-life painting the meaning of the work is entirely the sum of the denotation of the separate parts, yet there may be connotations and a comprehensive quality arising from the combined objects and made more microscopic and moving through the artistic conception. (i. e. bl ack clock 1870, still w. compotier 79-82, unsanctified vase 83-85, still w. cupid 95, or pples and oranges 95) There is in still like a unity of things like the unity of a scene of action, one must(prenominal) recognize the context of the objects in reality, their connection with a mood or interest or type of occasion. (24) * Cannot look at these as purely sexual, an element in a painting serves more than one function. Apples could be chosen means of emotional detachment and self-control, the fruit providing an objective sports stadium of colors, and sensuous richness lacking in his earlier passionate art and not fully realized in his later bare paintings. inner displacement could be an unconscious factor. Certainly, Cezanne has a strange r legerityship with the world figure in his earlier works. In his early works, sexual delight is directly displayed or implied. A modern Olympia (1873),Bacchanal, and his other pictures of the nudes show that he could not convey his feeling for women without anxiety. In his painting of the nude woman, where he does not produce an old work, he is most a great deal constrained or violent. there is no middle ground of wide enjoyment. In Leda and the Swan, the writer argues that it is a striking instance of the defusing of a sexual theme through replacement of a figure by still-life objects. Cezannes fruit is not yet fully part of merciful life. Suspended between nature and use, it exists as if for contemplation alone. (25) In Cezannes painting of landscape, too, and sometimes of the human being, we recognize the same distinctive keep from action and desire. He seems to realize a philosophers concept of esthetical perception as a pure will-less knowing. * The still-life objects bring to awareness the complexness of the phenomenal and the subtle interplay of perception and artifice in representation. (19) Still-life engages the painter in a steady looking that discloses new and elusive aspects of the stable object.At f irst commonplace, it may becomes in the course of that contemplation a mystery, a source of metaphysical wonder. (20) Still-life calls out a response to an implied human presence. The equal objects, in their relation to us, acquire meanings from the desires they satisfy as well as from their analogies and relations to the human body They are a symbol or heraldry of a way of life. (23) * Yet, though the nature of the Apples seems to deserve far richer analysis of simple line and form, the use of apples as a restraint ofCezannes morbid fantasies (29), seems to evoke some fantastical properties of its own. * Apple as a displaced erotic interest? Apple has erotic sensesymbol of love, an portion of Venus and a ritual object in marriage ceremonies. The apple is a natural analogue of ripe human beauty (6). Philostatus, Hellenic writer of 200 AD, describes a painting of Cupids gathering apples in a garden of Venus, which serve as the source of Titians painting of the frenzy of Venus, a nd indirectly Rubens picture of putti carrying a parland of the fruit. * Apples (1875) For Cezanne, the apple is equivalent to the human figure.He could project typical relations of human beings as well as qualities of the larger visible worldsolitude, contact, accord, conflict, serenity, abundance and luxuryand even states of elation and enjoyment. * In passing from the painting of fantasies to the discipline of observation, Cezanne made of colorthe formula of art allied to sensuality and pathos in romantic painting but underdeveloped in his own early pictures of passionthe beauteous substance of stable, solid object-forms and a deeply coherent structure of the composition.It is exceedingly doubtful that he could have reached his goal had he followed Delacroix in his survival of subjects. But in the self-chastening process, the painting of still-lifeas latent symbol and privileged tangible realitywas, perhaps more than his other themes, a bridge circuit between his earlier an d his later art. (33)

Jeremy Sumpter Soul Surfer

In 2003, teenager Bethany Hamilton (AnnaSophia Robb) lives in Kauai, Hawaii with her parents Tom (Dennis Quaid) and Cheri (Helen Hunt), and two br other(a)s, Noah (Ross Thomas) and Timmy (Chris Brochu). wholly are surfers, just now she and her beaver friend Alana Blanchard (Lorraine Nicholson) have grown up with a passion for the sport and enter a competition. Her church callowness ministry leader, Sarah Hill (Carrie Underwood), is disappointed when she has to withdraw from a planned missions incite beca engagement of the contest.Bethany and Alana interject first and third, respectively, while the second place winner, Malina Birch (Sonya Bal muchs), proves to be resentful. Bethany invites two girls up on the winners box with her, but Malina ungraciously refuses. The Rip coil surfwear company finish upers to sponsor her and Alana in competition.The night in the lead Halloween, Alana and Bethany sneak off with some friends to go surfing. Later while Tom goes to the hospital f or articulatio genus surgery, both girls go surfing with Alanas father Holt (Kevin Sorbo) and Brother Byron (Jeremy Sumpter). As Bethany dangles her remaining wing fort in the peeing, a tiger shark appears out of nowhere and sinks its teeth into it, biting it off near the shoulder. Holt gets Bethany out of the water and puts a tourniquet on her while Byron calls 911. An ambulance meets them on the way to the hospital. Just before starting Toms knee surgery, Dr. David Rovinsky (Craig T. Nelson) is called to the emergency room to treat Bethany. Besides losing her left subsection, Bethany also lost 60% of her blood and David calls hersurvival a miracle.Bethanys psychic trauma prevents her participating in the Rip Curl photo shoots, but she wishes Alana well. at bottom Edition, a television program, offers to provide a prosthetic arm that is cosmetically perfect and has bendable joints, in exchange for an interview. Bethany angrily rejects it when she learns it will non help her surf as it is not weight bearing, due to the surface of the stump of her arm. The onslaught of paparazzi also proves to be a wide turn oer on her family and their privacy. The Hamiltons are grateful to Holt for his quick thinking and decisive do that saved her life.Bethany perseveres and, after a recuperation period, gets keep going in the water and learns to surf with wizard arm, eventually re-entering the competition. She tells her rival Malina not to take it sonant on her, and rejects a five-minute head start offered by the judges. She does not serve well because she tail assemblynot stay on the board long enough to go out and catch a competitive wave and Malina wins. Disheartened, she decides to go forth up competitive surfing. Bethany sees the effects of the 2004 tsunami on television, which places her own problems in perspective.She decides to surprise Sarah by joining the youth group on another mission trip to help the devastated people of Phuket, Thailand. They are understandably afraid of the water, including a midget boy. Bethany decides to go into it with a surfboard, hoping this will coax him into it. It works, and the substantialization that she can use her gift to inspire people motivates her to take up surfing again.Tom rigs a handle on her surfboard which she can use to prevent locomote off while paddling out to the waves, which is not prohibited by the competitions rules. He also voices the belief that she possesses a great surfers instinct for sensing when the best waves will form. She enters the national championship, thanks Malina for treating her as a serious competitor, and performs respectably, though she is still chasing third place.Suddenly, with only minutes left on the clock, the waves flunk down and all the surfers can only loiter, waiting for the waves to start back up. Toms belief in his daughters instinct is proven when she is the only one to mind a big wave forming, and she alone paddles out. When it forms, the o thers cannot get out in time and she catches it just as the horn sounds. Ifit is in time, she will win, but the judges rule that the time has expired. Malina is the winner, but she has finally gotten over her differences with her, inviting her up on the platform to share first place.Subsequently, Bethany lets the reporters interview her. One asks her what she would do if given the chance to undo the loss of her arm. She says that she would still lose it because she can embrace to a greater extent people now than she ever could with both. The hit ends with real video of Bethany surfing after the attack.II. ReactionMy problem with Soul Surfer is that it makes it construction too simple. Bethany (AnnaSophia Robb) has a loving family of professional surfers and a big, friendly dog. She lives in walking distance of the beach. She was and is a committed churchgoer and got great fight down from her spiritual leaders. She was an indomitable optimist with a fierce competitive spirit. prec isely on that point had to be more to it than that. I applaud her faith and spirit. I give her full credit for her determination. I realize she is a great athlete. But I feel something is missing. There had to be dark nights of the soul. Times of distress and rage. The temptation of nihilism. The lure of despair. Can a 13-year-old girl lose an arm and keep right on smiling? The flaw in the storytelling dodging of Soul Surfer is that it doesnt make Bethany easy to identify with. Shes almost eerie in her optimism. Her religious faith is so unshaken, it feels taken for granted.The film feels more like an inspirational parable than a harrowing story of ad hominem tragedy. Even its portrait of her recovery and rehabilitation is perfunctory. Theres a particularly unconvincing scene where shes fitted with a prosthetic arm and refuses to wear it. Theyre making odd progress in the field of prosthetics. But the arm that shes offered looks no more useful than the arm that she rips off h er Barbie doll the same night (in one of the movies rare moments of depression). Although I can understand a good prosthetic might not help her balance on a surfboard, I believe one might be of use in other situations and I dont mean cosmetically. Maybe Im mistaken. Soul Surfer is a alimentary movie, intended as inspirational. Whether it will cheer viewers who are not as capable as Bethany is an excellent question. AnnaSophia Robb is a convincing, cheerful heroine.Dennis Quaid and HelenHunt, as Bethanys parents, are stalwart and supportive, although the script indeed leaves them with no other choice. person SURFER has very poignant moments that will bring tears to your eyes. It has one of those endings that make the movie work, despite some light weight scenes. AnnaSophia Robb as Bethany gives a wonderful performance. A cast of veterans provides great support. The good intelligence operation is that real courage comes from deep faith in Jesus Christ, not just willpower. There ar e powerful church scenes, but they shouldnt alienate secular viewers because they are extremely real. BravoIII. noetic DisorderThe Psychological disarray in this movie was Major depression complaint is an (also known as clinical depression, major depression, unipolar depression, unipolar disorder or recurrent depression in the case of repeated episodes) is a mental disorder characterized by episodes of all-encompassing low mood tended to(p) by low self-esteem and loss of interest or pastime in normally enjoyable activities. The understanding of the nature and causes of depression has evolved over the centuries, though this understanding is incomplete and has left many aspects of depression as the subject of discussion and research. Major depression significantly affects a persons family and ad hominem relationships, work or school life, sleeping and eating habits, and general health.Its wallop on functioning and well-being has been compared to that of chronic medical conditi ons such as diabetes. A person having a major depressive episode usually exhibits a very low mood, which pervades all aspects of life, and an inability to experience pleasure in activities that were formerly enjoyed. Depressed people may be preoccupied with, or ruminate over, thoughts and feelings of worthlessness, inappropriate guilt or regret, helplessness, hopelessness, and self-hatred.6 In severe cases, low-spirited people may have symptoms of psychosis. The diagnosis of major depressive disorder is ground on the patients self-reported experiences, behavior reported by relatives or friends, and a mental status examination. There is no laboratory test for major depression, although physicians in the main request tests for physical conditions that may cause similar symptomsIV. RecommendationSoul Surfer is a great movie to watch with your family and I would recommend this movie to anyone. This film was very well done and whats better is its all based on a true story and from the looks of the credits where they show real footage they surely stayed true to it Robb does a great job as young Bethany who loses her arm to a shark attack, and we follow her struggle to get back in the water and compete as a surfer once again. Its a very emotional film but thanks to some great acting and beautiful scenery it all comes together nicely.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Price Hike in Bangladesh

ABOUT RECENT equipment casualty HIKE IN Bangladesh environ 4 2010 Prep atomic number 18d For-Kaikobad genus Rana Sir Submitted By-Over set ab aside Group Group Members Of Overcome- * Group Leader- MD Sazzadur Rahman Chowdhury ID-082011013, Sec-A, three Semester * Administrator- Riad Morshed Chowdhury ID-082011012, Sec-A, 3rd Semester * Re searcher- A. F. M Maruf Rahman ID-082011035, Sec-A, 3rd Semester * Members- MD Rafiqul Islam ID-082011022, Sec-A, 3rd Semester Atiqur Rahman ID-082011017, Sec-A, 3rd Semester closeafizur Rahman ID-082011282, Sec-A, 3rd Semester Rashedul Hasan ID-082011008, Sec-A, 3rd SemesterNishat Ahmed ID-082011009, Sec-A, 3rd Semester Lubna Ahmed Luna ID-082011040, Sec-A, 3rd Semester 4th display, 2010 Kaikobad Rana lecturer Department of Fashion Design Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology Lalmatia, corking of Bangladesh. Subject forbearance of Term Paper. Sir, As the course requirement of DES-102, we were assigned to do a stemma regarding the topic of Price Hike. We fuddle provided our best effort to have sex our tasks according to the requirements. We tried to complete our tasks by doing dissimilar look for working and from our limited k verboten functionledge.It is a matter of great pleasure for us to model the tarradiddle on time. We will genuinely glad if the report hatful fulfill its purpose. Thank you, Sincerely yours MD Sazzadur Rahman Chowdhury Riad Morshed Chowdhury A. F. M Maruf Rahman MD Rafiqul Islam Atiqur Rahman Mostafizur Rahman Rashedul Hasan Nishat Ahmed Lubna Ahmed Luna realization First we want to thanks our faculty who give me this opportunity to do this research. Who helped and guided me to do this research accu ordainly. Secondly we want to thanks Kaikobad Rana Sir for his uncondetional support.I withal want to thanks on the whole the citizenry who participate in our check into. And my entire friend circle. And last solely not lest my God. Thank you. filch THE MAIN REASONS AN D PUBLICS REACTION ABOUT RECENT PRICE HIKE IN Bangladesh We choose this topic THE MAIN REASONS AND PUBLICS REACTION ABOUT RECENT PRICE HIKE IN Bangladesh beca routine deep the charge hiking task has become the main social task in Bangladesh. People be crucifixion close in this problem now specially the poor battalion. There are m some(prenominal) argues back up this problem. tho we infer formation of folk and rot is the main dry land so-and-so this. unless global viandsstuff cost, elicit cost, power crisis, natural disaster, expatriate problem, mislabeled m unitytary value collection, work on against putridness by the caretaker brass, street vendors and illegal twist exertion by the joint forces, want of intercourse and co-ordination in amongst diametric presidential term smearrs etc are also accountcapable for young hurt emanation in Bangladesh. And the rate of this value upgrade is really fast.Even the military back Government was fail ed to lick this problem. They were not able to pay off the root tush this problem cod to lack of grant observe system. that upright the Government sack up solve this problem by using his acquaintance agency, by introducing sound observe system, by ameliorate justice & vitamin A order and by makeing the evil menage chemical groups. notwithstanding it is not a real(prenominal) easy job. The support of worldwide usual is also ask to solve this problem. FINDING The main reasons assful this problem The expenses of commodities are almost uniform across the capital, which only implies that a group of large number are fixing the termss and that they have enough clout in the commercialize to be able to decide what the damages should be. * rot of so called governing bodyal leading, rot of opposite Government officials and honor enforcing agency is the main reason behind this problem. We throne solve this problem by taking the future(a) footsteps. * Ident ify the link up groups. * By up(p) equity and order. * By frame of reference appropriate laws by the Government to eliminate middle classes in trading. By introducing effective monitoring system. TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE PAGE identification fall INTRODUCTION 6 explore AREA 7 HYPOTHESIS 13 METHODOLOGY 14 DATA PRESENTATION 15 DATA abridgment 16 LIMITATION 28 CONCLUSION 29 RECOMMENDATION 30 PUBLICS RECOMMENDATION 31 REFERENCE LIST 32 INTRODUCTION With the price increase of naturals capturing headlines of our national newspapers and TVs almost everyday. Because this price hiking problem has become the main social problem in Bangladesh.People are suffering most in this problem specially the poor peoples. There are m both reasons behind this problem. gibe to The finance Minister Abul Mal Abdul Al-Muhit, international price ascension of meaty necessities as being liable for high home(prenominal) prices. Of course, international merchandise price is also trusty for interio r(prenominal) pretension, only when only partially. The curatess tellment simply ignored other domestic factors, many of which created by the save by the Government, and also some of which created by the previous government.According to our study we identify some supply-side factors as being liable, a good deal(prenominal) as hoarding, and loss of business confidence, administered energy price hike, international price hike of essential commodities, bribe and illegal toll collection, structural and institutional constraints etc. corruption of so called political leaders and distinct government officials etc are also liable for this problem. And if the forage price is not crackled, the inflation rate may r all(prenominal) double-digit level very soon which is shortly 7. 5%. In our research paper we tried to figure out these reasons.And we tried to see to it some solution close to this problem. we also tried to figure out the bad effects of this problem. we hope by in di fagt this paper the evidenceers will able to figure out the main reasons behind this problem and also able to sign or solve this problem. RESEARCH AREA In our proposal paper our had mentioned some header at which point we did like to investigate to prove our hypothesis. Our brain were > What is the main reason behind this repenny price hike in Bangladesh? > Is corruption and local anaesthetic link up only accountable round this price hike? gt What should be the role of government to skip this price hike? > How can we solve it? Obviously formation of syndicate and hoarding by them, corruption, power failure, profession fames and load-shading, international price hike of essential commodities, bribe and illegal toll collection, structural and institutional constraints etc. according to Ahmed. T. (2009), the crude oil crisis of 1973, when oil prices change magnitude in exponential proportions, was not so much imputable to dearth of oil supply as it was due to the decision of the major oil exporters, Arab states, to increase the prices.It was not that oil reserves had suddenly sunk by dint of the floor or that its demand had shot by the ceiling. In stringently economic terms, a handful of oil exporters were in collusion, which led to melodramatic increases in global oil prices. The entire western world was affect and the sudden price hike proceedsed in a long-term box ending decades of economic boom. It was also the first time that the United States face an oil shortage since the Second World War. The Arab states had succeeded in their intent to use oil as a weapon against those not friendly to their cause. It is peradventure a classic extype Ale of collusive oligopoly.The situation in the catamenia-day Dhaka grocery stores is similar except that the collusion does not concern one point in time but several mostly such essential nutriment items as rice, wheat, potatoes, lentils, non-poisonous oil, onions and milk powder. Accord ing to a report in Amar Desh (whitethorn 11, 2009), prices of essential food items have change magnitude 25 per cent on an average in the past four months. According to a report in New Age (May 11, 2009), prices rose between fivesome and 50 per cent during the same period most of it under the military-backed interim government of Fakhruddin Ahmed that fancied office after the proclamation of a state of emergency on January 11.According to the governments profess statistics, inflation increased from just few than six per cent in January this year to almost 7. 5 per cent by March. While the government appears to be in denial suggesting that inflation is not really out of control and quite on a starter floor the endangerment level, experts fear that it might, in fact, have crossed the double-digit mark driven by the soaring food prices. According to SLATE magazine (2009), about our very own mafia groups that group has come to be known, and often referred to in the media, as the syndicate.Despite the fact that academics, researchers and even politicians have acknowledged such collusion, its founding is denied upfront, both by government officials and businesspeople, in a manner that can be likened to that regarding the mafia. For the longest time, the existence of the mafia, or rather Cosa Nostra, was denied by insiders as well as government officials till misconceptions and myths were laid to rest by, what came to be known as, the Maxi Trial in a court in Sicily over a hundred years after its existence was officially reported.As for the syndicate, it has proved to be invincible and even immune to a state of emergency, which has not been able to curb Its potential for collusion and thereby manipulation of the prices. The tenure of the BNP-Jamaat alliance government saw two changes of concern ministers, each given the sack for the same reason, while the last one had utterly failed in his pledge to rein in the prices of essentials. The invincibility o f the syndicate was perhaps never felt with such force as it was on July 25, 2006 at a monthly luncheon contact of the American chamber of Commerce in Bangladesh.The third commerce minister of the last government, Hafiz Uddin Ahmed, straightforwardly put the responsibility of controlling the prices of essentials on other ministries and went so off the beaten track(predicate) as to suggest that the government should set up other(prenominal) ministry for the Task. The Consumer trade protection Act is being scrutinized now and I have urged the food ministry to convey anti-hoarding laws for checking unscrupulous traders syndicates and hoarders,he said.He also suggested that the finance and food Ministries were better equipped to tackle the matter. It was just three months after Hafiz had taken up his new portfolio on April 26 with the pledge to surmount prices of essentials within a month. Barely a week earlier, at a meeting with businesspeople at his office, he assumed a dram atically different tone and harped on a different note, although, even then, it was obvious that his achievement in bringing down the prices of essentials was at the mercy of the businesspeople.On July 19, Hafiz announced to the vex following the meeting that the intelligence agencies had identified the members of the syndicate who were involved in manipulating prices through hoarding and other means. only when he only hoped that the applicable ministry would take Necessary action. His comments about the meeting betrayed his helplessness and utter softness to hold sway over the businessmen. They have given us self-assertion that they will not make any windfall profit by making the people hostage, said Hafiz about the traders present at the meeting.With hindsight it appears that the minister did his best to divert attention from the syndicates citing a marked difference of prices between wholesalers and retailers, and the producers and wholesalers that he suggested added to t he woes of the people. M Saifur Rahman, then the minister for finance and planning, and perhaps the most influential cabinet member of the BNP-led government, when approached with the possibility of reducing import tariffs on essential food items, told the press, it never paid off. He said the prices would flow for a short while but resume their rising turn off soon after.Instead, he suggested, the syndicates that manipulated the prices were the main reason behind the price hike and had to be dealt with decisively. But government officials deny their existence quite unconditionally despite overwhelming circumstantial facts that testify exactly the opposite. The commerce deposit was quoted in January as saying they are yet to receive any conclusive evidence on the existence of syndicates?. He went further to gain his claim asking, When the prices went up everyone was blaming syndicates.But now that they are going down how come everybody is quiet? If there was a syndicate where fore are the prices access down? He did partially admit to their existence since former ministers had claimed that syndicates exist. But the rebuff of a prominent businessman, quoted in New Ages weekend supplement Xtra on January 12, smacks of the classic mafia disclaimer. I discover about this regularly in newspapers but I have never seen one or been a part of it, says Mostafa Kamal, chairman of the Meghna Group, one of the lede importers of edible oil, powderedMilk and sugar. How, where and when are motilitys people who accuse us of syndication should answer, he said. It is assert that the Meghna Group is among the leading syndicate members in the country. Hossain. E. (2009), programmed officer of the Consumers Association of Bangladesh, echoed the wide distributed apprehension. I have attended meetings at the commerce ministry where powerful and well-known businessmen have right away threatened government officials with cutting out supply if they did not accept their chos en prices, he told Xtra.According to the Daily unity (May 18 2009), a report of the Centre for Policy Dialogue, a research organization, based on records of the National Board of Revenue, found that a punishing cartel nibed for a substantial share of the imports. The report says the top five importers have accounted for importing 96 per cent raw sugar, 46 per cent refined sugar, 67 per cent crude soybean oil, 60 per cent crude palm oil, 49 per cent wheat, 37 per cent rice, 31 per cent lentil, and 31 per cent onion of national imports till March of this fiscal year.While the report did not mention any names, a number of reports in other newspapers have foundere so. For instance, according to a report of Amar Desh (May 11, 2009) the TK Group, the Meghna Group and the City Group account for 65 per cent of edible oil imports. The next three the SA Group, the MEB Group and the Marine Group account for another 25 per cent of the imports. Quoting sources, the report says traders of D haka and Chittagong are the major importers of lentils, ginger, garlic and other essentials that come from India.It goes on to mention the names of Shathi Enterprise, sevensome Star and Banijjya Bhandar from Dhaka, Rumpa Enterprise of Bogura, Pahari Enterprise, AB Trading and Akhter Impex of Chittagong as significant market players. When the country is badly shaken by the unprecedented floods there is another alarming factorthe price hike of essentials that is slowly but very steadily engulfing the rural life of the common people. It is appalling that one kg of green chili costs you TK 200 There are no vegetables that cost you less than TK 30 per kg It also creates shortage of foods. That also increases the price of essentials.Similarly other factors such as power failure, international market price, fuel cost, power crisis, natural disaster, transportation problem, illegal toll collection, action against corruption by the caretaker Government, street vendors and illegal constructi on drive by the joint forces, lack of communication and co-ordination in between different Government officers etc factors are also responsible for new price hike in Bangladesh. By taking serious action and frame effective laws for the settlement of the middle men groups existing various trading circles and to control transplant in between law enforcing agencies and traders.By minimize the traffic jams and load shadings. By forming a strong co-ordination efforts and monitoring system, established for the cooperation, co-ordination and exchange of study in between different Government officials entrusted to check price level. By identifying syndicate groups and taking appropriate action against them. The Government can control the price. By creating awareness against corruption and establish a price list for all kinds of goods to control price hike. And by electing an honest and stable Government, the general people can solve this problem.HYPOTHESIS There are many reasons behind this young price hike in Bangladesh. But we think formation of syndicate and corruption is the main reason behind this. But international market price, fuel cost, power crisis, natural disaster, transportation problem, illegal toll collection, action against corruption by the caretaker Government, street vendors and illegal construction drive by the joint forces, lack of communication and co-ordination in between different Government officers etc are also responsible for recent price hike in Bangladesh.And the rate of this price hike is very fast. Even the military back Government was failed to solve this problem. They were not able to find the root behind this problem due to lack of appropriate monitoring system. But just the Government can solve this problem by using his intelligence agency, by introducing effective monitoring system, by improving law & order and by identifying the evil syndicate groups. But it is not a very easy job. The support of general frequent is also n eeded to solve this problem. METHODOLOGY There are two types of data in my research paper. . Primary selective information. & 2. Secondary Data Primary Data- We have composed my primary data to figure out the dismount reasons and publics reaction about recent price hike in Bangladesh by suffering a field of study on 30 general people. To do that survey first we had prepared some marvels and some fitted answer against each incredulity. After that we went out for general people to conduct our survey. The shopkeepers, doctors, teachers, tailors, chemists, retired peoples, servants, family unitwives and students were the people who were participate in our survey.We have had some difficulties to conduct our survey. We had very little time to conduct this survey. Within this short period of time we had to find 30 peoples of different classes. People of all class were combat-ready in our survey. Some of them did not know hoe to write and read. We had to read and translated my q uestion for them. After knowing there answers we filled the answers for them. Thus we entire our survey to get our primary data. Secondary Data- We have collected my secondary data mostly from different websites such as www. vjel. org, www. unnayan. rg etc, different newspaper such as The daily star, The New Age etc, and from different magazines. DATA PRESENTATION CAPTION A survey has been taken of 30 people for the topic of The main reasons and publics reaction about recent price hike in Bangladesh. Question No. option A Option B Option C Option D 1 63% 40% 0% 6. 67% 2 48. 67% 23. 33% 20% * 3 83. 33% 3. 33% 13. 33% * 4 43. 33% 43. 33% 13. 33% * 5 20% 63. 33% 16. 67% * 6 30% 30% 46. 67% * 7 53% 16. 67% 10% * 8 3. 33% 16. 67% 46. 67% 26. 67% 9 13. 33% 26. 67% 50% * 10 36. 7% 30% 26. 67% * 11 53% 10% 26. 67% * 12 66. 67% 20% 3. 33% * 13 46. 67% 10% 33. 33% 16. 67% 14 10% 53% 0% 46. 67% 15 36. 67% 46. 67% 23. 33% * TABLE THE SURVEY RESULT DATA ANALYSIS of late we have do a survey for about 30 people to find the main reasons behind this recent price hike in Bangladesh. For this survey we prepared a set of question consisting of 16 questions. According to Our survey here we analysis some of the important questions from my questioner. Question No 1 A B C D What do you think aboutthe main reason behindthis recent price hike? Formation of Syndicates Corruption Extortion Taking bribe from traders Chart 1 The survey result of question no 1 Question No 2 A B C Do you thinkthereis any Syndicate groupsinvolved in price hike? Yes, because the governmentCant control the price. No, there is no syndicate groups exist May be, not sure Chart 2 The survey result of question no 2 According to my survey, in retort of my first question 63% people said formation of Syndicates is the main reason behind this recent price hike. While 40% people said corruption is the main reason behind this.In reply of my second question 83. 33% people said syndicate groups are involved in price hike because the government can? t control the price. In my survey most of the people think the syndicate groups are mainly responsible for this problem. These syndicate groups controlling the price by hoarding. Hoarding by businesses has been widely blamed by many as being main perpetrator behind the current crisis. Indeed, if we let aside moral issues, hoarding markets everlasting(a) economic sense to businesses and that is why they build up stocks to make puffyger profits.For example suppose the current market price of a NOKIA 1202 wandering phone is TK 1800. Now let us assume that for some unmapped reasons, the price of the same brand mobile is expected or any mobile phone dealer in the market sell NOKIA 1202 at the lower price now or wait to sell at the higher price a month later? What would happen to the current market price of NOKIA 1202, if most dealers hold off selling? This is exactly how inflationary expectation, expectation about future price hike, leads to hoarding, creates shortage, raises current market price and, finally, brings larger profits for businesses. From the above analysis we conclude that the syndicate groups are nothing but a well-known business farms, die hard by well-known business man. But the syndicates, for all their collusion, manipulation and public denial, are not entirely responsible for the price hike. There are other related factors some of which are compelling, even more than syndication. To bring down with, production costs have risen and So have the prices. But it gives an impression that the farmers are linked to the market and thereby benefit from the price rises at the consumer end. That is hardly the case.They are paid the bare minimum below which the farmers cannot afford to cultivate crops the next year. And prices at their end have increased only marginally over the years. The real value addition (pun intended) to plain produce begins with the middlemen who buy from farmers. Along the supply chain there a re warehouses, wholesalers, retailers and micro-retailers often with several more layers of middlemen sandwiched among them. Reports in the media indicate that prices, especially those of vegetables, estimate by up to 500 per cent between the farmer and the end-consumer.That is how the link also controlling the market price. And the Government is not able to identify them, catch them, and even control them. Even the Government has blamed international market price hike of essential commodities as being responsible for high domestic prices to cover their failure. The Government has failed to solve this problem due to the corrupted Government officers and corrupted law enforcing agencies. They are not unforced to monitor the market price. They are just willing to take bribe.Again lack of communication and co-ordination in between different Government officers and lack of communication system in between different Upozela and districts head quarters with the capital is also responsib le for this recent price hike. Question No 3 A B C Which political factors are responsible for price hike? Blockade and strike Corruption of so called political leaders Conflict between political parties Chart 3 The survey result of question no 3 According to my survey, in reply of my third question, 63. 33% of people said corruption of so called political leaders is the main political factor behind this price hike.And only A B 20% of people said blockade and strike is responsible for this. Political leaders are not actually political leaders. rattling they are political business man. They invest there cash to own the party nomination and also own the election. Actually they bought there focalise in Parliament. After wining the election they start to gain black money as much as they can. And they gain it by corruption. And thats why the price of essential commodities is increasing day by day. This political dont care about the general people, they just care about themselves. Eve n they dont know how uch black money they have gained by corruption. The current anti-corruption drive by the Caretaker Government clearly shows the statistic how much black money they have gained through corruption. Thats why the corruption of so called political leaders also responsible for recent price hikes. Question No 4 A B C D What Bribe & illegal Traffic Power failures Lackof structural&institutional constraints are mainlyresponsible for thisrecent price hike? toll collection over-crowding storage capacity Chart 4 The survey result of question no 4According to my survey, in reply of my forth question 46. 67% people said bribe and illegal toll collection is the main structural & institutional constraints that are mainly responsible for this recent price hike. And 33. 33% people said power failure is also responsible for this problem. But I think this both factors are equally responsible for this problem The illegal practices of bribes toll collections and associati ons greatly influence in ski lift the price of essential commodities. The traders has to paid toll and bribe at each entering point of a town.And this increases the transportation cost of goods. As a result the price is increases. And the Government has failed to stop this because of the involvement of corrupted law enforcing officers. While the Scarcity increases the opportunity cost of any service and provides opportunities for corruption. The stabbing shortage of generation capacity and its consequent effects frequent load-shedding, low voltage and low frequency on different economic sectors, as well as on essential services such as water supply, hospitals, and telecommunications, have opened up doors for many types of corruption.That is also responsible for this recent price hike. Why that is happening? Because of the corruption of the employee of DESA and PDB. According to the hydrofoil International Bangladesh (2006), ? A Ledger Keeper in DESA, a very low level employee, became the envy of many when he purchased a house in a middle-income residential area of Dhaka for Tk 3. 8 trillion and an allotment in a shopping arcade. ? Many Assistant Engineers of BPDB own private cars, which they cannot afford to buy and maintain on their official salary. A particular Assistant Engineer, with close links with the Collective Bargaining Agent, comes to office in a luxury four-wheeler, while another mints money by making various interventions in the name of a minister. ? A molar concentration ratifier who was placed under suspension joined the ruling political party, got his job bank, became a CBA leader, and is now the happy owner of two houses and a shop. ? A corrupt and overweight meter reader, who employed agents to do his job and concentrated on eating instead, was transferred from Dhaka to an outstation by an over-zealous DESA officer.Fretting and fuming, the reader came to see a very senior DESA official and told him in no uncertain terms, Sir, I have b een working for 25 years in one place and nobody dared to touch me. You have not done well by transferring me. I will see how you can trend me. Sure enough, he stayed where he was, with the help of his co-operative union leaders. And due to this corruption load shading occurs frequently, as a result the price of essential goods is increasing rapidly. Question No 5 A B C Do you think natural disaster, street vendors and illegal construction drive by the joint forces are also responsible for recent price hike? Yes No Partly responsible 4 0 30 30 Chart 5 The survey result of question no 5 According to our survey, in reply of our fifth question 46. 67% people said natural disaster street vendors and illegal construction drive by the joint forces are partly responsible for recent price hike. And equal number of people said yes and no. But we think it is responsible and why? You will find your answer right now.When the countr y is badly shaken by the unprecedented floods there is another alarming factor the price hike of essentials that is slowly but very steadily engulfing the rural life of the common people. It is appalling that one kg of green chili costs you TK 200 There are no vegetables that cost you less than TK 30 per kg It also creates shortage of foods. That also increases the price of essentials. And thats why we think natural disaster is directly responsible for price hike, but the others are partly responsible. Question No 6 A B C DHow can the By taking Identifying the By improving By improving Government prerequisite steps syndicate traffic law & order control the price hike? to stop cross border smuggling of fuel and fertilizer groups congestion Chart 6 The survey result of question no 6 According to our survey, most of the people said we can able to control the price by identifying the syndicate groups and by improving law & order. If the government framed strong laws to improve the law and order we can able to identify the syndicate groups and also able to control the price of essential goods.To 4. 67 Improve this situation the personals of different law enforcing agencies should immediately be deployed in different trading centers, sea port, river ports, and land ports to check up and down of price level due to hoarding black marketing of essential food grains and other food items. Thus we can improve the current situation. Question No 7 A B C Which methods can be most applicable toreduce or improve this problem? By framing appropriate law by the Government to eliminate middle classes in trading. By introducing effectivemonitoring system. By re-introducing old rationingsystem by the Government to stable the prices Chart 7 The survey result of question no 7 According to our survey, in reply of my seventh question 46. 67% people said by introducing effective monitoring system we can able to reduce this problem. And 36. 67% people said we can solve this pr oblem by framing appropriate law to eliminate middle classes in trading. We are passing through a revolutionary communication and contract system due to the entranceway of most modern computer and mobile communication system in our country.It is now very easy for the Government to established scientific monitoring systems and cells to keep constant observation data collection and exchange of information? s about the causes up and down, price level of important food items and essential commodities. According to our survey most of the people said the rate of price hike is quite fast. And the general publics can help the Government to remove this problem. Most of the people in Bangladesh can afford to meet their family essential commodities, but they said it was very tough.Surprisingly the speed class people are also by price hike. Most of the people agree to that if laws and regulation enforced properly, it is practically possible to reduce this price hike. And the general peoples c an also play a big role to solve this problem. LIMITATION We had very little time to do that survey. If we had enough time we may go out of Dhaka to find the poorest people. We want to take the interview of the poorest people. We had also faced lots of obstacles, but after all of these obstacles finally We finished our research paper and we are quite satisfied about it.CONCLUSION Given the scenario in Bangladesh, any measure to control prices, barring one that addresses the syndicates, is bound to be band-aid-like a atomic number 42 of eyewash. That is perhaps the first area where the government should focus in its looseness to reduce the prices of essential items. But it is not possible for the Government to reduce this problem alone. The general people, the mass media everybody should came forward to help the Government to reduce this problem. Other wise the price of essential commodities will increase day by day. And nobody will able to control this problem.

Globalization in the 1970s Essay

Globalization is non a natural concept as there have been numerous cycles of globularization stretchiness as far back as the ancient civilizations. The wave of globalization prior to the crude embargo was by and by the Second pitching struggle. Although this catch was marked with rapid stinting maturement, it came to an end in 1973 later the Arab crude embargo that resulted in a rise in anele prices. m anetary globalization particularly can be termed as the integration of spheres local financial agreement with inter internal financial institutions and grocery stores.The main(prenominal) winnerionnts of financial globalization ar the organizations and hence they strike to liberalize whatsoever(prenominal) jumpions on their house servant financial sector and expectant account of the equaliser of pays if whatever form of integration is to take place (Schmulker, 20045). Dammasch (2010 4) asserts that the sparing milieu in times of globalization changes rapidly with capital movements becoming bigger and less controllable. Therefore there is usu bothy a need to give a stabilizing ashes.The position after the Second World War which was marked by falling creed institutions, mass un practice, hyperinflation and imprecateruptcy of enterprises brought round such a necessity. The Bretton Wood agreement thereby came into creation. Bretton timbers agreement of 1944 was part of the conclusion by the industrialized countries to comfortructure themselves after the Second World War and the difficulties encountered especially after the First World War for the bearing of financial globalization.There was a great need for these farmings to come up with workable rules and regulations which would direct them in the formulation of national policies that would facilitate the pursuit of common economic objectives (Kenen, 199411). The necessity and urgency of this well-grounded structure was collectively agreed upon and accepted as it was vi ewed as a way of avoiding the negative effects that had marred the inter-war period (King, 200330). The Bretton woods eld that spanned from 1946-1971 are seen in retrospect as a propertyen age of capitalism with supervene upon reckon stability and rapid economic proceeds (King, 200330).This is because the system ensured that value of price extends was just and that the sub range remained fix for unlimited periods in all key industrialized countries. Moreover, the national income in the G7 countries rose more rapidly than in any separatewise equal period. The system ensured long-run price stability for the in all solid ground because the icy price of notes provided an ostensible anchor to the worlds capital supply. Therefore by pegging their currencies to gold, individual nations primed(p) their prices levels to that of the world (Bordor et al, 19931).King, 200330 emphasizes that the Bretton woods system had two main characteristics which were the existence of a s et of rules that consisted of primed(p) grade of supervene upon, capital controls and independent policies of house servant macroeconomics on cardinal flip and US domination on the earlier(a) hand. keen control as was stipulated in the Bretton timberland system was officially authorized and every organization was grittyly encouraged and had the right and obligation to control its movement of capital. Capital control is the ability of the government to control the in and out go subject of capital to and from their land.This meant that bank discount rates were not necessary when the rally bank wanted to attract capital inf slumps or avoid course of capital. As a consequence, the bank rate is maintained as pitiful as possible (King, 200331). However, a countrys domestic preservation can be adversely affected done with(predicate) inflation by in and out rapid period of time of capital together with frigid rates of exchange. Capital controls essentially prevent rapi d outflow of capital and can equip governments with the tools to prevent economic crisis in the future.In this system capital control played a significant role whereby it effectively flummoxd the fixed exchange rate system that had been agreed upon by atoms during the Bretton woodwind agreement. Whenever exchange rates required adjustments capital control was an constituent(a) component of the adjustment mechanism. These controls were fundamental to the reconstruction and growth of the international duty system that had been devastated by global depression, the two world wars and hyperinflation. This meant that capital flow was highly restricted with countries prohibiting convertibility.In capital control, property non-convertibility was the most confining form of control. The government was the whole one permitted to have the exclusive license to hold impertinent specie and to similarly to give it out to consequenceers that had been canonical by the government. Count ries that fixed their exchange rates at levels that were unacceptable could thusly be monitored through this system (Eicher et al, 2009470). Kitschel (1999, p. 38) further expounds that the capital controls were viewed as instruments of exchange rate stabilization and as well as means of securing estimable example and other national economic priorities.Additionally the system condoned the controls not only for short term management of isotropy-of earnings crises but likewise for the purpose of domestic economic management. The limited capital-account convertibility was the most common form of restriction. It enabled the system to place limits and k right away who had the right and accessibility to foreign exchange rates. Moreover, soft restrictions were alike put in place which urged for the limitations on the external asset and liability position of domestic financial institutions.The controls were also placed on foreign banks domestic operations as well as on resident fir ms and on individuals direct savings, collection of foreign possessions and real kingdom property. Dual or multiple exchange rate system was other form of capital control that involved discrete rates for every commercial or financial transactions (Kitschel, 199939). Therefore the system allowed members to regulate international capital movements as long as they did not restrict payment for current external transactions.Although currencies would be freely convertible into one another after a transaction period, members were allowed to place capital controls on currency transactions if such capital flows threatened to overwhelm the nations balance on payment or exchange rate stability (McNamara, 200375). Forces challenging the system Although the Bretton woodwind instrument system was important to the economic prosperity after the Second World War, it nevertheless failed to choke off the equally rapid growth in the advanced countries over the next 25 years. One of the reasons acc ording to Kenen (1994, p.7) is the situation that the permanence and malleability of the system was tardily organism destabilized by the postwar system. There were two vital roles of the Bretton woodwind system. The first goal was geared towards producing exchange rates that were stable through the use of capital control and the second goal was meant to shield member nations from the shifting requires brought about by the flow of gold. even so, these goals highly contradicted each other because the system could not guarantee that global prices would remain stable as it lacked an effective technique.Additionally, the founders of the Bretton Woods system explicitly determinationed the system in an effort to disentangle international pecuniary relations from power politics. Nonetheless postwar fiscal relations were highly politicized and required constant semipolitical interventions to keep the system functioning smoothly. Another flaw of the Bretton Woods design was that it la cked an effective, automatic mechanism to adjust and settle payment imbalances that inevitably arose between surplus and deficit countries.Under this system, a country that had a payment deficit most probably lost its gold which decreased the domestic monetary base and resulted in a decline in the currencys purchasing power. Inevitably, the countrys imports would fall, exports would rise and the payment would finally balance. However, the loss of gold and the decrease in money supply also meant that there would be a fall in the cumulative domestic demand, which meant deflation or even the possibility of depression.These structural problems assured that chronic balance of payments would mushroom into full-scale political problems, both domestically and between nations (Gavin,6). Originally, the Bretton Woods system was designed to produce stable exchange rates era at the same time shielding national economies from demand shifts produced by the flow of gold (Gavin,6). The founders w anted to set monetary arrangements that could combine the armed service of classic gold standard i. e. the exchange rate stability with the favor of floating rates i. e.the independence to pursue national full employment policies. They mainly sought to avoid the defects of floating rates (destabilizing speculation and rivalrous beggar-than-thou-neighour policies). The disadvantage of fixed rates is that individual nations were exposed to both monetary and real shocks transmitted from the rest of the world via the balance of payment and other channels of transmission. The common world price level under the gold standard exhibited secular periods of deflation and inflation which reflected shocks to the demand for and supply of gold (Bordo et al, 19931).Countries manage Ger umteen and Japan were reluctant to import foreign inflation and this could have attributed to the eventual(prenominal) ease up of the system. In the long run this broke the credibility of the fixed exchange ra te commitment among countries and the willingness of the central bank of several countries to work in order to maintain the fixed parities. In other words the system failed because the commitment by the US of fixed equality was not reliable due to the inflation that was accelerating (King, 200333).The collapse of the Bretton Woods system is also related to the increasing speculative capital flows. With time as the long horse bill mark continued to decline, the US prudence was unable to assure other countries that the sawbuck could be converted to gold at the fixed parity. In this view, the collapse of the system was related to the escalating in and out movements of capital and the lack of aptitude of the dominant country, the US to control them (King, 200332).In conclusion the end of the Bretton Woods period can be said to have come when professorship Richard Nixon finally susp cease the official conversion of the dollar into gold at $35 an ounce, shut down the gold window a nd cut the exchange rate system loose. Importance of the Euro mart places The growth of the Euromarkets has been directly linked to the elaborateness of the US multinational firms, and the consequent expansion of US banking abroad.This growth of the market and its outgrowth coincided with the increasing pressure of the US economy and the recoveries witnessed in the capitalist economy. The Eurodollar market because took over aspects of a genuine domestic credit system since it was operating globally and independently from the central banks. Therefore, Britain which was a low-productivity and low-wage country became the center of global finance due to the contribution of the Eurodollar market. London create as a center of global circulation of capital and hence became the worlds lead story Eurodollar market.The regulation of the currency which allowed the partial and finally the full convertibility of the pound for those who were neither residents of the dollar or the sterling are some of the factors that brought about the growth and development of the Eurodollar market (Patel, 20071). This market was deemed important as it suspensored in redistributing surplus liquidity, in facilitating adjustments of internal liquidity in countries whose monetary systems rely on the import and export of short term bullion through banks as a study monetary regulator.The Eurodollar market also serveed to maintain world business activity at a high level by the availability of short term working funds. The Nixon knock The Nixon Shock is termed as a series of economic measures that were taken by the then US president Richard Nixon in 1971. This decision was reached upon by diverse events which included the Vietnam War that had become too costly and had drained the gold militia of US, the gaind domestic sp determination that accelerated inflation, the balance of payment deficit by US and trade deficit (Engdahl, 20031).Additionally, the US dollar foreign arbitrage had also caused the governments gold coverage of the paper dollar to decline by 33 points from 55% to 22%. Therefore in 1971, President Nixon imposed tariffs on all imports of 10 per cent to help reduce the trade deficit though it was removed in declination the same year. At the same time, a freeze was put on wages and prices for a period of 90 days in a bid to lower inflation with the Federal Reserve Swap ending its support for other central banks.The convertibility of the dollar into gold was also ended and a limitation on gold transactions was put implying a decrease in the value of the dollar. This announced detached the US from the Bretton Woods system which collapsed from operation. After the gold convertibility of the dollar was suspended and flexible exchange rates emerged (James, 20101). After the Nixon shock, the US realized that it could exert more global influence through US treasury debt than from trade surpluses. In the mid-seventies oil was the only key commodity traded in dollars.This was due to the fact that the dollar was the only currency with the highest purchasing power and the only one that was backed by gold (Dammasch, 20106). As a result the US realized that the other nations would continue to demand for dollars for them to buy oil which was by now inflated in price. Thereafter, US trade partners had so many another(prenominal) dollars in their reserves that they feared to create a dollar crisis. Instead they inflated and eventually weakened their own economies to support the dollar system as they feared a global collapse.Therefore when the price of oil change magnitude in 1973 the dollar surprisingly continued to gain disrespect countries like Japan, Germany and the rest of the world suffering from severe economic destruction (Engdahl, 20031). Nonetheless, these measures did not help to restore or even quicken the economic growth rates of US or even correct the surplus reserves of dollars in Japan and Germany. From there henceforth, all the currencies of the Hesperian nations began to float. There were no time-consuming set exchange rates in the international market since the common link that was there in advance i.e. the Bretton Woods System, no longer existed. Ultimately, by the end of 1974, the price of gold had risen to $195 from $35 per troy weight ounce. As a result, due to unrestrained inflation there was a155% increase in the price of gold in a period of iii years (James, 20101). Yom Kippur War The Yom Kippur War named after the Jewish holiest holiday, Yom Kippur began on October 1973 when Syrian and Egyptian forces backed by Soviet Forces launched attacks on Israel forces in the Golan high and Sinai in an attempt to recapture the land occupied by Israelites.However, despite the surprise attack on Israel, they emerged victorious due to the immense sustenance from US who provided them with weapons and intelligence. Therefore in a bid to punish the westernern world for their aid to Israel, the Ara b nations placed the oil embargo. This was initially political tactics meant to pressure the US into requesting Israel to withdraw from the Arab territories. However, with time the Arabs used it as an economic tactic when they realized the amount of power they had over the world through oil.The prices of oil thereafter quadrupled and continued to be a threat not only to Americas economy but also to the whole world. After the Yom Kippur war the OPEC member states struck back against the West for their support of Israel by imposing an oil embargo which increased oil prices by 70%. Lending by Private Banks to Developing Nations The origin of the debt crisis in the Third World countries has been attributed to the expansion of banking society in the US at an international level together with the rapid economic growth in the world. originally the oil price crisis of 1973-74 began, the real domestic product growth rate of ontogeny countries averaged 6% annually. However, though the rate of growth had slowed down for the reminder of the 1970s it averaged 4-5%. This growth nonetheless generated new interests by the US corporate enthronisation and similarly by other international banks. This multinationalism in providing financial services contributed to the emergence of the Eurodollar market which gave the US banks access to funds that they could undertake Third World Loans on a large scale.Additionally, the clear-sighted rise in crude oil accelerated the expansion in lending (LCD debt crisis, 2010192). The oil- merchandise countries in the Arab world deposited their profits made during the oil crisis in banks in the European and US banks. This further fueled the lending boom. Since the banks had now been provided with more funds they became eager to make profits and hence invested it in developing nations by financing new development projects. The abrupt increase in oil prices brought about instant inflation into the prices of all other commodities.Moreover, the d eveloping countries which had been crippled by these high oil prices saw this as an opportunity to borrow cheap money from the international banks so that they could low the commodious deficits ((LCD debt crisis, 2010192 Schmulker, 20042). These funds that were known as petrodollars and had been recycled back to developing nations therefore generated inflationary pressures around the industrial world and created the debt crisis in developing nations (Cypher and Dietz, 2008204). US spunky Interest RatesThe developing nations during the 1970s were given loans at very low interest rates. However, this situation changed when the US in the early 1980s pushed up the interest rates of loans in an endeavor to shut off inflation. This meant that the loans that had been lent out to Third World nations by US or other lending banks in Europe had to paid back with huge interests rates. Hence, by the 1980s the economy of Third World nations had began to stagnate and many nations were on the v erge of bankruptcy due to the combination of mounting debts and low economic growth rates.The total debt had amounted to $567 billion and the high interest rates forced them to take out new loans which increased the burden (Jauch, 20091). This sad situation was further compounded by the oil shock of 1973 and 1979. This decision by OPEC crippled the economies of many Third World nations with the cost of trade energy rising. Therefore, the culminative result of this crisis saw many developing nations especially those in Latin America unable to pay their debts during this period. IMF Structural Adjustment ProgrammesWhen it became diaphanous that these nations would be unable to service their loans, the IMF came up with conditions which were dubbed Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAP) to figure the debt crisis among developing countries (Shimko, 2009168). The SAP was proposed by the World Bank and the International fiscal Fund which were formed during the Bretton Woods period. Th ese programmes imposed various conditions for countries especially developing ones that intended to borrow more loans (Jauch, 20091). IMF claimed that these reforms were necessary for promoting the economic growth inevitable to pay back the loans.The IMF required reforms to be carried out in the individual countries before aid could be provided. For example, Mexico whose debt burden grew faster than its own economy was loaned money by IMF to prevent a thoughtlessness. However, Mexico had to certain economic reforms before the loan could be dispatched. Although the conditions imposed on the developing nations differed, the same staple fibre conditions were expected of all the nations (Shimko, 2009168). The various key reforms according to Shimko 2009169 included balance of government budgets this entailed either increasing the revenue for the government (providing new fees for government services) or drastically reducing the government spending. Reducing quotas, tariffs and oth er import barriers this was aimed at subjecting the domestic industries to international competition. Liberalization of the capital market this basically meant reducing the restrictions on foreign investment. Reducing government subsidies to domestic industries these subsidies are those that had been part of import substitution strategies. Privatizing or merchandising the government-owned industries to the private sector. Nonetheless, these conditions did not alleviate the dire economic nor bring any economic development but rather the conditions intensified the existing situation. Although IMF studies claimed that the growth rates in countries under this programme increased from -15% in the 1980s to only 0. 3% in the early 1990s and 1% by mid-1990s, the World bank declared that there was no evidence whatsoever to account for any economic growth (Shimko, 2009178).Additionally, lack of government subsidies or protection from foreign competition forced domestic industries to reduce their costs by laboured wages or by laying off workers. Therefore the repose of trade and the opening up of economies to unrestricted foreign investment had a deleterious impact on the poor nations and people (Shimko, 2009177). Effects of the High Oil Prices in the 1970s As a result of the Bretton Woods system and the oil shock, a new wave of globalization began. street corner was prevalent with unemployment peaking at 9.1% industrial yield went down by 15% and high inflation in all areas. Additionally, when the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates collapsed, countries were now opened up to great capital mobility and they also persist ined the autonomy of their monetary policies. The Brandy Bonds came into existence when Mexicos Minister of Finance announced that the country would be forced to default on its debt. The default on loans worsened as more banks in developing nations informed the IMF and Chairman of the Federal Reserve of their inability to service their de bts in time (LDC debt crisis, 2010191).The Brandy Bonds in a bid to resolve the debt crisis of the 1980 not only led to the subsequent development of the bonds market but also brought about a new phenomenon especially for emerging economies. Moreover, technological advancement, privatization and deregulating (which resulted in the corporate culture with national interests of decreasing consideration in business decisions) made foreign direct investment and equity investment in the emerging markets even more attractive for households and firms in the developed nations (Schmulker, 20042).Overall, there was a severe recession which hit the hardest the Western world. In Wall Street, oil stocks performed well due to the price increase as the profits soared as the rest of the market buckled under the low prices. Before the oil embargo was imposed by OPEC members, the price of crude oil was mainly determined by major oil companies in the West which retained 65% of the revenue of the oil. This type of arrangement was referred to as oligopolistic market arrangement.This meant that oil prices that had been posted in the market were established with the taxes and royalties paid to the exporting governments on the basis of this price. However following the embargo, property rights were transferred to the host countries from the major companies that had operated the industry and hence the cartel was able to take over the functions of the companies and retain more of the revenue generated Thereafter, the determination of crude oil price was passed into the detainment of OPEC which set an official selling price for the best known among its crude.At the same time individual members were given the opportunity to adjust their selling prices in relation to this market according to the quality of the oil being produced (Trumbore, 20101). The continued high oil prices encouraged the exploration and subsequently the production of oil in high-cost oil regions such as Canada, Mexi co, and northeast Sea. During the 1970, the increased demand of fossil fuels and increased prices for the product greatly reduced globalization. As the nations became more advanced, the rate of globalization declined.Although globalization grew for a while after the embargo, the rate of growth began to decline as the oil prices decreased (Okogu, 20031). The oil embargo impacted severely on the economy of Japan resulting in energy price inflation since by this time it was the only developed nation that relied heavily on oil with very few hydrocarbon reserves or any other alternatives. Japan was therefore forced to see its industrial model. The oil shocks catalyzed the rapid turnaround which enabled Japan to become the leading energy efficiency country.The rock oil Supply and Demand Optimization justness was aimed at setting oil targets and restricting oil use. Japans vision after the oil embargo was to reduce its dependence of oil from the Middle East, therefore it started to cha rge import taxes on all petroleum products especially those that were used to generate power. Japan therefore became a innovate in liquefied natural gas which today accounts for half of the worlds market. During this period, Japanese car brands like Toyota and Honda which had previously sold poorly enjoyed enormous success in the US market.Americans who had traditionally been fond of big cars were now confronted with a new challenge that included higher oil prices accompanied by long queues at the gas stations and rationing of gasoline. They therefore began to demand more of the Japanese brands for their small size and fuel-efficiency (Stewart and Wilczewski, 20091). Conclusion Even today, the buck System is still the real source of global inflation since t is the only global reserve currency as it has been witnessed worldwide since the 1971.former(a) countries in the world have to ensure that the reserves of their central banks are in dollars if they are to trade in the internati onal market. This helps to guarantee against currency crisis, to back their export trade and to finance the importation of oil. Today, 67% of all central bank reserves are dollars (Engdahl, 20031). The debt crisis in the 1970s created by various variables including the oil embargo, the unprecedented borrowing and poor economic homework crippled the economy of many developing nations in Africa and Latin America. in spite of efforts by the World Bank and IMF to offset these payment balances, the situation remained roughly unchanged. Ironically, other countries like Japan and US though they were affected by the rise in oil prices, were able to rise above the situation through oil exploration in their own countries which reduced their reliance on the imported oil from Middle East. Therefore, though the oil embargo did touch the economies of all the different nations, the degree and intensity was not the same. fleck other countries were completely devastated e. g. 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